Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 218: Nine Dead Cliffs

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Nine dead cliffs.

The magic gate altar, where the demons gather, is also the most dangerous place in the world.

For other warriors, this is the forbidden ground.

Nine dead cliffs, there are five peaks as high as clouds. Among them, the central mountain peak is the highest, strangest and most dangerous, and is called "Xiaoyao Peak".

Ning Xiaochuan healed on Xiaoyao Peak and lived in Lingqi Pavilion on the mountainside!

Lingqi Pavilion is the place where Duanmu Linger lives. It is located in the hinterland of Nine Dead Cliffs. It must pass thirteen checkpoints before coming here. Of course, if someone wants to escape from Lingqi Pavilion, they have to pass thirteen checkpoints.

Not to mention that Ning Xiaochuan's current practice is that even if he is a great figure of Wu Zun level, if he is trapped in the cliff of nine deaths, that is a lifetime of nine deaths.

The chance to escape is almost zero.

That day, after being separated from the ugly mother-in-law, Ning Xiaochuan was forcibly brought back to Nine Dead Cliff by Duanmu Linye.

Duanmu Linye did not immediately take Ning Xiaochuan to see the Emperor, but instead gave Ning Xiaochuan to Duanmu Linger's residence and asked Duanmu Linger to look after him.

Duanmu Linye went to Ling Ling Temple on the peak and returned to the Emperor.

At the same time, he intends to test the tone of Mo Di, and then decides whether to take Ning Xiaochuan to see Mo Di.

Ning Xiaochuan's mother, Duan Muning, was the favorite of the Emperor that year, and was named a saint when she was only twelve years old.

However, she severed the relationship between the father and daughter with the demons, and betrayed the demons. Although Duanmu Linye can still recall the anger of the demons at that time, even though it had been 20 years.

"I think you should take Ning Xiaochuan directly to see the Emperor. Things have passed for so many years. Even if the Emperor is angry again, he won't be ruthless to a child." The fox fairy Taoism is crowded and has the appearance of upside down beings. .

Duanmu Linye had his hands on his shoulders, and looked coldly, saying, "Do you think the Emperor hated his daughter? You were wrong, he never hated it. If he hated Duanmuning, he would not lead the Demon Gate 11 years ago. The master entered the imperial city in person. What he really hated was the Jiangehoufu, and even the entire court. This time his old man was out of the country, I am afraid that it was when the Jiangehoufu disappeared. Ning Xiaochuan was from the Jiangehoufu. You said that I now bring He went to see the Emperor, what would happen? "

"What will happen?" Said the fox fairy Taoist with great interest.

Duanmu Linye shook his head and said, "I don't know what will happen. If the Emperor is so easy to guess, he will not be the Emperor."

The fox fairy Tao Fan face peach cheeks, eyes bright, smiled: "What's so hard to guess? Demon Emperor only has Duan Muning and two children. Duan Muning has died, leaving a son and a daughter. And You have three daughters but no son. In other words, Ning Xiaochuan is the only grandson of the Emperor's grandchildren. If you think that the Emperor will kill him, you are totally wrong. "

Duanmu Linye shook his head and said, "If eleven years ago, the emperor would really be glad to see Ning Xiaochuan. However, after the 11-year retreat, the emperor's changes have been quite large. Sometimes , I can feel the bitter chill when I stand in front of him. "

"Is it because you practice blood-stealing magic ..." As soon as the fox fairy said this, she closed her mouth immediately.

Duanmu Linye said: "I don't know. But I guess it has something to do with the bloodshed 11 years ago. It must have planted a demon in the heart of the Emperor. The 11-year retreat is not just as simple as impacting the realm of heaven and humanity. It is even more that he is cutting himself away. "

"Did the Demon Emperor reach Heaven and Human Realm?"

"What do you ask this question?"

Fox immortal said: "If the Demon Emperor reached the realm of heaven and man, then how could we have concealed his heavenly hearing and six knowledge?"

When Duanmu Linye's face sank, he stopped saying, "Go to Ling Temple!"

The fox fairy Taoist and Duanmu Linye turned into two beams of light, rising into the sky, the next moment, they stood outside the Ling Temple on the peak.

Ling Ling Temple is like an imperial palace built over a long time.

Outside the hall, there are two giant dragon stone carvings, their teeth and claws, imposing. Standing under the stone sculpture, the human body is the size of an ant.

"Blood Eater, Duanmu Linye!"

"Fox Fairy Taoist, Ziyun Lan! Meet the Emperor."

In the Temple of Ling, there was a majestic breath, which made the air between the whole world and the world dull, a cloud of blood suspended in the sky, and a drop of blood was scattered.

A distant voice sounded, "Don't bring the Po-Bai Army back!"

"The mutilated army's body has undergone a malignant transformation, and its power is stronger than when it is alive. It cannot be suppressed by the strength of me and the fox fairy lord." Duanmu Linye respectfully said.

"The death of the smashed army, I have glimpsed one or two mysteries. The Yulan Empire is about to have a catastrophe, and the world will be in chaos. You do n’t need to manage it anymore. You have to be prepared in advance. Let ’s all step back! ”

Duanmu Linye's lips moved and said, "Father, I want to ask you one thing. Why did you order the people in the magic gate not to enter the imperial city eleven years ago?"

"You don't care about this.",

The voice of the Demon Emperor became a bit ruthless, saying: "The ten-year deadline has now passed. After the Demon Assembly, the time when the Demon Gate re-entered the Imperial City. This time, have a good talk with the Emperor Yulan."

Duanmu Linye and Huxian Taoist looked at each other, their faces changed slightly.

Although it is just a sentence, once this sentence is transmitted, it will certainly shock the world.

The magic gate will re-enter the imperial city, which is to collide with the court.

Duanmu Linye originally wanted to mention Ning Xiaochuan, but after hearing the words of the Emperor, he would swallow the words he would say.


Mid-mountainside, Lingqi Pavilion.

Ning Xiaochuan sat on a bed of ice, bursting out of his body, flowing around the body, making a low-pitched cry.

Ning Xiaochuan's injuries healed rapidly.

It took three days and three nights for Ning Xiaochuan to completely suppress the injury. Although it has not fully recovered, it has not been a big deal.

"Although the Nine Dead Cliff is the main altar of the magic gate, the heavens and earth are full of vitality, and it can be called a holy place for cultivation."

Ning Xiaochuan retracted Xuan Qi into his body, stepped down from the ice bed, pushed the window open, and learned the cold wind outside, blowing in a cold air, with snowflakes in the wind, floating directly into the house.

This place is not like the Magic Cave Jedi, but rather beautiful.

In front of me, there are vermilion palaces, with mysterious herbs and famous flowers planted in the garden, and endless servants stepping on the snow and walking through the flowerbeds.

Ning Xiaochuan raised his head and saw a beautiful figure through the gap in the window!

She stood on the cornice pavilion not far away, opened the corner of the window, stared down with a golden mask on her face.

When she saw Ning Xiaochuan look at her, she immediately turned around and walked away.


The window is closed.

Ning Xiaochuan gently touched his chin, and thought to himself, "Mother of the magic gate, why is she here?"

"DaDa!" Footsteps sounded.

Duanmu Linger was holding a bronze tray, which contained a small blue and white porcelain medicine bottle, and saw Ning Xiaochuan standing in the snow.

An angry look came into her eyes, and she said, "Ning Xiaochuan, you haven't recovered from your injury. What do you run out of?"

"My injury is no big deal." Ning Xiaochuan said.

"Less to give me nonsense, take the healing Xuan Dan first." Duan Mulinger threw the blue and white porcelain bottle to Ning Xiaochuan.

Duanmu Linger is still very good to Ning Xiaochuan, and she will send a healing Xuan Dan to Ning Xiaochuan in person every day. Ning Xiaochuan's injuries can recover so quickly, naturally there are reasons to treat Xuandan.

Ning Xiaochuan picked up the medicine bottle, poured out a red intermediate Dan from the inside, put it on his lips, and suddenly asked, "Why does the Supreme Lady live in Lingqi Pavilion?"

Duanmu Linger said fiercely: "Ask so many?"

"Curious!" Ning Xiaochuan put the intermediate Dan into his mouth, and the elixir was automatically converted into elixir, melted into the body, blood, and bones, and quickly repaired the injuries in the body.

Ning Xiaochuan returned to the room, sat down on the ice bed, and began to refine the medicinal properties of intermediate Dan.

Duanmu Linger followed in, and said, "His Royal Highness fought with the body of the smashing army. He was seriously injured, and is now also recovering in Lingqi Pavilion."

Her eyes narrowed slightly and she said, "I said, wouldn't you be working on Her Royal Highness' idea? I can warn you that you have been blacklisted by the Royal Highness, if not Your Highness has seen me In Dad's face, it is estimated that you will have broken your body for a long time. "

"Why? I have no injustice with her." Ning Xiaochuan said.

"I know what I do." Duanmu Linger rolled her eyes at Ning Xiaochuan.

Ning Xiaochuan saw Duanmu Linger's eye-filled eyes, and his heart was very uncomfortable. He said, "I ask you a question. I heard Luo Er said that you used to be a saint's competitor. Why did you lose to her? This lady's background must be unusual, right? "

"Mormon, the power of more than 10,000 people in a monster, naturally, should be held by the most talented person. My talent is not as good as her, and naturally I am not qualified to become a lady. As for Her Highness Background ... what do you ask about this? Oh! I see. Your spy in the court wanted to inquire about the secrets inside the gates, and then go back to tell the truth, right? "Duanmu Linger said.

Ning Xiaochuan shook his head.

"Then you just want to plot against Her Majesty." Duanmu Linger said.

Ning Xiaochuan shook his head again and said, "I'm just curious."

Duanmu Linger stared at Ning Xiaochuan suspiciously, snorted coldly, and said, "It's okay to tell you. Her Royal Highness is the daughter of the Dark Lord, and her status in the magic gate is not low. Eleven years ago, dark The King of Heaven gave a magical job to the Demon Gate. The Demon Emperor wanted to make way for him to compensate him, and he took charge of the Demon Gate. However, the Dark King resolutely disagreed, so the Demon King sealed her daughter as a new generation. Maiden. "

Ning Xiaochuan frowned slightly: "Eleven years ago, the Dark King made a great contribution to the Demon Gate ... Why did the Emperor compensate him? Is it because he lost something?"

Ning Xiaochuan instinctively thought that the Dark Lord may be related to the murder case 11 years ago.


Quite sorry! The update is late today, and tomorrow will add another chapter during the day.

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