Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 432: The arrival of the devil

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The magic sword was only three feet long. Under the entanglement of the nine deadly atmospheres, it even swallowed Guanghua, constantly growing and widening.

At the same time, the magic sword is also absorbing the blood of Ning Xiaochuan's body, using Ning Xiaochuan's blood to condense the sword body.

Soon, the magic sword became six feet long, and the sword body became as wide as an arm. A small line of blood-red lines shuttled across the sword body, forming a blood-like shape.

If it is said that the former "magic sword" is just a sword of extinction sword. Well, the current "Magic Sword" already has a sword body, a sword body condensed with the blood of Ning Xiaochuan and the sword energy of the extinct sword.

However, the power of the magic sword is not the same as before, and it is more than several times stronger. In addition, Ning Xiaochuan is also more controllable, so there is no need to worry about being defeated by the power of the magic sword.

When Ning Xiaochuan condensed the magic sword, Yu Ningsheng, the Dark King, and Duanmu Linye were defending his law, beware that Nie Lanxin would attack him.

Although the magic sword pierced Nie Lanxin's body, it did not stab her, and with her current practice, she could naturally suppress the sword injury on her body.

"Xiaochuan, what's wrong with you?" Yu Ningsheng asked Ning Xiaochuan to open her eyes again, so she asked with concern.

Ning Xiaochuan shook his head gently, and just about to try the power of the magic sword, suddenly, his legs trembled slightly, and a strong sense of weakness came.

Previously, the sword Ning Xiaochuan pierced through Nie Lanxin's body was not Ning Xiaochuan's strength, but a ray of strength passed from hundreds of millions of years away by Ning Xiaochuan to help Ning Xiaochuan repel Nie Lanxin.

Of course, because of this sword, all the vitality of Ning Xiaochuan's body consumed nine layers.

Coupled with the fact that Ning Xiaochuan had condensed the magic sword with the blood in his body just now, his blood was severely depleted, and his body was naturally weak.

Ning Xiaochuan worked hard to control his foothold, the earth bead automatically rotated in his body, absorbed the heaven and earth's mysterious energy into the martial arts heart palace, and quickly recovered his vitality.

How sharp Nie Lanxin's eyesight is, and she can see that Ning Xiaochuan's condition is not right, her eyes narrowed slightly, and she snorted, saying, "Ning Xiaochuan, that sword has already exhausted the vitality in your body! You Do you think you can stop me if I try again? "

"Queen Yin, you have done too much! You are also the supreme figure in martial arts, and you still have the general knowledge of children, and are not afraid of the world to laugh at you?" Duanmu Linye said coldly.

Nie Lanxin stared at Duan Mulinye and said, "I warn you, my name is Nie Lanxin!"

Duanmu Linye is also the seventh-magic giant in the world, but after Nie Lanxin gave him a glance, he couldn't help taking a step back, and his vest was all sweaty.

"So terrible martial arts, if she was going to kill me, I'm afraid I can't even take one of her moves ... No, what did she say?" Duanmu Linye stared in shock at the possessor who was standing in front of him. The beautiful woman thought that she had just heard it wrong.

"Nie Lanxin?"

Except for Ning Xiaochuan, everyone was stunned.

Nie Lanzhi was also unable to close her mouth in surprise, a pair of bright eyes stared tightly at Nie Lanxin's body, how could the sovereign become an elder sister?

Although Nie Lanzhi was able to use the "Jiugong calculation" to calculate something, but never thought about calculating the suzerain, he couldn't believe his ears at all.

"Don't be surprised, Queen Wanyin has indeed fallen. The person standing in front of you is the personal disciple of Queen Wanyin, Nie Lanxin." Ning Xiaochuan said.

This fact is too incredible, and it is absolutely difficult for ordinary people to accept. However, all the people standing were not simple characters. They had seen a lot of strange things and soon digested the shocking news.

Dark King has a half-gold mask on his face, and a pair of purple-blue eyes with a dazzling cold light, and said, "Whether you are the queen of fairy sounds or Nie Lanxin, today you don't want to hurt Ning Xiaochuan with a finger."

"Dark King, Duanmu Linye, even you two want to stop me?" Nie Lan smiled coldly, even though she was stabbed by Ning Xiaochuan, but she still did not give Dark King and Duanmu Linye to In his eyes, he was as proud as a white swan.

"Of course we are not your opponents, but what about the Emperor?" Duanmu Linye said in a deep voice.

"Even if the demons came in person, I wouldn't be afraid of him!" Nie Lan said.

"Da da!"

A footstep sounded slowly, leaving a long series of footprints on the ground, but apart from the footprints, there was nowhere to see people at all?

It's like a ghost walking on the ground!

Nie Lanxin's complexion changed, staring at the footprints from far to near, with a trace of crimson brilliance in her pupils, just like two red blood immortal inlaid eyes.

Everyone's eyes were staring at the row of footprints that came gradually. Every time the sound of footsteps sounded, everyone's hearts would beat.

It wasn't until the footprints came in front of the crowd that the Emperor's body condensed out.

The Emperor looked only fifty years old. He had a few white hairs at the corners of his horns, and his eyes were particularly godly. He had a majestic look on his body, just like a Supreme King.

"Meet the Emperor!" Dark King, Duanmu Linye and Yu Ningsheng all bowed down to worship the Emperor, looking very respectful.

Is he the Emperor Duanmuhan?

Who would have thought that the magic emperor who came from the world is really here!

Ning Xiaochuan is not afraid of the Demon Emperor. He is carefully looking at this overlord who makes all the warriors in the world afraid. He really resembles Duanmu Linye and himself. This is the influence of blood relationship!

In terms of blood relationship, the Emperor can be regarded as Ning Xiaochuan's grandfather.

"Demon Emperor, Duan Muhan!" Nie Lanxin stared at the Emperor carefully and guarded.

If she had used her martial arts as an ant in front of the Demon Emperor, the magical spirit of the Demon Emperor could press her to the ground.

However, after taking over the power of the queen of Wanyin, she has become a figure on a par with the Emperor. Naturally, she no longer puts the Emperor in her eyes, which is enough to sit on an equal footing with the Emperor.

The Emperor's eyes were very deep, she looked at her for a moment, and spit out two words: "Down!"

In addition to the Heavenly Emperor's Blade, the Demon Emperor was the first to see through Nie Lan's heart.

"The Empress Dowager Wanyin can be regarded as legendary in this life, but she is the pride of the sky that the old man admires. Forty years ago, she had reached the pinnacle of the state of respect, and was considered to be the female martial arts of the Yulan Empire The world is number one, but unfortunately I was defeated in the hands of my disciples and eventually made a wedding dress for others. "The Emperor's voice was unhurried and said very plainly.

The prestigious Empress of Wanyin, in the eyes of the Emperor, is just a proud daughter of the younger generation.

Nie Lan snorted coldly and said, "It is the real winner who can put on the wedding dresses made by others. Duan Muhan, you are practicing blood demon magic, aren't you wearing the wedding dresses made by others? "

"Yes, what the Blood Devourer pays attention to is to 'plunder others and strengthen oneself', but, I can completely transform the cultivation of others into my own cultivation. Can you?" The Emperor glanced coldly at Nie Lan Xin did not look at her, but only regarded her as a powerful junior.

Nie Lan said coldly, "I haven't I transformed all the martial arts of the Wanyin Clan into my own cultivation?"

The Emperor shook his head and said, "You're still too far away. All you get is the power of the Wanyin Fairy Queen. In the heyday, the Wanyin Fairy can kill Taichu and ask the flowers, then you think you can kill Taichu Ask flowers? I can tell you very responsible, I can kill you within ten strokes of asking in the beginning. Because you do n’t have the understanding of martial truths by the Empress Wan Yin, and you do n’t have the martial art experience of the Empress Wan Yin. You ca n’t fully control the power in your body. Little girl, you are too far away from the queen of Wanyin. To tell you the truth, if the emperor wants to kill you, it only takes three strokes to take your life. "

Because Nie Lanxin's martial art practice is too high, no one outside can see her truth.

However, when encountering a character like Mo Di, her weakness was fully exposed.

Just like Ning Xiaochuan's previous sword, if he stabs at the Emperor, he will definitely not hurt the Emperor. However, Nie Lan had a self-cultivation and lacked experience with the enemy, so he was penetrated by the magic sword.

"I really don't believe you have that ability!" With a wave of Nie Lanxin's palm, a cloud of red clouds flew from his palm, condensing eighteen crimson guqins.

Her finger hit the Guqin, all the strings trembled, and one hundred and eight thunderous sounds broke out.

At the moment when Lei Yinsheng started, the Dark King immediately exerted his vitality, wrapped Ning Xiaochuan, Duanmu Linye, Yu Ningsheng, and Nie Lanzhi, and quickly retreated beyond 800 feet.


On the sky, hundreds of red lightning thunderballs fell, turning the sky and the earth into a thunderous sea. In an instant, a hill over 300 meters high was split into flat ground, and the stones were melted into magma.

It can be imagined that if it wasn't for the Dark King's shot in time, all of them would have been struck by lightning and turned into fly ash.

The emperor was wrapped in an endless thunderbolt, but it seemed extremely calm. A cloud of blood demon enveloping the body, a huge devil's palm patted it, and eighteen Guqin was instantly broken.

Nie Lanxin flew out backwards, backed up several dozen meters in a row, and then stood firm again.

Nie Lanxin's heart was very unconvinced, but he also knew that there was still a big gap between him and the Emperor, and he sneered, "Demon, don't be too happy, sooner or later, I will defeat you. .Lange, let's go. "

Nie Lanxin's sleeves were lifted, and Guanghua swept across, rolling Nie Lanzhi into two white Guanghuas, which soon turned into two black spots and disappeared into the sky.

"Father, why not get rid of her? She will surely become a confidant of the Demon Gate." Duanmu Linye said.

The Emperor stared at him coldly, and said, "If she is going away, no one can keep her in the Yulan Empire. Let her go! Maybe we can also help us to contain the Emperor Yulan and King Jinpeng."

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