Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 426: Eternal ivy

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Being able to practice in the Heavenly Emperor's Palace of Learning is a great opportunity for the Dark King and Yu Qianxi, and it is likely to save ten years of hard work.

Of course, before heading to the Heavenly Emperor's Palace, Ning Xiaochuan had to meet someone, Mrs. Yinchi.

Mrs. Yinchi used “golden needle to seal her heart”, which caused her life to drop sharply, leaving only one year of Yangshou.

Now, she has been seriously injured and is recovering from Ghost Villa, Ning Xiaochuan will not leave her alone.

When Ning Xiaochuan went to see Mrs. Yinchi, Yu Ningsheng stood outside the door, leaning on the railing, and watched Ning Xiaochuan walk into Mrs. Yinchi's room.

"Ogawa, is Jade girl right outside the door?"

Mrs. Yinchi was sitting at a table made of jade in Qingtai, with a light smile on her face, and was charming, giving a feeling of spring breeze.

She stared in the direction of the doorway, and saw Yu Ningsheng's corner sleeves exposed.

Ning Xiaochuan did not deny it.

Mrs. Yinchi said, "She was so relieved to let you come in alone. Isn't she afraid that I would take you away?"

Ning Xiaochuan laughed: "She won't mind!"

"You don't know a woman too much! If she really doesn't mind, she won't follow." Mrs. Yinchi saw Ning Xiaochuan's mouth slightly move, and continued to tease: "Jade girl is the Yulan Empire The first beauty, the glorious age, will be pursued by many people now and in the future. You must protect her, or she will be robbed, and you will be too late to regret it. "

Yu Ningsheng standing outside the door, her lips froze slightly, a hint of ecstasy appeared in her eyes.

Ning Xiaochuan cares: "How is your injury?"

Mrs. Yinchi said: "Although you are a senior psychologist, I am not bad. It is not difficult to heal these minor injuries on my body. I heard that you will return to the Imperial City?"

"Everyone in Jiangehoufu is in the imperial city. I must go back." Ning Xiaochuan said.

Mrs. Yinchi said: "Yue Wuyang is dead, Cui Tao is dead, Dragon Elephant Hou is dead, Ji Gong is dead, too early to ask Hua to die, the dark imperial city is destroyed! The emperor Yulan has now been forced, Maybe he will attack you regardless of his identity. It is too dangerous for you to return to the Imperial City now! "

Ning Xiaochuan said: "Even if you are in danger, if you run away now, you will choose to run away if you encounter any difficulties in the future. Martial art practice is also the practice of 'heart'. If 'heart' is not strong enough, martial arts realm It wo n’t be that high. By the way, where is Minger now? ”

"He has been sent to a safe place, you can rest assured." Madam Yinchi lowered her head slightly, staring at the copper lamp on the table, her complex eyes looked complex, with anxiety, fear, struggle, and longing .

If a woman has had such an experience, she will certainly struggle, anxiety, fear, and pain.

If a woman knows that she has only one year of life left, she will certainly be desperate, afraid, and afraid.

When Mrs. Yinchi and Ning Xiaochuan were going to deal with the imperial city of darkness, she did not plan to return to the imperial city, so she had been sent to Qitianhou Mansion in the same name and placed in a safe place.

"Give me some time, and when I come out of the Emperor's Palace of Learning, I will take you to the great wasteland in the southern Xinjiang to find the magic medicine to extend life." Ning Xiaochuan walked out of the room after saying this.

After a long while, Mrs. Yinchi followed the door, staring at the back of Ning Xiaochuan and Yu Ningsheng, with a bitter smile on the corners of her mouth, and said to herself: "They are the most suitable couple, Ogawa, Sorry, I can't wait for you here. Please forgive me for disappearing from your life! "

Shortly after Ning Xiaochuan left Ghost Villa, Mrs. Yinchi left a letter and left.

She wore a blue robe, headed south all the way, and gradually went away, disappearing between the lonely and unrelenting mountains and mountains.

After Ning Xiaochuan returned to the Heavenly Emperor's Palace, he did not go through the Tiantian Road and went straight towards the Heavenly Palace.

With his current talent level, there is no need to cross the bridge to prove himself. What he needs more now is to improve martial arts.

Coming down the stairs outside the Tiangong Palace, the two old men with respect to the state came out of the white mist and stopped in front of Ning Xiaochuan.

Among them, an old man with a childlike face gave Ning Xiaochuan a faint glance, and said, "The law of Tiangong-you ca n’t enter Tiangong to practice without crossing the bridge."

Ning Xiaochuan took the imperial order and held it in his hand, saying, "I'm here to see the master of the palace, who dares stop me?"

"Ning Xiaochuan, even if you have the imperial power order, you can't break into the Heavenly Palace. This is the law of the Heavenly Palace. This is the will of the gods. Otherwise, we can only accuse the Holy One and let the Holy One come to punish you." Another old man said coldly. Road.

Ning Xiaochuan said: "The Emperor's Palace of Learning is the master of the Palace of Learning, and the Holy Spirit can't control it."

"The Lord of the Palace of Learning will not allow you to enter the Temple of Heaven at will." The attitude of the two elders was very tough, and they did not even buy the imperial order.


In the heavenly palace, a ray of light flew out.

The white clouds condense into a beautiful and beautiful woman in a robe.

The long black hair on her head is more than two meters long, and it falls vertically, like a fairy waterfall in the clouds, and a pair of bright eyes, as bright as two **** stars flickering, saying, "Let him come in!"

"Yes! The lord of the palace!" The two elders immediately knelt on the ground, saluting the woman in the robe.

The Venerable Emperor is clear and pure, does not eat fireworks on the earth, the white dress is long, the jade foot is like a lotus flower, the slender and delicate body spreads again, turns into a plume of white smoke, and disappears invisible.

She has really returned to the Heavenly Emperor's Palace!

She has the Supreme Emperor's Bell in her hands, and even the consciousness of Wan Yin Cassiopeia cannot kill her.

Now that the Emperor Lingxu had spoken, no one naturally blocked Ning Xiaochuan. He stepped up the steps step by step and disappeared into the palace gate of Tiangong.

"It's weird. The master of the palace actually let him in!" The old man with Hefa Tongyan felt incredible.

"Who knows? Anyway, they are both peerless, maybe they are going to talk in the heavenly palace."

No one dare to care about the master of the palace, and the two old men soon disappeared into the white mist.

Ning Xiaochuan came to the edge of Jiucai Lake and looked at the pious lord who sat in the middle of the lake.

His body is like a green lotus in a lake. It is slender and soft, clean and dust-free, holy and holy, giving people a real and illusionary feeling.

The Wuhun above her head is a plant form, with blue vines, thousands of white spirit flowers, and a ray of white brilliance, which turned out to be a "eternal ivy".

"Eternal Ivy" is known as the **** grass of the divine realm, which can be said to be indestructible. Only reincarnation gods can cultivate such martial spirits.

Of course, if the descendants of the gods excite the blood in the body, it is still possible to cultivate the martial art soul of "Eternal Ivy", but the probability is much smaller.

The Emperor Lingxu practiced this kind of martial spirit with supernatural constitution, because she is the descendant of the god!

The spiritual soul of the Emperor Xuxun is undergoing transformation, the volume is getting smaller and smaller, but the light is getting brighter and brighter.

You must know that only when you cultivate to the seventh level of the land respect can you cultivate Wuhun Seal.

Although her martial arts seal has not yet succeeded in condensing, depending on her current status, it is only a matter of recent days that she will consolidate martial arts seal to success.

"Sure enough, she was ahead of her." Ning Xiaochuan has always treated the Venerable Emperor as a competitor and did not want to lose to her.

Once she reached the seventh level of the state, she stepped into a new level, and once again left Ning Xiaochuan behind her.

"Ning Xiaochuan, do you know the rules of Tiandi Xuegong?"

The Sovereign Spirit sits in the lake, his body is three feet high from the lake, and all around him is the mist of fairy. She didn't speak, but a beautiful voice came to Ning Xiaochuan's ear.

"It's so unreasonable, it should be called Master!" Tiandi Blade was very dissatisfied and shouted in the Xuanshoujian.

The voice was heard by the Emperor Bell, flying out of the Jiucai Holy Lake, floating in the void, making a bell ringing, and roaring!

The two Supreme Emperors are fighting each other. If they were not suppressed by Ning Xiaochuan and the Emperor Lingxu, they would definitely fight.

The Emperor Blade was not reconciled, and said, "Xue Lingxu, you are also the descendant of the Emperor. Why are you so shameless? How can you not respect the teacher? You have already worshiped Ning Xiaochuan as a teacher. Zun, even the name of Master, is simply disrespect to the elders. Shameless, shameless! "

The sacred eyebrow of the Emperor Xuxu frowned slightly, a pair of beautiful eyes opened, stared at Ning Xiaochuan, and sighed: "Let's take a step back! Ning Xiaochuan, you should understand that I worship you As an expedient, but since I have already worshiped, I will never regret it. However, I ca n’t call you Master until your martial arts practice exceeds me. You should understand that this is my bottom line. "

For an extremely talented martial arts power, they all have their own bottom line. If Ning Xiaochuan would never call a person who is lower than himself to be a teacher.

Therefore, Ning Xiaochuan can understand her!

"I can understand you, but if you want me to make concessions, you must also make concessions." Ning Xiaochuan said: "The people I bring must practice in the heavenly palace for ten days."

The Emperor Lingxu is the master of Tiangong. Anything that happens in Tiangong cannot hide her mind. Naturally, she can feel the breath of other warriors on Ning Xiaochuan's body.

Therefore, she would first ask Ning Xiaochuan if she knew the rules of Tiangong? It was because she knew that Ning Xiaochuan must have secretly brought outsiders into Tiangong.

Ning Xiaochuan never thought about hiding her, so she bargained with her.

"No problem! However, there are only ten days and no more can be done." After the Emperor Lingu said this, he fell into deep cultivation.

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