Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 292: Geocentric Magma Blood

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"Qi Tianhou Mansion, actually has geocentric magma blood!"

Ning Xiaochuan stared at the top of the medicine rack, a red fire cloud jade box. Below the jade box, there is a vague handwriting marked "Geocentric Magma Blood". It can be seen that this box of geomagmatic blood has been stored for a long time!

This is the Tibetan medicine secret room of Qitianhou House. The space is very wide and there are bronze medicine racks and ice medicine pools everywhere. In some places, there are even medicine fields, where rare treasures grow.

Mrs. Yinchi brought Ning Xiaochuan here to get the name of the mysterious medicine needed for practice. Ning Xiaochuan accidentally found the “geospheric magma blood” she had been searching for.

This kind of advanced mysterious medicine is the main medicine for refining "Earth's Du Zun Dan". It is very difficult to find. It was not found in the three halls of Yang Xin, but it was found in the Tibetan medicine secret room of Qi Tianhou House. happy.

Hou Fu's heritage for thousands of years is truly remarkable.

When you find the geocentric magma blood, you will also find all the mysterious medicines that have been refined.

Mrs. Yinchi herself is a middle-level mind-giver in the Empire's Heart-building Hall. She loved mysterious medicine for ten minutes. She naturally knew the medicinal properties of Xuan Yao. "

Ning Xiaochuan said: "It's true, I have been looking for this mysterious medicine for a long time. If my wife can cut love, I am willing to pay a high price!"

Mrs. Yinchi took the red jade box down and wiped away the dust on the surface of the box. A pair of bright eyes stared at Ning Xiaochuan and sent the jade box to Ning Xiaochuan.

"Ma'am, this is ..." Ning Xiaochuan said.

Mrs. Yinchi's lips had a cute tick, and she lowered her head gently, and smiled, "The owner can teach famous children to practice martial arts, which has made the slaves grateful. I don't know how to repay them. Money, black stones, these Vulgar things are naturally inconspicuous as the owner. This high-level mysterious medicine is of great value and is exactly what the owner needs, and the slave family will give it to the owner to hold the owner's kindness. "

Mrs. Yinchi was so polite, but Ning Xiaochuan was a little embarrassed.

Of course, Ning Xiaochuan was not an arrogant person. He picked up the jade box and said, "You're welcome."

Geocentric magma blood is indeed a treasure that Ning Xiaochuan desperately needs. Even if Mrs. Yinchi does not give it to him, he will find a way to remove the geocentric magma blood.

Mrs. Yinchi stared at the eyes under Ning Xiaochuan's mask, and said, "Although the earth magma blood is a rare treasure in the mysterious medicine, its use is not very wide. There is only one biggest use, which is to refine the earth alone. Is the owner or a mind trainer? "

Ning Xiaochuan knew that she couldn't lie to her, and said, "Yes! I was trying to make the earth's Duzun Dan. It's no secret. Geocentric magma blood is the last mystery. Dominate the land alone. "

"Are you a senior psychologist?" Mrs. Yinchi was slightly startled, Mei Li stared at Ning Xiaochuan.

Because she is also a mind trainer, she understands the difficulties of becoming a senior mind trainer.

In her opinion, although Ning Xiaochuan hides Xiu Wei and his age. But instinctively told her that Ning Xiaochuan was definitely quite young and not more than thirty years old.

Can a young man under 30 be a senior psychologist?

Ning Xiaochuan said: "Mrs. has prepared mysterious medicine, let's go out! I can't wait to refining the earth's monopoly Dan to find the geocentric magma blood!"

"Xuan Yao is ready, let's go out!"

Mrs. Yinchi packed all kinds of mysterious medicine bottles into Qiankun cloth bags, and walked out of the closet with Ning Xiaochuan.

When taking Ning Xiaochuan into the mysterious medicine secret room, Mrs. Yinchi was actually going to seduce Ning Xiaochuan for the third time and use all means to win the owner of the ghost villa in the case of a lone boy and a young girl.

However, after entering the back room, she remembered what Ning Xiaochuan said to her yesterday. In fact, even she felt like a woman with a watery poppy flower, but in front of Ning Xiaochuan, she could not even give birth to a slight idea of ​​deviance.

Therefore, until both she and Ning Xiaochuan walked out of the secret room where Xuanyao was stored, she still had some souls to abstain from, and she talked with Ning Xiaochuan from the beginning to the end about refining and refining medicine. .

When she followed Ning Xiaochuan and listened to him talking about the pharmacology of Xuan Yao, she could not help but give birth to a respect and envy!

Ning Xiaochuan said: "The most important thing for an intermediate mind trainer is to" melt the true tripod ". Many intermediate mind trainers find it very dangerous to melt the true tripod. A little carelessness will destroy all the foundations, so I dare not Take that step. "

"In fact, there are a lot of tricks to melt Zhending. It has something to do with the physique of the warrior, the vitality of the heart, and the attributes of the chosen vessel."

"Yang Xin Ding is made from mysterious medicine and belongs to 'wood' nature. Zhen Ding is made from golden stone and belongs to 'gold' nature. 'Wood' and 'gold' are originally grams. Want It is naturally difficult to smelt the true tripod. However, as long as the "earth" is added to the golden wood, it is much easier to blend the two. "

Ning Xiaochuan's truths are all elixir chapters in Qimen Jiajia, which is of great help to the mind trainer.

If Ning Xiaochuan had earlier obtained "The Fantastic Men's Armor", he would not need the help of a mysterious woman to melt Zhending himself.

Mrs. Yinchi seemed to understand, and Dai Mei frowned slightly, saying, "How can the mysterious medicine of the earth attribute be integrated into Zhending?"

Ning Xiaochuan got Mrs. Yinchi's geocentric magma blood, so she didn't want to take advantage of her, so she continued to point her out, saying, "I heard that there is a mysterious wood in this world, called 'fossil gold wood', which contains gold, wood, The three attributes of soil are the treasures of refining and raising the true ding. If you can find this kind of mysterious wood with your wife's accomplishments, smelting the true ding is definitely an easy task. "

Mrs. Yinchi followed, with a thoughtful look on her face, asking from time to time, like a well-behaved and beautiful schoolgirl.

Ning Xiaochuan walked ahead, like an old gentleman explaining the truth.

Mrs. Yinchi's heart was more and more admired by Ning Xiaochuan, saying: "The landlord refining the land alone, respecting Dan, the slave family ... Can you watch it?"

She knew that watching other alchemists' alchemy was a taboo, but she had the idea of ​​earning a living, so she raised it and stared at Ning Xiaochuan with the expectant look.

In the past, only other men begged her with such eyes. This was the first time she had stared at a man with such sincere and hopeful eyes.

"No," Ning Xiaochuan said flatly.

Then, leave quickly.

A dark look appeared in Mrs. Yinchi's eyes, and she said, "Can the owner tell the slave family, your name?"

"No comment."

Ning Xiaochuan soon disappeared into the eyes of Mrs. Yinchi.

Mrs. Yinchi stared at the back of Ning Xiaochuan's departure, sighed in her heart, and let him escape again. I am afraid it will be more difficult to conquer him in the future!

Mrs. Yinchi and Ning Xiaochuan fought three times. At first, she still prevailed, forcing Ning Xiaochuan to flee.

However, in the third confrontation, she was completely suppressed by Ning Xiaochuan and she was almost captured.

"Ma'am, did you take Gongchuan?" A beautiful maid stepped out from behind the rockery and bowed to Mrs. Yinchi.

Mrs. Yinchi shook her head gently!

The beautiful maid said: "Gongzi Chuan's true identity is not a man at all, otherwise how could his wife be frustrated!"

"You said he was not a man?" Madam Yinchi said, "I think he is the most charming man in the world."

"Mrs. don't be conquered by him, it's quite dangerous." The beautiful maid had a playful smile in her eyes, and said, "Otherwise, the Lord of the Undead City must be quite disappointed with his wife."

"You use the Lord of the city to press me? You need to take care of my business? Get out of me!"

Mrs. Yinchi's eyes were cold, and Wu Zun's might burst out from her body, and Feng Yan's eyes were cold.

Just a icy air wave rushed out, shocked the beautiful maid, blood ran from the corner of her mouth, and quickly fell to her knees, begging: "Mrs. Atonement, Mrs. Atonement, the subordinate has no intention of offending."

Mrs. Yinchi was too lazy to care about her. When she moved, she disappeared from the place.

The beautiful maid looked at Mrs. Yinchi's departure, her beautiful eyes were covered with bloodshot eyes, her pupils became bright red like jade, and her mouth made a cold voice: "A self-righteous bitch, I will sooner or later replace yours Position, becoming the next 'Huang Chenzi' of the Dark Emperor City. If you can't surrender to Gongzichuan, let me surrender him. I want to let the city owner know that I am better than you. "

The slate under the beautiful maid was burned into a liquid by the flames emitted by her hands, turning into drops of rolling magma!


After Ning Xiaochuan returned to the room, he began to organize the mysterious medicine, divided into different categories, and began to refine the earth Duzun Dan.

This is the first time that Ning Xiaochuan has refined high-level xuandan. It is naturally very cautious. Before refining the elixir, a simple enchantment was set up outside the room to avoid being disturbed.

Ning Xiaochuan's enlightenment in Qimen Jiajia has been able to arrange simple enchantments with the help of black stones.

Yang Ding Zhending flew out of Ning Xiaochuan's body and suspended inside the room.

The yin and yang two energy meet in Zhending, forming a dazzling "open flame".

Ning Xiaochuan has been studying the earth alone for a long time. All kinds of elixir are remembered in his heart. He only needs to follow the steps to place the mysterious medicine and control the flame. I believe the chance of failure is very small!


Sixty-four strains of Qipin Yangxin grass flew into the tripod and melted almost instantly, turning into a high-grade Yangxin liquid of 64 regiments. The nourishing heart liquid emits a faint blue light, and the fragrant medicine gas escapes from the ding furnace.

The yin and yang flames are suspended in the center of the tripod furnace.

The sixty-four regiment nourishing fluid, revolving around the yin and yang flames, was quenched by flames, and the color became deeper and darker, like sixty-four blue pearls.


Two more chapters later!

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