Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 222: Kill the three demons

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Lin Zhirong's "Eternal Life Wheel" is a peerless supernatural power, the magic method in "No Life".

The martial arts supernatural power turned into a huge grinding disc, rotating in the air, motivating the heavens and the earth to form a destructive force that would destroy the entire Lingqi Pavilion.

The faces of those martial art warriors changed greatly, and they all withdrew from the Lingqi Pavilion.

This is a confrontation between the detached martial arts warriors. If you pay little attention, a mysterious wave will blow them out.

"Lin Zhirong, are you crazy? Even if he kills someone, you should give it to my father for punishment. When will it be your inanimate person to show off his strength at the Nine Dead Cliff?" Duanmu Linger retorted.

Lin Zhirong sneered: "Duanmu Linger, the dead person is your sister, and you actually talk to outsiders. It seems you really have a leg with this wild man!"

In fact, when Ning Xiaochuan and Duanmu Linger went to Duanmu Jishuang, Lin Zhirong was nearby, listening to their conversation clearly. Even Duanmu Jishuang dragged Ning Xiaochuan into the room, he could see clearly.

Therefore, he knew that Ning Xiaochuan's relationship with Duanmu Ling'er was extraordinary, and he also gave birth to an illegitimate daughter!

It was also because Lin Zhirong knew that Duanmu Jishuang would go to Ning Xiaochuan, so he laid out to frame Ning Xiaochuan and attributed Duanmu Jishuang's death to Ning Xiaochuan.

However, Lin Zhirong did not know the true identity of Ning Xiaochuan, only thinking that Ning Xiaochuan was a man Duanmu Linger brought back from the outside.

Such people without background, even if killed, will not cause disputes in the magic gate.

This is Lin Zhirong's intention!

Naturally, Ning Xiaochuan was not afraid of Lin Zhirong, and he gave a cold hum. The martial arts spirit in his body moved quickly and directly met the killing. Hundreds of lightning thunders were shot in the palm of his hand, shattering the "early treasure ship".

Ning Xiaochuan's physique can be called the strongest of the Yulan Empire. Even if he is the master of the magic road, in his eyes, he is just a general.

A layer of mist was cast on his arm, turning it into a war sword, cutting out fourteen sword shadows, and cutting to Lin Zhirong's body.

Lin Zhirong felt a sharp sword qi coming, with a frosty chilling momentum, and was slightly surprised. He never thought Ning Xiaochuan was young, but he was not low in cultivation.

But it was only slightly surprised.

He has a fourth-class martial arts practice, and has already stepped into the ranks of top masters. He has developed a peerless body style, avoided the fourteen sword shadows, sank his legs, and condensed the "worldly treasure wheel" again. ".

The current treasure wheel has become more solid and doubled in size. There are four ancient mystic beasts wrapped around the treasure wheel. Dragon elephants, earth lizards, gold-winged ghost scorpions, and dragons are all powerful. Fierce beast.


A hall was smashed by a treasure wheel, huge wooden pillars shattered, and rubble fell all over the floor.

This world's treasure ship is indestructible, suppressing Ning Xiaochuan's head.

This is the real chakra of this world, and its power is extremely horrible. Even a dragon elephant must be hanged.

Previously, Lin Zhirong's attack was just an air current of a treasure ship to test Ning Xiaochuan's power. This is the real attack.

Ning Xiaochuan began to move colorfully, and his body was as fast as a blast, disappearing instantly.

When he reappeared, he was already standing in front of Lin Zhirong, his finger point out a sword wave, condensed into a blood-red sword shadow, the sword body was a meter wide.

Lin Zhirong's mouth gave a light tap, and there were seven stars under his feet. With each step, a bright footprint was left on the ground, like a glittering star.

He stepped seven steps in a row, and his body changed positions seven times in a row.

This is a "seven-star heavenly step". Lin Zhirong spent three years to cultivate successfully. In the same realm, almost no one can catch up with him. ,

Therefore, he is completely invincible.

"Who the **** are you? Xiu was able to reach this level, and he was definitely not a nameless person." Lin Zhirong also felt strange. He thought that Ning Xiaochuan could be killed by one or two moves. But found that Ning Xiaochuan's cultivation was not weak.

He is quite clear about the younger generation of Momen.

He can be sure that Ning Xiaochuan is definitely not a magician.

Ning Xiaochuan took out the chopping dragon sword, and with a wave of his arm, the voice of the dragon uttered in his sword, and he said coldly, "There is so much nonsense, you can fight if you want to fight!"


Ning Xiaochuan fully mobilized the momentum, and an outburst of Wu Zun's power broke out on his body, making it difficult for those martial arts soldiers who had been lowered to raise their heads.

Ning Xiaochuan was too lazy to explain it anymore, because he had seen that tonight he had been given a round, and no amount of explanation was useful.

Even in the Demon Altar, he was not afraid, and at the moment when he decided to come to Nine Dead Cliffs, he was ready to die at any time.

"Ning Xiaochuan, don't fight with him. You are not his opponent. When my father comes, he will be able to return you a fair." Duanmu Linger did not have an aversion to Ning Xiaochuan, and also believed that Ning Xiaochuan would not be stupid enough to be at the Momen The total altar killed Duanmu Jishuang.

"Yeah! Brother Ogawa, they are crowded, and it's not too late to explain to them when the elders come. I believe that you will never kill her!" Zi Luoer was quite worried, convinced that Ning Xiaochuan would not lie.

Lin Zhirong had long made plans, and must kill Ning Xiaochuan here before the elders arrived.

Killing people is the best strategy!

Lin Zhirong felt that he could not see through Ning Xiaochuan. At this moment, the power emanating from Ning Xiaochuan was too powerful, and he could be called "half a military respect."

"Kill him!" He ordered.

The magical martial arts soldiers who looked at each other screaming and screaming, all hit the martial arts supernatural powers, more than thirty kinds of martial arts supernatural powers bombed over Ning Xiaochuan, and lifted the walls of Lingqi Pavilion.

"Boom!" An eight-meter-high wall fell, setting off dense dust.

Ning Xiaochuan held up Yunxia's vitality and blocked all the magical powers, blocking them five meters away from the body.

These martial arts supernatural powers seem to be imprisoned, and Yun Xia's vitality cannot be broken at all. It's like throwing a pebble of stones into the sea, you can't penetrate the sea at all, you can only create ripples on the surface of the sea.

"Star Wars!"

On the surface of Yunxia's return to strength, a vortex was formed, with a twisting force, sucked these martial arts supernatural powers back, and then returned back.

Ning Xiaochuan's current "Duan Zhuan Xing Yi" cannot, and he has been able to fight back by 3.5 times his strength.

If someone gave him ten thousand pounds of force, he would fight back with thirty-five thousand pounds.

This is the first martial arts of Jiangehou House, and its power is of no small importance.


More than a dozen martial arts warriors were counterattacked and killed by the magical powers, their bodies were shredded by martial arts magical power, and blood was flowing all over the ground.

"Dare to open the killing ring in the Devil's Altar, it's really against you!"

An old man who had cultivated himself to reach a state of seclusion flew onto the wall, about sixty years old, with disheveled hair, like a savage. He pointed at Ning Xiaochuan, a flame light shuttle came over, forming a fire snake more than thirty meters long!

In the other direction, in the night, two elderly people who were slightly fat are out of the ordinary world.

They had fierce light in their eyes, cold laughter in their mouths, the movement of mysterious energy, the muscles of their bodies swelled, they broke their clothes, and killed Ning Xiaochuan at the same time.

These three masters are all the cronies brought by Lin Zhirong, but the "deathless" demon.

"The three demons of Hengling that Lin Zhirong conquered also came! These three old guys are all cruel characters. They eat human flesh, slaughter the whole town, and cook babies. They are three ruthless people with a lot of evil!"

"Everyone in the magic gate is afraid of them like a tiger."

"I'm afraid the end of this boy today will be miserable."

Ning Xiaochuan ricocheted up, fell to the high wall, and slashed at the fire.

Demon Wong is the boss of the three devil in Hengling. In order to reach the third level of the world, he is famous in the martial arts world. Naturally, Ning Xiaochuan will not take this hairy boy into his eyes.

"Hey! Cut the dragon sword, this is an imprisonment in the army. It turns out that your kid is a court prince." Devil Weng sneered, and a pair of iron scale wings grew on his back, making a "wow" sound, his body soared stand up.

Tie Lin Yi is a five-grade mystery, which can help warriors to fly short distances.

"call out!"

With a cold smile, Ning Xiaochuan's body turned directly into a rainbow bridge. The body soared forty feet high and fell directly on the back of the Demon Wonder.

The face of the Demon Wonder has changed. What magic power is this? How can I catch up with my iron scale wings?

A fiery flame emerged from the Demon Weng, and a wave of his arm hit a flame dragon snake.

Ning Xiaochuan waved his arm!


The Dragon Sword can cut through all the magical powers, and crush the martial arts magical powers of the Demon Wonder, slicing it across the edge of his neck, the blade edge one inch deep into the flesh, and a ball of blood flowing out of the Devil Wonder neck.

Devil Weng quickly covered his neck, his body fell, and rolled to the ground.

Ning Xiaochuan walked up with a knife to end his life completely.

Killing is going to take root.


The other two masters in the three demons of Hengling came over, and a mysterious cloud appeared in the palm of the hand, condensing into two large fingerprints, and attacked Ning Xiaochuan from behind.

Ning Xiaochuan's gaze stopped, and his body disappeared from its place.


The lights of two swords flashed, like lightning flashing through the air.

Two human heads flew out.

All this happened in an instant. Ning Xiaochuan's body moved twice, wielding two knives, and beheading two out-of-world demons.


Ning Xiaochuan stabbed with a knife and penetrated the heart of the Demon Wong, completely ending his life.

Ning Xiaochuan waved the sword, and the blood on the sword fell to the ground, and said coldly, "A group of black people!"

Above the head, a big hand fell down, and it was immediately pressed on top of Ning Xiaochuan.

This is the magic handprint made by Lin Zhirong, condensing the martial arts mystery of the whole body into a cloud of mysterious qi, condensing into the palm of the hand, and killing Ning Xiaochuan.


A thunder sound sounded under the fingerprints, shaking the ground slightly!

"call out!"

Ning Xiaochuan held the chopping dragon knife and broke his fingerprints, splitting it across Lin Zhirong's neck.

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