Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 375: Hell water

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At this moment, Yu Qing can be regarded as the whole picture of the Eight Winds and the God Array. The magnificent atmosphere that cannot be explained connects the heavens and the earth, including rivers and mountains, and the heart is secret. Maybe it really can kill Yuan Shengfeng Lord to the town.

The blood was boiling in his body, and it was really exciting to kill a martial arts master he could only look up to before. He shouted, "Master Yuan Shengfeng, the king is going to cut off your head today, so that the world will be tens of millions. The girls see the lordliness of the King. "

Yuan Shengfeng stands in the formation, the earth and the sky are burning with flames, and 333 hot suns are suspended in the void, baking his body.

Yu Qing's voice flowed into his ears endlessly, "My king? Are you from the court?"

Yuan Shengfeng's mind began to wonder, in the end Gongzi Chuan is a man in the magic gate? Or the people in the court?

Yu Qing noticed that she was leaking, she coughed twice, and said rudely: "This seat is the thirty-six star king of the magic gate, and the person who knows it will kneel down on the ground honestly, otherwise, , Once the King of God works, he will beat you in a minute. "

"Then I'll take a look. What great method do you have in the Demon Gate?" With the power of his heart, Master Yuan Shengfeng sensed the direction of Yu Qing, and he squeezed his sword with his fingers. The original "cloud sword" was floating behind him. A layer of white brilliance emerged.


The fifth strongest person to respect the realm of the earth, hit out the Qipin Xuanqi-level war sword, and the power that erupted was naturally no small matter.

Yu Qing grinned, mobilized the power of the formation method, and flew Yun Jian back.

"So strong."

Yuan Shengfeng felt bad.

Although the Eight Winds God Formation is an offensive formation, its defense is quite scary, and the Qipin Xuanqi cannot defeat the formation.

Master Yuan Shengfeng started to break the battle with all his strength. He flew the sword toward the sky, but was blown down by 333 great suns. His clothes were burned with scars and even his hair was burned. Charred a large slice.

Master Yuan Shengfeng again used the sword to cut the ground, and wanted to escape from the ground.

However, a large amount of yellow gurgling water poured out from the ground, turning the ground into a lake. The water surface was very flat without ripples, just like a yellow mirror.

Yuan Shengfeng's master chopped a sword on the water surface of the swill, and the yellow water was corroding the battle sword, and the tadpole sword gave the sound of "slap".

The master of Yuan Shengfeng immediately took back the Taiji sword, and saw that the sword at the top of the Qipin Xuanqi was actually corroded and yellowed, and the aura was sharply reduced, and it was almost discarded.

"Yanshui ..." Yuan Shengfeng's eyes widened, staring at the yellow liquid flowing below.

Lao Shui, Lao Shui, and Weak Water are called "Hell Three Waters".

When the three waters of Hell come together, they will turn into the most terrible water-Huang Quan.

Xishui exists deep in the ground, but it is formed by the precipitation between the heaven and earth to the yin, the evil, and the filthy, which can erode the martial arts **** body. Once the body is corroded, the potential of the body will be diminished sharply; in the heavy body, martial arts will be lost.

Yuan Shengfeng is naturally quite frightened, stepping on the battle sword and avoiding the water from a distance.

There is a scorching sun over the sky, and there is water at your feet. This is really driving Yuan Shengfeng to the extreme. There is no way to heaven, no door to the ground.

When Yuan Shengfeng bit his teeth, the vitality of martial arts in his body went crazy, his back uttered a "giggle", and his spine gave out a golden light. Even through a layer of flesh, he could see a golden line on his back.

"What's the matter? Isn't this old guy cultivating King Kong's body?" Yu Qingdao.

"It ’s not that King Kong is not bad, but‘ Tong Bei Shen Tong ’. It ’s called the first fighting supernatural power in the body. The master of Yuan Shengfeng really hid his hands and practiced such a powerful supernatural power. The fighting power must be quite horrible.”

Ning Xiaochuan doesn't want to wait any longer, and plans to start the formation completely!

There are a lot of similarities between the "eight winds and the gods" and the technique of the nine palaces and eight winds. It is for this reason that Ning Xiaochuan chose to study this array.

Ning Xiaochuan practiced the technique of the Eight Palaces and the Eight Winds, and naturally he was able to let the Eight Winds and the Divine Array to exert the ultimate power.

"Thor Thunder Wind!"

Ning Xiaochuan is the backbone of the formation, and the entire formation is under his control.

Pointing at the formation method, the situation quickly changed.


A bolt of lightning slashed from the formation, like a purple sky knife, chopped from the sky to the ground, and fell on the body of Yuan Shengfeng.

Yuan Shengfeng's master used Tongtong's supernatural powers, his back glowed golden light, his eyes turned into golden pupils, opened his mouth, and swallowed the lightning that was cut down from the sky directly into his mouth.

He ate lightning, it was like eating a tonic, the light in his eyes was stronger, and his momentum was more fierce.


He tore a paw and immediately shredded a huge flint.

The flint exploded like a firework, turning into fire and rain.

Yu Qing kept sweating on her forehead and saw that the Master of Yuan Shengfeng was attacking him, tearing the formation, as if to escape from the formation. He hurriedly said: "This old guy is too strong, his body is as strong as a unicorn. Can Shen Shen Zhen suppress him?"

Ning Xiaochuan did not expect that Master Yuan Shengfeng actually practiced a supernatural martial art such as "Tong Bei Shen Tong", but his heart was not panic, and he put more power into the formation.


In the formation method, there are hundreds of thousands of lightnings, which are constantly gathered and turned into an electric river, just like a lightning waterfall falling down from the sky.

A gust of wind was born.

The violent wind composed of thousands of lightnings surged towards the master of Yuan Shengfeng.

This is the true "Thunder God Electric Wind", the primitive wind in the nine winds and eight winds.

Yuan Shengfeng extended his arms, and the golden brilliance on the back extended from the shoulder to the two arms, turning the arms, wrists, and palms into red gold, supporting a golden cloud.


"Stab it!"


The thunder **** electric wind suppresses Yuan Shengfeng's body and breaks through the back of the magical power.

The back of his pair of golden hands was scorched black by lightning, fleshy skin and fuzzy flesh.


Yuan Shengfeng vomited a bite of blood and fell into the swill water below.

The water is extremely dense and can penetrate the smallest gap in the world. Even a one-meter-thick iron wall cannot stop the water.

Water can pass through the iron wall and flow to the other side of the iron wall.

When the Yuan Shengfeng master fell into the 浶 water, the 浶 水 directly drilled into the skin pores of the Yuan Shengfeng master, immersed in the body, flowed into the blood, and corrupted the martial arts body.

Master Yuan Shengfeng felt a sting coming from his body, his body was corroded, and he was frightened, and quickly mobilized his energy to fly out of the water.

"Do it!"

Ning Xiaochuan took out the magic sword, and entered the Eight Winds 浶 God array, and a sword was split on the head of Yuan Shengfeng.

Yuan Shengfeng called out three battle swords, condensing into a sword array, blocking Ning Xiaochuan. However, the huge impact made him fall quickly and fell into the water.

"Gongzichuan, if you have the skill, don't make these crooked and evil ways and fight the old man fairly." Master Yuan Shengfeng was afraid of the Eight Winds, and he was trapped in the formation, even if he wanted to escape.

Ning Xiaochuan stood on a huge flint with a diameter of more than ten meters, staring at the Yuan Shengfeng master below, and said, "When you a group of people besieged me, why didn't you propose to fight against me?"

"What's so much nonsense with this old guy? Beat me up." Yu Qing also flew into the array, scooped up a huge 100,000 pounds of flint, and smashed it towards Yuan Shengfeng.


The master of Yuan Shengfeng shattered the flint with one punch and broke it into more than ten pieces of gravel. At the same time, with the sound of "Song Tong", he fell into the water again.

The Huanhua master, the black-haired ghost bat beast, and the two-headed stone beast also all entered the formation, and began to besiege the siege of Feng Sheng.

The power of the two-headed stone beast is the most terrible. Its body is more than one hundred meters in height. It looks like a huge stone mountain. With every slap, you can spit out the blood of Yuan Shengfeng. root.

With the two-headed stone beast's current fighting power and strong vitality, it is enough to fight against the fifth strongest man in the land.

Yu Qing stared at the lake below like a sea of ​​ocean, and said, "This array is really awesome! Brother Ning, why don't you teach me how to line up?"

Ning Xiaochuan didn't hesitate. He directly handed over the array of the Eight Winds and the God Formation to Yu Qing, and said, "It's not just a formation, take it slowly to study."

Yu Qing took the lineup. If she got the treasure, her tongue added her lips, and she said, "Do you give it to me?"

"If you want to pay for it, I won't refuse." Ning Xiaochuan said.

"No, no, no. My brothers said that money is too far-fetched." Yu Qing quickly took out a black iron box and put the genealogy carefully into the box.

He has already seen the power of the Eight Winds God Divine Array, and is just a remnant array, and he will suffocate a fifth-ranking martial arts supremacy to the highest level. How powerful is it to show a complete matrix?

Yu Qing believes that there is no accomplishment in the formation method, but there are many masters in the formation method of the Shenlong Wangfu, and it can definitely arrange the eight winds. If such an array is placed on the battlefield, I am afraid that it will be able to conquer the millions of enemies of the enemy.

This level of formation, even if the wealth of ten cities can not be purchased, Ning Xiaochuan is too much buddy!

Yu Qing didn't know it, and recorded thousands of formations in "Qimen Jiajia". The Eight Winds smashing the **** array can only be regarded as one of the simpler attack formation methods, and it is not a remarkable strange array.

"Nearly, it's time to take him on the road." Ning Xiaochuan stared at the raging waters below.

Yuan Shengfeng is struggling in the water and has been beaten to death by the group.

"call out!"

Ning Xiaochuan held the sword in both hands and fell from the sky, drawing a blood-red light between the sky and the earth, just like the stars falling on the earth.


The magic sword stabbed under the head of Yuan Shengfeng, penetrating his body.

Yuan Shengfeng's main body shook, his eyes were convex, his mouth was bleeding with blood, and his vitality was cut off by the magic sword.

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