Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 430: Kill the Imperial City

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Ning Xiaochuan could clearly feel that an icy cold air came from Nie Lanxin's palm, penetrated into the pores, and penetrated into the blood.

The cold made his palms hard, cold and unconscious!


Turned into jade!

Ning Xiaochuan saw that his entire palm was slowly turning into white jade, and was still spreading rapidly towards his wrists and arms. The entire arm became numb and looked extremely stiff.

Nie Lan's heart was high, with a cold smile on the corner of his mouth, and the powerful force suppressed it, saying: "Ning Xiaochuan, you went to Tiangong to practice for ten days, and it really improved a lot. If I did n’t use the Jade Bible, The power of "can't really suppress you."

In the beginning, the flower was asked to be turned into a jade statue by Empress Wan Yin using the power of the Jade Bible.

Should he follow in his footsteps?

Do not!

Absolutely not.

Ning Xiaochuan tried to mobilize the power of the magic sword to devour Nie Lanxin's power, but failed.

There was an invisible force between him and Nie Lanxin's palm. The devouring power of the magic sword could not work on her, and naturally she could not devour her power.

"Give up the resistance! I know that you have" Beiming Shen Gong ", but the" Jade Bible "that I practice can make the martial arts vitality solidify, and it will not flow at all. How do you absorb my strength?" Nie Lanxin ’s With an air of arrogance on his body, he was even more arrogant than Wan Yin Cassiopeia.

Ning Xiaochuan's entire arm became numb and completely unconscious.

However, he did not give up on this, clenching his teeth and turning the blood in his body to the extreme, each drop of blood turned into an extremely small blood sword.

A supreme power emanated from Ning Xiaochuan's body!


The blood in his body became more and more huge, and finally resisted the jade gas that swallowed the flesh, forced all the jade gas out of the body, and the arm returned to its original state.

This is the time!


Ning Xiaochuan's anger soared, her five fingers pinched into fist marks, and lightning-like shots. Under Nie Lanxin's surprised eyes, a punch hit her brows.

The center of her eyebrow is the position of the life spirit. Only by breaking the life spirit can she break her consciousness.

Nie Lanxin didn't think that Ning Xiaochuan actually had the means to break the Jade Bible, so he was caught off guard by Ning Xiaochuan's punch and could only passively defend.

Nie Lanxin's arms were retracted, and she was protecting her body.


Ning Xiaochuan bombarded with a punch and sent her to Fei Fei. The bodyguard magical power that had not yet fully condensed was wiped out.

There was a muffled sound in her mouth, a crack in her brows, and her body was almost torn apart.

Although this punch did not break her life spirit, it also caused her consciousness to be severely damaged.

"Ning Xiaochuan, how could you resist the power of the" Jade Bible ", what power did you just use?" Nie Lan's heart receded, and she retreated tens of feet away, still with a shocked expression in her eyes, no I believe that Ning Xiaochuan's cultivation can withstand the power of the Jade Bible.

The fifth level of dignity is already unattainable to others, but it is still too weak for her.

You know, even the first time I asked the flowers, I couldn't stop the Jade Bible.

Can he do it?

Naturally, she would not think that Ning Xiaochuan's body has cultivated a trace of the power of the Supreme Body, and only the power of the Supreme Body can force the jade out of the body.

Naturally Ning Xiaochuan would not tell her everything about the Supreme Body, saying: "Nie Lanxin, cultivation is a step-by-step, down-to-earth way. Only then can you go further. The power you take away is not your own power. If you do n’t take the time to understand it, sooner or later you will suffer from it. "

"I don't care about your business. When my deity comes, one finger will press you to death." Nie Lan said in a deep voice.

Ning Xiaochuan continued: "You don't spend much time practicing martial arts, you stick to your vitality, but instead you deal with me specifically, you have already given up everything."

"As long as I can make you unhappy, I feel quite happy." Nie Lanxin smiled strangely at Ning Xiaochuan, opened up the different space, and flew out one step ahead.

"not good!"

Ning Xiaochuan immediately chased out, rushed into the gap in the different space, and hit Nie Lanxin's vest with one palm.


Nie Lanxin turned around and slaped Ning Xiaochuan, both of them burst back at the same time.

Nie Lanxin first flew out of the different space and fell back to the Jiangehou House. Her sleeves rolled up and a white light flew out to roll Xiao Linger to her side.

She picked up Xiao Linger, smashed the invisible formation in Jiangehoufu with one palm, and flew towards the outside of Jiangehoufu.

"Daddy, save me ... save Xiaolinger ..." Xiaolinger felt that he was going to be taken away, and he was getting farther and farther from Ning Xiaochuan. He was very scared and called for help.


Someone was going to **** Xiao Linger, Xiao Hong was instantly angry.

It turned into a fiery red streamer, and its body became more than thirty meters long, as thick as a bucket, with a unicorn head, snake body, phoenix tail, eagle claws, antlers, and winged wings. The flame wrapped, and a spit of flame from the mouth spit out.

The fire was so hot that it twisted the air.

After Nie Lanxin's body of consciousness came into contact with the flames, she made a "sound" sound, as if she were going to be melted by the flames.

However, Xiao Hong saw that Xiao Linger was also wrapped in flames, fearing to hurt her, so she stopped spitting fire.

"It's worthy of being a Dragon Dragon cub, which is so terrible." Nie Lanxin rushed out of the flames, made a big handprint, flew Xiao Hong out, and the huge dragon body knocked down the three palaces in Jiangehou House , Rolling in the ruins.

Its body gradually shrunk and became only one meter long, and its claws became the size of a wine glass.

It continued to catch up, faster than Nie Lanxin, flew over Nie Lanxin's shoulders, wrapped Nie Lanxin's neck around, and bite at Nie Lanxin's brows.

This little guy has a high sense of spirit, knowing that Nie Lanxin's life spirit is in the eyebrow, so he bites toward the eyebrow.


Nie Lanxin's body burst into a white brilliance, took the red dragon to Zhenfei, and slap it again on his body, hitting it with a smash, and staring all over his eyes.

Ning Xiaochuan rushed out of the alien space, staring at Nie Lanxin who flew out of Jiange Hou's house, his eyes became more angry.

What he couldn't stand the most was that someone threatened his family, and Nie Lanxin had touched his bottom line.


The red little dragon shouted and turned into a red mist, wrapping Ning Xiaochuan.

Ning Xiaochuan's body was immediately covered with a thick layer of crimson dragon armor, holding a dragon claw war sword in his hand, and a pair of huge crimson dragon wings spread out on his back, all burning flames, soaring.


The little red dragon's head became as large as a water tank, and the mouth was full of dragon teeth, making a deafening roar.

Xiao Hong's power has always been very strong, but few people can force it to motivate her, and no one guides it how to cultivate and help it open the door to cultivation, so it has been bullied like a little dot.

In fact, how could the Shenlong cubs be all kinds?

The fighting power is naturally quite strong. Once angry, Ning Xiaochuan may not be his opponent.


The dragon yin spread so far that many military men in the imperial city could hear it clearly.

You must know that the Dragon clan has left the Yulan Empire. Only Ning Xiaochuan has a dragon cub beside him. Obviously, the sound of the dragon is the mouth of that dragon cub!

"I just saw a man with flames flying out of the imperial city, with a pair of dragon wings on his back. It must be Ning Xiaochuan."

"Ning Xiaochuan only killed Yue Wuyang. Why did you make so much noise?"

"Maybe it's because the Momen Army has come outside the imperial city."


Because this dragon yin caused a huge storm in the imperial city, everyone was guessing what happened?

Ning Xiaochuan and Red Dragon were both angry and chased out of the imperial city to rescue Xiao Linger. If you let Nie Lanxin take Xiao Linger away, God knows what she will do?

"Daddy ... help me ..." Xiao Linger stared at Ning Xiaochuan, who was chasing behind him, and looked pathetic, like a little girl who had been abducted by a trafficker.

"Ning Xiaochuan, stop chasing! Nie Lanxin wants to lead you farther and farther away from the imperial city, and then her deity will come to deal with you. This is a trap!" Tiandi replied.

Ning Xiaochuan's eyes were Shen Ning, and she said, "I know this is a trap, but I must rescue Xiao Linger. Nie Lanxin can even lose her master. What else can she do? "

There is a big secret hidden in Xiao Linger. If Nie Lanxin discovers it, she will definitely start with Xiao Linger. Ning Xiaochuan must not let this happen.


Ning Xiaochuan stepped on the ground suddenly, his body turned into a bow shape, ejected more than one hundred meters high, straddling a distance of more than one thousand meters, and chased above Nie Lanxin's head, cutting it with a sword.

This is a sword condensing the strength of Ning Xiaochuan and the red dragon, making a harsh dragon groan, and drawing a flame sword mark in the air.

This sword is not just a superposition of Ning Xiaochuan and the red dragon together, it has increased the power several times. It can be said that Ning Xiaochuan is the real dragon warrior at this moment.

Feeling the huge crisis, Nie Lanxin held up a palm and held his sky with five fingers.

A huge circular light print with a diameter of ten meters emerges from the palm of the hand. There are thousands of jade white characters floating on the round print, like an ancient array!


Ning Xiaochuan slashed across the array, tearing the array apart, pressing a sword against Nie Lanxin's neck.

Nie Lanxin held Ning Xiaochuan's arm with both hands, so that the battle sword stopped on her shoulder, her eyes were cold, and he looked at his angry eyes, and said, "Not just a little mysterious beast, you are just Is she angry? For a warrior, once you lose your calm, it means death. Ning Xiaochuan, your weakness is too obvious. "

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