Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 230: Common adversity

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Ning Xiaochuan had a scale in her heart and did not fully believe the words of the sage of the magic gate.

"Can you take off the mask on your face? I want to see who you really are?" Ning Xiaochuan stared at Madame Mormon's eyes as if to see her through.

The Mormon Lady was silent for a long while, then shook her head!

Even if she didn't take off the mask, in fact, Ning Xiaochuan already knew who she was.

For Ning Xiaochuan, the most important purpose of ascertaining the truth 11 years ago was to restore the innocence of the Mo family and help Yu Ningsheng redeem himself. This is his commitment to Yu Ningsheng.

As for what caused Ning Xiaochuan's parents to die? Ning Xiaochuan was not really concerned about this issue.

Because he is not really Ning Xiaochuan, and he has no real affection for Ning Qianyi and Duan Muning, let alone revenge on them and help them to wash their grievances.

But Ning Xiaochuan never thought that it was the person he wanted to help, but he deceived himself.

Yu Ningsheng.

Madonna of the Demon Gate.

Ning Xiaochuan took a deep breath and calmed down, saying, "Why do you want to enter the Heavenly Emperor's Palace?"

The sorceress of the magic gate is silent.

Ning Xiaochuan nodded and said, "I see! Your true identity is the sage of the magic gate. Only by entering the Heavenly Emperor's Palace can you truly enter the court. I should not have asked such a stupid question."

"It's not what you think……"

Ning Xiaochuan said: "I don't blame you, because from the beginning to the end I was wishful thinking, I was too stubborn, and I wanted to help the famous sorceress of the magic gate. I do n’t know, Her Royal Highness mocked my ignorance No?"

"No, never."

The sorceress of the magic gate wants to say that her heart is very moved, because Ning Xiaochuan did a lot of silly things for her, even the imperial power dare to challenge, and at the time Ning Xiaochuan did not know her identity at all.

A son-in-law is a prostitute. Female, to that extent, I am afraid that the world cannot find a second person.

Ning Xiaochuan drew a letter from her arms and handed it to her, saying, "I'll give it back to you now."

This letter was written by Ning Xiaochuan by Yu Ningsheng. The content of the letter is: "You have fulfilled your promise, and we do not owe each other."

Now, Ning Xiaochuan returned this letter to her, which was to tell her, "There is no real debt between us. From now on, you are the sage of the magic gate, and I am Ning Xiaochuan. Passerby. "

Ning Xiaochuan carries Mu Linger on his back, unfolds a pair of wings, jumps off the cliff of Nine Dead, glides, and disappears into the clouds.

The sorceress of the magic gate stood there, letting the letterhead fall to the ground, staring at the figure that Ning Xiaochuan resolutely left, her eyes were crystal clear, and she opened her eyes with great effort, and recovered the tears into her eyes.

Dark King said: "Very sad?"

"Hmm ... Dad ... I don't want to be a maiden ..."

The maiden's voice was a little sobbing, and looked very weak, not as strong as before when facing the deadly Taoist.

The Dark King said: "You have to understand a truth, whether it is Yu Ningsheng in Guanyu Tower or the maiden of the Demon Gate, her identity and status do not match Ning Xiaochuan, and there can be no results. You are two people. Even if they are forced together, the end result is better than Ning Qianyi and Duan Muning. "

Madam Mormon tried to control her emotions, telling herself clearly that she could not be sad or weak, but when Ning Xiaochuan threw the stationery to her and departed, she couldn't control her emotions at all, grieved, pained, Self-blame and helplessness.

The King of Darkness looked at the void and looked at the battle flag flying under the cliff of Nine Dead, saying: "It has been nine days since the army of the imperial court and the magic gate have been fighting for more than a hundred battles. In contrast, the army of the imperial court has suffered even greater losses and should soon retire."

The maiden of the magic gate controlled her emotions and said, "The scale of the court army this time is not as good as that of ten years ago. You know you can't break the cliff of Nine Dead. Why do you want to encircle the magic gate?"

The Dark King said: "The Yulan Empire has been strong for 800 years, and the surrounding small countries cannot fight the Yulan Empire at all. It can be said that the Yulan Empire is at its peak, and external forces can no longer threaten it. The real threat is inside. When the Emperor exits the gate, the magic road meeting is held, and the world is shocked. If the court does not listen, it will only help the spirit of the magic gate. "

"So, whether it is a real siege or a fake siege, the court must do what it wants."

The maiden of the magic gate said: "With the powerful force of the imperial court today, if the magic gate is surrounded by the force, I am afraid that the magic gate will also be wiped out."

The King of Darkness shook his head and said, "It's not that simple. The court of the Yulan Empire is not an iron plate. The Emperor Yulan has limited power to mobilize, and most of the power of the court is in the hands of the princes. Wait and see! The situation in the imperial court is ever-changing, more complicated and changeable than the magic gate, and it may not be long before the emperor Yulan's throne will be replaced. "

He said deeply.


Below Nine Dead Cliffs is a virgin jungle with a length of 1300 miles, with dense ancient trees, thorns, poisonous weeds, and many ferocious mysterious beasts.

The average person enters the jungle, that is a dead end.

Ning Xiaochuan, carrying Duanmu Linger, sprinting through the jungle, transformed into a colorful streamer, and the Momon warriors who chased them down have all died in the hands of Ning Xiaochuan.

Ning Xiaochuan didn't stop until the chaser was completely thrown away.

It's three hundred miles away from Jiuziya Cliff. When looking towards Jiuziya Cliff, you can only see a black fuzzy shadow, not even the shape of the mountains.

Ning Xiaochuan continued to use the martial arts supernatural powers of "Colorful Movement" before escaping from the death of Jiu Death Cliff.

He ran "Xian Qi Xuan Qi", which absorbed Xuan Qi at a speed of 64 times, and quickly recovered Xuan Qi in his body.

After half an hour, Ning Xiaochuan stopped running mysterious energy, and has returned to its peak state, and repaired a lot more than before.

Duanmu Linger refined the medicine of intermittent intermediate Dan, and gradually developed consciousness in her legs. She could barely stand up and stared curiously at Ning Xiaochuan, saying, "Have you known with Her Highness before? "

Ning Xiaochuan stood up and looked carefully at the surrounding environment.

Every once in a while, a team of elite elite troops riding the mysterious beast flew by, holding the banner of war and shaking the drums of war.

The battle between the Imperial Army and the Demon Gate continued.

Duanmu Linger hates being ignored by Ning Xiaochuan, angry with his hands on his hips, and saying, "Do you like Her Royal Highness? You want to pursue her, but she refuses it?"

Ning Xiaochuan squinted his eyes and stared at her, and said, "She saved my life, and I saved her."

Duanmu Linger opened her mouth and said, "Still in trouble, see the truth!"

"It's already been clear between us. And she and I have never shared adversity, so we can't talk about adversity. If you have to say adversity, I and you are now adversity."

Duanmu Linger said: "Do you think that I am willing to share the hardships with you? I asked you to go to Tiandufeng to find my father. You want to escape me from the cliff of Nine Dead. Now, the people of the court will chase us. The people of the Demon will also chase us. Hey! I can see it, did you deliberately drag me down?

Ning Xiaochuan stared at her, turned and walked away, and said, "It's not far from Nine Dead Cliffs. If you want to go back, go back by yourself. I can't go to Nine Dead Cliffs again."

"Ning Xiaochuan, give me a stand. How can I go back if my injury hasn't healed yet? Besides, I escaped from the iron prison and became a fugitive from the imperial court, spying on the court. Isn't it a way to go back?" Duanmu Linger was anxious Just two steps forward, a sharp pain came from his legs and he fell to the ground.

Ning Xiaochuan walked back again, stretched out a hand, hugged her around her waist, and clamped it under her armpit, as if she was carrying a cargo and heading away from the nine dead cliffs.

"A woman's waist cannot touch!"

"Can you not hold me like this? I'm very uncomfortable."

"Where are you taking me? Ning Xiaochuan, are you going to die? Let me go, let me go."

Duanmu Linger kept struggling, using both hands and feet, tossing hard.


As soon as Ning Xiaochuan's arm was loose, Duanmu Linger fell on the grass and fell down firmly, almost falling back.

She fisted hard with her fist and bit her teeth. "Abominable, abominable, Ning Xiaochuan, I'm your cousin, dear cousin, please treat me with respect."

Ning Xiaochuan squatted down and said, "Nine dead cliffs, we can't wait any longer. We can only go back to the Imperial City first, cousin Duanmu, you can go to the Imperial City with me. When your father finds out the truth, he will come to pick you up. Your father is also considered as the ultimate overlord of the magic road. You must have confidence in him, and when he fights back the army of the imperial court, he will free his hands to decide the level with the inanimate Taoist.

"It seems ... it makes sense."

Duanmu Linger looked up and said, "I remember one thing, Xiaolinger, still at Jiuziya, you said, would the inanimate Taoist kill her?"

Ning Xiaochuan said: "There is a priestess protecting her, and no one should be able to hurt her."

"You don't hate Her Royal Highness, why do you suddenly have such confidence in her?" Duanmu Linger said.

Ning Xiaochuan said: "I never hated her, just ..." Staring at Duanmu Linger for a long time, and said: "I have something to tell you, you will not understand."

"What do you mean? You didn't say anything, why do you think I can't understand?"

"Because ... with your wisdom, I still can't understand what I want to say."

Duanmu Linger was so angry that she was going to smoke, and said, "You're saying I'm stupid?"

"No! It's just not smart enough."

Regardless of whether she turned against her, Ning Xiaochuan clamped her under her arm again and hugged it.

There are many people who want to kill Ning Xiaochuan. The Tushen Camp sent by Emperor Yulan, the leader of the Cloud Alliance, Xiao Cheng, the inanimate Taoist of the Demon Gate, and even the former chief of the altar, Tian Hongdao.

These people are looking for Ning Xiaochuan's whereabouts.

If Ning Xiaochuan wants to return to the imperial city, he is destined to have another tough battle to fight, and another journey of nine deaths and a lifetime.

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