Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 420: Take the house

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"The power of the Heavenly Emperor Blade is far beyond your imagination. It has devoured the blood of the evil god, and the instrumental spirit has entered evil. It will change your way of thinking in the subtle way. You think that you are walking the right path, but you have already entered it. "Evil."

"Master, I know exactly what I'm doing now. If you want to discuss with me, I can slowly discuss with you in the future, even if it is three years and five years, I will accompany you to the end."

Ning Xiaochuan also said, "But now it is not working. You have seen the power of the queen of the queen of sounds. Once her true body comes, we all have to die."

"The Empress Wanyin is our common enemy. Our priority is to deal with her first. After removing the Empress Wanyin, I must return to the Emperor's Palace in person, and I will give an explanation to the owner."

The Emperor Lingxu stared at Ning Xiaochuan deeply, and saw that Ning Xiaochuan's eyes were very clear and clear. It was not like being controlled by the Emperor Blade to become a sword slave, saying: "Okay! Then I will wait for you in the Emperor's Palace, hope You really give me an account. "


She took a step forward and disappeared on the back of Yuyu, crossing the void, and a hundred miles away.

It's the big thing to get rid of the queen of Wanyin that she is quite clear about.

"Finally gone!" Ning Xiaochuan bit his lip gently, and the pressure on his body was getting heavier. Now the powerful enemies of all parties are converging to the imperial city.

Martial arts are still not strong enough!

Madam Yinchi's betrayal of the Dark Emperor City must have been known to the Emperor Yu Lan, and now she must never return to the Imperial City.

Ning Xiaochuan could only send her to Ghost Villa first, and then returned to the Dark Emperor City again, intending to get rid of Wanyin Fairy while she was injured by Taoist Nine Sons. Although it would be quite dangerous to do so, he must take risks. Now is the weakest time for Wanyin Cassiopeia. If she misses it, she will definitely endure the anger of Wanyin Cassiopeia in the future.

Imperial City of Darkness.

This place has become a ruin, many places under the ground have collapsed, many cities have been engulfed in mud, and there are dead bodies everywhere, giving a feeling of lifelessness, almost no living person.

"It seems that there has been a terrible war here, and the Dark Empire is really ruined!"

Ning Xiaochuan followed the breath remaining on the ground, looking to the ground, and according to the battle trails on the ground, looking for Wanyin Cassiopeia and Daomen Jiuzi.

Their battle line stretched long, thousands of miles are battlefields, many mountains were cut off by sword gas, and rivers were beaten by Taoism.

Ning Xiaochuan chased all the way up, wondering if Daomen Jiuzi could kill Wanyin Cassiopeia?



In the evening, the setting sun hangs on the river, reflecting golden patches in the river.

On the big river is a barren fishing village.

The fishing village has long been uninhabited, and it has been deserted for decades. It was built by Tian Yinzong as a stronghold.

Wan Yinxian was sitting in an abandoned courtyard at this moment, holding a top-quality black stone in each hand, her body was wrapped with vitality to form a large cocoon, and she was healing the wounds in her body.

"Da da!"

Nie Lanxin walked in from the door, holding a bowl of medicinal soup, and the soup inside was white, and plumes of white smoke floated from the bowl, condensing into the shape of a nine-petal lotus flower.

The medicinal gas is quite strong. Just smell it and the blood in the body will flow faster.

This is the medicinal juice made by Wan Yin Xianxi's half-miracle medicine "Jiupinlian" that she took away from Wenhua Taoist Temple!

"Master, Jiupinlian has been tempered into a medicinal sauce." Nie Lanxin placed the jade bowl in front of the Queen of Wanyin, and then retreated to the door to protect the Queen of Wanyin.

The Empress Wanyin has never been hurt so much today. There are many sword injuries on her body. One of the sword injuries pierced her heart. Fortunately, she avoided the position of "Budo Heart Palace", otherwise she would be injured. Heavier.

"If it was n’t for the injury of the first battle with Taichu Wenhua, you would not be defeated under the nine palace sword palace of Daomen Jiuzi. When the injury is healed later, it is the day of Daomen Jiuzi's death." Severely injured, but still aggressive and aggressive, said: "There are also Ning Xiaochuan and Ling Xun. The talents of these two are so high that they must not be allowed to grow up. Lanxin, you must work hard to cultivate or you will be punished. The two of them are getting farther and farther. "

The queen of Wanyin drank the soup made by the semi-marvelous medicine, and her body was immediately wrapped in a layer of white fluorescent light. A strong medicinal scent emanated from the body, flooding the entire deserted fishing village.

Centering on the body of Empress Wanyin, a nine-petal white lotus bloomed and wrapped her in the center. It was her injury that recovered with the naked eye.

Suddenly, Empress Wanyin felt a pain in her heart, and the injury not only did not heal, but became worse.

How could this be?


Nie Lanxin sacrificed the ancient jade sword, a sword pierced into the body of the Wanyin queen, nailed the queen of the Wanyin to the wall, and blood continued to flow down the sword.

It is naturally impossible for Queen Wanyin to think that her favorite disciple actually shot at herself, her eyes widened, staring at Nie Lanxin, and saying coldly, "Are you poisoned in the medicine?"

"Master, you told me that life and death are not absolute. Even if your old man dies today, you will always live in my heart. Be a teacher for one day and be a teacher for life."

Nie Lanxin pinched the sword handle, and the martial arts vitality in her body was completely released, making the sword energy extremely arrogant and emitting bright white light, countless sword patterns were rotating around her body.

"Haha! Haha! What a good word, why betray me?" The fairy Wanyin still couldn't understand the reason why Nie Lanxin did this. After all, she grew up raising Nie Lanxin as a natural daughter.

In her opinion, anyone can betray her, and only Nie Lanxin cannot betray her.


Nie Lan didn't answer, and the sword in his hand was deeper.

"Lan Xin, you are too young. Just because you can't kill Ben, since you dare to betray Ben, then you will die!" The queen of Wanyin patted out with a handprint and hit Nie Lanxin He knocked Nie Lanxin out of the body, knocked down the walls, and fell into the courtyard.

She had already suffered such a serious injury, how could she have the power to fight back?

Nie Lanxin only felt that his internal organs were broken, and his body was difficult to move, and only a trace of martial art vitality was still flowing in his body.

"Da da!"

Fairy Queen came out of the house with a sword in her body, and blood kept flowing from the wound, but she still stood upright, with long black hair on her head, and her red robe was gorgeous and white. The neck is long and thin, and the jade-colored brilliance flows through the skin, just like the body carved by milky white jade.

Her star eyes had a kind of arrogance, all eyes were standing on the stairs, staring at the vast starry sky, as if peeping at the heaven and earth avenue, and then she remained motionless.

After a long while, Nie Lanxin stood up from the ground, walked carefully to the queen of Wanyin, and reached out her finger and pressed it on the wrist of Wanyin.

The imperial queen's pulse has stopped beating, her heartbeat has stopped, and her skin is getting colder and colder.

A generation of queens has fallen!

Nie Lanxin finally let out a sigh of relief, his hands began to be lucky, and a light spot appeared on the brow's heart. As the martial art vitality rose, the light spot became brighter and brighter.


The light spot on her eyebrow is like a gate leading to the spiritual platform of the brain. It emits a magnificent brilliance. As long as you observe it with heart, you will find that there are two idols in the depths of her eyebrow. One is a white idol. It's a black idol!

The shapes of the two deities are very weird. They do not look like human forms at all, nor do they look like some kind of creature, but instead look like the two ancient characters at the beginning of heaven and earth.

The texts created at the beginning of heaven and earth are all pictographs.

In other words, these two words were created based on the shapes of the two substances, condensing into the form of two deities.

For example, the word "mountain" at the beginning of heaven and earth was to draw a simple mountain shape, and the word "fire" was to draw a flame-shaped symbol.

The two idols in Nie Lanxin's eyebrow are just such two ancient characters, or the two ancient characters are depicting the two idols.

As for what those two ancient words mean now? No one knows.

The black and white idols are constantly spinning to form a life wheel!


Nie Lanxin spit out two words, a white brilliance flew out of her body, and she flew straight into the body of Queen Wanyin.

That white brilliance is very much like a human figure, just like a human soul.


A splendid white light burst out from the body of Empress Wanyin, impacting it, covering the entire fishing village, every inch of soil, every brick and stone turned white, emitting a bright light.

"From now on, there will be no more queen in the world, except for me!" The eyes of the queen of Wanyin opened, and the pupils shot with magnificent light, which was even brighter than the stars in the sky.

After half an hour, the Guanghua in the fishing village slowly dissipated.

Ning Xiaochuan chased the breath left by the queen of Wanyin, flying all the way, flying thousands of miles away, putting up the wings of fury and falling to the top of a mountain!

He looked down at the mountain, it was a winding river, and there was a fishing village deserted for decades by the river!

There were many such barren villages in the Yulan Empire. Due to war, climate change, plague, natural disasters, etc., people in the entire village moved away, which became uninhabited *.

In the night, a solitary fire in a deserted house in the fishing village flashed a solitary fire, flashing and flickering, beating constantly.

Looking from a distance, it looks like a ghost fire, making people panic.

How could there be fire in such a desolate village?

Ning Xiaochuan walked into the fishing village step by step, and the sound of "哧哧" was made at his feet, and the white flowers were crushed and turned into flower mud.

He frowned slightly, and by reason, such a village must be quite barren, and the streets must be overgrown with weeds, but the streets and roofs of the village were covered with white exotic flowers, blooming beautifully and densely , Giving out an extremely fragrant fragrance.

He was like walking into a sea of ​​flowers!

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