Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 254: Weapon Ranking

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"You continue, the sound of the piano is very beautiful, and Huther is affectionate, and it is quite moving." Ning Xiaochuan said all the truth, Yu Ningsheng and Xiao Yizhi were both melody, and their elegance was admired.

Ning Xiaochuan led Xie Mengyao and Situ Fengwu into the room and closed the door.

This room was specially rented by Ning Xiaochuan from Yu Ningsheng, and stayed here to avoid the pursuit of the millennium ancient demon and the deadly strong.

Xiao Yizhi felt a chilly cold, with chicken skin around his neck, and quickly said, "Girl Ningsheng, retreat first."

Xiao Yizhi is also a member of the magic gate. He is very clear about Yu Ningsheng's identity and is very respectful to her.

At the same time, he also knew the relationship between Yu Ningsheng and Ning Xiaochuan, so he immediately slipped away.

Yu Ningsheng was sitting inside the bamboo pavilion, in white clothes like snow, and her eyes stared at the lights in Ning Xiaochuan's room, and she saw three figures projected on the paper wall.

Her fingers squeezed Husser tightly, and she cracked Husser. "He actually walked into the room with two women, and closed the door? Why aren't he watching so many beautiful women in Yulou? Yulou was looking for, but brought in from the outside? He did it on purpose, definitely on purpose. He deliberately sought two women to stimulate me, and wanted to see if I would care, huh, I would not care. "

Yu Ningsheng smiled slightly!

But she was still sitting in the bamboo pavilion, sending out her heart-feeling quietly, wanting to see what Ning Xiaochuan and the two women were doing in the room?

Ning Xiaochuan was sitting on a chair, holding a pen in his hand.

Situ Fengwu stood beside the mill, really like a beautiful maid.

Ning Xiaochuan pondered for a moment, soaked in ink, and wrote five vigorous and powerful characters on the scroll-"Arrangement of Weapons Ranking"!

After writing these five words, Ning Xiaochuan stopped writing.

Xie Mengyao took the soft and white Jiao body over, looked at the scroll, opened his red lips, and said, "Zhuang, what do these five words ... mean?"

Ning Xiaochuan said: "These five words can control the world trend."

Situ Fengwu, who was grinding, also glanced at the scroll, but was unable to associate these five words with the general trend of the world.

Ning Xiaochuan did not wear a mask, and Situ Fengwu naturally recognized him.

When Situ Fengwu knew that the owner of the Ghost Villa "Gongzichuan" was Ning Xiaochuan, he was shocked to the extreme.

In her opinion, Gongzi Chuan is a terrible demon. Even if she looks young, she may be fifty years old. However, she did not expect that Gongzichuan turned out to be really young, less than twenty years old.

So young, martial arts are so terrible, the mind is so deep, and even in charge of a ghost villa. If he was allowed to grow for another ten years, would he still have it?

I am afraid that even His Royal Highness Prince, who is amazingly talented, will be compared by him.

When Ning Xiaochuan decided to subdue Situ Fengwu, he did not intend to conceal her. Even if she let her know her true identity, Ning Xiaochuan believed that she had enough ability to control her.

When a wild horse is tamed, let alone a woman?

Ning Xiaochuan stared at the five words on the scroll and said: "Situ Fengwu, you are the Qianjin of the Situ family. You must be well-informed. You know what powerful mysterious weapons the Yulan Empire has. In whose hands? "

Situ Fengwu is a multi-talented and knowledgeable man with a wide range of knowledge. He said: "Weapons are divided into 'Vulgar' and 'Xuanqi', and Xuanqi is divided into nine grades. On top of the Xuanqi, there is also the saying of 'Extreme King'.

"Extreme Emperor?" Ning Xiaochuan asked.

To the martial arts world, Ning Xiaochuan is indeed inferior to Situ Fengwu, a child born from a young age. After all, most of Ning Xiaochuan's energy is devoted to refining medicine and cultivation.

The mysterious vessels with more than seven grades are already powerful. They can cut rivers and break mountains, which is enough to guard a gate and deter night.

As for the eight grades and nine grades, they are all legendary magic weapon warriors. Once fully urged, they can easily destroy a city.

The "Jinge Tower" of the town's magical soldiers in Jiangehoufu is a powerful Jiupinxuan, which is made from nine small worlds.

Although Ning Xiaochuan has never seen how powerful the Jiange Tower is, according to Laohouye, once the Jiange Tower is fully exerted, it can sink half of the imperial city in a single blow and kill thousands of people.

If Lao Houye is telling the truth, Jiu Pin Xuan Qi already has the power to deter the world.

The power of the supreme imperial weapon is more terrifying than that of Jiu Pinxuan. Ning Xiaochuan is naturally quite curious.

Situ Fengwu said: "In fact, the Supreme Emperor can only be regarded as a legend. For example, the 'Sky Bell' in the Heavenly Emperor's Palace is a legendary Supreme Emperor. However, no one has ever used the Heavenly Bell, which has led to this. Everything can only be legend, no one can confirm. "

When Situ Fengwu suddenly thought of Ning Xiaochuan, he once struck the bell, and he couldn't help admiring Ning Xiaochuan. After all, he could shake the Supreme Emperor's weapon, which is also a great skill.

Ning Xiaochuan wrote the "sky bell" on the scroll and said, "What other royal tools have you heard?"

Situ Fengwu thought for a moment, and then said, "In the legend, the" Sky Emperor Blade "is also the Supreme Emperor, and some people say that it is a sub-artifact. Speculation, no one can even recognize the Supreme Emperor's weapon. However, the Heavenly Emperor Blade is, after all, the Emperor's Sabre, at least it should be the Supreme Emperor's Tool. "

Ning Xiaochuan could feel the Heavenly Emperor Blade in the Xuanshoujian beeping, seeming to laugh, and seeming to be screaming.

Ning Xiaochuan wrote down the "Blade of Heavenly Emperor", thought for a while, and forked both "Blade of Heaven" and "Blade of Heavenly Emperor", saying, "Every vessel left by Heavenly Emperor has been deified by warriors. It may not be that powerful. The "Weapon Ranking Spectrum" that I want to compose not only ranks weapons but also ranks people. Who do you think is the first master of the Yulan Empire? "

"Of course it is the master of the palace." Situ Fengwu and Xie Mengyao said at the same time.

Ning Xiaochuan also said, "What is the real name of the Lord of the Academy?"

"Yutianchi. The ancestor of the royal family." Situ Fengwu said.

Ning Xiaochuan said, "What is the sword of the master of the school?"

Situ Fengwu was embarrassed and said: "The martial arts master of the Palace of Learning is invincible to the world. Even without weapons, no one can fight with bare hands and empty fists."

Ning Xiaochuan shook his head and said, "But I clearly saw a statue hanging on the waist of the statue of the Lord of the Academy."

Situ Fengwu said: "The sword is not a peerless sword, but an ordinary iron sword. It is given to him by the master of the school master, asking him to use the most ordinary iron to meet the world's most powerful. Mystery. The Lord of Xuegong has never defeated using this iron sword. This iron sword was named 'Sword of Guru' by the Lord of Gong Palace to commemorate the teachings of the Guru. "

"Good! Weapons ranked first: Yu Tianchi, Master Sword." Ning Xiaochuan wrote down this line in the draft.

Xie Mengyao frowned slightly: "Zhuangzhu, don't you compile" Army Rankings "?‘ Sword of Master 'is just an ordinary iron sword, how can it be ranked first? ”

"Eunuch sword, although it is only an iron sword, can anyone defeat it in the Yulan Empire?" Ning Xiaochuan said.

Situ Fengwu exclaimed, "I see! You don't really want the ranking of weapons, but the ranking of people."

Ning Xiaochuan nodded. "How powerful the magic weapon is depends on who is in the hands."

It is not an easy task to compile the Weapon Auction Spectrum. It requires multiple investigations, calculations, and reflections. Each ranking cannot be added at will.

Just like the position of "No. 2 in the Weapon Ranking", it is difficult to rank. The Emperor Duanmuhan possesses this strength, and the Da Jinpeng King also possesses this strength. Damen, the first master, also has this strength.

Who should line up? This is a question worth pondering.

Ning Xiaochuan's idea of ​​writing the Weapon Ranking Book was also a temporary rise. Now it is just an idea. If he really wants to compile a book, it will take a long time to examine and think about it.

Why did Ning Xiaochuan compose the Weapon Ranking Spectrum?

This is also building momentum for the upcoming "Sword Palace."

Ning Xiaochuan is going to make the "Sword of the Excalibur" the world's first calciner holy land and control the warrior mystery of the world.

When the "Sword Palace" develops to a certain degree, Ning Xiaochuan will post the compiled "Weapon Ranking Spectrum" and announce that the world will surely cause a sensation in the martial arts world and become the hottest topic among the warriors of the Yulan Empire.

Once the "Weapon Ranking Spectrum" is compiled by the Excalibur Palace, then the status of the Excalibur Palace must rise to a higher level, and it is not impossible to become the world's first calender shrine.

Ning Xiaochuan stopped writing and said, "Let people send me all the information about Wu Zun from the entire Yulan Empire."

"All Wu Zun's information. The" Army Ranking Spectrum "compiled by Mr. Zhuang is intended to rank all Wu Zun in the world?" Xie Mengyao seemed to have understood the purpose of Ning Xiaochuan, with a smile on his face.

Ning Xiaochuan said: "The" Army Rankings "will include real masters of martial arts. If you include martial arts inside, we will be able to subtlely control the entire martial arts world and even the court through the martial arts rankings. "

Xie Mengyao hasn't thought so far, wondering: "A small list can still control the martial arts world?"

Ning Xiaochuan laughed: "Wu Zun is also a person. As long as everyone is concerned about fame, the ranking of Wu Zun and the ranking of Wu Zun are naturally different in people's minds. If the **** of fire is on the" Weapon Ranking Spectrum " , Ranked 50th. His Royal Highness Prince, ranked 51st. His Royal Highness Prince actually ranks behind the Son of Vulcan, you guessed that His Royal Highness will fight against him after seeing the Son of Vulcan. Make a life or death? "

Situ Fengwu said coldly: "His Royal Highness's wisdom will never be used by you, let alone one ranking."

Ning Xiaochuan shook his head and said, "Even if His Royal Highness doesn't care, the Prince's subordinates will definitely care. At that time, the Tai Wo and Kirin Palace will definitely become enemies, fighting for your life, I just need to watch the drama on the side. "

"Despicable! Shameless!"

Although Situ Fengwu was scolding Ning Xiaochuan, he had to admit that this is indeed a very heart-warming strategy, enough to attract the entire martial arts turmoil of the Yulan Empire.


I'm late today, I'm so tired, I just got home at 8 pm, I can't go to bed yet. After having a meal, I gritted my teeth and immediately started to code. The code was only half past two chapters until 1:30 in the morning. Now Jiu Ji is dizzy and has no energy. He has no energy to write. I will go out and buy the materials tomorrow morning, I don't know how many hours I can sleep. Tomorrow is bound to be dark again tomorrow, and the update is expected to be relatively late. But rest assured, we will fight for two chapters tomorrow.

The update is slow, and I am very depressed. Today the website was greatly promoted. It should have been changed, but I could n’t change it. Hey!

The chapters owed will be written down by the old nine and will definitely be returned in the future.

So be it! Can't stand it, sleep!

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