Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 274: The loser is Kou

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Ning Xiaochuan once again hit a world-defeating sword wave, and a translucent sword air wave rushed out.

Han Fu didn't dare to use Ying Shijing to resist easily any more. With a shot of his arm, he shot a wave of fire to offset the annihilation sword wave.


Ning Xiaochuan mobilized the seven extinct airs in his body, each of them divided into a ray, condensed into a sword wave, ran a circle in the blood, and flew out of the fingertips.

The area covered by Jianbo is extremely large, and within ten meters of the circle, it becomes a field of Jianbo.

In order to test the power of this sword wave, Han Fu projected a second-class Xuanqi-level war sword, and the war sword was instantly smashed by the ruined sword wave's field and turned into more than a dozen scrap iron blocks.

"So strong!"

Han Fu quickly shot Ying Shijing in the direction of Tiangong, and a magnificent Tianli palace was projected on the mirror.

The palace flew out of the mirror, blocking him.


Jian Shi, the destroyer of the world, blasted the palace across, punched a large hole with a diameter of one meter, and was blocked by Han Shi's mirror.

Before waiting for Han Fu to calm down, Ning Xiaochuan played another wave of extinction!

"The World Extinction Sword" is the first form of World Extinction.

The second form of the World Extinction Kendo is the "World Extinction Sword Soul", which is more powerful than the World Extinction Sword Wave. It can summon the imaginary shadow of the World Extinction Master, and can borrow a ray of power from the World Extinction Master.

However, Ning Xiaochuan has already used the "Extinct Sword Soul" as Gongzichuan, and if it is displayed again, it will definitely reveal its identity.

Therefore, he can only use Han Shi Jianbo to attack Han Fu.

Although Han Fu used Yingshi Realm to block the annihilation sword waves, but his own mysterious energy consumption was extremely large. After blocking Ning Xiaochuan's nine annihilation sword waves, he was already tired and sweated, and most of his qi energy was consumed.

"You can no longer use Yingshijing, or it will be consumed by Ning Xiaochuan."

Han Fu's heart thought so much that he was planning to put away Ying Shijing, but Ning Xiaochuan was already standing by his side, with a palm on his shoulder.


A flash of lightning split into Han Fu's body, splitting Han Fu into shudders, fleshy skin, upright hair, and dozens of blood vessels in his body.

"Ning Xiaochuan, I think there are many suspicious things about you killing the same door. You should not jump to conclusions, and you need to verify." Han Fu suffered severe damage and had to be softened.

"Now you find something suspicious? Why didn't you say it when you were trying to capture me?" Ning Xiaochuan waved another lightning, slicing on Han Fu's arm, and split Han Fu's arm into flesh and blood. Smoky.


Han Fu's hand bone was broken into six sections, and Ying Shijing in his hand fell to the ground.

With a wave of Ning Xiaochuan's sleeve, Ying Shijing was taken away!

This is a Qipin mystery, worthless. Ning Xiaochuan also saw the power of Ying Shijing just now. If he is allowed to perform, the power that can be exerted must be even greater.

Han Fu couldn't care less about Ying Shijing, and was afraid of being killed by Ning Xiaochuan. He was still afraid and kept back, saying: "This can't blame me, I'm also deceived by Ning Xiaojian. The person who really wants to wrong you is him."

Finally the dog bites the dog!

Ning Xiaochuan fired another lightning, Han Fu split out and said, "So you know that I was wronged?"

Ning Xiaochuan killed dozens of students in Tiandi City. It can be seen that Ning Xiaochuan is definitely not a kind-hearted person. This is why Han Fu took the initiative to soften after being defeated by Ning Xiaochuan, because he knew that if he did not accept it, Ning Xiaochuan would definitely dare to kill him.

What is more important than life?

Han Fu lay on the ground with blood dripping from the corners of his mouth, and said, "Little Hou Ye is naturally wronged!"

"With Captain Han's words, then I'm relieved." Ning Xiaochuan crouched down, extended his palms kindly, and patted Han Fu's shoulder gently.

Han Fu was trembling all over, for he was afraid that Ning Xiaochuan's "Beijing Divine Power" would devour the mysterious energy in his body, and he would be done in his life.

Ning Xiaojian was not just held by Ning Xiaochuan's shoulders, but was sucked out of the body by "Beijing Shen Gong" and became a wasteful person!

"Little Houye, this thing ..." Han Fu raised his head, extruding an ugly smile, his eyes with a look of supplication.

"This is not a big deal, Captain Han, get up!" Ning Xiaochuan held out a hand with a smile on his face.

Is that all right? Is Ning Xiaochuan such a good speaker?

Han Fu always felt uneasy, but he still held Ning Xiaochuan's palm, stood up, and watched Ning Xiaochuan disappear into the battle ruins before Han Fu really confirmed that he was all right.

Ning Xiaochuan stood in the middle of the street, running his whole body and bombarding the formation.

The quaint stones suspended in the void were shattered, and the space that was originally anchored was immediately unsealed.

Ning Xiaochuan calmly stepped out of the formation, looking forward, Princess Lan Fei's car, escorted by a group of martial art masters, has disappeared at the end of the street!

"Escape! Can you escape?" Ning Xiaochuan stared at Princess Lan Fei's car and did not catch up.

To deal with Princess Lan Fei, he has the most direct and easiest way, there is no need to fight with those martial art masters under her seat.

"Ogawa!" Yu Qianxi came over and stood in front of Ning Xiaochuan.

She was wearing a long green dress, and the lotus inside her body exuded a faint lotus fragrance from the inside out, just like a blue lotus in the heart of the lake!

Yu Qianqian's martial arts training is extremely rapid for progress, has reached the ninth weight of the deity body, much beyond Ning Xiaochuan's expectations.

However, she is the county lord of the Da Jinpeng Palace. Her Majesty has a lot of martial arts fighters working for her and helping her to earn points, so she can easily enter the Tiangong to practice. A warrior practicing in Tiangong for one day is comparable to practicing outside for a year. She can reach the ninth weight of the deity, which is not an exaggeration.

Yu Qianqian originally thought that she would have a lot of things to say after seeing Ning Xiaochuan, but after seeing it, she couldn't say another word.

In the end, she restrained her emotions and laughed, "Actually, if you don't return to the Emperor's Palace today, I will go to the Emperor's Palace to find you."

Ning Xiaochuan said: "Have you crossed the seventh floor of the Tongtian Bridge?"

Yu Qianqian nodded and smiled sweetly: "Yeah! I passed it today!"

"Congratulations!" Ning Xiaochuan was just two simple words, but already contained all his emotions at the moment.

Being able to cross the seventh floor of the Tongtian Bridge with the ninth-level realm of the divine body shows that her talent is not lower than that of the famous sheep. This is indeed a happy thing!

"Actually people like Han Fu, you should get rid of him, you shouldn't keep him alive, then don't suffer endlessly." Yu Qianxi said.

Ning Xiaochuan laughed: "Han Fu's martial arts talents are not bad. It is a pity to kill the monster. If it can be used by me, I don't mind leaving him a life."

Ning Xiaochuan was confident that he could control Han Fu, so he left his life and planned to conquer him as a ghost villa!

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