Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 601: Spiritual Realm

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The alien space is the undeveloped market world, which exists in the gap between the real world.

She flew into another space first!

Ning Xiaochuan also flew into a different space, fell on a suspended boulder with a diameter of more than ten meters, and looked at the woman in black in the distance, saying, "Are you going to use Jiu Pin Xuan?

"No! The lethal pattern of the dragon pattern is too strong, not the ordinary Jiu Pinxuan can be compared. It would be boring if it would kill you with one stitch!" The woman in black laughed.

Ning Xiaochuan said: "You are so confident?"

"It's true, the dragon pattern gold needles have been refined into figurative magical powers and blended with my fingers. The power is more terrifying than the congenital nine-pin mystery. Unless it is facing heaven and earth, the dragon pattern is really not used. The need for golden needles. "The woman in black said.

Under normal circumstances, only celestial beings can incorporate the mystery into the magical power, refine it into the body, and cultivate into the concrete magical power.

Ning Xiaochuan did not expect that, in addition to herself, the woman in black also possessed an anti-physical constitution, and before reaching the realm of heaven and humanity, she had already cultivated a supernatural power!

If so, she really refined the dragon pattern gold needles into figurative magical powers, and if it was a sneak attack, even heaven and earth would probably die.

The woman in black naturally knew that Ning Xiaochuan had also developed the figurative magical power, otherwise she would not have regarded Ning Xiaochuan as her opponent.

"Okay! Whoever uses Jiu Pinxuan first loses first." Ning Xiaochuan said.

The woman in black stretched out a slender finger towards the void, a circle of white brilliance condensed, forming a huge array, and struck Ning Xiaochuan.

The rotation of the matrix method is just like a grinding disc, which can crush all life into blood mud.

Ning Xiaochuan did not use any magical power, strode forward, used physical strength, broke the formation with one punch, and greeted the woman in black.

"It's worthy of martial arts. It's a strong body. I'm afraid it can already be compared with some heavenly people?" The woman in black didn't panic. The black robe on her body unfolded, turned into wings, and flew away quickly.

She is a monk with a strong Taoism, but her physical body is not strong. Naturally, she dare not let Ning Xiaochuan approach.

"I thought I couldn't catch up with you?"

Ning Xiaochuan operated the blood in the body to make the speed of blood flow reach an extreme. A supreme power was born from the body, and the speed increased threefold.

The five fingers turned into claws, and each finger was flowing with lightning, catching up with the woman in black.

The woman in black uttered a flick in her mouth, and her body was spinning in a circle in the void, just like a black dragon and snake tumbling, even avoiding the electric claws made by Ning Xiaochuan.

It's stabbing!

Ning Xiaochuan's claw was intended to capture the arm of the woman in black, but only torn off one of her black robe sleeves.

Ning Xiaochuan held the sleeves with a bit of fragrance in his hands and looked towards the woman in black. I saw that the woman in black was wearing a gorgeous robe inside!

Although the styles of the robes worn by the disciples of Tiandi Mountain are the same, the materials are quite different.

The robe of the woman in black is extremely precious. Each silk thread is worth thousands of black stones. The defense of the robe is naturally very scary. Therefore, Ning Xiaochuan's claw just now is just a black robe for her outer door Her sleeves were torn off without really hurting her.

Being able to wear such expensive robes shows that this woman's identity is definitely not simple. The value of the wealth behind her is not what ordinary people can imagine.

"She is from Wang Sunfu!"

Ning Xiaochuan made such a judgment in the first place, and only the family members of Wang Sunfu had so many black stones that they could squander.

She should be the same person as Lu Ren and Jin Wuxu, that is, she asked Fang Jie to kill herself.

After guessing the identity of the woman in black, Ning Xiaochuan figured out the causes and consequences.

In an instant, the woman in black flew to a distance of dozens of feet from Ning Xiaochuan, and took out nine bronze arrays from her body, hit them, suspended in nine directions, and turned into nine defensive arrays. Protect yourself in the formation.

She was also taken aback by the speed Ning Xiaochuan had just exploded, so when she faced Ning Xiaochuan again, she played a twelve-point spirit and defended herself first.

Arranging battles in battle is quite time consuming.

Therefore, monk Daomen burned the formation pattern into a formation in advance, and played out the formation directly during the battle, and immediately formed the formation.

In addition to burning the disks yourself, you can also choose to buy disks.

It's just that the price of the array is too expensive. Unless it's a descendant of the clan, otherwise, you can't afford it.

The nine bronze disks arranged by the woman in black are of great power and were recorded by the monks in the Heaven and Human Realm. They are powerful and of great value.

The value of each array is more than 10 million Xuanshi!

Nine arrays worth 100 million pieces of black stone.

This is something that the children of the family can only afford to buy. The black stone wealth that Ning Xiaochuan now has, even if you buy a disk, you will feel pain.

Nine defensive arrays guarded the woman in black, and even Heaven could not break her defense in a short time.

It can be said that she is now invincible.

Nine defensive formations wrapped her body. Some formations were assembled from flint and stone with a certain amount of attack power. Some formations showed thousands of swords and swords; The formation method is composed of mountain peaks that are tens of meters high, and the defense force is comparable to the copper wall and iron wall.

Ning Xiaochuan frowned slightly, saying: "It is indeed the outstanding descendants of the ancient people, even if they are rich, and they can buy nine sky-high arrays. Is a defense like yours a fair fight?"

"Ha ha! Being rich is also a kind of own strength! I still have a few offensive disks burned by Heaven. Without using these offensive disks, it is already fair to you." Hei Women's Road.

"You are already invincible. Even if you fight, there is no threat to you. Without the threat, it is impossible to realize the crisis of death, and it is impossible to inspire your own potential and realize the sky. Human realm. "Ning Xiaochuan said.

"It seems to make some sense." The woman in black nodded slightly.

The reason why she just played all nine defensive arrays just now was frightened by Ning Xiaochuan, and she made the safest response driven by her instinct.

Since childhood, she has been the top genius in the tribe. Few of her contemporaries can ever compare with her and have never encountered a real crisis of life and death.

Encounter the enemy who is stronger than her, the elders of her own tribe, and kill the other.

Enemies in the same realm will also be shot to death by her.

Just now, Ning Xiaochuan almost captured her. It was extremely dangerous and naturally frightened her.

However, she quickly calmed down and put away eight of the defensive arrays, leaving only one defensive array to guard herself.

"Can we continue fighting now?" The woman in black said.

Ning Xiaochuan smiled and said, "Of course."

"Wait a minute!" The woman in black said.

"What are you doing again?" Ning Xiaochuan said.

The woman in black said: "Although I put away all eight defensive arrays, I still want to tell you. Whether it's the array or the mystery, they are all part of the monk's strength. Under the circumstances, I will use all defensive arrays and attack arrays. In that case, you will not hurt me at all, but I can easily kill you. "

Ning Xiaochuan frowned slightly and said, "Do you really think so? You have your means, and I have my means. If we use all the means, maybe the probability of your death is even greater."

"Apart from figurative magical power and Jiupinxuan, have you not used any other means?" The woman in black was also wary.

"If you have the ability, you can naturally force me to show the means." Ning Xiaochuan said.

There was a ray of light in the eyes of the woman in black, no more to say, the vitality in the body was turned into a "spiritual state".

The phase of law presents an illusory world: a fairy mountain hangs above the sky, a nine-day waterfall flows down the mountain, and dragons are flying around the fairy mountain, presenting a vast world, like a holy mountain Earth Spirit Realm!

This is the Fa phase she cultivated!

The spiritual realm phase is already a top-level physical phase, which is much stronger than the "evil sword phase" cultivated by Fang Jie.

As soon as the Fa appeared, the entire alien space seemed to be under her control.

With a wave of her arm, a river of sword energy appeared in a different space, hundreds of meters long, and rolled towards Ning Xiaochuan.

Ning Xiaochuan didn't cultivate the Fa phase, but he also had his means. He stretched his hands towards the void, and a mighty cloud of magic appeared, sweeping the whole world, squeezing out from the spiritual phase of the woman in black. A piece of space!

A huge black stone emerged from the magic cloud.

The top of the black stele is engraved with magic lines, wrapped around a thick iron chain, and emits a terrifying sense of destruction!

The tenth supernatural power, the monument to extinction.

Ning Xiaochuan's body flew out of sixteen world-destroying atmospheres into sixteen black magic rivers, flying around the world-destroying monument, and flung towards the "spiritual realm".

If the "Spiritual Realm" is really a fairyland world, then at this moment, this fairyland world has been invaded by the magic cloud on a large scale. It is like a demon king, leading thousands of demon heads to attack the fairyland.

Ning Xiaochuan did not practice the Fa phase, but relying on the supernatural power of the "Monument to the World", he suppressed the Fa phase displayed by the woman in black.

"What kind of law is this?"

The woman in black did not know that it was a magical power displayed by Ning Xiaochuan, and thought that it was Ning Xiaochuan's law.

If it ’s just supernatural powers, why is it so terrible? It is simply to destroy the earth and the earth, and to destroy all living beings in the world.

The woman in black finally believes that Ning Xiaochuan has hidden means. Just this kind of "magic monument" has the power to shatter the disks written by monks in heaven and earth.

The "spiritual phase" she exhibited was squeezed constantly and defeated, and the celestial body that guarded her was also constantly crushed, and a crack appeared on the array.

The stele flying out of the magic cloud is really terrifying, like no one can resist it.

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