Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 510: Skyrim Golden Buddha

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Zi Hanyan standing on top of the tower was also very shocked. She knew that Ning Xiaochuan's martial arts were very strong, but when he defeated Lei Yi, she still couldn't calm her heart.

Such a young man has such a powerful combat power, and it is likely to impact the heaven and earth in the future and become the hegemon in martial arts.

At this moment, the most complicated person is Yan Mingzhu. She knows how strong Lei Yi's martial arts are. She thought that no one was his opponent in the younger generation, but did not expect that an unknown man would be born. Give him a merciless defeat.

The strong Lei tribe quickly rushed over, took out the healing medicine and gave it to Lei Yi, and then sent a master to **** Lei Yi away.

Ning Xiaochuan held the soul-eliminating bell in his palm, stood on the stone steps outside the Buddhist temple, stared indifferently at the Lei strongman outside the Buddhist temple, without any fear on his face.

On the ground, there were many Lei military warriors lying side by side. Hundreds of warriors bleed blood from their ears, which was shattered by the soul killer bell.

For the Lei people, they never expected that they would lose so much to deal with a young warrior.

The old strong men of the Lei ethnic group were all very angry, and the old man in the yellow robe who reached the first step of the world Shen Shen said: "Young man, what is your origin? With your martial arts cultivation, it is impossible to achieve this through self-study achievement."

Ning Xiaochuan tickled his lips slightly and said, "It's already this time, you just asked this question, isn't it too late?"

"Huh! You are too arrogant. Even if your backing is behind us, we are not afraid of the Lei tribe. Today, you are beheaded here, only to blame your life."

The eyes of the old man in the yellow robe sank, and the air around his body spun again quickly, turning into a vortex-like yellow wind, and quickly passed towards Ning Xiaochuan.

Everything that was swept in by the yellow wind, the Buddhist temple was smashed by the wind, and the big trees were uprooted, and the boulder instantly broke into stone powder.

This is a warrior who ascended the first step of the ladder and cultivated his own martial arts, which is far from comparable to other places.

However, Ning Xiaochuan is not afraid, because he has the vitality of Tianwu, enough to compete with the soldiers on the ladder.

He also swiftly moved the Tianwu vitality in his body, mobilized four war swords, condensed into a sword-long dragon, and turned toward a yellow. The colored whirlwind rushed past.


yellow. A huge claw rushed out of the colored whirlwind, slamming towards the four-handed sword, blocking the power of the four-handed sword, and there was a tendency to back pressure.

Ning Xiaochuan naturally struggled to resist, sliding his feet on the ground and constantly backing.

So powerful!

In fact, with Ning Xiaochuan's current martial arts practice, he has been able to refine the six-handed sword into his body, but because he has not found another two swords, he still only has four-handed swords.

If so, he can put all six handle swords into his body, and the power of "10,000 swords and rain" can definitely be more than doubled, which is enough to break the yellow wind.

It is too late to say at this moment.

Ning Xiaochuan had no choice but to summon the magic sword, and it was possible to withstand the attack of the warrior on the first step ladder.

Originally Ning Xiaochuan didn't want to reveal his hole cards, but now there is no way. Without the power of the magic sword and Jiupinxuan, it would be impossible to compete with the warriors on the first step ladder.

"Haha! Boy, do you still not use the power of Jiu Pinxuan? Do you think you can compete with the warriors on the ladder with your own power?" Huang. Inside the colored whirlwind, there was a huge yellow robe figure, with a cold laugh in his mouth.

"Even if you don't use the power of Jiu Pin Xuan Qi, you can still defeat you."

A blood-red magic pattern flashed in Ning Xiaochuan's pupils, and twelve spirits of extinction rushed out of the heart to form a five-foot-long blood-colored magic sword.

"Destroy the Soul!"

A blood-red cloud rushed out from the back of Ning Xiaochuan. In the cloud, a huge ghost image of a female demon emerged, with a height of nine feet and long hair, like a waterfall.

The light of **** emanated from her pair of magic pupils, which made the entire Bhikkhu Temple feel like a monster temple.

Blood red sword gas, chopped down.

That huge female demon ghost also made a huge magic mark!

After Ning Xiaochuan discovered that the Diwu vitality in the body was transformed into the Tianwu vitality, the power of the extinction sword became more powerful.

The magic sword slashed into the yellow whirlwind, tearing a huge hole, banging on the head of the old man in the yellow robe.

The old man in the yellow robe was terrified. He could only rely on powerful martial arts to temporarily hold the magic sword, but only for a moment, the magic sword broke open his martial arts power and bombarded.


A piece of blood from yellow. The colored vortex rushes out and dyes the whole earth red.

When Huang Feng completely dispersed, the head of the old man in the yellow robe was cut in half by the magic sword, and a white brain flowed out.

The old man in the yellow robe made a scream in his mouth and immediately backed away, trying to escape.

The magic sword is so terrible that it can break through all magical powers and cannot be blocked at all. He can only escape.

But can he escape?

Ning Xiaochuan's body moved out, turned into a rainbow and flew over the old man in the yellow robe, and the magic sword was cut again!


The old man in the yellow robe was torn in half and fell to the outside of the temple, turning into a dead body.

A warrior ascending the first step of the ladder, splattered with blood, died under the magic sword.

The Lei tribe's elders were so shocked that they couldn't add more. A warrior who had stepped on the first step ladder was dead?

Ning Xiaochuan ignored their shocked look, and if no one took out a jade bottle, collected the blood of the old man in the yellow robe.

This is the blood of the warrior who climbed the first step of the ladder. It can be used as the varnish for ancient bronze lamps, which can make the ancient bronze lamps more powerful.

"What sword is he carrying? Why is the power so terrifying?"

"Is it a Jiu Pinxuan again?"


Ning Xiaochuan squatted on the ground to collect blood. An old Lei tribe wanted to attack him. However, Ning Xiaochuan just waved the magic sword in his hand, and was shocked by the old man who respected the ninth place and fled back.

In Tianshi City, the young talents of all forces have been shocked to add, too incredible, even the warriors on the ladder to death in his hands tragically.

Did he really master two pieces of Jiu Pin Xuan Qi?

He is full of magic and murderous spirit, just like a young demon king, arrogant world!

At this moment, Lei Ao, who was sitting on the metal flying boat, couldn't help it, and made a thunderous voice, saying, "Boy, what is your origin? If you don't tell the truth, don't blame this seat for your life."

Can young people who have top martial arts talents and Jiu Pinxuan have no background?

If Ning Xiaochuan really has any great background, the Lei will kill him, maybe he will make a big disaster.

In the north. Many terrible existences in Xinjiang are taboos that Lei people can't provoke. Once incited, the entire Lei people may be destroyed.

Ning Xiaochuan naturally felt the terrible oppression above his head, stored the collected blood, looked up at the thundercloud above the sky, and laughed: "Lei Ao! You are the top power of the Lei people Isn't he afraid of my nameless junior? "

Ning Xiaochuan secretly took out the top-quality black stone, and as soon as Lei Ao shot, he immediately put the top-quality black stone into the black-stone figure, and used the power of the black stone to kill Lei Ao.

Heaven and man hit, who can stop?

After killing Lei Ao, it would be a big deal to escape into the wilderness. Even if the Lei people's power in Jiuyinjiang is so great, I'm afraid they can't help him.

"You really don't dare to kill you!"

Lei Ao stood on the top of the metal flying boat, and the palm of his hand gathered countless lightnings, and slowly extended his arm.

Standing on the ground, you can see a huge lightning handprint over a hundred meters long condensed from the thundercloud. The heaven and earth in the entire Tianshi City were evacuated, and many warriors felt suffocation.

Huge lightning handprints were pressed down towards Bhikhu Temple.

Just when Ning Xiaochuan was preparing to use the black stone doll, a bright golden Buddha light emerged from the Bichkhu Temple, which illuminated the whole night sky, and countless pleasant Brahma sounded in the air.

A huge golden Buddha, rising from the inside of Bhikhu Temple, is more than a hundred meters high, like a sky floating slaughterhouse.

The golden Buddha's shadow, hit a huge golden bergamot, and crush that lightning giant hand!


The entire Tianshi City was slightly swayed, and the lightning and Buddha's energy shattered the thundercloud cover laid out by the Lei.

Twenty-four Lei warriors with thundercloud hoods vomited blood and fell to the ground, and passed out.

Lei Ao, standing on the metal flying boat, stared at the huge golden Buddha below, his eyes became cold, "No wonder these two boys would escape into a ruined temple. Masters of Buddhism! Let me see if you can protect them? "

Lei Ao, driving a silver metal flying boat over a hundred meters long, made a circle in the air and rushed directly towards the Bhikhu Temple.

On the bow of the metal flying boat, a huge array of movements was activated by Lei Ao and turned into a giant sword more than 20 meters long.

The speed of the metal flying boat was too fast. Wherever it flew, all buildings were collapsed by the impact of air waves and turned into rubble.

That impact is almost like being able to crush all beings in the world.

The Sanskrit sounds in Bhikhu Temple are endless, and the eyes of a Buddha statue more than 100 meters high are opened, and a gorgeous golden brilliance blooms.

A huge golden bergamot stretched out and pinched Linkong, a metal flying boat of more than one hundred meters in length.


The metal flying boat made a cracking sound, a lot of cracks cracked on the flying boat, and a loud noise made the huge metal flying boat crushed by the bergamot.

Huge pieces of metal fell from the sky and smashed a lot of pits on the ground.

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