Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 485: Shocking

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On both sides of the hump, two large golden boxes are bound with iron chains. Each box is as large as a mountain. The surface of the box has a blue-blue gold rust spot, which is obviously buried too long in the ground. Corroded.

The iron chains that tied the boxes were also corroded, giving rise to a lot of rust, making a "wow" sound, shaking the entire Black Mist Ghost Forest.

What exactly is this blood-red camel? What are the two boxes it carries?

Where does it come from? Where are you going?

Why is it sleeping in the ground of the Black Mist Ghost Plains? The iron chains and gold boxes are not made of ordinary fine iron and gold. Unfortunately, it still resists the corrosion of insufficient time and is full of rust.

I'm afraid it's been asleep for at least 10,000 years!

For 10,000 years, it may be too long for human warriors.

However, for this blood-red camel, maybe just a little rest on the way.

The blood-haired woman and the headless child stood hundreds of miles away, looking at the giant **** camel.

Their bodies were trembling slightly, with a look of fear in their eyes and an uncomfortable howling in their mouths.

That huge camel was so terrible, the four legs were like four sky pillars soaring into the clouds.

On the top of the camel's head, a huge skeleton more than 200 meters high was sitting, wearing a rotting armor, but the bones exposed in the armor were like jade, emitting a brilliant brilliance.

Even the armor is decaying, but its bones are still alive. One cannot help wondering how great it will be when it is alive?

Ning Xiaochuan and Yu Ningsheng stood on the back of the blood-red camel at this moment, standing between the two humps, their bodies rose above the clouds, reaching an altitude of 10,000 meters, and the ground was getting farther and farther away.

"What the **** ... what the **** is going on? How did the two mountains rise? Why is there a ... so thick iron chain next to you?"

Yu Ningsheng stared behind Ning Xiaochuan and saw a 100-meter-thick horror iron chain tied to two blood-red "mountains". What seemed to be holding on?

The iron chain was really too thick, it seemed to be able to restrain the mountains, bind the dragon, bind the sky, with a simple charm. The chain of gods that it left from Archean?

Ning Xiaochuan was also standing between the two "big mountains" and couldn't see where he was now?

Moreover, he released the power of the mind, and was pressed back into the body by a horrifying ancient will.

His mind could only stay within ten feet of his body.

There was a huge piece of blood around, and only a huge rusty iron chain was visible not far. The two **** mountains also turned into blood-red mountains, and the mountains were covered with long hairs.

"Ning Xiaochuan, your uncle, you have provoked something that is taboo, and you are not going to run away! You will be killed!" Tiandi Blade's voice sounded from the mysterious book, with an urgent roar.

Since Ning Xiaochuan got the Heaven Emperor Blade, it has always looked like he was not afraid of the sky. This is the first time that Ning Xiaochuan saw it.

"What the **** is going on? I feel like I'm standing on the back of a huge creature." Ning Xiaochuan said.

"Don't ask! Let's run away! This thing is not something you can provoke, it represents a taboo between heaven and earth. When Emperor Tian was young, he found it sleeping here, but because he tabooed something, he didn't go Touch it, and then retreat. "Heavenly Emperor sharply.

Ning Xiaochuan's face finally changed.

When Emperor Tian was young, the juvenile deity was definitely a shocking talent, but even he was unwilling to touch it at the time, which shows that this is indeed an extremely scary thing.


The huge blood-red camel walked forward, and each step on the ground left a footprint of 100 meters, which cracked the ground.

In the ground fissure, blood oozed out and gathered into a small blood lake.

It's on the road!

No one knows where it will go?

Ning Xiaochuan's body also shook suddenly, feeling that his feet were moving, and he never dared to wait any longer, so he left with Yu Ningsheng immediately.


In the rotten blood-red mountain, a corpse of more than ten feet long was drilled, all covered with hard shells, opened a large mouth of blood basin, exposed sharp fangs, and bite down towards Yu Ningsheng.

This corpse is ten thousand times larger than an ordinary corpse, and its power is extremely terrible, comparable to a nine-level mysterious beast!

Yu Ningsheng was already stunned by the breath from the blood-red camel. How could one think that a corpse would be drilled behind him?

Seeing that she was going to be swallowed up by a corpse, Ning Xiaochuan waved a magic sword and chopped it with a sword.


On the body of the corpse, the magic sword tore a mouth that was more than one meter long, and a lot of blood was flowing.

Ning Xiaochuan grabbed Yu Ningsheng's arm and pulled her over. He jumped up and jumped off the back of the blood-red camel.


The corpse screamed in anger, and his body wrapped around, and Ning Xiaochuan, who had fallen into the air, was engulfed by Yu Ningsheng and dragged them back.

A huge **** head stretched out, opened his mouth wide, and bit down at the two.


Ning Xiaochuan's body exhaled twelve annihilation gases, waved a magic sword, and slashed it with one sword, cutting off the teeth in the corpse's mouth, blood flowing out of his mouth, and a painful cry.

Taking this opportunity, Ning Xiaochuan completely broke out of the body's strength, spread the body of the corpse, and escaped with Yu Ningsheng.

The two fell down from the mid-air. When they fell to a place 300 meters above the ground, Ning Xiaochuan immediately unfolded a pair of huge wings, slowly falling to the ground with dozens of miles with Yu Ningsheng. on.

Only then did they see the whole body of the blood-red camel.

Both were stunned!

What kind of creature is this?

The body is so huge, like a blood-red Jiutian Mountain.

The blood-red camel is slowly moving forward, and every step on the ground will shake the mountain, leaving a long footprint on the ground. Every footprint will turn into a blood-red lake.

"No wonder ... no wonder it's called taboo ... I'm afraid that this thing is the fear of heaven and man ..." Ning Xiaochuan held his breath, and the atmosphere didn't dare to come out.

Such creatures should not appear in the world at all. The sight in front of them is like a picture of gods and demons!

Yu Ningsheng was also shocked and said: "It ... it should have died many years ago? The two mountains we saw before were just its two humps, and its body was buried deep in the ground. How many years has it been buried in the soil? "

"What's on his back? The two boxes are engraved with some graphics, but they are too rotten to read." Ning Xiaochuan stared at the two rusty huge boxes on the camel's back. , I can feel a quaint and simple atmosphere from inside,

"It's been dead for many years, and it's still carrying two boxes and walking forward. What's in the box? Where should it be sent? Or, the camel's owner has already died, it just disappears on the ground The walking of the purpose has been from ancient times to the present, and the will on his body will not die, and his footsteps will not stop. "

Just then, in the depths of Heifeng Guiyuan, a huge cloudy wind rolled up, and a dark cloud of black flying over.

That dark cloud gathered into a huge ghost, and countless thunder and lightning flashed in the ghost, making a thunderous sound.

The blood-haired woman and the headless child standing in the distance saw the huge ghost again, and were horrified again. They immediately knelt down and worshipped at the huge ghost, and made a false sound in their mouths.

It's like a ghost servant worshipping a ghost king.

When that huge ghost appeared, Ning Xiaochuan and Yu Ningsheng both felt an intense chill digging into their bodies, causing their skin to start to turn black and their hair to turn red, even to become similar to blood. Hairy weird creatures like headless children.

Ning Xiaochuan and Yu Ningsheng's complexions suddenly changed, and they quickly ran the martial arts vitality in the body, resisted that cold air from invading the body, and forced the cold air out of the body.

However, that cold air was devouring the vitality of martial arts, and transformed the vitality of martial arts into a black airflow, corroding their blood.

"Magic sword!"

The magic sword in Ning Xiaochuan's body quickly turned to form a vortex, which continuously sucked that cold air into the sword body.

The light of the magic sword became brighter and brighter.

Gradually, Ning Xiaochuan's skin returned to its original color, and her hair returned to black.

He immediately gave out the bronze ancient lamp, giving out a faint divine brilliance, which would illuminate all ten meters, and expel that cold air out of the light.

Although Ning Xiaochuan recovered, Yu Ningsheng's condition was very poor. His skin had become black and his hair became blood red. Even the clear eyes became fierce, as if to become a weird evil spirit. .

Ning Xiaochuan immediately pressed her palm against her vest and used the power of the magic sword to absorb the coldness in her body.

The black skin gradually became white, and the eyes gradually became brighter. Ning Xiaochuan did not move her hand until she absorbed the last trace of cold in her body.

"What a terrible ghost! What level of giant ghost exists?"

Yu Ningsheng's face returned to blood, Mei Mei stared at the huge ghost, feeling very scared.

If Ning Xiaochuan hadn't saved her just now, she might have become an evil spirit.

Ning Xiaochuan also had a particularly taboo, saying: "Maybe it is a master in the black mangyuan. The scarlet camel awakened from the ground and shocked it."

That huge ghost naturally noticed the bronze ancient lamp that lit below, and two tiny humans.

To it, two human beings are just like two dusts, and cannot enter its lawful eyes at all.

The huge ghost just glanced at Ning Xiaochuan and stared at the huge **** camel again.

Just a while ago, the camel had gone more than 300 miles away, leaving a series of large footprints like blood pools on the ground.

That huge ghost could not wait any longer, turned into a black wind, flew towards the blood-red camel, and stopped when it reached the blood-red camel.


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