Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 616: Heaven Gate Comes

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"Ogawa, I'll pass the Purple Sutra to you!"

Purple Cold Flue: "The Purple Sutra" is the martial arts practiced by the Emperor Zijin into a sub-god. It is impossible to get a complete nerve at once! "

Ning Xiaochuan originally wanted to refuse. After all, he possessed both the Heaven and Earth Scriptures and the Extinction Scriptures, which are no worse than the Purple Scriptures.

However, Ning Xiaochuan thought for a while. Although the "Tiandijing" and "The Extinction of the World" were unpredictable, they could only cultivate by themselves, and others could not practice it!

If it is possible to obtain the Purple Sutra, it could be passed on to Xiner and Qianxi.

Nervous, can't be met. The whole North. Jiang estimates that there are only a few volumes of nerves, and the "Zixia Sutra" is one of them. If they are given to practice, it will naturally be of great benefit to them.

"Okay! You passed the" Zixia Scripture "to me. The Emperor Zijin was once a sub-god who unified the entire North. Xinjiang, the martial arts practiced by his elders must be profound and profound. Perhaps some martial arts can be learned from it. That's true. "

The practice of martial arts is "the sea is full of rivers, and the capacity is great." Although you practice the "Destruction of the World" and "The Book of Heaven and Earth", you can also learn about other martial arts, improve your martial arts knowledge, and increase your knowledge of martial arts. Understanding.

Zi Hanyan burned the Purple Sutra on top of a cyan jade, turned it into a 'Jade Book', and handed it to Ning Xiaochuan.

That jade is a jade pendant worn by Zi Hanyan, which exudes a faint fragrance, which has an extraordinary meaning.

When she handed the jade to Ning Xiaochuan, her heart was beating fast, as if she had given herself to Ning Xiaochuan.

Ning Xiaochuan's mind was thinking of another thing, and he didn't notice it. He just put away the jade and said, "There is one thing I must tell you!"

"what's up?"

Zi Hanyan's heart was a little disappointed. He gave him two of the most precious things, and he didn't even pay attention to it, and put it into the Qiankun bag.

Ning Xiaochuan said: "I once entered the cemetery of the Emperor Zijin, and the sub-god bone was found in the cemetery. I felt a horrible mental power in the cemetery. I guess that the Emperor Zijin may be born again. When Burial God Mountain is born again, maybe your ancestors were resurrected. "

Zi Hanyan was completely shocked, and even stopped breathing, and said, "How is it possible? The old ancestors may return against the sky? Even if ... even the gods cannot be resurrected after death, and the old ancestors have passed away. I do not know How many years ... "

Ning Xiaochuan said: "An older man once told me that a big age is coming. Anything that is impossible can happen under the impetus of the big age. This thing is just my guess. Don't think about it. ! "

Yue Mingsong held a fan in his hand, shook the fan with one hand, and one hand behind his back, holding a slightly propped belly, and said, "Oh! Oops! Brother Ning, I didn't say you, today is the heavenly gate. On the day of the exam, you should save a little energy! "

Ning Xiaochuan glanced at Yue Mingsong and said, "What do you mean?"

"Don't tell me, you and Zi Shimei both talked about life and discussed philosophy in this bamboo forest last night, didn't do anything else? Hey!" Yue Mingsong folded his fan and whispered: "I understand, every time All men are eager to return to the place where they were born, but they also have to divide time and occasion! Here is the depths of the bamboo forest. Today is the time for the Tianmen exam. You ... you ... have hurt customs! "

Ning Xiaochuan's entire face was dark!

Zi Hanyan was a little puzzled and said, "What? What is the desire of every man to return to where he was born?"

"This ... hehe ... you know ..." Yue Mingsong smiled with narrowed eyes.

Ning Xiaochuan blocked Zi Hanyan behind him and immediately switched the subject, saying, "Yue Mingsong, what are you doing with a fan in your hand? Want to be a scholar?"

"Oh! This is not the case. Each of the disciples of Wanjian Palace has a folding fan as a unified accessory to avoid accidental injury during the Tianmen exam. Hehe! This is my suggestion to the master. The master also praises me for being smart. ! "

Yue Mingsong said, "Yes! I almost forgot the business. I should go to the Tianmen exam. Everyone is ready. Just wait for you two."

"Don't you say it earlier?"

Zi Hanyan stared at Yue Mingsong fiercely, and then hurried towards Ning Xiaochuan towards the mountain gate.

Yue Mingsong chased after him and shouted, "Wait for me! And your fans!"


This time heading to the test room of the Tianmen Examination, led by the three elders and the six palace masters, they started in three teams.

Luo Wu, Ning Xiaochuan, Zi Hanyan, Situ Jing, Han Li, He Yanyuan and other top geniuses, led by the master of the Sixth Palace, sit on the back of a wind beast, fly above the clouds, and go to the Holy Land of Tiandi Mountain Direction.

The genius Junjie of Wanjian Palace looked at Ning Xiaochuan and Zi Hanyan with weird eyes, and sometimes someone nodded and smiled at Ning Xiaochuan. I wonder what it meant?

Yue Mingsong pulled the corner of Ning Xiaochuan and laughed, "I have told you about Shi Zizi! Everyone thinks you are very good with Zi Shimei. As for Master Sister, hey, you know her too It is a descendant of the Luo tribe, and most people can't control it! Or the girl Shizi, the little bird, is feminine! "

Ning Xiaochuan was completely speechless, and Yue Mingsong must have been talking nonsense again.

Ning Xiaochuan closed his eyes and began to adjust his interest rate.

In addition to Yue Mingsong, other outside disciples also sat down to adjust their rates.

So Yue Mingsong squeezed to the side of the sixth house master, saying something in the ears of the sixth house master, and kept staring at a few female disciples, giggling in his mouth, and heard the sixth house master straight. Frown.

If it were not for today ’s Tianmen exam, maybe Yue Mingsong had been thrown out.

Two hours later, the wind beast swooped down from the clouds and fell into an empty field.

On the ground, there are already many outside disciples gathered, which can be called a crowd of people, some of them gathered together, holding a large banner, Wang Sunfu, Jian Jian Zong, Quanzhen Guan, Yaoyue Palace ... There are dozens of organizations organized by Shan's disciples.

Moreover, this is only a part of the organization of Tiandi Mountain, and many disciples from outside organizations are coming one after another.

A sacred earth, such as Tiandi Mountain, has been established for more than 10,000 years. With the promotion of interests, it is impossible to not have small organizations inside!

Wang Sunfu, Wanjian Palace, Yaoyue Palace ... These organizations are gradually born in the evolution of thousands of years, and have taken root in Tiandi Mountain, and have obtained the acquiescence of Tiandi Mountain high-level.

Like those ancient families, the interior will be divided into many veins and interest groups.

When a force has too many people, it cannot be managed by the power of a single teacher and a homeowner. If it is blindly restrained, it will only hinder the development of the force.

Therefore, holy soils like Tiandi Mountain generally allow tacit internal organizations to compete and cooperate with each other, which is more conducive to the birth of a strong one.

In addition to the internal organization of Tiandishan, there are many candidates who are not disciples of Tiandishan, but young martial artists and young Taoists who came from other civilizations.

"Yes! There are more than 400 candidates in this year's Wanjian Palace. It seems that they intend to surpass our Sword Sect and compete for the sixth place." A middle-aged man with two beards and blue beards said eccentrically. .

This middle-aged man has an ancient sword on his back and has a brilliant look. He is the wood lord of the Burning Sect, and a powerful core disciple in Tiandi Mountain.

The Lord of the Sixth Palace walked over and stood side by side with the middle-aged man with a war sword, and smiled: "We Wanjian Palace has no interest in the sixth, and our goal must be at least the top five!"

"It's a big tone, this is because we haven't put our sword-burning ancestors in our eyes at all!" Mu Zongzhu smiled coldly.

Sixth House said: "Yeah!"

"Huh! Don't think that we have lost a rare genius of 8000 years, and you have won steadily. When the Tianmen exam, you will be pleasantly surprised." Mu Zongzhu laughed.

"I'm waiting!" The Sixth Lord said faintly.

The Tianmen exam has not begun, and the forces of all parties have begun to compete in secret.

Both the Burning Sect and the Wanjian Palace are sword-based organizations. They have been rivals for thousands of years. Each session of the "Tianmen Examination" will compete against each other.

In the last "Tianmen Examination", the Burning Sect was ranked sixth, slightly better than Wanjian Palace.

Therefore, in the past 100 years, many young sword repairs have worshiped under the sword of Burning Sect, which has greatly increased the power of Burning Sect.

This year's Tianmen Exam, there are more than 600 candidates in the Burning Sect, more than 200 more than Wanjian Palace.

Although he lost a rare genius for 8000 years, the wooden suzerain is still full of confidence, and it can be seen that the sword-burning sect must still have no hole in it.

When the high-level parties of various parties talked and ruthlessly, Ning Xiaochuan searched for Ning Xin'er and Yu Qianqian everywhere.

However, there are too many candidates who come to take the Tianmen Exam, their heads are shaking, they are crowded, and there is an invisible force suppressing the monk ’s mind. It is impossible to detect the mind. It is even more difficult to find someone!

When all the candidates who come to take the Tianmen exam are here ...

Above the sky, a large white river appeared, with thick fog and turbulent water, hundreds of meters wide, flowing from the east to the west!

The river actually appeared above the sky.

Is this the legendary Tianhe?


Suddenly, the big river hanging over the sky is pouring down, and the white light rain is falling, just like a waterfall of nine heavens, falling to the ground, forming a water screen barrier of dozens of miles above the field!

Like a waterfall, like a sky gate, like a mirror, like a mountain.

This is a huge portal converged by white light rain. It is beyond the ordinary people's cognition. As long as you look closely, you can see that there is a rule of law flowing on the light gate. !!

"Tianmen is born!" A loud voice sounded, the voice was extremely thick, and it could be heard clearly hundreds of miles away.

Everyone raised their heads, and saw a white-haired man standing on the sky, standing by the white river, holding a roll of golden bamboo slips in his hands. It is almost like a magpie, standing above Tianhe, overlooking the beings below.

Even the figures at the level of Lord Liugong and Mu Sect of the Burning Sect have a serious and reverent look. It can be seen that the Taoist standing above the Tianhe River is definitely a rare existence.


Announced a female group of "God Demon", 337358664, only girls. Do not add a man, lest I have trouble verifying.

I remember the last time when the girls group was announced, qq was bombed. It was all a group of guys' verification messages. It took me two days to verify one by one, and all kicked off.

The purpose of opening the girl group is because the qq group of "God Demon" is too messy, some disobedient book friends always send something that is not suitable for children, hey! I am sad!

So, this time, brothers, don't add girls. Even if you add them, it won't be successful. Instead, I will spend a lot of time to verify them one by one. Maybe it's because of the verification message, there is no time to write updates tomorrow. Brothers want to add qq group, two public groups have been announced above the introduction of "God Demon", you are welcome to join.

Girls group, 337358664.

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