Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 560: Competent king

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In Nangongfu, after the fierce demon spirit had dispersed, Situ Jing and Zi Hanyan rushed into the door immediately.

As soon as they entered Nangongfu, they saw Ning Xiaochuan and King Qingying coming out of it.

After seeing King Qingyu, Situ Jing was so surprised that his chin had to fall to the ground, and immediately backed away.

He naturally knew the identity of the King of the Qing Dynasty, and one of the masters in the wilderness was not even the old ancestor of the Situ tribe dare to provoke her!

She came to Nangong?

Zi Hanyan didn't know the identity of Qingying Wang. When she saw Ning Xiaochuan walking with a very beautiful girl, her heart still had a considerable touch, and she became somewhat hostile to the girl in Tsing Yi!

"Ning Gongzi, are you okay?" Zi Hanyan walked in front of Ning Xiaochuan, saying with affection.

"It's all right," Ning Xiaochuan laughed.

"Well?" Zi Hanyan asked with concern.

"Should, retreat and practice again. For the existence of the level of 獠, Nangong Ming's life and death does not let it be too concerned." Ning Xiaochuan said.

Zi Hanyan gave a slight glance to the young girl in Tsing Yi not far away and whispered, "So ... what about her? Who is she?"

"She?" Ning Xiaochuan seemed to have guessed Zi Hanyan's mind, and said, "Her identity is special. You still don't know well."

"Hey! Ning Xiaochuan, I always wanted to ask you, where did your wife go?" Qing Qing Wang looked heartless and lungless, and asked this question in front of Zi Hanyan.

Xiao Linger called Ning Xiaochuan as "father" and Yu Ningsheng as "mother", and the Qing Wang naturally thought that Yu Ningsheng was Ning Xiaochuan's wife.

Yu Ningsheng originally left with Ning Xiaochuan, but now only Ning Xiaochuan is left. Naturally, the heart of Qingyu King is still very curious.

Of course, she didn't care about the feeling of Zi Hanyan at all. After hearing this, Zi Hanyan's face was brushed and became pale, and her voice was a little trembling: "It turns out ... you're already married Sorry, I used to take the liberty! "

After saying this, Zi Hanyan immediately turned around and left. At the moment he turned around, his eyes were still red.

Ning Xiaochuan didn't hurt the heart, but he made a heart-cutting knife.

Situ Jing naturally knew that Ning Xiaochuan hadn't got married, and walked forward, saying, "Brother Ning seems to be leaving Jiulongjiang?"

"Should be leaving." Ning Xiaochuan nodded and looked at the back of Zi Hanyan leaving.

"What are you going to do next?" Situ Jing said.

Ning Xiaochuan gave a slight glance to the King of Qingyu, and did not avoid it. He said, "If there is a chance, we should go to Tiandi Mountain. We will definitely have a chance to see you in the future."

Situ Jing's face also showed a happy look, but then his expression became serious again, saying: "Everyone who can see can see that Miss Zi is affectionate to you. On her side ... do you want me to help you explain it, or hope I won't explain? "

Obviously, Situ Jing is also asking, does Ning Xiaochuan have any emotions for Zi Hanyan?

If Ning Xiaochuan is affectionate to her. Situ Jing would naturally help Ning Xiaochuan to explain that at least Zi Hanyan would not think that Ning Xiaochuan was a liar playing with women's feelings.

If Ning Xiaochuan had no feelings for her. So long pain is not as good as short pain, and the ending is now the best. Situ Jing will not explain any more. It is also a good thing to keep her misunderstanding!

Ning Xiaochuan pondered for a moment, hesitated a little, and finally said, "Let's do whatever we want!"

After saying this, Ning Xiaochuan left with the King of Qing.

"Fuanyuan? Suiyuan? What do you mean?"

Situ Jing was a little distressed, staring at the back of Ning Xiaochuan's departure, and said to himself, "Does he want me to explain, or does he not want me to explain?"


Ning Xiaochuan and the King of Qingyan both had extremely fast speeds. Soon they had stepped out of the Jiuyi Tiancheng, unfolded their body style, and flew towards the wilderness.

No matter how fast Ning Xiaochuan is, the King of Green Dragon will always be able to catch up.

In the end, Ning Xiaochuan was too lazy to fight with her for speed, did not want to waste effort, summoned the two-headed stone beast, sat on the back of the stone beast, ready to start cultivation, and attacked the realm of the third step ladder.

The King of Qingyan also flew down on the back of the two-headed stone beast, walked towards Ning Xiaochuan, and said, "Why is it suddenly not comparable? Your speed is actually very fast, and you can already shoulder up with some heavenly people, or we will not Better than endurance? "

"No comparison." Ning Xiaochuan said very simply.

King Qingxi squatted and stared at Ning Xiaochuan with a smile, and said, "What's wrong? I said something wrong earlier? Shouldn't you tell me about your wife? Actually, I did it on purpose."

"Why?" Ning Xiaochuan looked at Qing Qing Wang inexplicably.

Qing Qing Wang said: "You obviously already have a wife, and you are provoking other girls. It wasn't right. I am your master. If you don't do it right, I will take care of it. Ning Xiaochuan, I must tell you carefully, Don't be too fancy as a man, it's enough to have a woman around you. "

Ning Xiaochuan couldn't help crying and laughing, always feeling that he was being preached by a little girl, saying, "Do you see any other women around me?"

King Qing Yan rolled a pair of big eyes and looked around, and said, "Aren't you Xiaoling's mother? What about her?"

"She's gone!" Ning Xiaochuan's expression also looked a little stunned, and the picture of Yu Ningsheng sitting on the top of the blood-red camel gradually dissipating at the end of the space appeared in his mind.

Repair for.

If she had a strong practice, she wouldn't watch her leave, but she couldn't catch up with the blood-red camel.

Ning Xiaochuan's body gave birth to a strong motivation, and Xiu Wu's heart became increasingly firm.

The King of Qingyu seemed to see Ning Xiaochuan's heart unconscious, gazed at him for a long time, and sighed in his mouth, patted Ning Xiaochuan's shoulder, and said, "Ning Xiaochuan, you need to be stronger, not just a woman, wrapped in I will definitely find you a better-looking beauty on my body. Tell me, what type of women do you like? I will tell you to let them be in the whole North. Xinjiang will help you find, there must be a better woman than her. "

Ning Xiaochuan is really going crazy!

The King of the Green Dragon is so competent! Too much competence!

Not only did he help his subordinates to correct their life style problems, they also cared about their subordinates 'affectionate lives, and even saw their subordinates' negative emotions. They also actively helped their subordinates to find the other half.

This king deserves to be ... conscience in the industry!

"No need! No need! I can fix this myself." Ning Xiaochuan said repeatedly.

The King of Qing Mao nodded earnestly, and said, "One more thing, I have always wanted to ask you, the phoenix cricket on Xiao Hong said you gave it to you, where did you get it from?"

Ning Xiaochuan's heart moved and said: "It was ... a phoenix was given to me. She said that if she encounters troubles in the future, she can come to her with the help of the phoenix, and she can help me solve all the difficulties."

Ning Xiaochuan said this on purpose, and also wanted to use it to deter the Qing king.

If Ning Xiaochuan really had a phoenix behind him as a backing, if the Qing Wang had hidden his heart from him, he would have to weigh more.

While Ning Xiaochuan said these words, he was also observing the expression of King Qingying in secret.

Qing Qing Wang stared deeply at Ning Xiaochuan, with a weird look, and said, "No wonder you don't want me to help you find a spouse. It turns out that you have enough choices, look down on you."

Ning Xiaochuan didn't know that "Phoenix Puppet" had a special meaning to Phoenix. If it were not a very important person, it would be impossible for Phoenix to send Puppet Puppet out.

If Ning Xiaochuan knew the meaning, it would probably stop talking.

After all, when the mysterious woman left the phoenix in the nest, it was not necessarily left to him. Besides, that phoenix badger is not necessarily the badger feather of the mysterious woman, it may be that she got it from elsewhere.

The Qing Wang naturally misunderstood that Ning Xiaochuan had a relationship with a phoenix. Otherwise, why did Phoenix give him the most precious phoenix?

The Qing Wang again said: "As your master, I have to remind you that the phoenix I gave you is very important. If you have cause and effect with her, you will not know if it is a blessing or a curse."

"What do you mean?" Ning Xiaochuan's heart shook.

It seems that the King of Green Dragon has really seen the origin of the mysterious woman.

Ning Xiaochuan was also curious about the identity of the mysterious woman. After all, the mysterious woman had taught him to practice martial arts, and it was considered half his master.

The Qinghuang King thought for a moment, and said cautiously, "The origin of that phoenix is ​​probably related to a higher civilization. Anyway, that civilization is terrible, not something you can imagine now."

"Then why did she appear in Jade ... in North. Xinjiang?" Ning Xiaochuan said.

Qing Qing Wangdao: "It may be related to the Emperor of Heaven! It may also be related to a secret in the Fengshen era!"

Ning Xiaochuan stared at Qing Qing Wang, always felt that she had nothing to say? Perhaps, she feels that with Ning Xiaochuan's current practice, she is not qualified to know those secrets!

"What does it mean? How could it be related to the Fengshen era?" Ning Xiaochuan continued to ask.

King Qingyu hesitated for a moment, looked at Ning Xiaochuan, and finally said, "A long time ago, someone was in the north. Xinjiang discovered an ancient cave left over from the Fengshen era. At that time, it attracted many strong men to explore. However, the last one did not escape from the ancient cave. That ancient cave was called 'Fengshen Cave' by later monks. Even now, many people are still looking for that cave house. "

"The recent appearance of Fengshen Cave should be 10,000 years ago, creating a peerless masterpiece, becoming the only existence that has cultivated to the realm of gods since the Fengshen era."

"Tiandi?" Ning Xiaochuan said.

"That's right, Emperor."

The Qing Dynasty King said: "It is rumored that the reason why the emperor was able to cultivate into a **** is because of the inheritance of ancient gods in Fengshen Cave. Therefore, my family's predecessors analyzed that the legendary Fengshen Cave may be in the sky Within the range of the barren mountains. Because the Emperor went out there and eventually became the Supreme True God. "

"If you've ever seen that phoenix, I can be sure that she must be an ancient creature from Fengshen Cave! But I don't know why, but she can survive. Anyway, the magic of Fengshen Cave is not something we can understand. . "

Qing Qing Wang frowned again and said, "However, I have searched for many years in Zhantianhuangling, but I haven't found any ancient holes? It's strange! It's strange! Did I find the wrong place?"


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