Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 385: Good flock of white tender sheep

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Ning Xiaochuan naturally does not believe in "fate" because Nie Lanzhi is lacking in mind, but he has seven minds. They are not fellow travelers at all.

When Nie Lanzhi faced Ning Xiaochuan's four eyes, Lihua's white face turned "red" and turned crimson, and he kept blinking at Ning Xiaochuan, his long eyelashes flickered.

Huo Feifan's heart trembled, did Xiao Houye like this woman too?

This is a peerless beauty, it would be a shame if you could not get it yourself!

Ning Xiaochuan's eyes were fixed on Nie Lanzhi's body for a moment, then he nodded, and said, "Yes, it's all right. Someone tied them all up and escorted them to Guiyuan City. They all wanted one by one. Interrogated them. "

Huo Bufan knew that none of the grandsons in the imperial city was a good thing, and he would definitely covet beauty, but he did not expect that Ning Xiaochuan would be so greedy that he would eat alone and take all the women away.

This is too terrific!

At least give someone a bite of soup, right?

Huo Fanfan whispered in Ning Xiaochuan's ears: "Little Houye, the imperial court enshrined the Yuan Dynasty, and the next goal of the imperial court should be Tian Yinzong. They must have a lot of military secrets in our hands, and our Sky Knight Camp tortured them There are still a lot of methods for prisoners. If we can take a few people away, we will be able to extract from them the information they use. "

How could Ning Xiaochuan not know what he was thinking about, and all other Zongmen's warriors were killed, leaving Tian Yinzong's female disciple, how could there be such a coincidence?

Ning Xiaochuan said: "It makes sense! Otherwise, you will take the Lord of the Lanxiao Temple away! She is one of the Eight Temple Masters of Tianyinzong and a figure of Wu Zun level. She must know a lot of secrets. If she could torture useful information from her mouth, that would be a great achievement. "

Ning Xiaochuan was very upset to see the Lord of the Lanxiao Temple, and just handed her over to the warrior tune of the Sky Knight Camp. Teach it a little, and let this high-minded lord of the palace also taste the taste of being a woman.

The master of Lanxiao and the master of Yueqin once joined forces to hunt and kill Ning Xiaochuan. Ning Xiaochuan was afraid that he would be recognized by the master of Xiaoxiao for a long time. Therefore, he decided to give her to Huo Wufan.

Although the master of Lanxiao Temple has practiced for decades, he looks like a young woman in her twenties. Her hair is black and her skin is white. She is indeed a beautiful woman with good looks.

In addition, the third master of martial arts practiced by the master of Lan Xiao Dian, has more charm and temperament than other Tianyin Zong disciples. If it can be pressed on the belly of such a female Wu Zun, Isn't it a wonderful thing?

The warriors in the Sky Knight Camp were suddenly energized. I felt that Xiao Houye was still a reliable person, and all of them became enthusiastic, and their eyes were very hot, so they started to line up immediately.

"Even if this seat is dead, it will not fall into the hands of your court hawks."

The main body of Lan Xiao Dian burst into white martial arts vitality, and his body became like a scorching sun, breaking the suppression of the soul ball, holding the jade flute, and hitting Ning Xiaochuan in one shot.

She also saw that Ning Xiaochuan had the highest status in the scene, and if he could capture Ning Xiaochuan, he might be defeated.

Ning Xiaochuan didn't move, and didn't intend to take any action, as if he had been scared by the master of Lanxiao Palace. The heart of Lanxiao Dianzhu is also a joy, and it seems that Shizhi * can succeed.

At the moment when the master of Lanxiao Palace shot, the iron armor death standing behind Ning Xiaochuan turned into a black streamer, his body moved horizontally, guarded to Ning Xiaochuan's body, and he patted him out with one palm. Give Bengfei out.

"Roar!" Iron Armor gave a roar, shaking Feisha away.

Blood spit in the mouth of the master of the Lan Xiao Dian, and the flirtatious and flamboyant body flew out, and fell to the ground fiercely, splashing thick yellow sand. Her long hair covered her face, her clothes shattered, revealing a large white skin, all her manners were destroyed, and she was extremely embarrassed.

Who would have expected that the Lord of Tianyinzong, who was so high, would have such a wolf?

The master of Lan Xiao Dian's heart was very unwilling. A vigor sword condensed in his hand, and a sword pierced his own heart.

Even if it is dead, it cannot fall into the hands of the enemy and be insulted by the enemy.


Ning Xiaochuan popped a finger and shattered the energy sword in the master of Lan Xiao Dian, and gave a slight wink. The death armor of iron armor rushed up, captured the master of Lanxiao Temple from the ground, and sealed the blood in her body, lest she seek death again.

"Life is precious, Master, how are you impulsive?" Ning Xiaochuan said.

"The imperial court thief, you have the ability to wait for my injury to heal, this seat must make you unable to survive, not to die." Lan Xiao Dian stared coldly at Ning Xiaochuan, exposing a neat white teeth, biting "gig "Sound.

Huo Fanfan said eagerly: "Little Houye, can you give us the Lord of Lanxiao Temple now?"

Nie Lanzhi stared at Ning Xiaochuan with a begging look, and that pitiful expression could not tell, and he kept shaking his head at Ning Xiaochuan.

Ning Xiaochuan exhaled a long breath. It was really unlucky to meet this little girl, and she coughed twice, saying, "This bitch's martial arts are terrible. Once she is cured, your Sky Knight Camp may not suppress Stay with her. Give her all to Bendu to handle! Bendu will uniformly tune her. Teach me to be persuaded and obediently spit out the information of Tian Yinzong. At that time, maybe I can give it to Huo The captain plays for a few days. "

"Little Houye, I'm afraid ..." Huo Fanfan was anxious and didn't believe Ning Xiaochuan's empty check.

Ning Xiaochuan apparently wanted to eat alone, and the Sky Knight Battalion lost his soldiers. It was so difficult to capture the people of Tian Yinzong. Can't he get any benefits?

Ning Xiaochuan's gaze glared, and the huge breath of Wu Zun erupted in his body, and lightning flashed in his eyes, directly suppressing Huo extraordinary person.

If you don't come up with a little strength, you really can't help it!

Huo Feifan's legs were slightly bent, and he was almost pressed to the ground by the huge breath, and his heart secretly said that Ning Xiaochuan's martial arts repair was so terrible?

That's it! Still don't provoke him, it won't end well in Jiangehoufu.

"Since they fell into the hands of Xiaohouye, the general will be very relieved." Huo Fanfan bowed his hands to Ning Xiaochuan, and left with the sergeant of the Knight Cavalry in the sky.

Although the troops and men of the Sky Knight Camp were gone, Tian Yinzong's disciples did not have the slightest joy. In their opinion, whether they fell into the hands of the Sky Knight Camp or the hands of Ning Xiaochuan, the end was the same.

Perhaps only Nie Lanzhi's heart is the happiest, because she knows that Xiao Houye is actually a very upright person.

The battle between Nie Lanxin and Ji Hanxing has also ended.

Nie Lanxin voluntarily gave up resistance and was taken prisoner voluntarily.

In fact, Nie Lan's heart is very clever. Now the army of the imperial court is everywhere. Only when it falls into the hands of Ning Xiaochuan can it be the safest.

Ning Xiaochuan, dressed in glittering armor, was powerful and miraculous, and acted as the granddaughter of the grandson Wang Sun, fluttering softly: "Come here. Bring them all into the capital's camp, and all of them will interrogate them one by one."

The right battalion of the right army was built in Guiyuan City.

All the female disciples in Tianyinzong were stretched into the camp, with Xuanzang iron chains wrapped around them, imprisoning their body freedom, just like a group of white and tender lambs slaughtered by others.

If Ning Xiaochuan is really a king and grandson like Yu Qing, then he will be blessed today!

Ning Xiaochuan walked outside the camp, staring at the sergeant guarding the camp, and said, "You all go down, and you all have to interrogate them separately. Later, no matter what sound is made in the camp, you shouldn't hear it."

The sergeants who guarded the camp were all "understanding people," with a look of understanding on their faces, and left, and retreated to the periphery of the camp.

Ji Hanxing came up, his eyes were very cold, and he said, "I will go and interrogate them with you."

"No, I just need to go in alone for this kind of thing. You can continue to guard the Chengguan, maybe there are soldiers of Zongmen who will flee to Guiyuan City." Ning Xiaochuan said.

Ji Hanxing stared at Ning Xiaochuan's eyes tightly and said, "What the **** are you doing?"

Ning Xiaochuan touched his lips and laughed: "You don't need to worry about it! Anyway, you should listen to my order, what I say, just execute it immediately, don't ask so many reasons? Is it OK?"

Ji Hanxing clenched his fists, grunted coldly, and left with a dragon elephant halberd.

However, she didn't go far, and stopped at the periphery of the Tongtong camp, standing upright, like a benchmark standing in the wind.

Ning Xiaochuan knew what she was thinking, and like other sergeants, she thought that he would go to the camp with the beauty disciple of Tian Yinzong, and it would be a storm and a phoenix.

If Ji Hanxing really thinks so, it would be the best!

When she is disappointed in herself, she is expected to leave obediently.

Ning Xiaochuan glanced at her back, shook her head gently, opened the curtain of the camp account, and walked in.

"Ning Xiaochuan, you have the ability to let go of this seat, this seat will be able to shoot you junior with a single palm." Lan Xiao Dian said angrily. She heard Ning Xiaochuan's conversation with the sergeant outside, so she regarded Ning Xiaochuan as a lethal. Dashing grandson, she dare not imagine what will happen in the future?

"Ning Xiaochuan, don't be too proud of yourself. If the suzerain comes, your entire Jiangehoufu will be destroyed overnight."

"Sexist, you have the ability to come to me, don't hurt Sister Laneige." A beautiful woman said, but when Ding Xiaochuan really stared at her, she scared her again, a pair of slender * instincts tight.


The camp was full of beautiful women tied up, each with a mediocre appearance, but most of them were terrified, and only some bold women dared to scold.

Ning Xiaochuan propped up the "Yunxia return to vitality", a cricket mask wrapped the entire camp account to isolate the camp account from the outside world, and did not want outsiders to know what happened in the camp account.

Seeing that Ning Xiaochuan actually set up an enchantment, Tian Yinzong's women were suddenly afraid, knowing that Ning Xiaochuan was finally going to be aggressive, but did not know whose clothes he would take off first?

Ning Xiaochuan touched his nose, and deliberately walked towards the master of the Lanxiao Temple, and suddenly this tall master of the palace was also scared to pinch a pair of long *, feeling cold between the legs!

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