Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 495: Tin Lei Court

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"Your guards in Tianlei Pavilion are too bad. It was so easy for people to break in." The woman's eyebrows in a purple dress frowned slightly, and a faint smile appeared in her lavender pupil.

Lei Jiu's face sank slightly, yelled: "Lei Rong, can't go down and see what happened? How can two barbarians break into Tian Lei Ge?"

An old man in his 50s hurriedly went to the lobby on the first floor, walked across from Ning Xiaochuan and Situ Jing, carefully looked at the two **** men in front of him, and said politely, "I am The manager of Tianlei Pavilion, Lei Rong, I don't know what mysterious medicine the two will buy? "

Ning Xiaochuan patted his chest and said rudely, "My name is Ning Xiaochuan. This is my elder brother Ning Dachuan. It is true that we are not going to buy mysterious medicine but to sell it. "

"I can sell such a high-profile medicine, can I dig for a psychic medicine?" Said a warrior.

The word "psychic miracle medicine" has attracted the attention of many people.

Even the women on the second floor, Lei Jiu and Ziyi, were a little stunned, and stared at the two dark-faced men in the middle of the lobby.

Ning Xiaochuan said: "If you really dig for the psychic medicine, I have already eaten it myself, how can I sell it out? Lao Tzu is a mind nurse, and I will lack a little money?"

"Are you ... a mind keeper?" Lei Rong widened his eyes and looked at Ning Xiaochuan again.

At first glance, this guy looks like a savage cow, maybe a certain high-level mysterious animal has turned into a human form.

Will he be a mind trainer?

Those human warriors in Tianlei Pavilion were also stunned. It was the first time that I had seen such a rough mind trainer!

"Fart! Lao Tzu is a senior psychologist!" Ning Xiaochuan took out an ice jade bottle and removed the cap, and the ice jade bottle exudes an extremely fresh medicine fragrance!

A cyan dan mist escaped from the jade bottle and condensed into a blue cloud, with beautiful light spots like Xinghui flowing in the mist.

"It's so strong. It's really high-level Dan."

"Isn't he really a senior mind trainer? There are only two senior mind trainers in Tianshicheng."



Those warriors were talking a lot and were very interested in Ning Xiaochuan's senior Dan.

What Ning Xiaochuan wants is this effect. If it is sold to Tian Lei Ge alone, the price will certainly be very low.

However, if there are many warriors raising prices next to it, the price will definitely be a lot higher.

Ning Xiaochuan capped the ice-cream jade bottle and said, "This is a bottle of" Iron Bone Dan. "It is made from the bones of thirteen high-end mysterious beasts, and dozens of adjuvants have been added to form a potion. "It turns into qi and casts into a dan body. Taking a piece of iron bone dan can increase the strength of a warrior by 90,000 kilograms per arm."

Lei Rong said: "If you refine the high-grade Dan, you can only increase the strength of the warrior by 90,000 kilograms in one arm, then it can only be regarded as the low-grade of the high-grade Dan. I can buy up to 10,000 pieces of black stone."

Adding 90,000 jins of strength to a single arm is absolutely invaluable to a warrior in a state of dignity.

For example, a warrior with the ninth-highest level of secularism, after taking an iron bone dan, can have a power comparable to that of the first-level warrior, and will naturally be robbed.

However, for the warriors above the state of honor, especially the warriors who reach the fourth level or above, it is not very important to increase the strength by 90,000 jin.

Ning Xiaochuan laughed and said, "Well! Increasing 90,000 catties is only a manifestation of a half of the power of Tiegu Dan. The true role of Tiegu Dan is to enhance the physical strength of the warrior and increase the physical resilience. For monks, Bone Dan is simply priceless. "

Taoist monks practice differently from warriors.

Warrior, majoring in "Physique".

Taoist monk, majoring in "Dao Fa vitality".

The physical strength of Taoist monks is naturally inferior to that of martial arts. The physical strength of the Taoist monk who cultivated to reach the ninth weight of the dignified state is equivalent to the physical strength of the warrior who is the ninth weight of the refined world.

In close combat, warriors in the same realm are stronger than Monk Daomen.

In long-distance battles, monk Daomen prevailed.

Therefore, all monks in Taoism will increase their physical strength by taking elixir, so as not to be approached by the warriors, they are completely at a disadvantage.

After hearing Ning Xiaochuan's words, several old men in the robes were agitated and their eyes became hot.

Situ Jing said: "My brother has more than one iron bone Dan. If someone can refining three iron bone Dan, he can add 270,000 kilograms of strength in one arm, and Dan will be born in the bone. Silk, even if the bones are broken, Dance is still connected. "

After hearing this, the old men in robes couldn't help it anymore.

Among them, an old way with a fist-sized ox standing on his shoulder came out and said, "I'll pay the price of 15,000 pieces of black stones. This distinguished senior mind trainer will refine your refined Dan. Sell ​​it to me! How much do I want? "

Another old man with a crown of white jade Tao also came out, with a jade belt wrapped around his waist, his eyes were bright and vivid, giving a feeling of immortality, saying: "The role of this high-grade Dan on our Taoist monks It's really big. I'll pay 20,000 pieces of black stone. "

"Famous Shu Lao Dao, you have a wealth of opportunities to watch fortune, and you have cultivated a great mind trainer. It is not easy to be a senior Dan. Why do you compete with me?" Huang Niu Dao Dao said.

The famous Shushu shook his head and said: "No! No! High-level Dan is not so easy to refining, even the great mind-raising master is not 100% sure that it can be successfully refined every time. And, refining The high-grade Dan that increases physical strength and strength requires very precious materials, and the probability of becoming a Dan is even lower. Anyway, this little friend's iron bone Dan is what I want to determine. "

Naturally, Lei Rong knew the two old Taoists in front of him. They were two elders from the ancient Taoist temple.

However, for Ning Xiaochuan's senior Dan, he still brazenly said, "Two seniors, or wait for this senior psychologist to sell the elixir to us at Tianlei Pavilion. To buy? "

"Impossible. If you buy high-grade Dan from your Tianlei Pavilion, do you not raise the price several times?" Ming Shu Laodao's eyes glared, two mysterious rays shot out from the pupil, and a terrible momentum broke out. Lei Rong stared back three steps.

Lei Rong felt like he was chopped by two lightning bolts. His blood was stagnant for a moment, and he was sweating cold. How dare he continue to intervene?

Ming Shu Lao Dao walked in front of Ning Xiaochuan and smiled kindly, saying, "Our Tianji Taoist concept always respects the spiritual master, or else you go to the shop of Tianjiguan with Lao Tao and slowly discuss the purchase of high-grade Dan."

Niuhuang Old Road also came over and drew in: "Our Jieshan Taoist Temple also has the financial resources to purchase a large number of high-grade Dan. As long as the level of Xuan Dan you have in your hands is high enough, Old Road will definitely give you the most fair price."

On the second floor of Tian Lei Ge, Lei Jiu's face sank slightly. This was a big business. Tian Lei Ge had to win it. He couldn't be snatched by two old cows.

He immediately sent a voice to Lei Rong and said, "What are you doing there? Go and ask the host to come and talk to them."

Lei Rong was full of puppets, and immediately exited the crowd. He ran to tell the owner of Tianlei Pavilion, and only the owner of Tianlei Pavilion was able to sit on an equal footing with famous Shudao and Huangnidao.

Someone scrambles for the price, that's the best thing!

Ning Xiaochuan said in a loud voice: "Since everyone wants to buy iron bone dan, and there are several senior seniors present, then we can't help but do a small auction at Tian Lei Ge. Bone Dan is sold to everyone, whoever pays the highest price, the elixir belongs to them. I wonder how many seniors like it? "

The famous Shudao people and the oxen Taoists all frowned slightly, secretly thinking that if the Dan is sold by auction, the price of iron bone Dan will certainly be high.

However, there are not many Taoist monks present, and there are not many competitors, no matter how high they are.

If the news of Tiegu Dan is spread out, I am afraid that the big names of Four Avenue View will all come over, and then the price will be raised even higher.

The famous Shudao people and the oxendao people looked at each other, then nodded at the same time.

The famous Shu Taoism said: "Okay! Just do what you want. However, in order to maintain the order of the auction activity, I suggest that once the auction starts, no one else can join in."

Huangniudao Humane: "Yes, those who participate in the auction must also be those who are truly capable of purchasing high-end Dan, so as not to be joined by some unknown ginseng, and the good auction activities will be confused into a pot of porridge.

Ning Xiaochuan said: "I have no opinion. However, the auctioned black stone must be handed over to me on the spot. Handed black stone and handed high-grade Dan."

"This is natural! Now that we have negotiated, let's start the auction!" The oxen Taoist said a little eagerly.

At this time, the owner of Tianlei Pavilion came over with a group of more than ten Lei ethnic groups, and said with a smile: "In the next Tianlei Pavilion, Lei Yutian, welcome everyone to Tianlei Pavilion. Launch in Tianlei Pavilion The temporary auction is really an honor for our Tianlei Pavilion. We don't have to pay for the venue fee, but the old man also wants to participate in the auction. I wonder what everyone likes? "

The owner of Tianlei Pavilion has a very high position in the Lei ethnic group, and is in charge of all things of the Lei ethnic group in Tianshi City.

He looked like he was more than a hundred years old, and martial arts were so profound that it was impossible to see through.

"This is the site of Tianlei Pavilion. It is natural for the Pavilion to participate in auctions." Ning Xiaochuan bowed his arms to the main owner of Tianlei Pavilion, and his eyes looked slightly at Lei Jiu, who was behind Tianlei Pavilion. At a stroke, he actually returned from the wilderness.

It seems that Funeral Mountain is really not so easy to break in, even the strong of the Lei tribe have returned.

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