Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 1294: Appear together

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Hua Qinglian's complexion became extremely ugly, making him react so naturally, not because of Ning Xiaochuan, but because of the arrow in front of him.

Although this arrow shot by the arrow is normal, outsiders cannot feel the mystery contained in it.

However, as the target of Jianxu at this moment, Hua Qinglian felt her physical body, her mind, and her own everything locked by this arrow. It seemed that she would be penetrated by this arrow immediately.

Ning Xiaochuan waved the sword of extinction, trying to block this arrow.

However, his sword of extinction passed through this arrow, and it seemed to be cut on a phantom without affecting the arrow at all.

A white lotus flower emerged from Hua Qinglian's body. The petals of the lotus were gathered to form a flower-like shape, which protected Hua Qinglian.

This is Hua Qinglian's strongest method of protecting the body.

However, this is also of no use. The arrow shot a small hole in the flower bone beside Hua Qinglian, and then the arrow shot through Hua Qinglian's chest, and took him away. , Nailed to the ground.

One shot resolved Hua Qinglian.

Ning Xiaochuan looked extremely dignified. With the talent of Hua Qinglian, decades later, his strength is absolutely good, but he can't stop the opponent's arrow.

Can I block the opponent's arrow with my own?

Ning Xiaochuan took a deep breath, and his eyes immediately became extremely sharp.

The most dreadful arrow in Jianxu was not archery, but the spirit contained in the arrow. Even Ning Xiaochuan was almost killed by his arrow.

If you do n’t even have the heart to fight the opponent, it is absolutely impossible to stop the arrow.

Ning Xiaochuan suddenly understood this, so he immediately converged and never thought about things that could not stop the opponent's arrows.

Seeing Ning Xiaochuan's look unchanged, it seemed that he didn't care about his arrow just now, and Jian Xu's face was a little surprised.

However, he immediately pulled the bowstring and aimed the second arrow at Ning Xiaochuan.

Ning Xiaochuan was holding the World Extermination Sword, and the arrows were far away. The two spirits collided together, forming a whirlwind between the two, and the clothes of everyone around him were blowing.

"Dark arrows, stop."

Just when the arrow of the virtual arrow was about to shoot out, there was another crisp voice next to it.

Several beautiful figures followed, rushing out from the surrounding mangyuan.

"Well, these are some beautiful teachers and girls who are new to it." Feng Feiyang looked up and immediately put his eyes out, shifting his eyes from Hua Qinglian.

The two women standing next to Feng Feiyang stared at the several figures running away, but immediately cast a strong hostility in their eyes.

The reason that makes them so hostile is very simple, because the several figures appearing in the distance at the moment are all exquisite. Although the face has not yet been exposed, the soft body alone makes people look good and immediately Draw out some stunning beauty images.

The sight of everyone around was all attracted by the newly appeared figures, but the sights of Ning Xiaochuan and Jianxu did not shift the slightest, still staring at each other.

Now they dare not care, because if they care, it may be time for them to lose.

"Ji Xu, stop, you can't shoot at him." Several figures rushing in the distance, at this moment rushed in front of Jian Xu, one of them white jade hands, directly holding the arrow in front of Jian Xu, blocking the arrow Xu Shot.

So familiar sound!

At this time, Ning Xiaochuan was able to part a part of his spirit and check the identity of the person who came, but before he saw the speaker, he had a familiar voice.

Some glanced around in disbelief. Ning Xiaochuan's face was stunned first, then shocked, and finally became weird.

Staring at the few beautiful figures beside Jianxu, Ning Xiaochuan looked strangely: "You guys ... why are you all here?"

At the moment in front of Ning Xiaochuan, a total of four women appeared.

These four women, all tall and beautiful, stood together, and they were like a natural beauty. And these four women, all of whom are familiar with Ning Xiaochuan.

The bright maiden Yueyue, the queen of Zijin, Zi Hanyan, the moon goddess Ji Hanxing, and the glamorous female Nippon Pearl possession.

Four stunning women would appear together at this moment, even Ning Xiaochuan didn't expect it.

Feng Feiyang rushed forward to the four men with a look of righteousness: "Several young girls, do you and this person also know each other?"

Zi Hanyan stared at Ning Xiaochuan. It seemed that he had to look at Ning Xiaochuan at one time. Only for a long time, he sighed and said, "It's more than just acquaintance, flying son, we have heard about Xiaochuan just now, please also open your net , Let him go this time. "

Feng Feiyang heard the words and his face suddenly became weird and said: "So, how many teachers and sisters are all asking for him?"

"Forget it, if Brother is willing to help this time, we will be grateful in the future." Baozhu Jizo said with a light smile on his face.

"Sure enough, I'm here to intercede."

Feng Feiyang's face was gloomy, and he turned to stare at Ning Xiaochuan. After a long time, his mouth was sad and angry: "God is too unfair. I am so handsome, but I am only followed by an ugly woman. He is obviously uncharacteristic. Why? Regardless of whether they are men or women, as long as they are good-looking, they desperately stick to him. "

No one expected that Feng Feiyang would say such a thing.

The two women, who looked ordinary and stood beside Fengfeiyang, couldn't bear the humiliation anymore, their faces were so dull that they turned and ran away.

Feng Feiyang seemed to realize his mistake at this moment, and quickly yelled, "Well, two sisters, I'm not saying you."

Feng Feiyang's cold man at the moment, said coldly at this moment: "You have only followed these two sisters with the women you have been with recently, so what you said just now is that the women who are with you are all ugly women. It is only possible Describe the two sisters. "

The cold man hasn't been talking much, and now he suddenly speaks, and it turns out to be such a thing to explain such things. It's totally inconsistent with his cold appearance, such a difference, and suddenly makes people around him look stranger.

Especially the two white-haired old men who were beaten by Ning Xiaochuan just now, together at the moment, whispered in a low voice: "I have heard for a long time that this flying boy is very talented, but his character is not very good. Reliable, it seems so today. To resolve this issue today, we can't completely count on this flying boy. We will immediately issue an order for the rest of the family to come forward. "

"Okay, just do that."

Two white-haired old men, one of them quietly retreated.

At this moment everyone's eyes were all focused on Feng Feiyang, but no one noticed his little movement. Although Ning Xiaochuan noticed, he didn't care.

Feng Feiyang looked tangled for a moment, and finally he simply said: "Well, these two sisters are really normal anyway, and I didn't tell a lie."

The cold man nodded and said, "It's good to admit it, but it's best to deal with the matter at hand now, otherwise, if you go back this time, you will be punished again."

Feng Feiyang's neck narrowed, and he immediately confronted Zihan Yan with four people: "Four sisters and sisters, not brothers, I will not help you. This time your friend is too cruel. If you kill so many family members, if I If you do n’t take him down, you ca n’t explain to these families. ”

Ji Hanxing said coldly: "We have seen this all the way. From the death of these family members, we can see that they originally intended to besiege and kill Ning Xiaochuan. Ning Xiaochuan was only for his life. I have to resist, so Ning Xiaochuan's responsibility for this matter cannot be counted at all. "

Feng Feiyang scratched his head and said, "That's true, but ..."

After waiting for the wind to fly, Yue Yueji smiled slightly: "Brother Feiyang, the Feng family can become the first fairy family among the great fairy families, and it has always been fair and fair. If the brother violates this principle, , I'm afraid it's not good for Feng's reputation. "

Baozhu Jizo followed closely: "Do n’t forget, this time, these family children died in the trial. Now that they have participated in the trial, they should have the awareness of death. Otherwise, what is the trial? significance."


Four stunning women, you say a word to me, the wind flying is almost dizzy, eyes are almost looking at flowers.

I have to say that such a lobby group, really no man can carry it.

Seeing that the situation was not good, the white-haired old man couldn't help but sneer: "You little foxes, don't want to fool the flying son. At this moment, the witnesses and evidence are already there. This man is hunting our children of the fairy family. Qingrao. "

Hearing the words of the white-haired old man, Feng Feiyang glared and said, "Old man, you speak politely. The four sisters have no vengeance against you. It is so barbarous and too daring."

As soon as the words were finished, Feng Feiyang shook his head again and said, "But you're all so old, and you don't even care what kind of beauty you are."


The white-haired old man was almost vomiting blood when he was angry.

Ning Xiaochuan was too lazy to pay attention to Feng Feiyang and others at this moment, walked to Hua Qinglian behind him, squatted in front of Hua Qinglian, and Ning Xiaochuan examined him carefully.

The arrows of Jianxu are unusual. One arrow nailed Hua Qinglian to the ground, making him unable to move.

Ning Xiaochuan reached out and held the arrow, and said in a deep voice, "You hold on, I will pull it out."

Before Hua Qinglian responded, Ning Xiaochuan suddenly exerted his strength and pulled the arrow out of Hua Qinglian.

Hua Qinglian groaned in her mouth, and a red blood spilled from the corner of her mouth. The bright blood color set off Hua Qinglian's gorgeous face, making Hua Qinglian look more and more beautiful.

However, Ning Xiaochuan could not care about this at the moment and pulled out his arrows. He immediately held Hua Qinglian in his arms and began to heal him.

After slightly groping the palm of Hua Qinglian's chest, Ning Xiaochuan's eyes widened.

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