Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 220: Ning Xiaochuan's Sadness

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Ning Xiaochuan had a headache and said, "Misunderstanding! She ... has nothing to do with me."

"It doesn't matter how it appeared in your room? And, you took her off like this, you ... you still have this kind of bad taste? I have heard that your royal princes and nobles have paedophilia, today I It's an insight. "

Duanmu Linger was very angry and grabbed Ning Xiaochuan's clothes directly, and said, "Who the **** did you get the children here? I tell you, don't mess around on the cliff of Nine Dead. They are all big wicked people. If you leave Lingqi Pavilion, will you be cooked in minutes? "

It's unreasonable!

Ning Xiaochuan didn't lose his temper, just rightly said, "I repeat, I have nothing to do with her at all. The women in your magic gate are too impure."

Duanmu Linger sneered, showing her white teeth, and said, "My thoughts are not pure? Then tell me, how can a two- or three-year-old girl appear in your room? Tell me, she walked into your room by herself. "

Ning Xiaochuan took a deep breath and said, "Okay! I admit that she does have a relationship with me, but ..."

"Oh! You finally admitted!" Duanmu Linger laughed.

When Ning Xiaochuan and Duanmu Linger were arguing, the little girl blinked her eyelashes and woke up. A pair of white and tender hands gently rubbed her eyelids and glanced at Ning Xiaochuan, softly: "Daddy ,I'm hungry!"

Ning Xiaochuan and Duanmu Linger seemed to be chopped by lightning, and stared at the little **** the ice bed at the same time.

Duanmu Linger's hand grasping Ning Xiaochuan's chest slowly let go, and she stared at Ning Xiaochuan with a squinting eye, and said, "What does she call you?"

Ning Xiaochuan pursed his lips and said, "If you are a kid, do you take it seriously?"

"Dad, I'm hungry!"

The little girl slipped down from the bed, came over crumblingly, hugged Ning Xiaochuan's legs, and stared at him with pitiful eyes.

Her eyes are exceptionally clear, her pupils are round and black, and her eyelashes are long and cocky.

Duanmu Linger slaps on Ning Xiaochuan's waist fiercely, and says, "The words of a child are the real thing. I don't see it! Ning Xiaochuan, you can! You have such a big daughter and who you have Ah? You're such a beast, does the mother know? "

"Mom! I'm hungry!" The little girl hugged Duanmu Linger's legs again, and gently pulled the corner of her skirt.

Duanmu Linger suddenly stagnation!

Ning Xiaochuan shook her head and smiled, "It turns out that you are her mother. I didn't see that Duanmu was so young and beautiful that she was already a mother!"

"What nonsense? Children, do you take it seriously?"

"Children's words are the most true."

Duanmu Linger was anxious, but eventually she suppressed the anger and hugged the little girl and said, "Little sister, what's your name?"

"Mom! I don't have a name." The little girl's eyes widened and rounded, staring at Duanmu Linger.

"I'm not your mother, call my sister." Duanmu Linger smiled softly.

"Mom!" The little girl seemed to recognize her, so she called her without changing her tongue.

Ning Xiaochuan threw this hot potato to Duanmu Linger, and he planned to slip away. Encountering this kind of thing really made Ning Xiaochuan caught off guard and had no coping experience.

God knows if this little mysterious animal suddenly opens its mouth to bite?

"Ning Xiaochuan, hug your daughter by yourself." Duanmu Linger kept grinding her teeth, turned into a cold wind, caught up, and stopped in front of Ning Xiaochuan.

"Not my daughter." Ning Xiaochuan said quietly.

"Dad!" The little girl blinked at Ning Xiaochuan, looking pretty cute.

Ning Xiaochuan rubbed his temples, pondered for a moment, and said, "You dress her first. It's so cold, don't freeze the child."

"How can I have a little girl's clothes?" Duanmu Linger whispered.

Both of them spoke in a low voice, for fear of being heard by the sorceress who lives next to them.

Ning Xiaochuan said: "How can you possibly not have a little girl's clothes?"

"How could I have that? I haven't had any children ... I ... I'm not married yet." Duanmu Linger gritted her teeth.

Ning Xiaochuan calmly said, "You haven't given birth to a baby girl, have you never been a baby girl?"

"That's been many years ago. Where did I have my childhood clothes ... wait, I didn't, but Duanmu Jishuang did." Duanmu Linger said.

Ning Xiaochuan said: "Who is Duanmu Jishuang?"

Duanmu Linger smiled coldly, and said, "My sister. However, she is a mean woman."

"How cheap?" Ning Xiaochuan said.

"Her daughter's father is her father-in-law." After Duanmu Linger said this, she hugged the little girl into the room.

Ning Xiaochuan thought that he was still very clever, but he didn't understand the meaning of Duanmu Linger for a long time?

What do you mean?

"Her daughter's father is her father-in-law!"

Ning Xiaochuan's brow suddenly jumped, finally clearing her thoughts, exclaiming: "Does her husband know?"

"I know! The whole family knows."

Duanmu Linger took off her robe, put it on the little girl, put her in place, came out of it with cold eyes, and said, "If it weren't for this, I really don't want to see that. Mean. Man. "

Ning Xiaochuan originally thought that the kinship in Jiangehoufu was chaotic, but he did not expect that the kinship like Momen was more chaotic.

Ning Xiaochuan also felt that such women were very annoying, saying: "I won't go, you go early and return early, waiting for good news from you."

"Aren't you going?" Duanmu Linger said.

Ning Xiaochuan said: "It's not a big deal. You can go alone."

"That's right! It wasn't a big deal at all, otherwise we killed the little girl and burned the corpse, so that's a hundred." Duanmu Ling'er pulled out the doomed machete, the cold knife was in the air. Zhong shakes, and then walks towards the room.

Although Ning Xiaochuan can deal with the enemy fiercely and kill the result, but if he wants to kill a little girl, he can't do it anyway.

"Okay! I'll go with you." Ning Xiaochuan shook his head and said, "Two masters of secular martial arts, in order to find clothes for a little girl, it took such a lot of trouble. I'm afraid no one will know this. Believe."

Soon after Ning Xiaochuan and Duanmu Linger stepped out of Lingfeng Pavilion, the maiden of the magic gate flew into the snow, looked into the room, and said in confusion, "When will Ning Xiaochuan have an additional daughter? Is it really He and Duanmu Linger's illegitimate daughter? Impossible! Ning Xiaochuan has been in the imperial city, Duanmu Linger has been at Jiuziya, how could it be possible to have such a big daughter? Is it the daughter of Ning Xiaochuan and Yu Qianqian? "

With a wave of the sleeves of the maiden of the gate, she opened the door and walked in.



Duanmu Linye, the lord of the Blood Devourer, has three daughters.

The eldest daughter Duanmu Youlan, the second daughter Duanmu Jishuang, and the youngest daughter Duanmu Linger.

Both the eldest daughter and the second daughter have been married. Among them, the second daughter, Duanmu Jishuang, is married to the young master, Lin Zhirong.

This Lin Zhirong can be regarded as a young hero in the Demon Gate. He entered the world of secularity at a young age. He is a rising star of the Demon Gate and definitely has the talent and potential to inherit the inanimate spirit.

However, if you practice the method of inanimate Taoism, you will lose your fertility. Unless you can cultivate the "No Life" to the ninth level, you can restore your fertility.

Although Lin Zhirong's talent is very high, after all, he is still very young, and it is impossible to cultivate the "No Life" to the ninth level. However, his wife, Duanmu Linger's second sister, Duanmu Jishuang was pregnant and still alive. Next daughter.

Therefore, many people say that Lin Zhirong is not the biological father of his daughter. The biological father of his daughter is the inanimate Taoist, Lin Tianyi.

This scandal is naturally not discussed in person, but in secret, many people say so.

It is for this reason that Duanmu Linger would say Duanmu Jishuang is a bitch, and the relationship between the two sisters is also very poor.

After listening to Duan Mulinger, Ning Xiaochuan thought carefully and said, "There are too many things to hear in this world. Don't let others go. I think there must be some misunderstanding."

Duanmu Linger snorted coldly, and said, "See her, you'll know!"

Although Duanmu Jishuang was married to the young master who had no life, she still lived on the cliff of Nine Dead.

She looked very young, wrapped in snow-white fur, sitting beside a vermilion railing, exposing a pair of thin and tender arms, holding a roll of iron bladed books, and flipping through the books.

She seemed polite and tender, like tender water, she wasn't a monster in the magic gate at all, but she was like Miss Qianjin in the residence of Wanghou.

Duanmu Jishuang's Zhu Lip ticked slightly, staring at Duanmu Linger with a smile, and said, "Little girl's clothes? Linger, you haven't got married yet, why did you have children?"

"Did you borrow it?" Duanmu Linger didn't have the patience to talk to her, her voice was cold.

Duanmu Jishuang glanced at Ning Xiaochuan, stood up and smiled: "This young boy is really handsome, Linger, you are so good-looking that your sister is a little jealous. How old is your daughter?"

"Low. Man, tell you not to talk nonsense." Duanmu Linger said.

Duanmu Ji Shuang wasn't angry. Xingmou smoked, and smiled, "Isn't it just stealing a daughter, what dare not say? Besides, you guy is too smart to steal, and my sister is a little emotional."


Duanmu Linger's eyes sank, a golden ancient sword condensed between her fingers, and a sword was cut to Duanmu Ji Shuang.

Duanmu Jishuang showed a faint smile, a sleeve wave, flew out a white butterfly silver knife, dragged the strange traces, broken the gold sword.

Duanmu Jishuang's long dress turned upside down, like a maidservant flying into the sky, and punched a huge handprint to crush Duanmu Ling's body Xuanzhang.


Duanmu Linger broke the railing and fell to the ground.

"Linger, if you want to start with your sister, you have to practice for a few more years."

Duanmu Jishuang's face had a charming and tender smile, and she looked back suddenly, her fingers gently styling her hair ends, and a pair of beautiful eyes stared at Ning Xiaochuan, saying, "You are not a magician, are you? Seeing you as a talent, how could you look at her? This girl is a donkey, how can she look like a woman! "

Ning Xiaochuan took a deep breath and finally understood Duanmu Linger's evaluation to her, and she was really loyal. He smiled suddenly and said, "Actually, this ..."

"No need to explain. You don't want to borrow the clothes of the little girl? There are so many in my boudoir, not only the clothes of the little girl, but also ... the clothes of the big girl, if you want, you can take them whatever you want!" Ji Shuang held Ning Xiaochuan with a smile and dragged him into the room.


The door of the room was closed.

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