Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 449: Break the first line of defense

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The Emperor of the Xiaoxiao Sect wore a wrought iron armor, with a cold smile on his face, and stared a little bit contemptuously at the opposing army of the Dragon Elephant Shenwuying.

Behind the Emperor of the Xiaoxiao Sect, there are more than a dozen old men and a group of young men and women. They are the elders of the Ming Xiaozong and the top talents of the younger generation.

In front of the Emperor Mingxiao, there is a layer of purple light curtain that connects the sky and the earth. There are many lines of matrix formations on it.

The Man Zhanlang kneeling on the ground said, "It is him, and the Quartet is dead in his hands."

Ning Xiaochuan looked to the opposite side, and at one glance recognized the military clothing of the Emperor Xiaozong, saying coldly: "The Emperor Xiaozong is the fifth largest gate in the world. Although the power is far less powerful than the Yiyuanzong and Tianyinzong, Xiao Zong's supreme Yue Wentian was a first-rate powerhouse. The Quartet Hou died in the hands of Yue Zongzhu, and he was not wronged at all. "

The Emperor of the Xiaoxiao smiled with a long voice and said, "Ning Xiaochuan is a person who knows the current affairs. This admonisher advises you to take the dragon elephant Shenwu camp and retreat quickly, otherwise I'm afraid you will follow in the footsteps of the Quartet Hou, Sword Emperor Hou and Jin Hou.

Ning Xiaochuan smiled disdainfully, and said loudly, "All the dragon elephants in the martial arts camp obeyed the order and stepped back ten feet."

Ning Xiaochuan began to condense the vitality of his body, gathered his arms, and his arms were completely covered by lightning, and even the ground beneath the two-headed stone beast's feet was covered with a thin stream of electric light.

"Sect Lord, what is Ning Xiaochuan doing? Could he break the line of defense with his own strength?" A young female disciple of Ming Xiaozong sneered.

The Emperor of the Emperor Xiaozong's face was very dignified, and said, "Go immediately and notify the masters who are guarding the line of defense, and run the formation with full force! Quick! Quick!"

Behind the Sovereign of the Emperor Xiaoxiao, two old figures flew out quickly.

At the same time, Ning Xiaochuan's body bounced from the back of the two-headed stone beast. The speed was as fast as a colorful light, and he slammed on the light curtain of the defense line, and the giant beast clawed with lightning.


The sound of lightning blended with the roar of the beast.

The entire light curtain is sunken. After encountering lightning, the array method on the light curtain collapses instantly and becomes a piece of mysterious shard.

"How is that possible? But there are dozens of formations, and Ning Xiaochuan's own strength cannot be broken." Sovereign Master Xiao Xiao stared at the protruding light curtain and couldn't help taking a step back.


Dozens of matrix formations on the light curtain collapsed at the same time. After losing the protection of the formation, the light curtain naturally became empty and was easily torn by the lightning claw.

After losing the guardianship of the light curtain, the army of the Dragon Elephant Divine Camp immediately rushed up and smashed the stone wall built by the rebels in the shortest time, and confronted the warriors at the gates behind the stone wall.



In an instant, dozens of martial arts masters were nailed to death by dragon elephant halberds.

And those weaker warriors did not use the dragon elephant divine martial arts at all, but were hit by the dragon elephant's body and were seriously injured and fell to the ground. When the dragon elephant stepped on, otherwise his head was broken and his chest was crushed. Stomping through, screaming.

An elder of the Emperor Xiaozong took out a five-grade sword-level sword, and his body bounced off, slashing at the neck of a dragon-like god.

However, the cooperation between the dragon elephant gods and martial arts was extremely rapid, and the sixteen dragon elephant gods around them quickly formed a battle array, each recognizing a bronze array. Sixteen arrays are brought together to form a matrix, forming a circular light curtain, bringing together the power of the sixteen people.


Combined with the power of sixteen dragon elephant martial arts, three attack waves erupted in a row, and eventually the elder of the Xiaoxiao Sect was killed, and his body was stabbed into a sieve by the dragon elephant halberd.

Ning Xiaochuan started the divine body method, and soon caught up with the prince Mingxiao who wanted to escape. "Yue asked the sky, weren't you very proud just now? Why did you escape?"

The Sovereign of the Xiaoxiao had long been taken aback by the power of Ning Xiaochuan, knowing that he was definitely not Ning Xiaochuan's opponent, and naturally only fled when he turned. He jumped on top of ancient buildings, and seemed to be as fast as a ghost, but when he looked forward, he found that Ning Xiaochuan was already standing on the top of a tower in front.

The heart of the Sovereign Emperor Xiaoxiao sinks into the bottom of the valley. Since he cannot escape, he can only fight. I only hope that the strong men from other ancestors will come in time.

Indeed, there are more than ten masters of Zongmen who are rushing in this direction to join hands to deal with Ning Xiaochuan.

"Xuanming Hanwu!" The Sovereign Master knew that Ning Xiaochuan's martial arts were powerful, so he immediately displayed the strongest magical power.

A black mysterious body radiates from the body, and cold fumes pour out from every pore. Soon, the square is covered by a black cold fog, and the figure of the Lord Xiaoming is not visible at all.

The body of the Lord Xiaoxiao seems to have become a part of the black mist, and even the mind cannot find where he is hiding?

The purpose of this magical power of the Emperor Mingxiao is to hold Ning Xiaochuan and wait for other monarchs and homeowners to come.


"A ghost hand? Ah!"


The black cold mist turned into a huge tentacle, and the three dragon elephant gods were easily drawn into the black mist. When the three dragon elephant gods were thrown out again, they were all frozen in the weight. There is no vitality in the ice cubes.

Ning Xiaochuan observed the black cold mist for a long time, with a slight hook at the corner of his mouth, and his body took a step forward.

It was just a step, but the body moved more than ten feet away, entered the black cold mist, and slapped it out with one palm.


The Sovereign Lord Xiaoxiao screamed, the bones on his chest were shattered by the palm print, his body flew, and he rolled over ten meters away on the ground.

The 100-meter-long cold fog disappeared immediately.

Sovereign Emperor Xiaoxiao still wanted to get up, but a dragon halberd fell from the sky, nailed him to the ground again, and his body was pierced by a blood hole in the mouth of a bowl.

The second battalion leader of the Dragon Elephant Shenwu Camp flew down, withdrew the Dragon Elephant Halberd from the body of the Emperor Mingxiao, and ordered the two dragon elephant gods to capture the Emperor Xiaoxiao. After the Emperor of the Xiaoxiao was captured, those warriors of the Mingxiao also gave up resistance and became captives of the imperial army.

"The Emperor Mingxiao lost to Ning Xiaochuan's hands so quickly. This is really awesome!" The owner of the Gan Linyu Yun family took a breath and originally intended to rescue the Emperor Mingxiao and stopped immediately after seeing the scene .

"Even the Emperor Mingxiao was defeated by one move. Brother Yun, even if we are together, I am afraid that we will not be able to escape." Said another sovereign.

"This son is still left to those big gates to deal with, we collect more treasure in the Imperial City is the business."

The dozen or so masters who were going to rescue the Emperor Mingxiao immediately retreated, and did not dare to stay for a while.

This scene was naturally seen by Ning Xiaochuan, who was standing on the back of the double-headed stone beast, but Ning Xiaochuan was too lazy to hunt them down, and it was the business to regain the territorial city.

Under the powerful offensive of the Dragon Elephant Divine Camp, the first layer of defense lined up by the rebels on the periphery of Digan City was completely broken. The masters of the major gates were killed by the Dragon Elephant Divine Camp and frightened to the second layer Back down.

At the same time, the news that the first line of defense in Digan City was breached immediately spread to the handsome camp of the Dragon King.

The laughter of the Dragon King was soon heard in the handsome camp, "Finally, there is good news! The kid Ning Xiaochuan did not live up to the expectations of the king, and told Ning Xiaochuan that if he won the territorial city, the king himself gave He celebrated the feast. "

The city of Digan was severely damaged by the war. The houses and pavilions on both sides of the street were damaged. The flames were burning inside, and sometimes the cries of children were heard.

On the streets are all dead bodies.

Some were dressed in gorgeous wealthy businessmen, but their heads were chopped off and separated from their bodies by dozens of meters. Some were slaves in ragged clothes, wearing iron chains on their hands and feet, burned into coke, and piled up in the corners. Some are red. The naked and pretty woman fell into a pool of blood, and it was obvious that she had encountered **** before death.

Although Ning Xiaochuan knew the cruel nature of the war, when he saw the scene of mountains and rivers breaking and dead bodies everywhere, his heart was still quite moved.

Where is this Imperial City? It is Shura field.

More than twenty warriors in white military uniforms came out of a manor with a smile. The clothes were covered with blood, and some were carrying large bags of coins and black stones. Others are still wearing belts, with contented smiles on their faces, and talking about some woman's soft breasts, long legs, etc.

There are also two big men under the armpits of two fourteen or five-year-old girls, kinky. Laughing laughter, and the wailing of the two girls.

"Da Jinpeng Palace is really rich and rich. It's just that there is so much wealth in a manor in the outer city. I don't know how many treasures can be scraped out after Da Jinpeng Palace was breached."

"The maids in the manor are all beautiful. The little maiden skinny who claimed to be a direct family member of Da Jinpeng ’s palace just now looks like a water spirit, but unfortunately, she did n’t want to commit suicide. Otherwise, she would give it back to the suzerain. Mysterious. "

"Hey! The three of you are turning people around in turn. It's no wonder that others don't commit suicide. A group of people seem to have never seen a woman. It would be a skill if they could catch the Sissi County Lord of Da Jinpeng Palace."


More than 20 warriors walked out of the mansion while chatting and laughing, and they did not know that the Dragon Elephant God Wuying had already entered Digan City.

"Why is there an extra stone mountain outside the manor?"

"No, it's not Shishan, it's ... a ... mysterious beast?"

Outside the manor, stood a stone beast more than a hundred meters high, all of which were hard-iron-like stones, almost like a huge rock mountain, with a toe larger than their body.

They were all frightened by the breath of the two-headed stone beast, and before they could escape, a wave of sword qi flew down from above.


In just an instant, the sword gas pierced their hearts.

All of the more than 20 warriors were stiff and fell straight to the ground.

The two fourteen- and five-year-old girls crawled out of the dead pile, covered with blood, looking at the dead bodies on the ground, their bodies trembling constantly.

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