Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 257: Kill three elders with one sword

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In the golden poisonous mist, a golden-yellow scorpion flew out, with long wings and bright eyes. The tail was flat and tilted like a blade, and one tail was chopped with the thunderbolt.

The Golden-winged Ghost King Scorpion is amazingly toxic, and its strength cannot be underestimated.

The adult gold-winged ghost scorpion can tear a one-meter-thick iron wall with his tail.

Ning Xiaochuan snorted coldly, making a loud thunderous sound, and a red-red magic sword flew from his body and chopped in the void.


The monstrous magic waves and sword swells split the Golden Red Ghost King Scorpion into pieces, turning it into a broken golden armor, and golden venom flowed on the ground.

The magic sword flew back again, floating in front of Ning Xiaochuan, emitting a blood-red light.

Under the light of the magic sword, a strange pattern appeared on the ground, like a **** sea of ​​corpses, the ground was covered with blood, like the end of the world.

The magic sword's body is surrounded by six extinct qi, like six gray air dragons revolving around the magic sword, exuding a creepy power.

The three eternal elders were frightened by the momentum of the magic sword, and their faces were a little pale.


Viper ordered.

The three elders did not dare to collide with Gongzichuan, and were ready to walk away.

Ning Xiaochuan sat on the spot and exhibited "The Sword of Destruction".

Behind him, the ghost of the ancestor of the annihilation of the world, put the magic sword in his hand, waved a sword, and split a blood-red sword river.




The three eternal elders were beheaded by the magic sword, and the blood in the body was absorbed by the magic sword, becoming three dry corpses, and finally crushed into corpse powder by the sword gas.

The black python and the ten-meter-long tadpole were also slain by sword gas and turned into two mysterious corpses.

"come back!"

With one move of Ning Xiaochuan's sleeve, the magic sword flew back into the body, merged into the blood, and returned to the heart.

There is still a poisonous mist in the air.

The restaurant was extremely quiet, and everyone was nervous and speechless.

Gongzi Chuan is too cruel, killing three dead elders with one sword, really not afraid to offend Momon!

I do not know how long it took, Ning Xiaochuan stood up and was about to leave, staring at the red lying on the straw mat. Naked girl.

She was dying, her legs were covered with blood, because Ning Xiaochuan had previously used the heavens and earth to block the poisonous mist in the air, so she was not caught by the poisonous gas, and she was still breathing.

Ning Xiaochuan walked towards the restaurant.

The murderers in the restaurant are backing, very scared of him. Some people overturned the bench, some sat on the ground, the whole restaurant became a mess, everyone was backing.

Situ Fengwu was also shocked just now, and had a new understanding of Ning Xiaochuan. One sword killed the three masters of the magic gate, and martial arts repair was almost scary.

"It seems that Ning Xiaochuan has become the enemy of His Royal Highness, hey! What is this devil going to do now?"

Ning Xiaochuan walked to the dying young girl, slowly squatted down, looked at her injury, and made a long sigh.

Ning Xiaochuan opened a small mouth on his finger, a drop of blood dripped into it, and fell to the girl's lips.

This drop of blood turned into two blood-red divine tigers, sending out a low-pitched tiger howl, and merging into the girl's body, supplementing her lost blood.

The girl's original pale face gradually recovered her blood color, her heartbeat became faster and faster, and her vitality recovered rapidly.

"thank you."

She opened her eyes slightly and looked at Ning Xiaochuan, still looking weak.

When Ning Xiaochuan saw her wake up, she stood up and "brought her back to the ghost villa."

After Ning Xiaochuan said this, he walked out of the wine shop and disappeared into the hazy night.

Situ Fengwu was a little surprised, staring at the back of Ning Xiaochuan, feeling that he really didn't understand this person. He had mercilessly killed three elder monks just now. The next moment, he used his own drop of essence blood to save the weak girl who was about to die.

His personality is too divided!

Situ Fengwu doesn't think Ning Xiaochuan has any idea about this girl, because, as his identity and martial arts, it is easy to get a woman ten times more beautiful than this girl. Masters of martial arts like him do not even consider the life and death of a street girl.

Therefore, she can only think that this is the personality split of Ning Xiaochuan. When he is evil, he is just a demon who kills and does not blink. When he shows kindness, he is like a bodhisattva **** who saves suffering.

Situ Fengwu unbuttoned her robe, wrapped it on the girl, hugged the girl, and left with Ning Xiaochuan.

After Ning Xiaochuan and Situ Fengwu left for a long time, the fierce people in the wine shop began to talk again, and everyone had a feeling of the rest of their lives.

Ning Xiaochuan is naturally not a split personality, but his principle of doing things is different. Because he used to be a doctor, no matter who he was, he would go for treatment as long as his life was dying, even if it was just a beggar on the street.

At the same time, as long as he is an enemy, he will not hesitate to kill, or even heed the roots.

Everyone in this world wants to be a good person who fights for justice and saves the wounded, but the good person is not so good. Many times he will die earlier than the bad person. Many times he will be bullied by the bad person. Many times even his family No protection.

Ning Xiaochuan also wants to be a good person, but depending on who he is, facing the weak and the good, he can help them without any return.

However, in the face of the enemy and the evil, Ning Xiaochuan will be more fierce and more evil than them.

"I'm curious about this. Even if the owner wants to kill the three elders of Wushengdao, why do they have to make an appointment with the wine shop and reveal the identity of the owner of the ghost hill village? You must know that the force of Wushengdao is quite strong. , Isn't the landlord afraid of causing trouble to the ghost villa? "Situ Fengwu always felt that he could not see through Ning Xiaochuan.

Ning Xiaochuan walked in front, with his hands behind his back, fluttering in white, just like a magpie stepping on the clouds, saying, "I did it on purpose. Tell them that the ghost villa is not afraid of the magic gate, as long as there is a ghost villa Now, the magic gate never dreamed of taking advantage of the imperial city. "

Situ Fengwu said, "They? Who are they?"

Ning Xiaochuan's cheeky smile appeared on his face, and he stopped talking.



The shopkeeper of the wine shop, Qian Sanyuan, is no longer in the wine shop, but in a dark underground palace.

He is naturally not as simple as a wine shopkeeper, but a big man in the Dark Empire.

"Xuanchenzi" among the four ministers of heaven, earth, xuan and huang.

Xuan Chenzi knelt down on the ground respectfully, staring at a ball of light floating on the cold lake in the palace, his mouth moving, but his mouth did not make a sound.

After a long while, a ball of shadow condensed in the ball of light, much like a small human figure, and it was not clear whether it was male or female.

"Have you ever seen Gongzichuan?" There was a gurgling voice in the ball of light.

Xuan Chenzi nodded his head and said, "His cultivation is so extraordinary that he should not be fake."

The sound in the light ball sounded again, saying: "The purpose of killing the three elders of the magic gate is just to worry about the magic gate entering the imperial city and sharing the benefits in the imperial city?"

"Yes," Xuan Chenzi said.

"Well, in just two years, Ghost Villa has developed fast enough. It has controlled 36 side sets, and even the prince has been defeated by them. It is estimated that the seven side sets around Yunhuji will also become their In the bag. "

Xuan Chenzi said: "City Lord, should we immediately remove the ghost villa, if they develop, it will definitely affect the interests of the dark imperial city."

"No! Let's help Gongzichuan to help Gongzichuan unify the side set, and let him be the master of the side set." The voice of the master of the undead city came from the light ball.

The true body of the Undead Lord is actually not here.

The suspended ball of light just passed the voice of the undead city master here.

Xuan Chenzi frowned, and said, "Subordinates are puzzled."

The sound in the light ball sounded: "The demon Emperor Duanmuhan has already cleared the gate, and has defeated the imperial army of the imperial court. The power of the demon is unprecedentedly powerful. The ten-year contract between the demon and the emperor Yulan has also ended. Inside, the magic gate will definitely enter the imperial city on a large scale. "

"If we support Gongzichuan and help him unify the side set, then he will be our best chess piece against the magic gate. Let him lead the power of the ghost villa to collide with the magic gate directly, we only need to sit and collect the profit That's it. When they lose both and we get another shot, we can easily suppress them or even conquer them. "

Xuan Chenzi said: "The city master is wise."

The sound in the ball of light rang again, saying: "Let Huang Chenzi talk to Gongzichuan. If Gongzichuan is willing to surrender to the dark imperial city, then it is even better."

"Let Huang Chenzi talk ... The way she talks, Gongzi Chuan may not be able to accept it!" Xuan Chenzi said.

The light in the light ball said, "As long as Gongchuan is a man, he will definitely accept her way of talking."

"Subordinates understand, let's inform Huang Chenzi!" Xuan Chenzi said.

The light of the light ball faded, all the breath disappeared.

The next day, there was a big news in the imperial city. The story of "Gongzichuan slashing the three elders of the Demon Gate" was spread and became a topic of discussion. Many people are talking about Gongzichuan and ghost Villa.

Gongzi Chuan is getting stronger and stronger!

Ghost Villa is also spreading more and more mysterious!

The name "Gongzichuan" was even passed on to the residences of all the princes and became a well-known villain.

Qi Tianhou House.

Mrs. Yinchi was wrapped in a snowy white mink fur, exposing Yubai Bingqing's fragrant skin, she looked like a beautiful woman in her early twenties, extremely beautiful, and pitiful.

She sat gracefully and charmingly beside the pond, feeding the fish in the pond.

Behind her was a beautiful fourteen or five-year-old maid with a beautiful face and a bun in her head, wearing a pale green tulle, exposing her crystal clear and touching skin.

Although this maid is extremely beautiful, she is still far away from Mrs. Yinchi. Not to mention that beauty is inferior, that is, the attractive temperament is worse than Mrs. Yinchi.

The maid reported to Mrs. Yinchi about the rumors of Gongzichuan.

Mrs. Yinchi's red lips slightly hooked and smiled: "Gongzichuan, it seems that I really want to talk to him, hopefully an understanding. Interesting man!"

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