Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 280: Jiu Cai Xuan Shui

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The principle of Xuegong: "The millennium ancient demon flew from the sky a thousand years ago and was suppressed by the demon palace. This is an ancient fetus, not an ordinary person can subdue it. In the early years, I went to the devil in the mountain of fire demon Palace, but eventually stopped outside the magic palace and did not go in. The thousand-year-old ancient monster escaped from the magic palace, which I expected, but it was earlier than I predicted. "

Ning Xiaochuan said: "Can't even the palace masters subdue it?"

"Speaking of selfishness, I could suppress him, but I could not kill him. If I spent the rest of my life suppressing him, I would no longer have the energy to practice martial arts. After thirty years, my life would be exhausted. You said "Do I have to suppress the ancient demons in the last thirty years of my life, or am I looking for a higher realm of martial arts?"

Ning Xiaochuan can understand the master of Xuegong, saying: "As long as you are a person, you must have selfishness. Besides, the master of the palace is not selfish, but just wants to go further on the martial arts road and pursue martial arts extremes. In fact, the palace master has done enough for the Yulan Empire. For two hundred years, the palace master has been in the Heavenly Emperor ’s Palace for more than two hundred years. The power of the Yulan Empire has been ten times stronger. Letting the nations come to the DPRK is the prosperous age in the history of the Yulan Empire. "

"The palace master could have pursued martial arts extremes a hundred years ago. However, because of a promise to stay in the Yulan Empire for another hundred years, the best practice time wasted for a hundred years. The palace master is now away and is worthy People in the world. If I were, I would choose to seek martial arts. "

The principle of Xuegong: "Although the millennium ancient demons are fierce and cruel, there are many hidden masters in the Yulan Empire. Some of them, you may not have heard their names, but their martial arts practice has reached you Unthinkable realm. So even if I leave the Yulan Empire, you don't need to worry about the Yulan Empire becoming a Shura field, there will always be masters to deal with him. "

If he can be called a master by the master of the school, it must be a very remarkable person. I don't know what level Xiuwei has reached?

The master of Xuegong said: "The Yulan Empire is the hometown of the Emperor. There may be more opportunities here than outside, but only real talents may be found."

Ning Xiaochuan said: "What about the imperial order?"

"You look for someone in the royal family for me and pass the imperial order to him. If you can still teach him something, it would be the best! Even if I lent you the imperial order, you would return my favor What do you think? "

Ning Xiaochuan arched his hand slightly and said, "The junior must pass the imperial order to a real hero."

Ning Xiaochuan put away the imperial order and walked into Baiyun Cave.

The Baiyun Cave is surrounded by smoke all the year round, and you can only vaguely see some pillars, tiles, and cornices of the palace, and sometimes you can see some strange sights, such as: clouds spread, you can see the sky floating above Ten suns; in some places, suspended mountain peaks can be seen flying in the void; in the depths of the white clouds, a nine-colored fairy pond can be seen faintly.

These sights are shrouded in clouds and mists. Only when the clouds and mists become thin can they be seen faintly, and they do not know that they are real scenes? Or an illusion?

Ning Xiaochuan can only see nine white palaces. On the top of the palace, there are plaques, and the text is cast in green and gold: Tiangan Palace, Tiankan Palace, Tiangen Palace, Tianzhen Palace, Tianzhong Palace, Tianli Palace, Tianli Palace, Tiankun Palace, Tiandui Palace.

Among them, all eight palaces are closed, and the gate with the word "Jing" hung on it!

This means that all the disciples in the eight palaces are practicing.

Only the gate of Tianli Palace is open, and the sign "Jin" is hung on the door.

Baiyun Dongtian can only allow nine students to practice at the same time. The cultivation sites are these nine palaces!

"There must be more than nine students in Baiyundongtian. There must be other people practicing there. In order not to be noticed, let's make some preparations!"

Ning Xiaochuan walked outside the Tianli Palace, stopped and did not walk in. Instead, he pulled the door over to close it, and turned the jade sign hung on the door.

From "jin" to "static".

Ning Xiaochuan passed the Tianli Palace, followed a white jade trail, and proceeded cautiously toward the depths of Baiyun Cave.

It was surrounded by white mist, and the eyes could only see the scene within three meters.

The road on the ground became more and more blurred. With Ning Xiaochuan's eyesight, even the road could not be seen clearly.

I don't know how long, Ning Xiaochuan walked a total of 31 forks. When he encountered the fork, he went left and left a mark on the fork.

Even though he was so careful, he lost his way in the end!

I do n’t know how vast the Baiyun Cave Sky is. Ning Xiaochuan walked for five days and four nights without encountering any buildings or even any life. The surroundings were a little scary.

Ning Xiaochuan eventually stopped and planned to return to the same way, but all the signs he left at the fork were gone!

"How can this be happening? Is anyone always following me and erasing all the marks I left?" Ning Xiaochuan thought of this possibility and looked back behind him, feeling a bit scalp.

Ning Xiaochuan told himself to be calm, or not only could not find what he was looking for, but he might also get lost in Baiyundongtian.

"Tiandi Blade, you are not the sword that Tiandi used to have. You must have entered Baiyundongtian. Do you know where the Book of Qimen was placed?" Ning Xiaochuan pulled out the Xuanshoujian and knocked twice on the bone.

Tiandi Blade's voice sounded from the mysterious beast book, saying: "This ... When Tiandi established Baiyundongtian, my spiritual wisdom was just born, in a state of ignorance, and I was not very familiar with Baiyundongtian. However, I remember there is a 'Hanging Mountain' in Baiyun Cave Sky, where Emperor Tian often cultivates Enlightenment. If he really left the "The Book of Qimen", it is likely to be placed there. Don't forget the purpose of our visit to Baiyun Cave Sky We are looking for clues to the Temple of Heaven, which is the first priority. "

Ning Xiaochuan said: "In the legend, the Heavenly Emperor's Shrine is suspended above the Yulan Empire, and it must be controlled by the power of the formation. The suspended mountain is also suspended in the Baiyu Cave Heaven. Maybe there is a certain connection between the two. "

"That makes sense!"

Heavenly Emperor said: "The Jade Trail here is agglomerated with mysterious air. It is changing every moment. You engraved the mark on the Jade Trail. It's useless at all. Your mind is not strong enough. Follow me. I Maybe you can find the hanging mountains. "

Xuanshoujian flew up from Ning Xiaochuan's hand, and flew towards the trail on the right.

Ning Xiaochuan said: "Aren't you unfamiliar with Baiyun Cave and sure you can find the hanging mountain?"

"Crap! Don't forget, I am the sword of the Emperor. I can feel some of the breath left by the Emperor." The Emperor's Blade vowed swearily.

Twelve days later, Tiandi Blade took Ning Xiaochuan to find a colorful river. What is flowing in the river is not water, but the mystery of nine colors, looking far away, like a river.

Parade along the river towards the distance, a distant view of a nine-colored God pond suspended between white clouds.

The Jiu Cai Xuan Qi in the Jiu Cai River is poured down from the Jiu Cai God Pond and turned into a stream of air currents, which then converge into a big river.

"Did you see that Jiu Cai God Pond? It is a huge spiritual cave. It is called" Jiu Cai Spirit Cave "in the" Soul Cave Collection "of Daomen. This is already a pretty powerful cave. Every time The mysterious gas that erupts every moment is extremely massive, even if it supports a hundred Wuzun practitioners, it will not dry up. "Tiandi Blade said.

Lingxue, like a spring eye, can continue to pour out mysterious energy and provide it to martial arts for cultivation.

The more powerful the Lingxue, the more intense the surrounding heaven and earth.

Just like the nine-colored spirit cave in front of me, the mysterious gas that has spewed out has become liquid and turned into the legendary "nine-colored mystic water"!

Even if only a drop of pool water is taken from the Jiu Cai Shen Pond, it can be turned into a mysterious stream, which is comparable to the amount of mysterious gas contained in a sublime black stone.

The most important thing is that the mystery contained in the water of the Jiu Cai God Pond can be directly absorbed by the warriors, but the mystery contained in the low-grade Xuanshi cannot be directly absorbed by the warriors.

Therefore, the value of a drop of nine-colored mysterious water is definitely several times, or even ten times, a lower-quality black stone!

Ning Xiaochuan's heart is still quite attractive, but this is the treasure of cultivation and alchemy, saying: "If you can collect some pool water to go back, you can definitely make Xiner's martial arts repairs make rapid progress."

Ning Xiaochuan himself does not need to practice Jiu Cai Xuan Shui very much. After all, he can absorb Xuan Qi 64 times faster now! His main purpose of collecting Jiu Cai Xuan Shui was for alchemy and Ning Xin'er.

Emperor Tiandao said: "The Jiu Cai Ling Cave supports the entire supply of Baiyun Cave Heaven and is the foundation of the Bai Yun Cave Heaven. For the monks of Daomen, the Jiu Cai Ling Cave is simply a fetish and is most useful for their cultivation. In terms of effect, the effect is relatively weak. Alas! Someone! "

Ning Xiaochuan was rushing towards Jiu Cai Shenchi, and after hearing the sound of the Heavenly Emperor Blade, he immediately stopped and converged.

There are indeed other people in Baiyundongtian. If it is found, it will be a big deal!

Ning Xiaochuan looked in the direction of Jiucai Shenchi. A white cloud covering Shenchi just spread out. In the center of Shenchi, a vermilion pavilion appeared!

Inside the pavilion, there was a woman in a white robe, with long hair like a waterfall and graceful figure like a moon, giving a sense of infinite emptiness and etherealness, full of mystery.

She sat in the pavilion to practice, vomiting nine-colored mystery, and there was always a layer of mist around her body, which made it impossible for her to see her at all, as if she was in another spacetime.

"It's her!" Ning Xiaochuan opened his eyes wide, revealing a surprised look.

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