Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 242: Ceremony

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Fenghou was crowned and the ceremony was sacrificed.

This is a world-renowned event!

In the imperial city, the princes of the major Hou Houses came to visit in person, the nobles and the Hanmen.

The four great lords took the gorgeous cart and came to the sacrifice stage, including King Jinpeng, Qilin, Shenlong, and Peacock Ming.

The four kings are the four pillars of the Yulan Empire. They control the army, possess land, and have a large force. They are all figures in the world. Their status in the court is second only to Yulan the Great.

In addition to the princes, even the emperor Yu Lan came in person and took a chariot. Many embargoes and eunuchs followed, and the major princes saluted him.

The crowning of the ordinary Hou government heirs is naturally impossible to have such treatment.

However, Jiangehoufu is different. It belongs to one of the hereditary palaces of the Fourteenth National Congress of the CPC. It is one of the "18 heroes" of the founding of the Yulan Empire. As long as the Yulan Empire is still there, the descendants of Jiangehoufu will still be Enjoy princely treatment.

The hereditary palace of the Fourteenth National Congress and the four royal palaces are the true nobility princes, the core of the interests and forces of the entire empire.

In a few decades, the heirs of the hereditary palace of the Fourteenth National Congress and the four royal palaces will become the rulers of the entire empire, calling for the wind and the rain, and in all directions. Therefore, the coronation of hereditary princes' heirs seems to be particularly valued, comparable to the canonization of Prince Prince Chu, and the major princes will come in person!

In addition to the princes' thoughts, many of the lords of the ancestors, the lords of Wufu, the poor martial arts soldiers, and the traffickers will also come to witness this grand event!

"Jiangehou has been in charge of Jiangehou for almost fifty years, and now he has finally started to cultivate heirs!"

"This is the transfer of power. In the future, Ning Xiaochuan will be the head of Jiangehou House."

An elderly Hou Ye said: "The situation is not optimistic! Ning Xiaochuan is the head of the Heavenly Emperor Academy and the disciple of the master and sister of the Heavenly Palace. In terms of seniority, he is now with Yulan Dadi and King Jinpeng. They are both peers and can be regarded as these two brothers. In the next thirty years, the residences of all the princes will have the right to transfer, the newcomers will take over, and the old people will retreat. I am afraid that few people will fight Ning Xiaochuan. "

Although the identity of the master of the school is mysterious, most of these princes who have lived for nearly a hundred years have heard of her name. Many people have guessed that Ning Xiaochuan has worshiped the master of the school.

"Respect for the elderly, you think too far. Jiangshan is waiting for talents to come out, and one generation is better than the other. Today, the older generation still has the final say."

A silver howling golden lion pulled an old car in green sandalwood, slowly marching into the ancestral land of Jiangehoufu, and stopped under a maple tree.

The purple jade curtain of the ancient car was opened by a jade white soft hand, with long fingers and crystalline skin, just like a hand carved by ice and snow. This is the most perfect hand in the world. There are no flaws. When you see a finger, you can imagine that the owner of the hand must be a peerless beauty.

The curtain opened, revealing a woman with a white veil, with a bun in her head, with Zhu Xi in her head, pearl jade in her ears, and a pair of black, bright and beautiful apricot eyes staring at the distant altar, red Lips are hidden in a white veil, looming, and said quietly, "What a grand event!"

Xiao Linger nestled in the arms of the woman in white, opened her big round eyes, and looked at the altar with sleepy eyes, and said milkily: "Mother, what are you looking at?"

Yu Ningsheng lowered the curtain. The delicate pair of jade hands stroked Xiao Ling's head and said, "Xiao Linger, why do you call my mother?"

Xiao Linger blinked her big eyes, revealing her slick pupils, her eyes flickered, "Mother, I'm hungry!"

Yu Ningsheng sighed, but she was helpless. Xiao Linger saw that any beautiful woman called her mother, and she couldn't change her mouth at all. It was really a headache.

"The ritual begins!"

An old man in a robe, named Xuan Qingzi, is presiding over the priest today.

Xuan Qingzi was the second-grade national division of the Yulan Empire, but a sage of Taoism. He was registered as "Heminggong", and he had a high weight and was in charge of the etiquette and justice of the entire empire.

The Yulan Empire built the country with martial arts and ruled the country with Tao.

The disciples are the officials of the Yulan Empire. They manage the appointment, removal, assessment, and promotion of government officials; manage land accounts, tax and finance; manage ceremonies, sacrifices, and institutions; manage judicial prisons; manage project construction;

It can be said that the power of these national divisions is not weaker than that of the princes, but the princes can be hereditary, they can own land, they can own mines, they can own army, but the national divisions do not.

Once the state teacher abdicates, he can only be regarded as the poor and nothing.

Therefore, in the Yulan Empire, he was more influential.

In the Yulan Empire, the national division was divided into seven categories.

There is only one Yipin state teacher, which has been registered as a "principal master". He is the master of the state master, the master of the Taoist gate, and is in charge of the heavenly court ministers and Taoist masters.

The two masters of the second grade, a total of nine people, were named "Nine Gongs". They were all dignitaries with the power to call the wind and rain.

Lao Hou invited the teacher to preside over the coronation ceremony of Ning Xiaochuan, which was a second-class teacher—Hai Minggong and Xuan Qingzi.

Ning Xiaochuan wore a white gown, stepped up the stone steps, stepped on the altar, and came to Fengtian Bronze.

Xuan Qingzi was 130 years old, and his hair and beards were all white. However, his skin was still similar to that of young people, showing no signs of aging.

As soon as Ning Xiaochuan approached Xuan Qingzi, he felt that the heaven and earth's Xuan Qi had changed, as if Xuan Qingzi had been integrated with the entire world and became a part of it.

If Ning Xiaochuan closes his eyes and uses only telepathy, then it is impossible to perceive Xuanqingzi standing beside him.

"I'm afraid the cultivation of this old road is very scary!" Ning Xiaochuan thought so.

Xuan Qingzi held the dust in his hand, his head contained three flowers, and a few light spots flowed on his skin. He said, "Master Ning, soak your hands!"

Twelve young women in robes, riding a copper basin, placed in front of Ning Xiaochuan.

Ning Xiaochuan rolled up his sleeves and washed his hands in a copper basin.

Xuan Qingzi said loudly: "Sacrifice to the ancestors!"

Ning Xiaochuan raised a bowl of thick yellow incense and inserted it into Fengtian Tongding.

At the same time, a large number of cattle and dogs were beheaded and thrown into the altar, where they were burned by the blazing flames in the altar.

A blood-red beam of light rose from the altar, broke through the clouds, and penetrated into the sky, staining the sky with blood-red.

Xuan Qingzi said again, "Sacrifice to heaven!"

Ning Xiaochuan raised the second yellow incense and inserted it into the Fengtian bronze tripod.


A large number of mysterious beasts and livestock were beheaded and their heads were cut off, and blood poured into the altar like a waterfall, so that the entire altar was covered with a blood-red light.

In the altar, there was a whistling corpse, like a cry, a roar, or a whimper, like the ghost of **** was awakened.

Above the sky, the bright Brahma sounds, the clouds are surging, the mist opens and closes, and a ray of light and mist falls down to become a heaven and earth waterfall!

"I feel that today's priests are a little unusual! They even attracted the phenomenon of" Ghosts and Gods Qiming ". Twenty years ago, when the prince was crowned, such phenomena were brought about, and today King Jinpeng appeared again." Sitting in the car mill, said slowly.

Next, in the car of King Peacock Ming, a woman's majestic voice came out, saying: "This is just the ancestor and heaven sacrifice, and God has not yet begun to sacrifice God. Will there be any doubt what will happen? This Ning Xiaochuan is carrying the air, Maybe it will really become a character. "

King Peacock Ming is the only queen of the Yulan Empire. He usually practices in retreat and rarely goes out and walks. He has a good status in the Yulan Empire.

Her car was made from a peacock's carcass. The peacock's feathers are bright and full of great power. Just a car parked there has oppressed many people.

Not every sacrifice will attract a vision of heaven and earth. Only those who have great fortune can use the power of the altar to communicate with their ancestors, communicate with the heavens and gods, and lower Fuze.

Those who can bring heaven and earth to the sacrifice are extraordinary people.

This is a sign that heaven is foretelling the world!

Xuan Qingzi's face also showed a different color, and he could clearly feel that the altar contained powerful energy, and heaven and earth were transported towards the altar.

He had hosted sacrifice before and never encountered such a thing!

"Sacrifice God!" Xuan Qingzi said loudly.

Ning Xiaochuan inserted the third incense into Fengtian Tongding.

At the same time, all the slaves, livestock, and mysterious beasts were beheaded and slaughtered, and the blood was gathered together to form a river, forming various forms, like dragons, lions, tigers, and human figures.

The blood on the altar was strengthened, and the entire sky was reflected to Ying Hong, emitting blood, like a blood-red ocean hanging upside down in the sky, which was full of floating bodies!


The cry of ghosts and the fairy music of gods are all intertwined in this space.

Above the sky, lightning flashes and thunders, and a shadow of a fairy palace appears in the void, mysterious and unpredictable, which is extremely shocking.

People in the entire imperial city saw this scene, and their hearts were shocked. Many even knelt on the ground to worship, thinking that the emperor was holy.

"Tiandi Jingu!"

The princes were shocked, unable to calm their hearts, staring at the immortal palace above the sky, thinking of the ancient legends recorded in ancient books.

Tiandi Shrine is more mysterious than the "Tiangong" in the emperor's market.

"In the legend, the Emperor's Shrine is hidden in the clouds and fog above the Yulan Empire, suspended in the sky, but no one has ever been able to find it."

Ning Xiaochuan stepped up to the altar step by step, climbed to the top, cut his wrist with a jade knife, and shed blood to fall to the altar.


The entire altar boiled and turned into a blood-red sea, a stream of blood flowing towards Ning Xiaochuan's body.


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