Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 211: Refinement Second

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The cold of Xiao Cheng's body frozen the bones on the ground into ice crystals.

Duanmu Linger reacted from shock, and said coldly, "None of you in the court is a good thing, and is it worthy of mentioning the words" bright and upright? "

Xiao Cheng stared at Duanmu Linger coldly and smiled, "Daughter Duanmu, do you know who Ning Xiaochuan is?"

"The enemy," Duanmu Linger said.

Xiao Cheng said slowly: "You don't know, this is not to blame you, after all, you have stayed at the Nine Dead Cliff since childhood, and Lord Mo Emperor has ordered that no one be brought up to mention 20 years ago."

"What does he have to do with twenty years ago?" Duanmu Linger said.

Xiao Cheng laughed: "In fact, you are all one family! To be precise, your father is the brother and sister of Ning Xiaochuan's mother, and you are the cousin of Ning Xiaochuan. Pro-cousin."


Duanmu Ling'er's heart could not be calm anymore, and she stared at Ning Xiaochuan.

Naturally, she knew that she had an aunt, who was once a sage of Mormon. Her father mentioned it in front of her many times and felt sorry for her aunt.

However, the aunt rebelled against the magic gate and married a young prince in the court.

The Emperor ordered that everyone be kept from talking about it. Offenders, kill.

So, she didn't know who the aunt was married to?

Not to mention that Ning Xiaochuan was the aunt's son.

Duanmu Ling'er stared at Ning Xiaochuan suddenly, with a little hostility in her eyes, and said, "This is why you pretend to be your identity. You ... what are you doing back to the magic gate?"

Ning Xiaochuan didn't answer her, but just practiced with all her strength, the second most important impact on the world.

"I have finished talking. Ning Xiaochuan, now you should say?" Xiao Cheng said.

Ning Xiaochuan was silent for a long time and said, "What can I say?"

"The practice method of" Beijing Divine Gong "." Xiao Cheng Shen said.

With a mocking expression on Ning Xiaochuan's face, he said, "There is no" Beijing Shengong "in this world."

Xiao Cheng naturally wouldn't believe it. With a sneer, the Zhanyuan Silver Ring on his arm flew out, using only three moves to defeat Duanmu Linger and confining her to the Yuanyuan Silver Ring, threatening: "She is you Dear cousin, do you have the heart to watch her die in front of you? "

Duanmu Linger's mouth was bleeding, Xiao Cheng's repairs were too much higher than her, not his opponent at all, it seems that today is really fierce.

Ning Xiaochuan looked at Duanmu Linger, took a deep breath, and said, "Be patient."

Xiao Cheng was not surprised by this answer, and laughed: "Alright! Although you and her have blood relatives, but they have no substantial relationship, and are no different from strangers. For a stranger, hand over" Beijing "Magic Work", even if I am, I will not do it. "

Ning Xiaochuan said: "If you have" Beijing God Work ", even if someone puts a knife holder on the neck of your biological mother, you will never hand it over.


Xiao Cheng said very calmly.

"Girl Duanmu, you also saw that you have no use value at all now, I can only send you on the road." Xiao Cheng's arms were combined and he would use Duanyuan's silver ring to kill Duanmu Linger.

"call out!"

A devastating sword wave flew from the fingertips of Ning Xiaochuan. The diameter of the sword wave was thick enough to turn the air into a mirror, like a shooting star across the sky and bombarded Xiao Cheng's chest.

Xiao Cheng's mouth showed a playful smile, "Ning Xiaochuan was not so cold-blooded!"

Xiao Cheng felt that Duanmu Linger still had use value, so she did not kill her for the time being.

The annihilation sword wave, has already rushed towards the face.

Xiao Cheng flashed through the extinct sword waves at a very fast speed. His body was like a ghost, and seven golden rings arose on his body. He instantly broke Yunxia's vitality, and his **** became iron hooks, turning Ning Xiaochuan. Fasten your neck.

"Hey! I caught you!"

Xiao Cheng pinched Ning Xiaochuan's neck with a proud smile on his face.

However, his smile disappeared after an instant, because he found that he was not holding Ning Xiaochuan, but a human leather bag.

That was the second layer of vulgar skin that Ning Xiaochuan took off!

Ning Xiaochuan has entered the second place of seclusion.

At the moment of Xiaocheng's shot, Ning Xiaochuan's deity flew from the vulgar skin, fell behind Xiao Cheng, shot hundreds of sword qi, and gathered a mysterious sword.

"Wan Jianhua rain!"

Xuanqi sword stabbed at Xiao Cheng's vest, carrying thousands of sword qi, like a sword rain.

Xiao Cheng's legs were bent, his body was like a bow, and it suddenly bounced off like a cannonball, soaring into the sky, avoiding Ning Xiaochuan's unexpected sword.

"Hunyuan silver ring."

The silver ring that had been imprisoned on Duanmu Linger flew up, fell into Xiao Cheng's hands, and bombarded Ning Xiaochuan with a single blow.

A silver light sprinkled the desert, turning every grain of sand into silver sand.

Xiao Cheng stepped on the silver ring of the mixed Yuan and fell from the sky. His clothes fluttered, his hair was dazzling, his eyes were dazzling, and he was like an undefeated God of War, giving a strong pressure.

"Sun and moon are the same!"

Ning Xiaochuan was very calm, his eyes were calm, his heart flickered, and yin and yang flowed in the heart.

A round of the moon appears on the left hand and a scorching sun appears on the right hand. Two different rays meet on the palm.

The bright scorching sun and bright moon fly out at the same time, suspended above Ning Xiaochuan's head, forming a huge sun and moon yin and yang map, covering a space within a hundred meters.

Ning Xiaochuan was standing on the earth. Although he had not yet reached the state of respect for the earth, the momentum did not have to be weak.

This is the ninth supernatural power born in Ning Xiaochuan's body. It is definitely one of the top supernatural powers in the Yulan Empire. The power that erupted is of no small value, enough to fight against opponents at higher levels.


The mixed silver circle continually hit the sun and moon yin and yang map scrolls, shaking out a series of mysterious waves, impacting in all directions.

The desert was shaken by mysterious waves, and pieces of yellow sand were lifted up, like a sea of ​​sand and a wave of sand, making the whole world shrouded in sand and dark.

"Come on!"

Ning Xiaochuan spread her wings on her back, picked up Duanmu Linger, fanned her wings, and flew towards the edge of the small town.

Xiao Cheng's cultivation is too high, even if Ning Xiaochuan breaks through to the second place in the world of secularism, he is still not his opponent. He can only be suppressed by virtue of the power of the maiden of the magic gate.


The Xunyuan Silver Circle bombarded the sun and moon yin and yang maps into a silver light, rushed to the sky, and bombarded the back of Ning Xiaochuan.

"The monument to extinction!"

Ning Xiaochuan stopped quickly, suspended in mid-air, and a piece of extinct light condensed between his hands, forming a lead-black magic cloud.

A huge monument, falling from the demon cloud, was entangled by a chain of iron, with a breath that suppressed all living things in the world.

The monument to extinction shattered the Yuanyuan Silver Ring back to the ground, suppressed Xiao Cheng's body, and depressed the desert into depression. The whole world seemed to collapse.


Xiao Cheng walked out of the yellow sand in dismay, his hair was loose, his clothes were torn, leaving dozens of blood.

Ning Xiaochuan and Duanmu Linger have fled without a trace.

"What kind of magical power is this, how could it be so terrible? Fortunately, Ning Xiaochuan's martial arts practice is quite different from me. If he gets stronger, I'm afraid I can't stop it." There must be many secrets in his body.

If you can dig out the secrets of Ning Xiaochuan, your cultivation will definitely increase a lot.

As soon as Xiao Cheng reached out, he collected the mixed Yuan silver ring lying in the yellow sand, and then chased Ning Xiaochuan and Duanmu Linger in the direction of escape.

Ning Xiaochuan and Duan Mulinger hurried back to the small town of Bianyu and broke into the post hall.

However, it was found that the ground was full of dead bodies and blood on the ground. Many people's hearts were taken out, and a **** hole was exposed on the chest.

In the air, there was a strong dark atmosphere, and the entire town became a dead city, and no one was visible.

Ning Xiaochuan found the iron coffin, but the lid of the iron coffin had been turned up and there was nothing inside?

Where did the puppet army's body go?

The master of Situ altar fell into a pool of blood, his heart was taken away, and a large **** chest.

He was dead, but the Wuhun in his body had not yet dissipated, and still had a breath, and said weakly: "Dead body ... malignant change ... ran out ..."

After saying this, the Wu soul in his body also completely dissipated and died completely.

Duanmu Linger's heart was horrified. No wonder the whole small town had turned into a dead city. The body of the broken army ran out.

"Da da!"

Heavy footsteps sounded.

Xiao Cheng came out of the darkness and said: "The broken army died unexpectedly, and the corpse would become abnormal. This is expected. The sage of the magic gate must have dealt with it. I see who else is now Can I save you? "

Duanmu Linger stared at Xiao Cheng as if he was facing the enemy, and said, "Here is the sphere of influence of Xiaomen. Xiaocheng, you dare to do it here. The master of Daemon can break your body at any time."

"The power of the magic gate? Haha! The world is big, the land of the king. The world is the world of the imperial court. When did it become the world of the magic gate?" Xiao Cheng stared at Duanmu Linger coldly, and said: "Can't How long will it take for you to disappear from the Yulan Empire. "

"I'm waiting for that day," Duanmu Linger said.

Xiao Cheng stared at Ning Xiaochuan, and said, "I will let your cousin go and leave you a whole body."

"It's a joke! Xiao Cheng, are you so sure that you're going to eat me? If I perform" Beijing Divine Power ", can you stop it?" Ning Xiaochuan said.

Xiao Cheng said: "I only believe that" Beijing Divine Power "is definitely not invincible in the world. If it is higher than you to a certain extent, you can still not be afraid of your" Beijing Divine Power ".

"Then you try it out!" Ning Xiaochuan said.

The golden mystery erupted on Xiao Cheng's arm, and the surrounding evil spirits were scattered. The huge mystery condensed into a golden viper.

Ning Xiaochuan has never underestimated Xiao Cheng, but instead regarded him as an enemy. Lightning burst from all over his body and turned into a lightning beast and ran into it!


Continue today. If there are 30 monthly tickets, the old nine will have four chapters. There are 40 chapters, and there are five chapters in the old nine. Yesterday was a real five chapters! Five chapters for two days in a row. See how many days you can let Lao Ji burst in five chapters?

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