Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 519: Land Respect Eighth

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The diameter of the spine of this nine-level mysterious animal is six meters thick and more than eighty meters long. The whole body emits reddish brilliance, just like blood-red crystal jade.

This is definitely not the spine of the ordinary nine-level mysterious animal, but the spine of the nine-level mysterious animal that has been reached the peak. Its combat power is higher than that of the **** ancestors during the heyday.

"Oh my god, Lei Ao actually slayed a powerful nine-level mysterious beast, and kept the spine intact." Ning Xiaochuan's face exulted, even if he got eight million black stones. Treasures are not excited at this moment.

The complete nine-level mysterious spine is priceless.

In the view of the calciner, this is an excellent material for the calciner.

However, what Ning Xiaochuan fancy is the bone marrow in the spine, which is called the "holy product" in mysterious medicine.

Bone marrow of the nine mysterious beasts.

This is the essence of the nine-level mysterious beast, which can enhance the cultivation of warriors and increase their understanding.

If a drop of clothing is given to a newborn child, it can greatly increase the child's wisdom, bone condensing, and flesh and blood psychic, even if he has cultivated to the realm of the gods before the age of ten, it is not a strange thing.

If you can take the bone marrow of a nine-level mysterious animal from a young age, use the blood of the nine-level mysterious animal to calcine, take psychic medicine to enhance the potential of your talents, plus your own qualifications are very high. Before the age of ten, cultivation to heaven and human realm is all possible.

At a high level of civilization, there is indeed such a level of genius.

He has abundant cultivation resources, the most powerful exercises and martial arts since he was a child. He became enlightened before the age of 20 and became the invincible myth of the younger generation.

"Master Tangan, I'm going to take the bone marrow of a nine-level mysterious animal, and it will be the eighth most important place to live. I guess we have to stay here for a while." Ning Xiaochuan said.

The monk Tangan glanced at Situ Jing and Zen Tou, and smiled, "Amitabha! You all start retreat, then I will help you to protect the Fa! But you have to practice faster. If you are late, the good things will be given by others Take it up. "

The monk Tangan found a scripture from the bag, opened it, and a piece of golden Buddha light shot out of the paper, flying hundreds of thousands of Sanskrit Buddhist characters, forming a huge ball of light, wrapping everyone in Inside the light ball.

Ning Xiaochuan was so surprised that the burden of the monk Tangan was really a treasure. No wonder he had to put away the scriptures when he was about to escape.

Every book is priceless.

Ning Xiaochuan summoned the magic sword, cut off the bones of the nine-level mysterious beast, and cut down a large bone, exposing a small hollow, which exudes a faint glow.

A scent of fragrance permeated!

Drops of milky white bone marrow flow from the glow.

Each drop of bone marrow is shiny and fragrant, like the syrup of Qiongmao, containing the essence and wisdom of a nine-level mysterious beast.

Ning Xiaochuan didn't dare to waste a drop, and quickly collected the bone marrow in a bottle prepared long ago. When the bottle was full, he immediately sealed the gap in the spine.

Drink a bite of bone marrow, the entrance is extremely cool, like drinking honey, after the lower abdomen, even the bones feel a hint of coolness.

He sat down with his knees crossed and ran the "Xuanqi Xuanqi" in his body, refining the energy of the bone marrow and transforming it into his own strength of Tianwu.

After the vitality in his body was transformed into Tianwu's vitality, he needed more resources to break through the realm.

The warrior in the same realm broke through to the eighth level of the divine realm. He only needed to refine the bone marrow of a bottle of nine-level mysterious beast, and he needed to refine the bone marrow of dozens of bottles of nine-level mysterious beast in order to gather enough energy to break through realm.


"Lei Ao is dead!"

The ancestor of the Lei ethnic group stood in a black wood and stepped on thick leaves. Suddenly, he stopped and felt instinctively to determine that Lei Ao was dead.

Lei Ao is the descendant of the ancestor of the Lei tribe. The same blood flowed in his body. With the ability of a warrior from heaven and man, even if Lei Ao died thousands of miles away, he could feel it for the first time.

The surrounding Lei military fighters all changed their faces, and their hearts were shaken greatly.

Lei Ao is the top power of the Lei nationality. He is infinitely close to the existence of the fifth step ladder. He has the qualification to reach the heaven and earth, who can kill him?

Lei Yi's face changed, and he said, "Taking his old man's practice, he only needed one finger to press Ning Xiaochuan to death. How could it fall?"

An old man next to him said: "He must have encountered a foreign body buried in the mountain of God, and it must be a human being at the level of heaven and humanity. Otherwise, Lei Ao has at least a chance to escape."

The ancestors of the Lei tribe had deep eyes and contained treasure light, saying: "There is a ghostly spirit flowing in the mountain of burial gods, covering my mind, and I cannot see the cause of Lei's death. However, since it can kill Lei Ao, then you will surely be able to kill the rest of you, so after you leave, you must be extremely careful. "

"The ancestors are leaving?" Lei said.

The ancestors of the Lei ethnic group said: "The heavens and men of our major races have already made an appointment before they come in to explore the main body of the buried mountain. There is the most dangerous place, so don't go. You look for the ghost river At the source, there is a fountain of life, and a psychic medicine is likely to grow next to the fountain of life. Whoever can catch a psychic medicine, even if it has done great work for the Lei, I will personally reward him. "

"You have to hurry up, the children of other big clan will definitely rush to the source of the ghost river, and will inevitably fight to fight. There is a little more ..." Lei ancestor looked up, looking at the black forest in front of him, Frowning slightly, he said, "You have to be careful too. I always think this black forest is weird and similar to the legendary Black Mist Ghost Plain."

After speaking these words, the ancestor of the Lei tribe turned into a thunderbolt, disappeared in the black woods, and hurried toward the main mountain.


Time passed day by day, the vitality contained in Ning Xiaochuan's body became deeper and deeper, and escaped from the pores. Each strand of vitality is shaped like a dragon and tiger, emitting a high dragon yelling and howling.

Tianxinzhu spins rapidly in the body, refining the power of the bone marrow of the nine-level mysterious beast at a speed of 512 times.

Every drop of blood, every muscle, every inch of bone is absorbing that power. The blood veins, fascia, and the five internal organs are like absorbing the water of life, become bright and bright, and their physique is improving in an all-round way.

The magic sword is also greedily absorbing this power, and the world inside it is constantly growing, chaotic and chaotic, just like the scene of the beginning of heaven and earth.

The power of Wuhun's sword seal is propping up the world of the market, making the world of the market wider and wider.

His entire body was wrapped in a stream of blood, sitting inside it, his blood swallowing and spitting, as if his heart was beating.

Situ Realm has refined Diwudan, reaching the eighth level of respect for the land, staring at the vitality formed by Ning Xiaochuan's body. "I have a human-shaped heart palace. Diwu vitality. However, compared with Brother Ning's vitality, there seems to be a big gap. "

"It's a bit abnormal, it's obviously higher than him, but there is a feeling of being suppressed by him." Chan Tou said.

The monk Tangan sat not far away, read the scriptures, heard the conversation between Situ Jing and Zen Tou, but smiled, and said, "He has transformed the vitality in his body into Tianwu vitality. Naturally you cannot compare. But yours He is very strong, and if he is willing to cultivate, his future achievements may not be weaker than him. "

Tianwu vitality!

Situ Jing and Zen Tou both showed dazzling expressions.

The martial arts realm of "respect for the earth" can cultivate the strength of the heavenly martial arts. This ability is against the sky, not that they can do it, they can only admire it from the bottom of their hearts!


Suddenly, Ning Xiaochuan's blood color swelled into a huge ball, wrapping everyone in it.

The ball began to shrink again, and finally converged to Ning Xiaochuan's body.

Ning Xiaochuan's mouth exhaled softly and turned into a smoke bridge! Under the bridge, there are twenty-four arches. The smoke bridge seemed real and deceptive, even if people walked up, they would not collapse.

When the smoke bridge dissipated, it turned into a huge palace, and then turned into a dragon elephant, a tadpole, and a giant ghost!

In the end, as soon as Ning Xiaochuan took a breath, all vitality flew back into the body and merged into the blood.

"This is the eighth most important realm of land respect?" Situ Jing said with eyes widened.

Ning Xiaochuan nodded and said, "Yes."

"I am also the eighth-highest realm of land respect. Why can't I control the vitality to such a degree? Forget it, I can't compare with you. You have already cultivated the Tianwu vitality, and it is normal to have some wonderful changes." Situ Jingdao.

Ning Xiaochuan said: "Although I transformed the vitality in my body into Tianwu vitality in advance, it is even more difficult for me to break through the realm. Say not necessarily, you have already entered the realm of heaven and human beings, and I still stay in the state of honor. "

Situ Jingdao said: "Not so exaggerated! I have calculated that I still need to work hard for at least one year to reach the ninth level of the state of honor. To understand martial arts and appreciate the ladder, it is a natural evil for us. No one escapes from the dead, only to break through the realm of frustration and hatred. "

Ning Xiaochuan laughed: "It is not difficult to impact the ninth aspect of the dignity. It is actually not difficult. The bone marrow in the spine of this nine-level mystic animal is enough to support us to cultivate to the ninth priority of the dignity."

"But this is your booty, and it is so precious ..." Situ Jingdao said.

Ning Xiaochuan said: "Anyway, after reaching the ninth weight of the divine realm, the bone marrow of the ninth-level mystic beast will be of little use to me! Take out the utensils and take them out!"

"Thank you!" Situ Jing didn't know what to say, after all, Ning Xiaochuan had helped him too much.

It's hypocritical to say too much.

This kind of friend is rare in this life.

Situ Realm took the bone marrow fluid needed for the ninth weight of the impact, and Ning Xiaochuan retracted the spine of the nine-level mysterious beast and prepared to go to the source of the ghost river.

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