Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 557: Warrior

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Holding a purple spear, Situ Jing walked towards Nangong Wuyue and said, "Nangong Wuyue, today is the day when your Nangongfu falls down!"

"Hey ... heh ... you are so naive ... Even if Ning Xiaochuan has a magpie with a celestial level, meeting my father is a dead end. A real celestial man is not a maggot that can handle it!" Nangong Wuyue was lying in the troubled world, with blood on her face, but still laughing.

Situ Jing said: "Your father wanted to control the Situ tribe, and even unexpectedly attacked my grandfather with Situ Nanlie, causing my grandfather to be ill in bed for three years, and nearly died. How much of our Situ tribe's resources were stolen by your Nangongfu? Qiu, do you think our Situ tribe will not report it? My grandpa and the ancestors of the tribe, plus Ning Xiaochuan, already have enough power to let your father fall. "

Nangong Wuyue's face changed slightly. If there were really three celestial beings, his father would be in danger.

"My father is the deputy chief of the Temple of Lord of the Devils, and you dare to be his enemy, that is, enemy of the Temple of Lord of the Devils. Your Situ tribe will surely die cleanly." Nangong Wuyue clenched his teeth and tried hard roar.

"Don't think that I don't know. I have been practicing in retreat all year round, let alone killing your father. Even if the entire Capricorn Hall is destroyed, it may not be able to let it out."

Situ Jing didn't want to talk so much nonsense with Nangong Wuyue anymore. He pierced the spear in his hand, penetrated his heart, and nailed Nangong Wuyue to the ground.


Ning Xiaochuan controlled the black skull with his heart, traced to the depths of Nangongfu, and felt the breath of the power of heaven and man!

That breath came out of a stone mountain standing in the center of Nangongfu. There are cliffs on all sides of the stone mountain. Above the cliff on the south, a stone gate is dug!

Above the stone gate, there is an engraved word "sheng".


The black skeleton landed in front of the stone gate and slammed out.

The position of Shimen was lit up with a splendid brilliance, condensed into a large array, and even blocked the palm print of the black skull.


The power of the palm print made the whole Shishan shake.

The black skull went back a few dozen feet away and shot again. The magic sword in his hand rushed out more than ten meters in height and slashed it out.


The formation on Shimen was cut, and the entire Shishan collapsed.

Among the rocks, a man wearing a flaming armor was revealed, sitting on a round stone platform, surrounded by flames of light around his body, blocking all the sword energy outside the round stone platform.

The man sitting on the round table closed his eyes tightly, and Tianwu vitality burst out of the body and flowed around the body.

He looked like he was sitting inside a huge crimson sphere.


King Situ and Stu ancestors stood above Nangongfu, hiding in a thick cloud.

They are really standing in the air, not with the help of martial arts.

Only when you reach the realm of heaven and earth can you truly achieve a flying sky. Just inhale and your body will automatically rise to the sky, flying like a fairy.

"It turned out that Nangong Ming practiced in retreat. No wonder his son was killed and he didn't show up." The old ancestor of the Situ tribe twisted the beard on his chin with a smile.

The Situ prince said: "He should be the second realm of heaven and earth, Zhongjingtian."

"It's not that easy. Only two or three people have reached that level in Jiulongjiang. Nangong Ming is still a long way off," said the old ancestor of the Situ tribe.

Situ's king said: "After reaching the heaven and earth, it will be harder and harder to go to the sky every time. It is unthinkable how powerful the characters above the sky are?"

Heaven and man are ninefold, one hundred years old.

After reaching Heaven and Human Realm, each ascension is extremely difficult, but the reward is extremely great. For every ascension on the ascension, you can have a hundred years of life.

If you do not reach the realm of heaven and man, you can live for two hundred years, it is already the limit.

When it reaches the ninth level of Heaven and Human Realm, it can be called the "Nine Heavenly Supreme", but Shou Yuan is close to a thousand years, which can be called an immortal!

Therefore, heaven and man have truly transcended the ordinary, and are not comparable to ordinary martial arts, and are no different from the gods in the eyes of ordinary people.

Nangong Mingpan sits on the round stone platform, and around the stone platform is inlaid with twelve top quality black stones.

In front of him, there was a cyan herb, only three blades of grass, but each blade of grass was green like an emerald, emitting a strong medicinal fragrance!

Psychic medicine-Cui Ling Cao.

When Shishan was split by a magic sword, every pore in Nangongming's body was opened, quickly absorbing the power of ground stones and psychic medicine, and turned into a stream of essence, flowing into his body.

The twelve ground stones and psychic miracles disappeared at a rate that was visible to the naked eye, and eventually turned completely into powder.

"He must be shocking the realm?" Ning Xiaochuan thought so.

Just for a moment hesitated, the black skull held the magic sword with both hands, exhibited the sword tactics of "the extinct sword spirit", a sword stabbed to Nangong who sat on the round stone platform.

How terrible the power of the magic sword was, breaking the shield outside the round stone platform.


Nangong Ming's eyes opened suddenly, and one pair of eyes was like two black holes, as if to devour human soul.

He reached out a palm, and a ghost-shaped shield condensed in the palm, blocking the magic sword.

"go back!"

Nangong sang with a deep voice, and his body speed was as fast as lightning. He blasted the black skull dozens of meters away in one palm, and fell to the ground fiercely.

The power of heaven and man is indeed not something that can be resisted.

Even if I control Jiu Pin Xuan Qi, I will still lose to the real celestial being!


Nangong Ming just took a step forward, and there was a sharp pain in his belly, and a little blood flowed from the corner of his mouth!

It wasn't the injury caused by the magic sword, but the self-injury caused by the failure of the shock realm.

Not long ago, he received a psychic medicine, originally intended to use the psychic medicine to impact the second realm of heaven and human realm, but at the critical moment of the realm of impact, Ning Xiaochuan and others killed Nangongfu. Make him unable to calm down.

However, he did not want to give up the rare opportunity and still forcibly attacked the realm, but unfortunately he was interrupted by Ning Xiaochuan and caused the realm to fail.

"Abominable! What kind of character is the old man who had great hopes to impact the second realm and add a hundred years of life, but was destroyed by a hairy kid, wasting a psychic medicine for nothing." Nangong Ming's body burned The fire of rage, with a long howl in his mouth, shook more than half of Jiuyu Tiancheng.

The warriors in Nangongfu were stunned by the power radiated by the heavenly people and suffocated on the ground.

Those monks who had watched the bustling outside Nangongfu were also backed up by the sound of the howling just now, their eardrums were aching, and their brains were blank. Everyone was face to face, feeling the horror of that power.

"Nangong Ming seems really angry!"

"Nonsense! The gate of Nangong Palace was demolished, his son was killed, and the entire mansion was smoking. It is strange that Nangong is not angry!"

"Speaking of which, the subordinates of the King of the Qing Dynasty are really bold and brave. They are indeed savages who came out of the great wasteland. They do not put Nangong Ming in their eyes at all. If they change people, they have no courage."


Many people are clapping their hands to applaud the unlucky Nangong House where the foxes and fake tigers are usually unlucky.

The black skeleton rose from the ground, regrouped, and attacked Nangong again.

They used the simplest methods of attack, using brute force and Nangong Ming.

The black skull is the skeleton of the black bone giant. The power is concentrated in the bone. Each bone is made of meteor iron. It is extremely hard. Even with the power of Nangong Ming, the black skull cannot be used. The bones were broken.

Nangong Ming was originally injured when he failed to attack the realm. The longer he fights with the black skeleton, the heavier his injuries become.

He wanted to dismantle the black skull as quickly as possible, but he could not hurt the black skull whether it was incinerated with fire or chopped with a mystery.

However, the black skull also had a fatal weakness. The top quality basalt on the chest was exhausted in successive battles, the breath on the body continued to weaken, and it finally lost its attack power completely. Do not move.

With a smile on Nangong Ming's face, he said, "A tadpole! When the black stone runs out, it is just a dead thing!"


The position of the black skull's chest flew out of a mental force, gathered the mysterious air in the air, and condensed into Ning Xiaochuan's body, first the skull, then the neck, chest, arms, legs, completely humanoid, and real people. Almost no difference in your body!

This is the mind body that Ning Xiaochuan uses the power of the mind to unite!

As long as you reach the ladder, you can use only the power of the mind to condense the mind body.

Other warriors can only condense one mind body. Ning Xiaochuan has seven minds and can condense seven mind bodies.

Ning Xiaochuan's idea body took a cyan ground stone from the left ear bone of the black skull, and intended to put the black skull into the groove of the chest to restore the black skull's combat power.

Nangong Ming naturally couldn't let Ning Xiaochuan succeed, sneer: "Junior, are you really an old man air?"

Nangong Ming raised his arm, and a powerful force broke out in his body, preparing to kill Ning Xiaochuan.

But just then ...

Above the sky, two horrible fingerprints were pressed down, just like two five-finger mountains, hitting Nangong Ming's head at the same time.

When the two forces broke out, Nangong Ming's face turned wild, and he immediately played a magical power, trying to resist the two big handprints.

However, the two big fingerprints were played by two celestial beings in their peak state, and it was not that his current injuries could withstand them.


With Nangong Ming's body as the center, a 100-meter-long palmprint pit appeared on the ground, which was more than ten meters deep. Numerous cracks cracked around the palm print, spreading for thousands of kilometers, and almost shattering the entire Nangong Palace.

And Nangong Ming's body is lying in the center of the palm print dakeng, I do not know whether it is life or death?

Ning Xiaochuan glanced up at the sky, naturally knowing that the man he had just shot must be the two heavenly people of the Situ tribe.

The Situ tribe, because it is taboo, is not convenient to come forward in person. It can only be shot in secret to help Ning Xiaochuan deal with Nangong Ming!

Ning Xiaochuan didn't care. After killing Nangong Ming anyway, he planned to return to the Yulan Empire. He never wanted to stay in Jiulongjiang. Even if I want to kill him, it is impossible for a Nangong Ming to chase the Yulan Empire.

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