Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 502: Wu Jing

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Ning Xiaochuan was also shocked.

He is also well aware of the importance of Wu Jing. It can be said that if a warrior does not have a volume of Wu Jing in his hands, it is absolutely impossible to realize the "five-step ladder".

Prior to the ninth place of enshrinement, only martial arts need to be cultivated to absorb mysterious energy, and martial arts realm can be elevated.

However, once you reach the ninth priority of the state, you must begin to enlighten the Wu Jing and cultivate your own "Budo".

Everyone understands the "Tao" differently. Only martial arts who practice their own martial arts can be regarded as "the ladder".

In other words: "Ladder" is actually "Budo".

Because each martial art has a different understanding of martial arts, the "ladder" is divided into five steps.

Therefore, there is an additional realm of "five-step ladder" between the ninth level of dignity and heaven and human.

Only by comprehending martial arts to a certain degree and condensing "Dao Yuan" can it be truly achieved in heaven and human realm.

The ninth place of cultivation of esteem and heaven is the cultivation of martial arts.

Ning Xiaochuan's current martial art practice is that although it has entered the seventh place of respect for the earth, the practice is only "qi" and "force", and it has not formed its own "dao" at all.

Even if he practiced the method of extinction, he has so far cultivated the "energy of extinction" and "the sword of extinction to the world", and has not yet comprehended the method of extinction.

With the word "Tao", many people are suppressed in the state of respect, unable to comprehend the "ladder", fail to reach the "five-step ladder" realm, and even less able to reach the realm of heaven and humanity.

Even if you have a gifted body that is hard to come by for ten thousand years, if you are not high in understanding, you will always only reach the ninth level of the state of dignity and cannot be improved any more.

If you have superb physique and excellent understanding, but you ca n’t understand the true meaning of martial arts without the martial arts that you can practice, it is impossible to reach the “five-step ladder” realm.

It can be said that a volume of martial arts is very, very important to the warriors in the state of respect.

Take the Yulan Empire, for example, there is only one volume of the complete Wujing. That is the "Dragon Scripture" held by the royal family. I heard that it is still the martial arts that the ancestors of the royal family got from the dragon family.

As for the martial arts mastered by Momen, Yiyuanzong, Tianyinzong, and Jiange Houfu, they are all incomplete martial arts. They are very incomplete, and it is quite difficult to practice the "five-step ladder", let alone to reach heaven Situation.

The Heart Furnace Scripture mastered by Jiange Houfu is only one tenth of the complete Wujing Scripture. The ancestors of the Jiange Hou Houses of the past dynasties, the highest level of martial arts, reached the state of the fourth step ladder, and can no longer break through.

Demon Emperor, Sword Master, and Empress Wanyin are all martial arts wizards, but unfortunately the martial arts mastered in their hands are all remnants of scripture, so they can only reach the realm of the fifth step ladder throughout their lives.

If they had mastered a complete volume of Wujing, they might have reached heaven and earth as early as decades ago.

Of course, they are all fortunate. There are also some Zongmen and Houfu houses, which do not even have the incomplete martial arts, and there will be no warriors in the "five-step ladder" situation.

Even in Jiuyijiang, the Wujing is an extremely precious treasure. Only the hands of the nine major families hold a complete volume of the Wujing.

This is also the reason for their detached status, far from being comparable to other clans.

Other martial arts, if they want to practice the complete martial arts, can only depend on the Jiu Dazu and become the vassals and generals of the Jiu Dazu.

Because of the preciousness of the Wujing, when the Yan tribe took out the Wujing for auction, it would cause such a big sensation.

Even Ning Xiaochuan was tempted. Because, he has now reached the seventh level of respect for the land, and soon he will begin to comprehend his own martial arts, hitting the "five-step ladder."

However, he hasn't seen any other martial arts except reading the remnant scriptures of Heart Furnace Swords of Jiangehoufu.

If you practice "Heart Furnace", it is estimated that you can only reach the fourth step of the ladder at most, and it will not impact the heaven and earth. Therefore, this time when he came to Jiuyinjiang, he also wanted to get a complete volume of martial arts, so as not to delay the future martial arts practice.

"Each volume of Wujing is priceless. How can the starting price be only one million pieces of black stone? This volume of Wujing auctioned by your Yan clan should not be the complete one," said a strong Lei clan. Asked.

Yan Mingzhu laughed: "If the completed scriptures, our Yan clan will not put them up for auction. It is true that this volume of scriptures is indeed a residual scripture, which is roughly equivalent to one fifth of the complete scriptures."

One-fifth volume of Wujing!

Many people nodded. If it was only one-fifth volume of Wujing, the starting price of one million pieces of black stone is still quite appropriate, which is normal!

The one-fifth volume of Wujing is still an invaluable treasure to many warriors, and it is much more precious than the Heart Heart Sutra of Jiangehoufu. If the price is right, Ning Xiaochuan would like to photograph it.

Even if you do n’t practice, you can take it back to the children of Jiange Houfu to practice.

Yan Mingzhu said: "This incomplete volume of the scriptures is called the" Million Swords ". The starting price is one million pieces of black stone, and the price increase must not be less than 10,000 pieces of black stone each time. Now, the auction starts."

"I have 1.5 million black stones!"

Just after the auction began, a strong Lei tribe raised the price by 500,000 pieces of black stones, leaving many warriors wanting to bargain. Although they have accumulated countless wealth, they cannot compare with the top clan such as Lei.

Ning Xiaochuan looked at the strong Lei tribe, and Qiqiao Shenmo felt a familiar feeling.

Obviously, that person should be the Lei ethnic figure that Ning Xiaochuan saw in the wilderness, named Lei Ao, one of the ten most powerful Lei people.

Although he had only seen the silver metal flying boat he was riding on, Ning Xiaochuan remembered his martial arts flavor.

Even the arrogant Lei tribe "Lei Yi" sat obediently behind Lei Ao.

Lei Yi's face was a little pale, apparently the reason for the worsening of the injury, and he was quietly adjusting his breath to recover the injury.

"1.55 million pieces of black stones!" Another strong clan also bargained.

"1.6 million black stones!"

"1.7 million black stones!"


The price of "Wan Jian Jing" is constantly rising. Only the strongest of the nine major races are bidding. Other warriors dare not shout at all.

Ning Xiaochuan originally wanted to take a picture of The Man Sword Classic, but when the price climbed to two million pieces of black stone, he didn't even have the confidence to bargain.

"Two and a half million black stones!" Lei Ao, the great figure of the Lei tribe, once again raised the price of Wujing by a large margin.

"Three million pieces of black stones!" A woman in a white palace costume sat on the fifth floor of the auction house, and she stood up and shouted the price.

Everyone stared at the ****, Lei Ao recognized her identity, and laughed: "Who is so rich and wealthy, it turned out to be Mrs. Luan of the Situ clan."

That ****** looks like she is in her twenties, her face is like a peach blossom, she is charming, she has a special charming charm on her body.

Beside that ****, there was a man in a Confucian clothing with a slightly sick face, with a bit of evil look on his face, and a little chilly smile: "Lei Gong, this volume of the" Man Sword " The stricken scriptures, we Situ tribe is bound to get. "

"Oh! Really? Then who is the winner?" Lei Ao laughed.

Situ Jing stared at the **** and the sick man, with a hateful look in his eyes, crushing the armrests of the chair.

Ning Xiaochuan said: "What? You know them?"

Situ Jing nodded and said: "That sick man is Situ Nanlie's second son, named 'Situlian'. I now seriously suspect that it was him who had taken away my martial arts heart. Because, he When practicing a kind of evil power, you must take the martial arts heart of other martial arts, and you will be promoted if you practice. 'Mrs. Luan. "

Ning Xiaochuan's eyes were dignified and he said, "You better restrain yourself first. The couple ’s martial arts practice has reached the level of the" ladder ", not that you can handle it now."

"Brother Ning is assured that I will not do anything impulsive." Situ's situation calmed down gradually.

The price of the "Million Swords" has been called the sky-high price of five million pieces of black stone. Those who are still bidding are only Lei Ao of the Lei tribe and Situlian of the Situ tribe.

Both clan seem to be bound to obtain the "Million Swords".

"It's just a one-fifth remnant sutra, and the price has already reached this level. If it's the complete martial sutra, wouldn't the price be more scary?" Ning Xiaochuan said with emotion.

"Eight million black stones!" The **** named "Mrs. Luan" stood up again and shouted a price that scared everyone in the auction house.

She stared at Lei Ao and said, "If Lei Gong raises the price again, we Situ clan can only give up this volume of Wujing."

Mrs. Luan added the price too hard and made Lei Ao meditate. After a while, she said, "Great! It is indeed a wise woman of the Situ clan. The" Man Sword "belongs to you. I give up!"

Mrs. Luan smiled brightly, and sat back slowly.

"Eight million black stones, once!"

"Eight million black stones, twice!"

"Eight million Xuanshi, three times! Congratulations to the Situ tribe for shooting the" Man Sword "."

Yan Mingzhu also showed a bright smile on her face. It was naturally worthwhile to be able to shoot a candid scripture for the high price of eight million pieces of black stone.

On the fifth floor of the auction floor, Mrs. Luan and Situlian used heart-to-heart voice.

Mrs. Luan said: "Finally, I took a picture of this suspicious scripture. Although it was raised by Lei Ao, it was worth it."

Situlian also laughed and said, "Yes! No one knows that our Situ clan also has some remnants of the" Man Sword of the Book ", plus this one-fifth, we should be able to raise more than half of the" Man Sword of the Book ". Let the old ancestors in the clan modify and supplement it, maybe it can become a complete volume of martial arts. We are doing great work for the Situ clan this time. When we return to the clan, our father will definitely reward us. "

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