Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 479: The world is a family

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"That's ... that's the eyeball ancestor of the beaver!" Ning Xiaochuan's heart was startled, and he looked at the flesh and bones all over the ground, and seemed to understand something?

Sure enough, without taking a few more steps, Ning Xiaochuan saw another huge golden eye.

The **** ancestor is dead?

How did it die?

Ning Xiaochuan's heart was very unsettled. Suddenly, her eyes narrowed violently, and she saw a wonderful young girl in a blue feather suit lying on the edge of a pool in the distance.

She seemed to be sleeping, and she seemed to be lying there all the time.

There are too many strange facts today!

"That fiery red flower is in the pool!" Xiao Linger called.

"Shh!" Ning Xiaochuan stared grimly at the sleeping girl by the pool, and quickly made a snoring gesture.

Ning Xiaochuan naturally saw the flower full of spirituality, and recognized the flower, but the young girl in Tsing Yi lying on the edge of the pool was so weird that he didn't dare to approach it for a while.

The Tsing Yi girl didn't seem to be a living person at all, and didn't move.

If she is really alive, when I broke the battle just now, I must have been awake. Since she hasn't woke up till now, it means that she has already died.

In order to be careful, Ning Xiaochuan probed her with her heart and found that she had no breathing or heartbeat at all.

Then I walked safely towards the pool.

Ning Xiaochuan stood by the pool and watched the girl in Tsing Yi up close, and found that the woman was unusually beautiful, even though she did not lose much compared with Yu Ningsheng.

Her eyes were closed gently, revealing two beautiful emergence, one long lashes slightly curled up, and the corner of her mouth was still a slight arc.

Her hands were under the face, as if dozing, she looked very elegant. The cyan feather skirt just covered the roots of her thighs, revealing a pair of round and slender *. There was no trace of cellulite on her calves and a pair of jade feet. Small and exquisite, extremely attractive.

Ning Xiaochuan didn't stay on her for a long time, she stared at the red flower in Lingchi, and she was overjoyed, "It's really a red flower, it seems to be ripe soon. I come Calculate how long it has matured. "

Ning Xiaochuan was naturally excited.

Saffron is not only a psychic medicine, but it can just cure Yu Ningsheng's injury.

It must be said that luck is really good.

Ning Xiaochuan separated the mind from the body with a special technique of a mind-raising master, turned it into a stream of crimson air, drilled into the stamen of the saffron, and carefully analyzed the time when the saffron matured.

At this moment, the eyelids of the girl in Tsing Yi lying at the foot of Ning Xiaochuan slightly moved, a pair of beautiful eyes suddenly opened, the slender waist lifted up, a beautiful arc was drawn, and she sat slowly Up. She glanced blankly at Ning Xiaochuan, who stood next to her. After a short while, she seemed to recover from her deep sleep.

Ning Xiaochuan regained his heart. The joy in his heart made him not notice that the young girl in Tsing Yi was awake, and laughed, "Ning Sheng, you have been saved. This saffron safflower is infinitely close to maturity. It should only take eighteen months. , Will be able to give birth to psychic intelligence and become a mature 'psychic miracle medicine.' "

"Really?" A woman exclaimed in excitement.

"That's natural. I'm a senior psychologist. It's not difficult to determine the maturity time of psychic medicine ..." Ning Xiaochuan's voice suddenly stopped, his face turned wild. It didn't seem to be Yu Ningsheng's voice just now?

In addition to Yu Ningsheng, who else?

There was a cool air from the bottom of Ning Xiaochuan's feet, and the vest was full of cold sweat. He slowly turned his head and stared at the girl in Tsing Yi. If it was not his psychological quality is high enough, he would certainly be unable to control the horror in his heart. .

She came alive!

The girl in Tsing Yi stood up and stared at the saffron in the pond with great joy, and said, "I thought it would take at least three years to mature. It turned out that it would only take eighteen months! That's great! Hello, you guys Who is it? What did you do when you came to the Desolation Ridge? "

She stared at Ning Xiaochuan, then at Yu Ningsheng, and finally fixed her eyes on Xiao Linger.

After seeing Xiao Linger, her eyes suddenly became extremely bright, brighter than Xiao Linger's eyes.

She turned into a blue streamer, and in a moment, she fell in front of Xiao Ling'er, "What a lovely little sister, what's your name?"

Yu Ningsheng immediately stopped in front of Xiao Ling'er, a ray of cold energy came out of her hands, condensed into a war sword, and watched the girl in Tsing Yi in front of her.

"Sister, my name is Xiao Linger!" Xiao Linger cat showed half of his face behind Yu Ningsheng.

"Wow! Xiao Linger, where did you come from?" Said the girl in Tsing Yi with a smile.

Ning Xiaochuan's face changed slightly, and he quickly said, "We came from Jiuyijiang, and we lost our way after entering the wilderness, accidentally hitting it here. If there is a place that disturbs the seniors, we should not be surprised."

In the great waste, one of the masters issued a great waste order, and all the souls who had read the desolate mountains would be obliterated. Who knows who this Tsing Yi woman is?

Therefore, Ning Xiaochuan naturally did not dare to say that his party came from the Yulan Empire, but only that he came from Jiulongjiang.

This Tsing Yi woman is really weird!

Appearing in the cave where the **** ancestor fell, it is already abnormal. This is one of the doubts.

Secondly, Ning Xiaochuan had clearly probed her just now and found that she had no breathing or heartbeat at all. How could she suddenly come alive?

Being able to hide Ning Xiaochuan's mind shows that her martial arts cultivation is definitely far better than Ning Xiaochuan.

"Don't call me a senior! Actually, I'm still young. I'm only fourteen years old by your age!" The young girl in Tsing Yi heard Ning Xiaochuan saying that it was a warrior who came from Jiuyijiang. The vigilant look also disappeared, and her face was filled with a soft smile.

Both Ning Xiaochuan and Yu Ningsheng's faces changed slightly.

Ning Xiaochuan asked tentatively: "Seniors are not humans?"

"Ha ha! Isn't human being important? I don't get used to those people who look down on humans and think how proud they are. It's impolite not to put other creatures in your eyes. Don't worry. , I will not look down on human beings, I always feel that the world is a family. "The young girl in Tsing Yi smiled and touched Xiaolinger's face and liked to play with Xiaolinger.

This young girl in Tsing Yi is definitely weird. Maybe the raccoon ancestor died in her hands. How high was it to repair, Ning Xiaochuan couldn't see her through.

Since she is not hostile, it is naturally the best thing.

Ning Xiaochuan and Yu Ningsheng looked at each other with relief.

The girl in Tsing Yi stretched a lazy waist and laughed, "The two of you stay here and help me guard the psychic medicine. When the medicine matures, I will definitely reward you."

Ning Xiaochuan said: "What does senior mean? We are not your servants, why should we guard you with magic drugs?"

The girl in Tsing Yi turned around and said calmly, "Because I am your master!"

Ning Xiaochuan's face was a little hesitated, and he said, "Don't you say that the world is a family?"

"That's right! We are a family! I am a parent, and you are all my servants. All the souls who come to Desolate Mountain are my servants. Rest assured, anyone who bullies you will report my name, I'll help you out. "The girl in Tsing Yi was about to leave, and stopped suddenly, saying," Oh! I forgot to tell you, my name is Qingying Wang, and I'm in charge of the entire Desolate Ridge. Enemy with me, enemies with the entire Desolate Range. You will not run away? "

Ning Xiaochuan and Yu Ningsheng have long been shocked by the identity of the Tsing Yi girl. The King of Qingyu, the master of the Heavenly Desolation Ridge, would not be so lucky! Will she be met this way?

It seems that eight or nine out of ten **** ancestors were killed by her.

Ning Xiaochuan's heart secretly rejoiced. Fortunately, I just had an extra heart. If I said that I was a warrior from the Yulan Empire, I am afraid that I have already followed in the footsteps of the **** ancestors at this moment.

The King of Qingyu can become the master of the desolate mountain, and the martial arts must be unfathomable at this moment. At this moment, she can only be forbearance temporarily. After she leaves, try to escape from this place.

"Xiao Linger, go play with her sister, and your sister will take you to eat humans." Qing Qing Wang gently touched Xiao Linger's face and took her away.

Ning Xiaochuan's expression was condensed, and he said, "You don't say that the world is a family. What do you mean?"

Qing Qing Wang said: "Although the world is a family, I will also be hungry! Since they are all family members, they should help each other. They help me fill my stomach and I help them leave the world. This is not very equal. thing?"

"This ... this is equal?"

Ning Xiaochuan seemed to understand what she meant by "The living beings are one in the world." The feeling is that she is the owner. All living things should be done according to her will. You still have to eat and you have to be enslaved.

"Oh! Don't be so nervous! Just joking with you, I am a vegetarian. Otherwise, eating the meat of the **** ancestor is much stronger than eating human meat, isn't it?" Qing Wang saw Ning Xiaochuan He Yuningsheng's face turned pale, and she smiled forward and backward, and her slender waist seemed to break.

Ning Xiaochuan was speechless for a while and didn't know how to mottle her?

At this moment, Xiaohong walked in from outside the hole, just hitting Qingying Wang.

Xiaohong just moved out the two eyes of the raccoon ancestor, and never expected that a woman who had previously "dead" could survive. Frightened, he flinched and took two steps back.

King Qingyu's eyes lit up again, and she carefully looked at Xiao Hong and said, "Wow! Shenlong cubs! Shenlong does not live in the ocean. How can there be such a pure dragon cub in the wilderness?"

She seemed extremely excited, as if she had discovered an amazing baby, and kept rubbing Xiao Hong's tail and head, "Hey! What's your name?"


Little Red waved his claws towards the King of Qingyan, revealing a very fierce look.

However, its fierceness seemed to Qing Baowang to be playing with a treasure, and smiled even more happily. He stretched out his slender jade hand and grabbed the little red neck, mentioned mid-air, and looked at it carefully, saying: Linghui, it doesn't seem to be a pup from the Dragon Race. Xiao Linger, tell your sister, what's its name? "

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