Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 438: Seeking Junfeng Master

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When Ning Xiaochuan was in the fourth position, he had the ability to overpower the seventh strongest. Now he has grown up many times, even if he takes the head of the enemy commander among thousands of horses. It's a breeze.

In order to reach his current state, Xiu Ren's tactics have been useless to him. Ordinary warriors, even if there are many people, are only used to practice his sword.

Ning Xiaochuan's body was wrapped in a thick mass of blood, which flowed into the veins along the pores and was devoured by the magic sword.

The power inside him was growing and his breath became stronger and stronger.

Cui Yan has been frightened by Ning Xiaochuan.

Ning Xiaochuan was a ruthless man who killed thousands of warriors without even blinking his eyes.

This is the devil!

"Everyone retreats. Ning Xiaochuan wants to use Beiming magic to absorb our blood and help him break through the martial arts realm." Cui Yan knew that the tactics of the people and the sea were completely invalid for Ning Xiaochuan's characters, so he immediately ordered a retreat.

However, Ning Xiaochuan was at the critical moment of breaking through the realm, would he let them go?

"Since you have arrived in the imperial city, do you still want to leave?" Ning Xiaochuan stared at Cui Yan in the crowd, and as soon as his body flashed, he disappeared from the river.


Cui Yan only saw a colorful light flashing in front of him, and his head had been pinched by Ning Xiaochuan. The blood in his body rushed to the top of his head and poured into the palm of Ning Xiaochuan.

Soon, Cui Yan's blood was drained and he became a dead body.

The warriors of the Yuanzong were even more scared than their crying dads and mothers, who could not escape, in the presence of Ning Xiaochuan, they were just like a weak lamb.

"call out!"

A white brilliance came from the distant horizon and stood by the moat, turning into an old man with white beard and white hair, and an ancient sword on his back.

It is precisely one of the seven peak masters of the Yuanyuan Sect.

Seeing the dense corpses in the moat, Xun Junfeng immediately became angry and burst into flames. These are all disciples of Yiyuanzong, so many people have died tragically!

When the army of the imperial court besieged the Yuan Sect, some of the masters of the Seven Great Peaks were killed and some were captured. Only the master of the Xunjun escaped and saved his life.

Therefore, Master Xun Junfeng also had the deepest hatred for the princes in the imperial court.

"Ning Xiaochuan, Lord Ben Feng came to take your life."

The white mysterious light burst out of the body of Zhunjun Feng, the index finger and the **** were pinched together and pointed towards Ning Xiaochuan. The ancient sword on the back flew out of the sheath automatically, holding a white tail more than ten meters in length, towards Ning Xiaochuan stabbed in the past.

"call out!"

The breaking wind of the ancient sword was extremely harsh, like a violent wind, which struck the air slightly.

Ning Xiaochuan naturally felt the breath of Master Xun Junfeng. When Master Xun Junfeng exhibited his sword tactics, four ancient swords flew out of his body, and the splendid sword light erupted.

They are all Kendo monks, and their use of swordsmanship is already in full swing.


Jianqi, violent collision.

Despite the difference between the two, the two retreated backwards at the same time.

The four-handed Xuanqi battle sword flew back, and the sword tip floated upwards in Ning Xiaochuan's body.

"This old man's martial arts practice should have reached the eighth weight of the state of respect, otherwise it would be impossible to repel my four-handed sword." Ning Xiaochuan's heart secretly said,

Master Xun Junfeng's heart was even more surprised. How old was Ning Xiaochuan, and he was able to block his sword?

Master Xunjun Feng is the strongest of the Seven Masters of the One Yuan Sect. He has a very high status in martial arts, and even those respected by Wu Zun must respectfully salute him.

Seeing the appearance of Master Xun Junfeng, the warriors of the Yuanzong were immediately excited, and many people knelt on the ground. "Feng Zhu actually appeared, and he can definitely kill Ning Xiaochuan between turning his hands."

"Master Feng, kill Ning Xiaochuan and take revenge for the dead brothers!"



When Yuan Yuanzong's rebels reached outside the imperial city, it had already caused a huge shock in the imperial city.

Many big figures in the court heard the news and rushed to the wall as soon as possible. Among them, there is naturally a princely existence.

The genius Junjie and the gifted girl in the residences of all the princes were sent over and stood on the wall, staring at the opposite side of the moat. When necessary, they will also be sent to the battlefield to let them practice brave, decisive and hard-blooded spirits on the battlefield.

Yu Qing stood with a group of arrogant girls, wearing gorgeous golden armor, full of vitality, staring at the direction of the moat with a pair of electric eyes, a radian drawn from the corner of her mouth, and a princess with a beautiful appearance said eloquently: "You know why Yiyuanzong hated Ning Xiaochuan so much? Hey! That's because I and he once teamed up to kill a peak master of Yiyuanzong. In fact, Ning Xiaochuan was just fighting for me at the time. The person who really played a leading role was still Me! A peak owner is like an ant in front of me. "

As he talked, he traced the size of the ants, and made a giggling laugh in his mouth.

Princess Lan Fei's lips were slightly tilted, with a smile in her eyes, and she said, "Since you are so big, why don't you go to battle with Xun Junfeng? If you can find Xun Junfeng? Taking down the Lord ’s head is to make a great contribution to the court, and it will surely become a big hero in the world. At that time, we will definitely worship you! "

How could Yu Qing dare to go against Feng Feng's characters and touch her nose? "This ... Ning Xiaochuan is my brother. How can I compete with him? Am I the kind of greedy?" ? "

Princess Lan Fei stared at Ning Xiaochuan standing on the water surface of the moat, with a sigh in his mouth, and secretly said that his martial arts practice has reached its peak and is no longer the former Ning Xiaochuan. He knew him There will be such a high achievement today that it should have been one step to capture his heart first, and it would not have been picked up by Yu Qianqian.

Her heart is very jealous of Yu Qianqian, and she can fight with Ning Xiaochuan. With the help of Ning Xiaochuan's martial arts talent, Yu Qianqian will definitely get a lot of benefits from Ning Xiaochuan. In the future, martial arts achievements may be even greater than Da Jinpeng Be tall.

And she must have been forgotten by Ning Xiaochuan for a long time, and she was not even qualified to be an enemy.

"I heard that the master of martial arts of Xun Junfeng is already Xuantong, and it is difficult to meet opponents in the martial arts world. My father estimates that his martial arts are likely to have entered the eighth place of honor." Said the young talent.

"Earth ... land respect ... eighth ..." Yu Qing took a sigh of coldness and quickly looked down at the city, worried for Ning Xiaochuan.

The eighth-oldest monster in Dizun Realm can casually make a landslide and break the river, which can be called the Grand Master in Wu Zun. Even Yu Qing's father, the "Dragon Dragon King", may not be able to defeat Xun Junfeng.

In other words, Master Xun Junfeng is already a "four hereditary kings" character.

Not far below, below a beacon. The five strong princes gathered together, and their martial arts vitality was very magnificent, almost as towering as the five mountains.

Their faces were dignified, looking at the dense rebels in the distance, and finally fixed their eyes on the master of Xun Junfeng.

The five Houye are all Wuzun-level figures, and naturally it is clearer to find the horror of Master Junfeng.

"Yi Yuanzong hated the imperial court the most, and the first to kill the imperial city was in my expectations." Zhenbei Hou said.

"Chopping the grass does not remove the roots, but the spring breeze is blowing again."

Bing Yuhou's face was a little worried, and said, "Since Xun Junfeng has arrived, it is estimated that the sword master should also come!"

Hearing the words "Swordmaster" made everyone very heavy.

The last time the army of the imperial court besieged the Yuan Sect, the sword priest had been practicing the mysterious sword trick, so he did not show up from beginning to end.

The court has long received a secret report that the sword sage has successfully cultivated the mysterious sword trick and will come to the imperial city in person.

A figure like the level of the sword master, relying on a person's strength, can be compared to a million troops.

Just thinking about it makes people feel terrible!


A golden brilliance flew and fell to the top of a mountain-like towering city wall, condensing into a domineering exposed person.

King Jinpeng personally approached, magnificent and majestic, standing on the top of the city gate, wearing golden armor, the light emitted by the vitality emanating from his skin could not open his eyes.

"Meet the King!"

Everyone kneeled down to salute King Da Peng, even the five Houye were no exception.

King Jinpeng's status in the court was comparable to that of Emperor Yulan.

His influence in the army was even greater than that of Emperor Yulan.

"Get up!"

Da Jinpeng waved his hand gently, motioned everyone to get up, and then stared at Ning Xiaochuan and Xun Junfeng who were facing each other on the moat.

King Jinpeng ’s pair of tigers burst into a dazzling brilliance, just like two thunder beads, letting the clouds above the sky fall apart, and the breath was so strong that it shocked everyone.

"Master, would you like to open the gate of the city first, and bring the sissy county master and Ning Xiaochuan back to the imperial city?" Zhenbei Hou said.

Da Jinpeng calmly said, "No, my king just came to see Ning Xiaochuan and Xun Junfeng fighting."

"This ... Wang Ye, Ning Xiaochuan's martial arts are powerful, but I am afraid that he is far from being the opponent of Jun Junfeng." Another Hou Ye said.

"Yeah! Ben Hou once played against Master Xun Junfeng once, the old guy's sword tactics were not under the monarch ruler Ru Xinghe. He only hit me with one stroke. Ning Xiaochuan if It may take another three or five years to compete with him. "Zhenbei Hou said.

Da Jinpeng said: "When Ning Xiaochuan and Momen Wuzun fought, everyone said that he needed to practice for another three or five years before he could compete with Momen Wuzun. As a result, it took no more than three or five years for Wumen to die In his hands. When Ning Xiaochuan entered Yunzhonghouhou, everyone also said that he needed to practice for another three or five years to compete with Yue Wuyang, but Yue Wuyang also died. The king really wanted to know Ning Xiaochuan's Where is the limit? "

The five grandpas present all knew that the relationship between Ning Xiaochuan and Yu Qianqian was very unusual, and King Jinpeng also guarded Ning Xiaochuan many times, and intentionally cultivated Ning Xiaochuan as heir.

Now that King Jinpeng has said so, not necessarily, Ning Xiaochuan really has the strength to fight against Master Xun Junfeng!

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