Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 371: Fight and retreat

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The lord of the Yueqin Palace sneered: "We can't help you. Someone can take your life. Soon the lord will come in person and take the lord's martial arts practice to cut you off, just by fingering."

The suzerain she said was naturally the suzerain of Tianyin sect "Queen Yinxian".

If the queen of Wanyin came in person, she did have the power to kill Ning Xiaochuan in an instant, even if Ning Xiaochuan hijacked Nie Lanxin.

Naturally Ning Xiaochuan would not sit still and decided to break out.

"call out!"

The magic sword flew out of the body, and an evil spirit spread out, condensing into a dense magic cloud above the sky.

Ning Xiaochuan held Nie Lanxin in one hand and a magic sword in one hand, flying towards the head of the Huanhua family.

One sword chopped out, forming a wave of magic qi sword.

A huge dark cloud and magic pillar followed behind Qi Jian, making a roaring sound, with a terrible oppression, like a giant beast roaring.

The reason Ning Xiaochuan chose to attack the head of the Huanhua family is because his cultivation is the weakest and the easiest to break.

The owner of Huanhua only has the highest realm of land respect.

Ning Xiaochuan must kill the owner of the Huanhua family at the speed of destruction, before he can escape from the encirclement. Otherwise, the other five Wu Zun will definitely come to rescue immediately, and then he will be trapped in the center.


The sword qi of the magic sword broke the defensive vitality of the master of Huanhua, and the sword qi passed through his body and flew him out.

The owner of Huanhua avoided the vital part of the heart, but his lungs were severely damaged and pierced by the magic sword.

He vomited blood from his mouth, and a horrifying magic ran through his body, destroying the internal organs.

Ning Xiaochuan picked up the magic sword with both hands, intending to give the Huanhua owner a fatal blow.

"Gongzichuan, let me die."

Yuan Shengfeng played three huge battle swords and flew out of the air, just like three meteors flew and hit Ning Xiaochuan's body.

Ning Xiaochuan originally planned to chop to the owner of Huanhua, but immediately turned his sword again and chopped towards the three-handed war sword, splitting a red sword wave.


Two powerful swords collided, and countless swords of gas escaped, some flying to the sky, and some piercing the ground.

A strong shock wave hit Ning Xiaochuan, pushing him backward hundreds of meters. With this power, Ning Xiaochuan spread his wings, walked away from the wind, and quickly walked away.

"Fu Su, you stay to look after the master of Huanhua." Master Yuan Shengfeng gave an order, stepped on three iron swords, and continued to hunt down Ning Xiaochuan.

The master of the Yueqin Palace, the master of the Lanxiao Palace, and the master of the Five Elements Sect all chased after him.

Only Su Sheng, the great disciple of Master Zhu Shengfeng, stayed to look after the master of Huanhua.

The lord of Huanhua's lungs was penetrated by a large piece by the magic sword, the wound was difficult to heal, and blood kept bleeding outward.

"Master, I'll help you heal." Fu Su mobilized the strength of martial arts in her body, and gently pressed her palm against the master of Huanhua's chest.

Suddenly, abnormal changes occurred.

There was a gloomy light flowing out of the eyes of the master of Huanhua, the martial arts magic condensed in the palm of his hand, his arms turned golden, and he slapped in the heart of Pu Su.


Fu Su's heart cracked, just like ceramics, with many cracks.

Pu Su fell to the ground, clutching her heart tightly, with an incredible look in her eyes, "You ... why did you hit me?"

The master of the Huanhua stood up and took care of his robes. His chest was still bleeding, but he didn't seem to feel the pain, and said coldly, "This is what the master meant."

"Master? Who is your master? Gongzichuan?" Fu Su said with wide eyes.

The owner of Huanhua's eyes was indifferent, and he used the strength of martial arts to condense a thick iron chain of arms and bound the Soviet Union.

The Huanhua owner ’s mount, the six-pin mysterious beast “Three-winged Thunder Beast”, carried the Huanhua owner and servant Su Fei into the clouds and disappeared into the sky.

It turned out that when Ning Xiaochuan pierced the body of Huanhua's master with a sword, he mobilized the power of the "Seven Magic God Demon Heart" to control the heart of Huanhua's homeowner and turned him into a slave.

This is why the owner of Huanhua shot against Su.

Hundreds of miles away, Ning Xiaochuan was fleeing quickly, holding Nie Lanxin, and the master of Yueqin and Lanxiao followed closely behind. They took out a piece of Guqin Xuanzi and Jade Xiao Xuanzi respectively, exhibited sonic attacks, and they could bomb sound waves to Ning Xiaochuan across dozens of miles.

The master of the Yueqin Palace is one of the eight main halls of Tianyinzong. In order to reach the fourth place of martial arts, martial arts practitioners pressed their fingers on the strings.

The sound wave condensed into a huge blade with a length of more than ten meters and cut to the back of Ning Xiaochuan.


The "Ding" shaped Wuhunfa flew out of Ning Xiaochuan's body, blocking the Sonic Blade.

The master of the Yueqin Temple said in a deep voice: "Full attack."

The owner of Lanxiao Temple was a little worried and said, "Lan Xin is still in his hands, what if she hurts her?"

"If Gongchuan really wanted to kill Lanxin, he could use Lanxin as a shield to resist our attacks. But he didn't do it from beginning to end, which shows that he didn't want to hurt Lanxin at all." Said the owner of the Yueqin Palace.

The master of Lanxiao Temple thought for a moment and felt very reasonable.

As a result, the two main hall masters performed sonic magical powers at the same time, playing Tian Yinzong's first martial arts magical power-fairy swordsman.

Countless sound waves flew out, and each sound wave condensed into a fairy with a white sword holding a jade sword. Their bodies seemed real and magical, and their speed was as fast as a ray of white light.

Looking from the ground into the sky, it looks like Wanxian Qiwu, countless fairies holding war swords, flying like a meteor shower across the sky.

At the same time, they lifted their swords to Ning Xiaochuan.

"The scorching sun burns."

Ning Xiaochuan stopped and mobilized the vitality of the martial arts, all condensed to the eyebrow.

At the position of the eyebrow, a red mark was revealed, flickering constantly, and the shape was very similar to the legendary "Tianzun Seal".

A huge force condensed in Ning Xiaochuan's eyebrow, like a huge flame star burning in the skeleton.

"call out!"

A crimson brilliance flew out of the eyebrow and hit the two temple masters at Tianyinzong.

Inside Guanghua, there is a white bone bead. On the surface of the bone bead are hundreds of thousands of characters beating. Each text is wrapped by flames and keeps spinning.

The white bone beads flew out, punching through the martial arts supernatural "Fairy Sword Servant" exhibited by the two temple masters. Those fairies in white condensed by sound waves were ignited by flames, their bodies burned, and turned into a mass of flames, falling like a fire and rain from the sky.


The white bone beads, with the flames of the sky, shattered like bamboo and bombarded the bodies of the two palace masters.

Both masters of the palace could clearly perceive the terrifying power carried on the white bone beads, and quickly mobilized the "Martial Spirit Change" to resist the attack of the white bone beads.

Two giant martial spirits rose from behind them, both were more than ten meters high, emitting a dazzling white light, and their eyes could not be opened.


The white bone beads defeated the two martial spirits and bombarded the two palace masters.

Two broken sounds sounded, and the guqin and jade flute in the hands of the two masters of the hall suddenly broke into pieces.

Their bodies were also hit and flew away, their hands became bloody, and the blood in their bodies was constantly shaking.

The main body of Yueqin Temple stood still, staring at the enchanting Ning Xiaochuan in the distance, his eyes were extremely shocked, "the figurative supernatural power. Gongzichuan actually cultivated the supernatural power!"

"How is this possible? Only by achieving the realm of the unity of heaven and man, can the cultivation of figurative magical powers, and the cultivation of Gongzichuan be respected only." The strength was even lost in the hands of Gongzichuan.

"Gongzichuan's Xiuwei is definitely a strong one in the magic gate. I am afraid that his position is only below the Sixth Avenue Lord, and the magic gate has one more powerful one." The Five Elements Sect's face was solemn.

They all thought that Gongzi Chuan was a member of the Demon Gate and did not even associate with Ning Xiaochuan of Jiangehoufu.

Ning Xiaochuan took back the white bone beads to his eyebrows. There was a sense of weakness in his body. The performance of the figurative magical power was too exhausting, and he was a bit overwhelmed by his talent for "unusual forever."

Ning Xiaochuan held Nie Lan's heart into a streamer and flew towards the sky.

The master of the Yueqin Palace, the master of the Lanxiao Palace, and the master of the Five Elements Sect did not catch up, because the cultivation of Gongzichuan is too powerful, and even if he catches up, he may not be his opponent.

"Lan Xiaodian, you immediately relayed this to Tianyin Zong, and falsely reported it to the suzerain. Only the suzerain can kill Gongzichuan to the town." Yueqin Temple's face was very solemn.

"Sister, how about you?" Lan Xiaodian said.

The Yueqin Palace said: "I have already recorded the martial arts mark of Gongzichuan. Even if he escapes to the ends of the earth, I will find it. I want to follow him, although he cannot defeat him, but he can stop him from doing Lanxin. Something bad can prevent our reputation from being ruined. "

Nie Lanxin is the most outstanding disciple cultivated by Tian Yinzong. If she is taken away by chaos by the demon of the magic gate, it will be a huge blow to Tian Yinzong.

Gongzichuan sneaked into Xuanji Mountain and killed Yiyuanzong's most outstanding disciple, which had already caused a huge blow to the morale of Yuanzong. If the morale of Tianyinzong is also hit, the alliance formed by the major gates will be hit hard like never before, and it is impossible to withstand the attack of the imperial army.

Soon after the Master of the Yueqin Temple left, Master Yuan Shengfeng rushed up, his face was dignified, and he said, "The servant Su and the owner of Huanhua disappeared."

The Sutra of the Five Elements Sect: "Will they have returned to the Yuan Sect?"

Yuan Shengfeng shook his head and said, "There are battle marks on the ground. Obviously they did not leave by themselves, and they may have encountered unexpected events. We all ignored one thing. There are two masters of the magic gates who sneak into the mysterious mountain, but , But we only met Gongzichuan, where did another master of the magic gate go? "

The face of the Five Elements Sovereign changed, and said: "Feng Master suspects that Su Su and Huanhua Master were captured by the master of the magic gate?"

"It's not impossible." Yuan Shengfeng said: "The troublesome monarch went to Xuanji Mountain and reported the incident of Gongzichuan to several other peak masters. I hope they can come to support as soon as possible."

"To deal with the demon head of the magic gate, it is within the Five Elements Sect." The Five Elements Sect said.

The Lord of the Five Elements returned to Xuanji Mountain, and the Lord of Yuan Shengfeng continued to trace the whereabouts of Ning Xiaochuan according to the mark of Ning Xiaochuan's Wuhun.

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