Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 263: Waitress

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"What's going on with Sword God Palace?" Ning Qiancheng asked in confusion.

Immediately afterwards, Ning Xiaochuan reiterated the topics previously discussed with Jiange Hou, saying: "The establishment of the Excalibur Palace has been put on the agenda, and within a year, we will see the scale. Now we can start to build. It belongs to the Makihara area of ​​the Houge House. Erbo has been stationed at the border for many years. Should I know more about the large-scale Makihara? "

Ning Qiancheng Road: "What do you mean?"

Ning Xiaochuan said: "If you want to cultivate Makihara slowly, there will be no scale for hundreds of years. We ca n’t wait for that, we must develop at the fastest speed. The Jiangehou government has money and resources, so we have to Acquisition of a large Makihara. "

"Leave me to do this! I have thought of an excellent Makhara territory. If the funds are sufficient, I can be sure to establish the largest Makhara territory of the Yulan Empire within three years." Ning Qian The city was confident.

Ning Xiaochuan is overjoyed. If this matter is to be handed over to Ning Qiancheng, who has millions of troops, he will certainly be able to do more with less!

Ning Xiaochuan said: "When the specific location of Makihara Territory is finalized, I will immediately sell all other properties in Jiangehou Mansion, spend huge sums of money to buy mysterious beasts, and ship it to Makihara Manor. Jiange Hou Mansion will establish Makihara Manor Therefore, it must be big, monopolizing the mysterious beast market and controlling the 'war horses' and 'traffic' is tantamount to breaking the lifeline of the entire Yulan Empire. "

Jiange Hou laughed: "Qiancheng, this time we have to do a lot in Jiange Hou government. No matter how much capital is required, despite reporting to me, the thousand-year savings of Jiange Hou government are your solid backing. All the borderlands of Muyuan will be acquired and spent. It's worth much money. If anyone is unwilling to sell, then send troops to talk to them, both hard and soft, and do whatever they can to believe that they don't bow their heads. "

Next, Ning Xiaochuan talked with Ning Qiancheng about the specific operation, and talked about the whole morning before finalizing the general plan.

Ning Qiancheng wore battle armor, left Jiangehoufu, and headed to Bianguan again.

Ning Xiaochuan picked up Dan Fang, "the earth alone respects Dan," at Jiangehoufu, and left Jiangehoufu.

Back at Guanyu Tower, Ning Xiaochuan immediately repaired a book and gave it to Xie Mengyao, so that she could send the letter to the ghost villa.

The general content of Ning Xiaochuan's letter was: Let the courtiers **** both the "forge master" and the "forge master" to the designated place on the letter and transfer it to the people in Jiangehoufu.

Ning Xiaochuan intends to start the establishment, which belongs to the sacred place of the forge of Jiangehoufu. This matter is imminent and must begin immediately.

Situ Fengwu followed Ning Xiaochuan timidly, her lips moved, and she looked like she was talking!

"What's the matter? Just say it!" Ning Xiaochuan pinched the earth to respect Dan's Dan Fang, studying the methods of alchemy recorded on Dan Fang.

Situ Fengwu suddenly knelt in front of Ning Xiaochuan, her teeth clenched her red lips, and her eyes lingered, "I beg the owner to help me feed the maggots. I don't want to bear the pain of maggot biting. Just live this time! "

Ning Xiaochuan is still holding Danfang, researching pharmacology, and said, "Your toadstool poison will only come on tomorrow. Let's talk tomorrow!"

Situ Fengwu's face is beautiful, her skin is as delicate as rouge cheese, and her long black hair hangs on the ground. There is an indescribably noble beauty. She said, "Zhuang Zhuang, I will never dare to betray Ghost Villa next time. I will never dare. I ask the Zhuang Zhuang to support me. I don't want to wait until tomorrow ..."

Situ Fengwu had tasted the pain of maggot biting heart, it was so painful that she didn't want to try it again.

Ning Xiaochuan finally put down Dan Fang and looked at Situ Fengwu kneeling on the ground.

Such a noble and beautiful woman, kneeling on the ground and begging for a man, is indeed an easy thing to make people soft.

Ning Xiaochuan gently touched Situ Fengwu's face, his skin was white and tender, and his hand was smooth and soft. He said, "You should have understood that if you do something wrong, you must be punished. Just what you did today, I can Putting you to death, no, to be precise, there are ways to make your life worse than death. "

Situ Fengwu's body shivered, and the pair of skirts under his skirt were weak, and she was going to slump on the ground.

Ning Xiaochuan said: "However, I believe you will not destroy your future, and you will not make fun of your life. Right?"

"No ... definitely not!"

Ning Xiaochuan said positively: "If you can help me do a great thing, I will not only punish you, but maybe I can help you and the Prince Edward to fly together in the future, to become the princess who everyone admires."

"What's the matter?" Situ Fengwu's eyes looked eagerly.

Ning Xiaochuan said: "We have arrested a large number of excellent calcinators from the Situ family. If I came forward, these calciners would certainly not be obedient and would not help me. But if you come, I believe They all trust you more, right? "

Situ Fengwu stared at Ning Xiaochuan, hesitating.

She knew very well that Ning Xiaochuan was using her, which is why Ning Xiaochuan has not killed her so far!

Ning Xiaochuan also said, "Jiangehouhou will build the Excalibur Palace and a sacred place of calciner. I believe that you must know more about the establishment of a sacred place of calciner than I know how to operate a huge calciner system. You are willing to help Do I build Excalibur? "

"I ... I ... I promised His Royal Highness that I would help him establish a base for calciners ... I ..." Situ Fengwu said.

Ning Xiaochuan's eyes caught cold and he grabbed her chin and said, "Situ Fengwu, I'm not discussing with you now. If you do not obey my will, I will never make you a princess." Ning Xiaochuan's eyes Glancing into her chest, she could see two half-snowy white peaks and soft peaks, and smiled viciously, "Do you believe it?"

Situ Fengwu's heart trembled, and he nodded hard, saying, "Believe! All obey the order of the owner, Feng Wu dares not violate half of it."

Ning Xiaochuan nodded with satisfaction and released her chin.

Ning Xiaochuan's heart sighed, "It's really tiring to pretend to be a big villain, but not to pretend to be a big villain, and it can scare people at all."

Ning Xiaochuan didn't want to be a villain, but he had to be a villain. Since this road has been chosen, it can only go black one way!

At night, Xie Mengyao returned to Guanyu Tower with a letter from the courtier.

Ning Xiaochuan opened the letter and saw that the letter reads: "The" Cauter Master "and the" Cauter Apparatus "of the Stuart Family are the wealth of the Ghost Villa, and they are exchanged for life by the people of the Villa. Hou House, I'm afraid everyone in the villa will disagree. I hope the owner will think twice before moving on. "

After seeing the contents of the letter, Ning Xiaochuan acted calmly, put the letter on the table, and laughed: "It's a good courtier, and I still didn't put my owner in my eyes. It seems that the ghost villa is real It's not that I'm in charge. "

Xie Mengyao smiled charmingly, Shi Shiran came over and filled Ning Xiaochuan with tea, saying: "Zhuang owner misunderstood. Master his old man was just worried that doing so would arouse the dissatisfaction of everyone in Ghost Village, not intentionally against Zhuang Lord ’s will. "

Ning Xiaochuan stared at Xie Mengyao slightly and said, "So you already knew the content of the letter?"


Xie Mengyao's heart was shocked, and he immediately knelt on the ground, saying: "This is ... Master told me personally, Master is worried about the stability inside the villa, fearing that some people will not accept it, after all, the development of the ghost villa is too fast, Stable! "

Ning Xiaochuan hooked his fingers and said, "Meng Yao, come here."

Xie Mengyao hesitated for a moment, or walked in front of Ning Xiaochuan, a pair of big crystal eyes with a soft look, said: "Zhuang owner, what do you tell me?"

Ning Xiaochuan said: "Your Master, sending you to my side is to make you my woman, right?"

Xie Mengyao was slightly shy, turning his head slightly, and a rosy glow appeared on the jade white face, whispering: "If the owner needs it, Meng Yao is always the woman of the owner."

"If so, would you like me to sleep tonight?"

Ning Xiaochuan stared at her eyes and pupils, looking at this charming and charming face, plump Yufeng, slender waist, and bumpy figure, and she could already guess that she hadn't actually let her sleep. Definitely one that can make men want. Fairy desire. Dead witch!

Situ Fengwu stood aside, her cheeks were crimson, her heart was cursing, a pair of men and women who did not know shame!

Xie Mengyao didn't feel shy at all. It seemed to have waited for this day for a long time, and said softly, "I'm going to take a bath and change clothes!"

Ning Xiaochuan stared at the back of Xie Mengyao's back, his mouth slightly raised, and then he continued to study Dan Fang, "the earth alone respects Dan."

Situ Fengwu was anxious, knowing that some uncomfortable things would definitely happen here, saying: "Zhuangzhuang, I ... can I leave first?"

"Why do you leave? Stay and watch the show together!" Ning Xiaochuan said.

After all, Situ Fengwu is a lady from a large family. After learning poetry etiquette from an early age, she still couldn't face this kind of thing. At this moment, she was so ashamed and red-skinned that she wished to find a place to dig into it.

"Gongzi Chuan is really not a good person. This kind of thing has to be watched by me?" Situ Fengwu gritted his teeth tightly, and thought that Gongzichuan's psychology was too abnormal, did he ... he had an attempt on me?

Situ Fengwu started to feel uneasy. She felt that it was not good intentions for Gongzi to leave her.

Ning Xiaochuan ignored her evil thoughts, completely released her mind, and sensed the mysterious waves between heaven and earth!

Suddenly, a vague murderous spirit came from above.

Ning Xiaochuan seemed to have expected it. A three-foot-long mystic sword was condensed above his head. A sword stabbed out, dragging a splendid sword light and penetrating the roof above.


The entire room was chopped with huge sword gas, the walls became wood chips, and rubble kept falling.

In the dark, there was a tap!

A black figure twirled in the air, a pair of ice-fire double flying wings spread out on its back, and flew up, suspended in the mid-air ten meters above the ground, overlooking Ning Xiaochuan below.

Her whole body is wrapped in a black robe, holding a dragon-scale black sword, a golden mask on her face, and a pair of ice and fire flying wings on her back. The powerful magic energy revolves around the body, just like a peerless Witch.

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