Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 458: Yiren leave

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"It's now!"

Ning Xiaochuan also said: "Now the wall of the outer city has been patched, and the inner city should be lifted soon. It will be much more convenient for us to enter the outer city. At that time, we can transfer the tribe in batches. This is The best time to leave the Imperial City! "

There is no objection from Lord Hou this time. After all, Jiange Houfu remains in the imperial city. There are indeed huge hidden dangers. Only by relocating to a remote place in the empire may there be a glimmer of vitality.

In the next few days, the gates of the inner city really reopened.

The warriors in the imperial city can travel freely between the inner city and the outer city. Although the outer city is still fighting, the tension in the imperial city has eased a lot.

On this day, Ning Xiaochuan brought the Jiange Tower to the entrance of the underground passage in the outer city.

The entrance to the underground passage is built in a 300-acre manor.

This is a stronghold of Ghost Villa, where the first ghost messenger "Dream Shadow" personally guards it.

Ning Xiaochuan came to the manor, and Meng Ying immediately rushed out to meet him, with a charming figure and a charming smile, saying: "Congratulations to the owner for his great progress. I am afraid that few people in the world are already opponents of the owner. "

The war that happened in the imperial city a few days ago, she naturally saw it with her own eyes, and her heart was even more awed by Ning Xiaochuan.

Ning Xiaochuan released three hundred young people from Jiangehou House from the Jiange Tower and said, "Send someone to **** them out of the imperial city."

Mengying immediately sent someone to send the three hundred people of Jiangehoufu to the entrance of the underground passage, and was escorted by the master of the ghost village.

Meng Ying's beautiful eyes are like apricots, and her red lips are dazzling and soft, she said softly: "The owner, the subordinates are quite puzzled. The situation in the Imperial City is now very good. "

"You don't need to ask any questions. What you need to do is do a good job." Ning Xiaochuan's body exuded an invisible aura, with a majestic power that only martial arts might have, making Meng Ying dare not Ask again.

"There is one more thing, the subordinates have to sue the owner." Meng Ying said.

"what's up?"

Meng Ying took a letter from her arms and said, "Mrs. Yinchi has left Ghost Villa, this is the letter she left for you."

Ning Xiaochuan's complexion changed slightly, and he quickly picked up the letter. The envelope said five words "Ning Xiaochuan personally".

He immediately opened the envelope and took out a piece of stationery with a faint fragrance.

The stationery says Juan Xiu's text:

"Ogawa, when you saw this letter, I had already left. You don't have to come to me again. Since I choose to leave, I will definitely go somewhere where you can't find me.

Although the time with you is short, it is my happiest day. I never knew what true love feels, but I found it in your body. Even if I just think about your appearance in my mind, I can laugh involuntarily and immerse myself in that feeling. Is my happiest day. "

Do you remember the dream I told you? I really want to live in that dream all my life and never come out of it. I know that only when I leave can I continue to dream that dream. If I stay, even the best dreams will become nightmares, because I will never pass my level.

I'm just an unclean woman, I don't deserve you at all, I just hope that when I die, I will have a clean holy land to bury my broken body!

Stop talking!

Even if there are thousands of words, there is always a time to finish talking; no matter how much you like it, there are also times to talk about separation. Endless words, endless words. I just hope you can remember that somewhere in this world, there is a woman who is silently loving you. "

Falling money.

——Passenger in life!

After reading this letter, Ning Xiaochuan sighed deeply.

Mrs. Yinchi had only one year left in her life. Originally, he planned to wait for her to leave the imperial city and immediately take her to Nanjiang to find psychic medicine and help her to continue her life.

However, she did not expect her inferiority complex to make her voluntarily choose to retreat, and then withdrew from the world of Ning Xiaochuan, hiding in a place that Ning Xiaochuan could not find, ending only a short year of young life.

Mrs. Yinchi's life can be said to be red-faced, with a natural beauty, which makes all women jealous of it, but unfortunately she cannot control her own destiny and falls into the abyss. When she met the man she liked, she wanted to get out of the fall, but she ran out of life because of it, and eventually she couldn't escape the shackles of reality and left resolutely.

Ning Xiaochuan asked, "How long did she leave?"

Meng Ying said: "On the day the owner left Ghost Villa."

Ning Xiaochuan wrinkled. He has left Ghost Villa for more than ten days. Even if he is going to chase her now, it is too late.

Mrs. Yinchi is not an arrogant woman. Since she chose to leave, she must have erased all the traces on the road and would not let Ning Xiaochuan find her again.

She may now be tens of thousands of miles away from the imperial city, and in a small town, spend the rest of her life. May also live in seclusion in an unknown deep mountain old forest and spend the last year. Of course, she may leave the Yulan Empire and use her last year to find her own life-saving medicine.

Maybe, she can find a life-sustaining magic drug to make her survive a strong one day. In the future, she may not be able to appear in front of Ning Xiaochuan.

Of course, the probability of wanting to find a strange medicine is too low to be negligible.

Meng Ying saw that Ning Xiaochuan was in a bad mood, so she comforted: "Actually, Mrs. Yinchi chose to leave to live the happiest life. She still has at least the person she likes, and a beautiful dream in her heart. If so, If she stays on, she can't accept herself and will only spend the rest of her life in pain. "

Ning Xiaochuan said softly: "Many things have only been experienced before I know how painful I am. I am just lamenting her tragic life. If fate cannot be in her own hands, it will be controlled by others. And want to master Your destiny can only become stronger. "

Ning Xiaochuan put away the stationery and left the mansion with a lot of thoughts and returned to Jiangehou House.

Over the next ten days, Ning Xiaochuan will travel back and forth dozens of times each day to the Jiangehoufu and the outer city, quietly transferring more than one hundred thousand people from the Imperial Court to the Imperial City.

On the surface, the Jiangehou House is still heavily guarded, with a large number of sergeants patrolling during the day and night. However, in fact, most of these remaining sergeants were just ordinary guards temporarily recruited, and they were not even relatives of Jiangehoufu.

The huge Jiangehoufu has become empty, not even a few maids and slaves.

Jiange Hou stood in the deserted courtyard and stared at this ancient mansion with more than 800 years old. He felt deeply, "In the end, I'm leaving!"

"Hou Ye, don't be too embarrassed. If Jiange Houfu grows and develops in the future, it will be able to return again without fear of anyone," said an old servant.

Jiangehoufu nodded and said, "Ogawa, where have you been?"

"Little Houye went to Dajinpeng Prince's Mansion, and it was supposed to say goodbye to the Lord of Qiansi County. After all, I don't know how many years I can see you again," said the old servant.

Da Jinpeng Palace.

Ning Xiaochuan didn't need to give his name at all. The sergeant standing outside the gate of the palace recognized him, and saluted him respectfully and respectfully. "Meet Xiaohou."

"Get up! I'm here to see the sissy county master." Ning Xiaochuan said.

The two martial arts men stood up as powerful sergeants and said, "The queen concubine has said that if Xiaohouye visits, you don't need to pass the pass, you can directly enter the palace."

"Then bother to lead the way." Ning Xiaochuan said.

"Master Xiaohou, please come in!"

One of the guards brought Ning Xiaochuan into Da Jinpeng's palace, while the other guard stayed to continue to guard the gate of the palace.

Ning Xiaochuan waited for about a quarter of an hour in the living room, and light footsteps sounded outside.

Yu Qianqian came in from the outside in a very gorgeous brocade. Her shoulders were covered with pale cyan cloud shoulders, and a white jade belt was wrapped around her waist, which outlined a slender waist and touching curves.

After hearing the briefing from the guard, she was obviously dressed up, and she wore more than ten precious swears on her head. A crimson calyx makes her skin fairer.

She has elegance and nobility that no ordinary woman has.

This was cultivated from an early age. Other women could not learn at all, and only the royal women could appear.

She Shiran came over and sat on a chair beside Ning Xiaochuan, with her thin jade fingers in her sleeves, and said softly, "Xiaochuan, wouldn't you still be angry with me?"

Ning Xiaochuan smiled and said, "Why did His Highness Lord say so? Since our understanding, His Highness has helped Ning Xiaochuan a lot, and Ning Xiaochuan has only been grateful to His Royal Highness."

"That's good, that's good, then ... then what are you doing at Dajinpeng Palace?" Yu Qianqian's heart was still quite tense, but she heard the maid next to Princess Ximu said that Princess Ximu and Jiangehou already The government mentioned her marriage with Ning Xiaochuan. Did he ... come to propose a marriage?

Ning Xiaochuan took an ice jade box out of Qiankun's cloth bag and put it in front of Yu Qianqian.

Is he really here to propose a marriage?

Yu Qianqian felt her heart beating loudly, her fingers gently touched the jade box, her voice trembled, "This ... is it?"

Ning Xiaochuan said: "This is a Diwudan. Waiting for your martial arts to reach the state of respect, can help you to improve a small realm."

"Just a diwudan?" Yu Qianxi said.

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