Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 203: Mystery caravan

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"Ji Hanxing, you know, what are you doing?" Xiao Cheng said indignantly.

"Very clear!"

Wearing a white robe, Ji Hanxing stood upright, and the dragon-like halberd in his hand swallowed out the mysterious, as sharp as her eyes.

In Bailong City, the sound of killing is endless, and many cities are flaming with flames, and the sky is reflected in red.

Outside the White Dragon City, Ji Hanxing and Xiao Cheng are also powerful, like two towering mountains and two rivers, making the air dull, the air flow stopped, and the temperature rose!

Xiao Cheng can already be sure that Ji Hanxing must be passionate about Ning Xiaochuan's kid, which is something he cannot bear!

The "Yunyuan Silver Circle" is a five-grade mystery that was acquired by Yun Zhonghou on the battlefield.

At this moment, the five-pin Xuan instrument kept turning, making a "ding ding" sound. The carved lines on the silver ring flowed black light, the volume expanded, and the diameter became five meters, turning it into a huge **** ring.


The Xunyuan silver circle flew out, dazzling light, illuminating the dark world, like a silver full moon flying in the sky.


Ji Hanxing wields the dragon elephant halberd, and the halberd emits a large amount of mysterious light, emitting a dragon chant and a howling, turning into a huge mysterious dragon!

"Hunyuan forbidden god."

Xiao Cheng slaps on the silver ring of the mixed Yuan, hits the silver ring again, shatters the mad dragon, and hits Ji Hanxing's chest.

Ji Hanxing ’s cultivation was that although he entered the seventh-dead world, his injuries were healed, but his blood was not recovered. He was hit by the silver ring of the hybrid Yuan, and then flew out, falling to the ground, and dripping blood from the corner of his mouth.


A huge roar from Scorpio's mouth, flapping its wings, soaring, hovering above the sky.

Xiao Cheng stood on top of Scorpio Lion's head, holding the iron chain in one hand, and the silver ring in the mixed Yuan in one hand, sneering: "Master, you are not my opponent yet. I'll go and kill Ning Xiaochuan now, the next time I meet You will see the head of Ning Xiaochuan. "


In the mouth of Scorpion Lion, a loud howl was heard again, and then he took off and rushed into the heavy clouds.

Ji Hanxing held the dragon elephant halberd, bit his lips tightly, and watched the huge shadow disappearing from the sky, then fell into the thick leaves.



After leaving the White Dragon City, although Ning Xiaochuan was marching toward the Nine Dead Cliffs, he did not immediately rush to the Nine Dead Cliffs, but lived in a small willow town 800 miles away from the White Dragon City.

After waiting for three days, the news finally came.

A group of warriors from Bailong City were in the restaurant talking about the battle three days ago.

"The situation in Tianmiandao has been stabilized, but after this battle, it is certain that the vitality is severely damaged, and the ranking in the six gates of the magic gate must be backed up." Said a warrior who had reached the seventh level of the deities.

Ning Xiaochuan picked up a pot of wine, walked over, poured a cup for that warrior, and smiled, "This brother, you came from Bailong City! You tell us what the outcome of that battle was ? "

The warrior saw Ning Xiaochuan's expression of kindness, smiled, and said, "What else can I blame, Wan Gu is too stupid, and actually sent two people to the birthday party of the 80th birthday of Mu Hong. Mu Hong came to anger, and the two men and women fought. As a result, neither of them pleased them, and eventually the nine girls benefited and controlled the overall situation of Bailong City.

A warrior next to him said, "No! I heard that those two heads were sent by Ning Xiaochuan."

"What do you know? How could Ning Xiaochuan have such courage to offend Mu Hong? It was Qiu Wangu who directed Ning Xiaochuan to do so." The seventh warrior of that deity argued.

Ning Xiaochuan filled him with a glass of wine again and laughed: "Since the Nine Girls have become the new Taoist masters of Tian Dedao, what about Mu Honglai and Qiu Wangu?"

"Qiu Wangu was killed on the spot by Nine Girls, and the body was hung in the center of Bailong City to deter those who did not dare to obey her. As for Mu Honglai, he fled with a few masters, but was also seriously injured. , Even the arm was chopped off by Nine Girls. I ca n’t think of a big wave. ”

Ning Xiaochuan's mouth slightly ticked, Mu Hong came to such an end, this is deserved!

Since knowing the situation of the White Dragon City, Ning Xiaochuan felt that there was no need to continue to stay, and he plans to set off today to rush to Nine Dead Cliff.

Of course, Ning Xiaochuan knows that there must be many people hunting him along the way. If he is on the road alone, he will soon be recognized and he must find a caravan counterpart.

Ning Xiaochuan came to the Xiyuan Chamber of Commerce and asked if any caravan had recently passed the town.

A young man from the Xiyuan Chamber of Commerce named Gu Liu, about sixteen years old, with big eyes and a small nose, smiled and pleased him, saying, "You're going to the Magic Ridge? This road is 64,000 away. Here, ordinary people ca n’t even reach their entire lives! And there are many dangerous places and desperate places on the road, strong men haunt, mysterious beasts run rampant, primitive desert forests, boundless deserts, if there is no deep martial arts practice, it is likely to die even bones Nothing left. "

Ning Xiaochuan took the dipper, covered half of his face, and smiled: "It is for this reason that we have to go with others."

Ning Xiaochuan took out a hundred big money and handed it to Gu Liu.

Gu Liu quietly put away the big money, with a smile on his face, and whispered, "Yesterday, indeed, a caravan came from Bailong City to go to the Magic Ridge, but they just wanted to find a mind trainer, and Must be an innocent educator. "

Ning Xiaochuan's expression moved, "I'm a mind-raiser."

"Well then, I'll contact that caravan and say you are my distant cousin." Gu Liu received Ning Xiaochuan's money and naturally wanted to do something for him.

Ning Xiaochuan also smiled and said, "Thank you so much."

The caravan said by Gu Liu stopped at Zhenzikou. There were more than 600 people, including 19 mysterious beasts, carts, and cargo.

Most of the people who accompanied him were warriors, and some of them were female dependents and children.

Gu Liu is negotiating with the person in charge of this caravan, and then bringing that person to Ning Xiaochuan.

"Ms. Duanmu, my cousin is a person with great skills. I studied with a junior psychologist in my early years and always wanted to travel around the world ... No, no, absolutely innocent, I promise, character guarantee "Gu Liu said with confidence.

A young girl with a ponytail on her head and in a checkered robe looked at Ning Xiaochuan and said, "Are you really a mind-raiser?"

Ning Xiaochuan has a pair of beards on his lips. It looks like a middle-aged man in his thirties. He took out the junior cardiologist of Jinpeng's yangxin hall and put it directly on his body, saying: "I am He is a junior psychologist in the Jinpeng Hall of Psychology. "

"Then you go on the road with us! But the rules of our caravan are great. If you dare to break the rules, you will lose your head." Duanmu Linger gave Ning Xiaochuan a cold glance, and there was nothing suspicious, then she was slightly relieved. .

Ning Xiaochuan pretended to be a little scared and said, "Dare not, dare not. I promise to be on the way."

When the sun rose, the caravan set off and headed for the Mo Lingyu.

The rules of this caravan are really very big. Everyone is very standard in their work. Even the accompanying family members rarely cry.

Those guards were even more solemn, just like sergeants coming out of the iron blood army.

Ning Xiaochuan noticed the unusual atmosphere and felt that they did not look like a caravan.

For the past eight days, the caravan left the realm of soul and entered a desolate desert.

In the past few days, while Ning Xiaochuan was practicing, he was also observing the people in the caravan, and found that there were several masters of martial arts hidden in it, and he had even reached a secular state!

This discovery is alarming.

"I'm afraid this caravan is not simple. It is estimated that the cargo is not ordinary cargo." Ning Xiaochuan thought so.

At night, the caravan stopped to rest.

Eighteen mysterious animals surround each other to form a mysterious animal wall to resist the sand in the desert.

The people in the caravan raised a bonfire inside the mysterious wall, took out the jerky and spirits, roasted the jerky, warmed the spirits, and started taking.

"Ding Xiaosan, come here." Duanmu Linger sat on the sand and waved to Ning Xiaochuan, motioning for him to pass.

Ding Xiaosan is the pseudonym of Ning Xiaochuan.

After getting along with each other for a few days, Ning Xiaochuan is also familiar with some things. Duanmu Linger's cultivation is very high, and her status is not ordinary. She is the leader of this caravan, and even those refined masters hidden in the caravan must obey her orders.

Ning Xiaochuan walked to Duanmu Ling'er, bowed her hand and said, "Girl Duanmu, what do you need to tell me?"

"You're a psychologist, right? Do you know what creatures in this world will eat their hearts?"

Duanmu Linger played with a scimitar in this hand. This scimitar was like a crescent, drawn from the scabbard, and it emitted a more brilliant light than the moon, and also absorbed the power of the moonlight.

This is definitely a mysterious knife!

When Duanmu Linger asked this question, the eyes of those warriors around him instinctively looked at the cart on the back of a mysterious beast.

Of course, they all just glanced at them, and then immediately looked back, as if they were taboo?

The other mysterious animals stopped at the periphery, only one red tiger mysterious animal lay in the center, guarded by a group of warriors.

Among them, a vulgar old man, who was standing beside the red tiger mysterious animal, could hardly walk away, exuding heart-breaking power on his body.

On the back of the Red Tiger Mysterious Beast, a huge bronze iron car was tied with an iron chain, and the iron car was thickened with a thick steel nail on the arm, sending out a cold breath.

It's almost like a huge iron coffin!

These nuanced details were noticed by Ning Xiaochuan, and my heart suddenly realized that what was in the iron car was what they wanted to escort, and those other commodities were just used to cover people's eyes.

Ning Xiaochuan smiled bitterly: "Girl Duanmu, don't scare me. There are no creatures in this world that specialize in digging human hearts. I have never heard of it, it's too infiltrating."

The light fluttered, Duanmu Linger's face was reflected smooth and moist, with a unique beauty, raised her proud chin, and laughed: "You mind trainer is so useless that you don't even know it .You know, there are really human beings in this world, I have seen them with my own eyes. "

Ning Xiaochuan pretended to be so frightened that his legs were soft and he sat down on the ground.

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