Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 632: Taboo

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The six-armed Tyrannosaurus disappeared, and the **** tombstone still stood on the ground.

The little radish stopped crying, stunned there, looked at the ground, and looked at the mysterious beast in Ning Xiaochuan's hand, and said, "Where did the little bun go?"

In the distance, two roars of the lunar calendar came.

The golden-skinned man and the rotten old road flew back from a distance, and the figure became more and more obvious. The rotten corpse, with a terrible death, made the whole mountain fly away from the sand, as if the soldiers crawled out of the ground.

Ning Xiaochuan didn't have time to explain to her at this moment. She caught her in his hands and fled into the night.

As Ning Xiaochuan ran away earlier, he coughed up blood in his mouth, and his face became increasingly ugly.

"Ning Xiaochuan, what's wrong with you?" Xiao Radish said nervously.

At first, she hated Ning Xiaochuan, but at the most dangerous time, Ning Xiaochuan was able to risk her life and help her save the buns, which made her very moved.

After experiencing this incident, she suddenly felt that Ning Xiaochuan was actually very good and very humane. Unlike humans who had met before, in addition to interests, she still had interests.

Although he did this, other humans thought he was stupid and stupid, but Xiao Dao just felt the human touch from him! Like a human, not a machine that lives only for the benefit!

It is precisely for this reason that Xiaoradio will feel good about him, and he will take the initiative to care for him when he is injured.

Ning Xiaochuan clenched his teeth and said, "Just now, I used the seven minds to condense the seven minds and draw away the two ancient corpses. However, the power of the two ancient corpses is too strong to take my seven thoughts. My body was shattered, and my heart was severely damaged, which caused me a lot of vitality. However, it didn't matter much ... It only takes some time to restore the seven minds. Cough! "

Although Ning Xiaochuan said calmly, his heart was really hurt. Had it not been for the Seven Magic Gods' Demon Heart Palace, it would not have been possible to cultivate the Seven Spirits!

Xiao Dao pouted, and said, "I really don't understand you. I hate you so much. Do you still help me?"

"I don't necessarily want to help you."

Ning Xiaochuan said: "Before, Lu Qingyuan was going to kill me. He was stopped by a six-armed tyrannosaurus, so I escaped. It saved me once, and naturally I couldn't watch it eaten by the corpse."

"Moreover, if I really couldn't save it at that time, I would leave decisively. However, after calculating, there is indeed a possibility that I can save it, so I will try to save it, it's that simple! "

This is a principle that Ning Xiaochuan adheres to.

On the distant foothills, there is a dilapidated temple, the walls collapsed, the ground was covered with weeds, and there was rubble everywhere. Even the gates of the temple were blown to pieces by the wind and sand. Strange wind.

However, the outside of the temple is insane, giving people an extremely weird feeling!

Ning Xiaochuan originally wanted to get around the abandoned temple, but did not plan to escape into the abandoned temple at all, fearing to encounter something more terrible than the two ancient corpses.

However, he had just stepped into a place more than a hundred meters away from the abandoned temple. Suddenly, his body turned and was pulled by a mysterious force!


When he stood firm again, he was already standing in the weed-filled square outside the abandoned hall, not far from a stubble wall and a broken door.

Ning Xiaochuan glanced behind him, still feeling unbelievable. He was obviously more than a hundred meters away. Why did he suddenly come to the wall?

The golden-skinned man and the old man in the robe also chased outside the abandoned temple, but they were blocked by a layer of invisible force more than a hundred meters away from the abandoned temple, and could not take a step forward.

The old man in robes smashed the **** tombstone and smashed it towards the hall.

However, after the **** tombstone flew up, it was blocked by invisible forces, and slowly fell back into the hands of the Taoist old man.

The big-skinned man and the old man in the robes tried to run towards the abandoned hall, but the distance of more than one hundred meters seemed to be an insurmountable heaven, and they would never reach the abandoned hall.

In Ning Xiaochuan's view, they seemed to have been standing still.

Ning Xiaochuan looked at this scene in astonishment. Isn't ... a space jump just happened?

It seems that there is only a distance of more than a hundred meters, and it is likely that there is an extremely long distance in the middle.

In order to verify his conjecture, Ning Xiaochuan carefully walked in the direction of two ancient corpses more than 100 meters away.

At first Ning Xiaochuan also went very carefully. Later, Ning Xiaochuan gradually accelerated his speed, exhibited his fastest posture, and flew more than a hundred feet in one breath.

However, when Ning Xiaochuan stopped, he found that the two ancient corpses were still more than a hundred meters away from him, and he was still standing still, as if he had flew a few miles away just now, his own hallucinations. same!

"How can this be?" Ning Xiaochuan was also startled.

It was definitely not an illusion just now. I definitely flew about sixty miles away.

But after stopping, why is it still in place?

The radish was also stunned, jumped from Ning Xiaochuan's hand to the ground, and took a step towards it. However, when she stopped and stood still, it seemed that she never stepped out.

Tiandi replied: "I see, this is the seal of space! This abandoned hall is likely to be a taboo place, and was sealed by the ancestors of Tiandi Mountain with the power of space. 'Shrink to inch', you listen Did you say that? "

Ning Xiaochuan said: "This is a mysterious way of teaching that can shorten a distance of one foot to an inch."

"This is the power that ordinary people can show! If you show it to a person of the level of the ancestor of Tiandi Mountain, it will be enough to shorten the distance of 10,000 miles to an inch. In other words, you fly 10,000 miles to the outside. It will fly an inch away. You just flew sixty miles just now, so there is no difference from stepping in place. "Tiandi said.

"That's it! No wonder I saw the two ancient corpses running towards the desolate hall, but they seemed to be walking in place." Ning Xiaochuan suddenly realized, but soon he was puzzled again, and said, "Why did we just Will you suddenly come from the outside to the inside of the wall? "

"This ... there are two possibilities! First, you happen to be stepping on one of the nodes of the seal, and then a space jump occurs, so you break into the ruined hall."

"Second, since this derelict hall is sealed, it shows that there are probably some terrible taboos in it. Maybe there is something forbidden to pull us in. If it is the second case, it would be too bad!" Tiandi Blade also said with some dignity.

Ning Xiaochuan glanced at two ancient corpses more than a hundred meters away, and frowned, saying, "If it is true like you said, we are likely to be stuck here, and we won't be able to go out for a lifetime."

Ning Xiaochuan glanced at the deserted hall behind him, always feeling that the hall was filled with a murky atmosphere, which made people feel uneasy.

It is not until the day dawns that I will go to the main hall to check it. It is better not to go through it now.

To be on the safe side, Ning Xiaochuan endured the injury and arranged a formation.

When the matrix is ​​burned, it sits in the center of the matrix and starts healing.

He was really hurt too much. First, he was seriously injured by Lu Qingyuan, and then his seven minds were seriously wounded. If it were not for his amazing willpower, he would have fallen.

The small carrot stared at Ning Xiaochuan, who was sitting in the middle of the formation, and suddenly felt that Ning Xiaochuan was a little handsome, quite handsome, with strong eyebrows and long hair, but there was blood on the corners of his mouth. !!

After pondering for a long time, the small carrot seemed to have made a big decision, and even took off the golden coat on his body slowly.

When the coat was taken off, it immediately gave off a golden brilliance, turned into a large piece of skin of golden ginseng, and issued a strong medicinal fragrance!

"Ning Xiaochuan, here for you!" Xiao Dao held the large piece of ginseng skin in both hands, blinked, and handed it to Ning Xiaochuan.

Ning Xiaochuan opened his eyes, looked down at the golden ginseng skin in Xiao Radish's hand, and looked at her thinly dressed, and said, "Aren't you cold?"

"Not cold!" Little Radish shook his head.

Ning Xiaochuan said: "You wear it back! I'm a great mind-raiser. I have a lot of mysterious medicine on my body that can heal myself."

"Isn't it just a piece of" clothing ". After you take it off, you can grow it later. Will you accept it?" Carrot looked up, very solemnly.


The little daikon stomped his feet and said, "Ning Xiaochuan! A woman took off her clothes in front of a man, it must be a very important decision. If you ask her to wear it back, she will wear it back, it's so shameful! "

"You are also a woman?" Ning Xiaochuan said with interest: "Who taught you these?"

"You can't control it!"

The small radish threw that piece of golden skin in front of Ning Xiaochuan, then turned and walked to a stone not far away, sitting on the ground, holding his knees in both hands, lowering his head, and looking at the ground. I wonder what she was thinking at the moment?

Even if it is a 3,000-year-old golden ginseng, it will become much more fragile after losing a large piece of skin.

A night breeze blew, the little radish felt a bit cool, and shrank slightly, rubbing a small pair of hands gently.

Suddenly, a huge robe draped over her shoulders to help her block the wind.

When she looked up, Ning Xiaochuan had turned around and left, and sat in the center of the array again, and continued to heal her injuries.

And that piece of golden ginseng skin was held in his mouth.

When he saw that Ning Xiaochuan's whole body was covered with golden brilliance, a small smile appeared on Xiao Radish's face, and he squeezed the wide clothes on his body. Suddenly, he felt very warm.

She first calculated Ning Xiaochuan because it was because all the other humans she had met were so abominable. She wanted to arrest her for refining medicine. After eating several times, she hated humans.

Therefore, when he first met Ning Xiaochuan, he instinctively regarded him as an enemy.

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