Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 482: Level 9 Mysterious Beast

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"Terrestrial Territory?"

Ning Xiaochuan said: "Why don't I know Nan. When did Xinjiang become the territory of the mysterious alien race? I only know that this is the territory of the human race, and the human civilization is the real master."

The chubby man laughed loudly and said, "I don't talk about this problem first, go back to me first. I just changed to the level nine mysterious beast. This is my first task, which must be completed. Give me some face, and you go back with me, lest you will start working and hurt you, then the relationship will be too stiff. But the king said, the world is a family, and the construction of the wild depends on everyone. You are all under the king, and I will not look down upon you humans. "

"Since the world is a family, dare to ask brothers how to call them?" Ning Xiaochuan said.

"Zen Toad. Zen of Buddhism, Toad of Toad," said the chunky man.

As soon as Ning Xiaochuan's heart moved, he had roughly guessed what kind of mysterious animal the Zen Toad was!

The mysterious beasts that can grow up to the ninth level are extremely unusual in their blood. Their ancestors are definitely ancient beasts with great magical powers.

With the word "Zen" as his surname, Ning Xiaochuan immediately thought of the ancient beast that had been with the Ming Buddha, the Buddha toad.

When the Buddha became a god, the ancient beast disappeared between heaven and earth.

This is a myth, Nan. All human civilizations in Xinjiang have similar documents.

There are only some myths about the Daming Buddha recorded in the library of Jiange Houfu. It has passed hundreds of thousands of years, even millions of years, and is a figure much older than the Emperor of Heaven.

A chunky man can be turned into a nine-level mysterious beast, perhaps the offspring of a buddha toad, and there is a trace of buddha toad in his body.

Ning Xiaochuan said: "Brother Zen, go back and tell King Qingyu that I really have something to do, and I will definitely go back to her in the future. However, I can never go back today. If Brother Zen really wants to do it, then Can only offend. "

Ning Xiaochuan summoned the magic sword and held it in his hands, a fascinating magical energy scattered from the sword body.

He glanced at Yu Ningsheng and used his heart to convey: "Once you and Zen Toad start, you will immediately escape into the Black Mangyuan."

Zen Toad is a nine-level mysterious beast, and it also brings a large number of fierce mysterious beasts. In the distance, there are a steady stream of mysterious beasts coming over, some standing on the top of the mountain peaks, and some flying in the sky.

It is impossible for Ning Xiaochuan to block them all.

They now have only one retreat, and that is the black mania behind.

A flash of lightning flashed out of Zen Toad's eyes, angrily, "I don't know what to do! Dare to get started with me. If you can really escape from my hands, I will read the name backwards."

The toad jumped up suddenly, his body glowed with golden light, and he held the mace in both hands, and a rod bombarded Ning Xiaochuan.

Don't look at its chunky body, but its strength is horrible, and its speed is not slow at all.

Ning Xiaochuan didn't dodge, but stood up.

The body of the magic sword rushed out red blood, and slashed against the body of the Zen toad.


The ground at the foot of Ning Xiaochuan shattered, and a force of overwhelming force pushed down from above, shaking his arm to tingle, and the whole man sank into the soil, exposing a large black pit on the ground, and the surrounding ground was broken. Cracked and the stone turned into stone powder.

It's like the peak of the Nine Heavy Mountains, even a small hill must sink to the ground.

Zen Toad fell to the ground, staring a little at the dark pit, touching his chin, and saying, "With the weak body of human beings, I dare to bump against me. Do n’t you know that the body of the mysterious animal is better than the body? Humans are powerful? I hit millions of pounds in that blow, I'm afraid he has been assaulted? "


Behind Zen Toad, a blood-red figure rose to the sky, held the sword with both hands, and cut out a shadow of a giant sword more than ten meters long.

"My dear, I actually gave me a blow and didn't die. It really deserves the name of the king who will take him back. I want to see how strong you are, how many hits can I take?"

Zen Toad laughed, his body rebounded, avoiding the shadow of that great sword.

Ning Xiaochuan's sword air split, leaving a dozen-meter-long sword mark on the ground.


The wind broke.

A huge mace waved out, wrapped in golden light, with a diameter of two meters and a length of nine meters, full of sharp spikes!

"Destroy the Soul!"

Behind Ning Xiaochuan was a huge shadow of a female demon. The sky was filled with mighty magic clouds, and the blood-red magic sword became extremely huge, stabbed out of the magic clouds, and bombarded on the mace.

The two forces collided together, showing a golden cloud and a black demon cloud, tearing the earth apart and opening a huge mouth, continuously extending into the distance.

A loud noise.

Both went backwards at the same time.

"It's worthy of being a nine-level mysterious creature. It's really strong! If I didn't reach the seventh level of the divine realm, I'm afraid I can't catch it." Ning Xiaochuan's tiger's mouth cracked, dripping a drop of crimson blood.

Ning Xiaochuan glanced at Yu Ningsheng, who was not far away, and said, "Not yet!"

Yu Ningsheng stared deeply at Ning Xiaochuan, turned into a white streamer, and rushed into the black mangyuan.

"Follow me!" Zen Toad ordered.

Those ferocious mysterious beasts were like black floods, chasing towards the black mangyuan, stepping on the ground, shaking the mountains, knocking down the **** trees, and making a loud howling sound in their mouth.


The magic sword slashed out, split the bodies of the three silver armored iron oxes in half, and fell to the ground.

Ning Xiaochuan's body turned into an afterimage, smashed into the mysterious beast, and each sword was stabbed to bring down a mysterious beast.

In less than half a minute, more than twenty mysterious beasts were beheaded.

"Haha! Pick me up again!"

Zen Toad held the mace in both hands, and his body kept spinning, forming a huge golden vortex of more than one hundred meters high, and a stab to the top of Ning Xiaochuan's head.

Before he approached, Ning Xiaochuan felt a harsh wind breaking, and his skin was hurt by an invisible sharp force.

"Exterminating Sword Prison!"

Ning Xiaochuan held the sword in both hands, and the twelve extinction rushed out of the body and gathered on the sword.

Thousands of sword qi were blasted in the magic sword, condensing a huge sphere of sword qi.

In a critical moment, Ning Xiaochuan realized that the first of seven sword intents in the "Death of the World Sword Prison" was to destroy the sword intent.

Only by fully comprehending the seven kinds of sword meanings can it be regarded as the practice of extinct sword prison to great consummation.

The seven types of sword intentions are: destruction sword intention, caged sword intention, magic gas sword intention, murder sword intention, death sword intention, and invincible sword intention.

With each realization of the sword intention, the power of the extermination sword prison will be strengthened by one point. In the end, the seven sword intentions are fully realized, and the great consummation is achieved.

Destroyer Sword erupted.

The magic sword made a sound of "铮", and thousands of sword spirits attacked the Zen toad at the same time.


Zen Toad had no fear on his face, but was extremely excited, with golden bumps appearing on every skin of his body, and the height of his body doubled.

The mace carried a mighty force and shattered the sword of the sky.

A force several times greater than the previous horror hit the past, flying Ning Xiaochuan dozens of feet away, leaving a two-meter deep dirt road on the ground.


His body hit a stone wall.

Zen Toad's arm was also chopped with sword gas to cut open blood and wounded the bones, but it was extremely excited, he didn't know the pain, his mouth burst into laughter, his body ejected again, and a stick Cut it off.

Ning Xiaochuan sat between the dirt, with a seal on both hands, and a brood of heaven appeared!

A halo wrapped him!

Seeing that mace was about to split on him.


His eyebrow flew out a white brilliance, hit the toad's chest, and blasted it out.

Ning Xiaochuan put away the seal, covered her chest, coughed up a bite of blood, resisted the pain from the internal organs, jumped out of the dirt pit, turned into a colorful streamer, and quickly ran into the black mangyuan. .

"Hmm! Hmm!"

Zen Toad crawled out of a broken mountain body more than ten miles away, spit a few mouthfuls of blood foam, and touched his palm. The chest was full of blood, and some charred flesh.

Its chest was actually penetrated by the white Guanghua just to punch a blood glass the size of a wine glass, penetrated its body, and even some Bai Sensen's bones were exposed.

"Grandma, what is this magical power? It's so powerful! Haha! I like! Ning Xiaochuan, don't run away, let's continue fighting!" Chan Toa laughed, his body soared hundreds of meters high, and fell out of the black mangyuan again. .

I didn't know what had changed in the black mangyuan, but a black whirlwind was blown out, blowing the black mist all over the sky.

The mysterious creatures that chased the black mangyuan all withdrew, roaring at those strange winds, and seemed rather disturbed.

Zen Toad also put away the smile on his face, and said calmly, "Have you recovered them?"

"Back to Boss, they escaped into the depths of the Black Mist Ghost Plains." The mouth of a pangolin of the seventh-class mysterious creature made a human voice, respectful to Zen Toad.

"Grandma, the Black Mist Ghost was a forbidden area in the wilderness, and even the King did not dare to break in easily. Especially when the dark wind blows, the inside will become faster and more horrible, and any living creature breaking into it is a dead end. One, "said Zen Toad.

The pangolin said: "Anyway, they are dead, so can we go back now, and staying here, I always feel panic!"

"Go back? No one has brought it back, but also a fart!" Chan Tou was so angry that he slaps him over, shoots the pangolin, and hangs it upside down on a big tree in the black mang.

"Grandma, I'm so mad! Going back now is too shameless. And, I said, let him run away, and I will read the name upside down in the future, will I only be called Toad Zen in the future?" With a very tangled look on his face, he slapped his hands on the bald head, rubbing his scalp vigorously.

"Boss, actually the name Toadzen is also domineering!" The pangolin crawled back, flattering with a smile on his face.

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