Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 621: Supreme Sword

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The six-armed tyrannosaurus was so embarrassed that it was extremely angry. The giant claws of the dragon were about to slap down, but after seeing the small radish pinched by Ning Xiaochuan in his hand, he retracted his claws and uttered a howl in his mouth!

The six-armed tyrannosaurus still stared angrily at Ning Xiaochuan, but did not launch an attack again, obviously he was really scared that Ning Xiaochuan would hurt the carrot.

When Ning Xiaochuan saw that the six-armed tyrannosaurus did not attack again, he relaxed a lot, and said to the little carrot, "Lead the way!"

"Hum! Despicable man!" Xiao Dao held his hands and leaned his head, not planning to lead Ning Xiaochuan.

"I am not a despicable villain. My name is Ning Xiaochuan. Ning Ning is unyielding. He is careful and small, and the river is endless." Ning Xiaochuan said solemnly.

"Well! I think you are the villainous Ning, the villain's small, the vile villain's river. The mean villain Ning Xiaochuan! Why don't you call the villain Ning?" The little carrot said.

Ning Xiaochuan said: "If you are not obedient anymore, I will first strip your hair and use it for refining medicine, and then you will become a little bald!"


The little radish quickly hugged his head and kept grinding his teeth. He said, "Okay! Lead the way, I can tell you first, the group of psychic drugs is evil. Forget it! You can't die anyway ! "

"Why are you suddenly so confident in me?" Ning Xiaochuan laughed.

"That's not it! Good people don't live long, and you are not good people. Those psychic medicines will definitely not kill you! If they eat you, they will prove that you are a good person." Xiao Luodao said.

Ning Xiaochuan was speechless.

Xiao Luo took Ning Xiaochuan all the way to the south. According to her, the place where the psychic medicine was grown was very far away. Even if Ning Xiaochuan hurried at full speed, it would take five or six days to arrive.

The six-armed Tyrannosaurus followed closely behind them, very worried about the safety of the carrot!

Because the breath emitted by this six-armed tyrannosaurus is too terrifying. Along the way, Ning Xiaochuan did not encounter any mysterious beast attacks, but collected many geniuses and rare treasures!

At night, Ning Xiaochuan did not continue to hurry and let the six-armed tyrannosaurus sit on the ground, while he flew into the ear of the six-armed tyrannosaurus.

There is no safer place than the ears of a six-armed Tyrannosaurus.

Ning Xiaochuan controlled the radish, and the six-armed Tyrannosaurus could only obey him.

A small radish wrapped around a slender waist, and the other end was tied to Ning Xiaochuan's arm. She could not escape at all.

Ning Xiaochuan sat in the ears of the six-armed Tyrannosaurus Rex, took out the white jade dagger with a length of one foot, and studied it in his palm.

It is not accurate to say that it is a dagger, but it looks like a reduced version of the jade sword. The jade sword was inserted on the ground, a little taller than Xiao Radish's body. To her, it was a huge sword!

"Mr. Ning, give me back my sword, you robber, you liar ..."

The small carrot rushed towards Ning Xiaochuan, trying to **** the jade sword, but Ning Xiaochuan flicked her finger lightly, and flew her out of the bomb, falling to the eye with stars.

Ning Xiaochuan has studied the jade sword, the material is very special, it seems to be carved from jade, but it is not the real jade sword.

Ning Xiaochuan took out a black war sword of Jiu Pin Xuan Qi level, cut it with all his strength, and couldn't even cut the jade sword.

Moreover, Ning Xiaochuan carefully examined Yu Jian.

It was found that there was a strong seal inside the jade sword. With Ning Xiaochuan's repairs, the seal cannot be released.

"Who on earth is the seal? What is the seal?" Ning Xiaochuan frowned slightly.

"The seal should be the sword spirit!" Tiandi Blade said.


Ning Xiaochuan nodded and said, "Although Xiao Radish is a psychic medicine that has been growing for almost 3,000 years, it is poorly cultivated and certainly cannot control the sword spirit. Someone sealed the sword spirit and only then A jade sword was given to her! "

If the sword spirit is really sealed in the sword body, isn't this a supreme weapon?

Only the Supreme Device can breed the sword spirit.

Ning Xiaochuan glanced at the small radish and said, "Little radish, who gave you this sword?"

"You can't control it." Xiao Radish sat on the ground, don't overdo it, didn't plan to tell Ning Xiaochuan.

But, just now, don't go too far, she was frightened and shouted, "Ghost!"

That's right, just behind Xiao Dao, a female ghost in white is standing, pale, with a shaved hair, dull eyes, and exudes a gloomy atmosphere!

The female ghost scared the radish and shuddered, and kept back, leaning against Ning Xiaochuan's thigh, and shivered, "Ning ... Ning Xiaoren ... You must have done too much, please see, the female ghost is looking for You're here! Ghost sister, it's none of my business. I'm a cute little golden ginseng. If you want to eat, eat the Ning villain, it's all he hurt you ... "

The chill on the female ghost was thicker, and said quietly: "My body, my body ..."

When I heard the female ghost ’s voice, the little carrot was going to be scared and said, "Ning, you said," You are not a mean man, it must be something you have done to her, or else why? " Ask you for your body? Whoops! I'm so unlucky, how did you meet such a shameless, dirty person? "

The female ghost continued quietly, "My body, my body ..."

Ning Xiaochuan stared at the female ghost, and bounced the radish again, saying, "If you dare to insult my personality again, I will peel your skin off."

Xiao Dao immediately wrapped his clothes tightly with both hands, for fear of being stripped by Ning Xiaochuan, and muttered, "I have no personality at all, and I am afraid of being insulted. Huh!"

She looked at the spooky female ghost, and eventually felt that the female ghost was more terrible. She immediately shrank into Ning Xiaochuan's robe, hid herself with the robe, and secretly observed the female ghost in the distance.

"Hey! Ning Xiaochuan, who is she from you? Why are you killed when you look so beautiful?" After a short while, Xiao Dao asked in a low voice.

"I didn't kill her, I didn't even know her at all!" Ning Xiaochuan said impatiently.

"Then what was her name before she died?" Xiao Radish said.

"Quinny Fairy Queen." Ning Xiaochuan said casually.

Xiao carrot said: "Man! I can't stand the test, they are all big scammers. You just said you didn't know her? If you didn't know her, how would you know her name?"

"..." Ning Xiaochuan said.

Ning Xiaochuan didn't want to ignore her anymore and put away the white jade sword.

The origin of this jade sword is certainly not trivial. The seal inside the sword body is terrible. Ning Xiaochuan's current strength cannot even shake the seal.

Behind the small carrot is estimated that there is a great existence, otherwise, how can she let the six-armed Tyrannosaurus obey her? How could it be possible to have a jade sword of the highest level?

If she is behind her, there is really a great patron.

Ning Xiaochuan couldn't take this jade sword naturally, she had to return it to her, or she would cause a terrible disaster to herself.

However, Ning Xiaochuan did not intend to return Yu Jian to her now, but found the place with the psychic medicine first, and it was not too late to return it to her.

Ning Xiaochuan held a nine-pin Xuanqi-level war sword in his hand, wrapped the sword body with Tianwu's vitality, and then stabbed into his chest suddenly.


War sword into the body.

Run the figurative magic immediately and begin to refine the ninth war sword.

The competition of Tiandi Mountain is fierce. The forces of all parties are fighting openly and secretly. Now that they have been stared at by many people, if they want to keep their lives and protect their friends at the same time, they must have more powerful forces.

Ning Xiaochuan was able to defeat the six-armed tyrannosaurus, because the intelligence of the six-armed tyrannosaurus was not high enough to use the trick to succeed.

If Ning Xiaochuan were to fight another six-armed Tyrannosaurus now, Ning Xiaochuan's chances of winning would be very small.

Must break through the heaven and earth as soon as possible!

Once it breaks through the heaven and human realm, cultivation will undergo qualitative change, which is enough to enter the top of the young generation.

He is going to refine the remaining two Jiupin Xuanqi-level war swords, and use the power of Jiupin Xuanqi's soldiers to attack the heaven and earth!

"Wow! Ning Xiaomin, why did you commit suicide?" Xiao Dabao leaned out her head and saw Ning Xiaochuan's chest with a sword, startled. Suddenly, she was a joy again, and said, "Mo Fei, before My words make you feel ashamed and feel shameless in the world, so you have to end your dirty life yourself? Young people are so impulsive. However, it ’s okay to die, so you can accompany the ghost sister It's up! "

Ning Xiaochuan opened his eyes suddenly, and suddenly he was shocked by the small radish, he slammed backwards, fell off Ning Xiaochuan's shoulder, and shouted, "The corpse is scamming !!"

After seeing Ning Xiaochuan still motionless, it was a long time before Xiao Radish climbed up carefully from the ground and looked at Ning Xiaochuan.

I saw that the black giant sword inserted into Ning Xiaochuan's chest was quickly drilling into the body, and instead of uploading from the back, it disappeared!

It disappeared into Ning Xiaochuan's body.

Ning Xiaochuan's chest did not even leave a scar.

The radish was stunned, without blinking his eyes, and said, "It's so scary! Ning Xiaoren, it turns out that you ... you don't eat ravioli or vegetarian food, you eat iron!"

Ning Xiaochuan is refining Jiupinxuan. He will refine the iron into the bones, the soldier soul into the Wuhun mark, and the essence into the blood. However, after hearing the words of the little carrot, he almost let his blood go retrograde and go out Enchanted!


At this moment, in a heavenly world, standing on a mountain far from Ning Xiaochuan, a beautiful woman wearing a red robe stood with a pair of bright eyes looking in the direction of Ning Xiaochuan.

Although there are thousands of miles apart, she can clearly understand the location of Ning Xiaochuan.

She is Nie Lanxin!

Nie Lanxin already felt the breath of that female ghost, which made her soul very uneasy, and even her physical body was somewhat out of her control!

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