Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 575: The beginning of heaven and earth

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The corner of Ning Xiaochuan's eyes slanted slightly, looking back, and sure enough, he saw the female ghost who looked exactly like the fairy Wanyin.

She was standing behind Ning Xiaochuan, fluttering in white clothes, with long hair like a waterfall, covered with white, and emitting white phosphorescence, slowly came towards Ning Xiaochuan.

The sound of her walking was like the sound of wind.

Ning Xiaochuan is not in a hurry to shoot, want to see what she is going to do?

The female ghost walked behind Ning Xiaochuan and stretched out a pair of almost transparent white arms. She even hugged Ning Xiaochuan and put her face on Ning Xiaochuan's vest slowly.

A cold air came from the back, making the scalp numb.

Ning Xiaochuan was stiff and couldn't even dare to say, "What the **** is going on? What is she doing?"

Tiandi Blade was also stunned, and said stunned, "I guess ... I suppose she regarded you as her lover during her lifetime!"

As soon as Tiandi Blade's voice fell, the female ghost's body immediately gave birth to cold stubbornness and grew five claw-like nails, tearing towards Ning Xiaochuan's heart, as if to dig out Ning Xiaochuan's heart.

Ning Xiaochuan was always alerting her, and the moment her breath changed, she immediately waved her magic sword and stabbed behind her.


Blood flashed.

Her body disappeared again.

"You killed me again! Killed me again!"

That female ghost once again condensed her body, her hair was dangling and she was beautiful, but her eyes looked disappointed, painful, and mournful.

Her mouth kept repeating that sentence, "You shot me again! Kill me again!"

Ning Xiaochuan stared at the female ghost who came step by step, frowned, and said, "Is there any way to get rid of her?"

Beside, there is a ghostly female ghost, which is really disturbing.

Could this be the legendary grudge?

Before, Ning Xiaochuan did not believe that there were ghosts in the world.

Now he believed it.

"Unless you find Nie Lanxin, there is no way to get rid of her. You must know that she was at least a peerless powerhouse who had stepped into the supreme realm before her death. The remnant soul of a supreme realm is not you now You can get rid of your realm. "Tiandi Blade asked again:" Others, where is this place? "

"Fengshen Cave House." Ning Xiaochuan said.

"Fengshen Cave Mansion!" Tiandi Blade exclaimed, and immediately said, "Heaven once got the Xuanshoujian and the white bone beads here. Ning Xiaochuan, if you come here, maybe you can also find the" Tiandi Jing " You do n’t have to go to Tiandi Mountain to find the cultivation method. "

"I also think so."

Ning Xiaochuan put the crystal ice coffin into the Qiankun cloth bag, and glanced at the beauty female ghost not far away. She was relieved to see that she didn't pounce.

Knowing that she would be entangled by female ghosts, she should not touch that coffin.

Ning Xiaochuan marched towards the depths of Fengshen Dongfu, looking for the Book of Heaven and Earth, but the female ghost still followed him, staring at him with resentful eyes.

When he stopped, so did the female ghost. He continued to walk, so did the female ghost.

"What the **** are you doing? Can you not follow me?" Ning Xiaochuan stared at the female ghost and said in a deep voice.

The female ghost said nothing, and stared at him with more resentful eyes.

Her eyes were gloomy. If she was a timid person, she might be scared by her eyes and crying dad!

"Since she did not take the initiative to attack, ignore her. Hurry up and go to the depths of Dongfu, maybe you can find a few Supremes. My darling! If you can swallow a few Supremes, maybe you can completely surpass Tiandi Bell. "Heavenly Emperor edged.

Ning Xiaochuan followed the force of summoning that he heard in his heart and walked forward, and that force of summoning became stronger and stronger.

I don't know how long, Ning Xiaochuan finally found the source of the summoning power, it turned out to be a yellow mud statue standing on the wall!

The clay statue is only two meters high, and it is shaped like a fairy wind and bones. It wears a gossip robe, holds a duster, and wears a crown, like a statue of a deity in the Taoist temple!

The most attractive place for Ning Xiaochuan is the faint imprint of Lao Dao's heart. The form is very familiar, and it is actually the "Tianzun Seal"!

Although it is just a clay statue, it still gives people an extremely sacred feeling, like a true God standing in front of people, and people's hearts can't help but give birth to worship.

After seeing the mud statue standing on the stone wall, the female ghost was frightened, and kept backing backwards until she stopped more than ten feet away.

"The mud statue is engraved with a lot of text. Is this the" Tiandijing "?"

Ning Xiaochuan gently stroked the mud image and carefully identified the characters on the surface of the mud image.

These words are scattered and fragmented and cannot be coherent at all, unlike a volume of Wujing.

However, these words have completely attracted Ning Xiaochuan's mind, and he can't look away at all!

"There must be a mystery!"

Since the mud statue beckons him to come here, there must be a reason, and the summoning power cannot appear in the heart for no reason.

Ning Xiaochuan immediately sat down and began to understand the text on the mud.

Ning Xiaochuan's mind was completely released, and he stared intently at the text on the mud statue. After a long time, those small words turned out like a glowing moth, flying out of the mud statue, suspended in front of Ning Xiaochuan .

A total of 37,865 characters are arranged in disorder, forming a sea of ​​characters.

If you want to combine these words into a volume of Wujing, there are hundreds of millions of arrangements. Only one order is the correct way. If you want to find the correct arrangement, you have to realize it by yourself!

Suddenly, those words bloomed and turned into huge stars. All the stars come together and rotate according to some mysterious law to form a vast universe!

Everything around disappeared, Ning Xiaochuan seemed to suddenly break into a strange starry sky, far away, seeing the old road of Xianfengdao bone came from the starry sky, seemingly slow, but every step can be crossed A star is so far away.

Before long, he stood in front of Ning Xiaochuan and said, "Are you here?"

Ning Xiaochuan's face looked suspicious, but still kept calm, and said, "Are you asking me?"

The old man nodded and smiled, "I've been waiting for you for a long time!"

"Wait for me? Who are you?" Ning Xiaochuan said.

The old man just smiled and said, "I'll take you to see good fortune!"

"What is good fortune? Why take me to see good fortune?" Ning Xiaochuan asked.

It seems that Lao Dao couldn't hear Ning Xiaochuan's words, but he said, "Destroying the earth and destroying the earth is creation, and opening up the world and creating the earth is also creation. Someone takes you to see the destruction of the world, and the old way will show you to open the world to open the world!"

"Breaking the ground?"

Ning Xiaochuan hasn't fully reacted yet, the old sleeves waved gently, the vast starry sky, a fierce tremor, all the stars burst, turned into a ray of mist, and the entire space became chaotic!

There is neither sky nor land.


Ning Xiaochuan stood in chaos, looking at the world in front of Xu Mi, and saw the scene of lightning and thunder in the dim, lightning is as thick as tens of thousands of miles, walking through a space of tens of millions of miles However, it caused a shocking scene.

Another fire was born from space, turned into a huge fire lotus, rotated in chaos, and finally dispersed slowly.

"At the beginning of chaos, heaven and earth are divided into two airs. The clear one rises and turns into a green dim; the turbid ones sink and become the earth ..."

A vast voice sounded in Ning Xiaochuan's ears, as if the old Tao was recitation, and it was like a voice that existed between heaven and earth.

The chaotic world in front of me is also changing. Two different airflows begin to separate, some floating upwards and some sinking downwards.

Many years later, a huge pristine land appeared in front of Ning Xiaochuan.

I don't know how vast this primitive land is, it is impossible to measure its distance with your eyes.

According to Lao Dao, this primitive land is called the "primitive universe world".

On that vast and cosmic world, there were still lightning flashes, sky fires falling, magma erupting, and I don't know how many years passed.

On the ground, chaotic creatures began to be born. There were huge mixed bodies, holy spirits holding giant axes, and sacred trees that connected the heavens and the earth ...

Until one day, there was a shock in the sky and the earth, and the entire universe of the original universe was shattered. Large pieces of flooring went out to the outside world. The largest plate totaled 37,665, and other small large flooring pieces. The number is endless!

It's almost like a big map roll is torn!

Even those dusts that fly out have become tens of thousands of miles in diameter, and are constantly flying towards the edge of the universe.

The scene at this moment is extremely shocking, it is almost like hundreds of millions of stars are impacting towards Ning Xiaochuan, causing a horrible pressure! Not only billions of stars, among which there are many large floor blocks that are many times larger than the stars. They have formed a vast world of their own, and are also impacting towards Ning Xiaochuan.


Suddenly, a loud noise sounded in Ning Xiaochuan's mind, and his whole body was shocked.

"Ning Xiaochuan!"

Someone is calling his name.

Ning Xiaochuan's thoughts were forcibly pulled back from the vast universe and returned to the body.

When he opened his eyes again, he found that he was still sitting in the ancient cave, just below the mud statue.

"How could this be? How did I see the ground-breaking scene just now?" Ning Xiaochuan's body was still, and I felt a lot of information appeared in my mind, and many martial arts rules that I didn't understand were drilling into the body.

He needs a lot of time to digest what he just learned!

"Ning Xiaochuan, what are you talking about? Not running away yet?"

The King of Qingyu stood not far from Ning Xiaochuan, with **** scars on his shoulders, backs, legs, and kicks on Ning Xiaochuan's back, and he awoke Ning Xiaochuan while he was alive. .


Holding the Supreme Device with her hands, she mobilized all the vitality in the body, and continuously launched attacks towards the depths of the Dongfu, blocking out the black mist.

At this moment, the black mist rushing out was more than ten times stronger than the breath of the ghosts of the sky, and he beat the green queen king constantly and vomited blood, almost fainting.

There was something extraordinary that rushed out of the deeper part of Fengshen Dongfu. Ning Xiaochuan would have been dead if it hadn't been blocked by the King of Qing.

Just now, Ning Xiaochuan has been realizing that he didn't know what happened?

What Ning Xiaochuan didn't know was that he had been sitting there for nearly nine days, and the King of Qingyu had come here long ago, but only saw that he was realizing, and did not disturb him.

Nine days ago, Qing Qing Wang had already entered the depths of Fengshen Dongfu. I didn't know what she found inside, and even caused a lot of weird creatures to force her out from the inside. The Tsing Yi on his body was dyed red into a blood robe!


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