Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 1291: long time no see

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The harsh voice echoed around the cabin.

The young men and women surrounding the wooden house suddenly stood up and looked at the people in the distance.

"It seems to be the children of the fairy family who participated in the trial of the fairy spirit."

"Yes, they are indeed, but why only one person came back at the moment, and it looked so embarrassed."


With the voice of these young men and women discussing, the door of the wooden house also cracked open.

The two white-haired old men rushed out of the cabin before.

Staring at the distant person, a white-haired old man frowned: "Lu Feng, what are you yelling at? What happened?"

The figure in the distance rushed over, a man in his early thirties, looking ordinary.

At this moment he looked panic and rushed to the wooden house, panting, "Elder, we met two guys coming from the bitter sea in the trial place, Brother Lu and they clashed with each other ..."

After waiting for Lu Feng to finish speaking, the two white-haired old men frowned together: "Well, we know this."

With a wave of his hand, the two white-haired old men turned around and returned to the cabin.

It's really a fool to meet those foreign guys, just kill them directly, and use this kind of eyes to run over to report the letter.

The two white-haired old men snorted constantly.

The road maple in front of the wooden house looked more and more eager at this moment, and rushed to the white-haired old man in a few steps and said, "Elder, Brother Lu was killed by each other. That guy is a demon. He was all killed by the guy who gave him a punch. Later, Brother Xue took someone to support him. I saw Brother Xue torn in half by that guy before coming back to report ... "


The footsteps of the two white-haired old men stopped, turning around with a look of horror.

The dozens of young men and women around the cabin were all upset at the moment.

The disciples who participated in the trial of the fairy spirit were killed, which is a big thing on the fairy bridge.

Looking at Lu Feng in shock, it was determined that Lu Feng was not lying, but all these young men and women suddenly felt a sense of happiness.

"The brother who just came from the bitter sea is the colossus of the universe. It turned out to be so fierce. As soon as he came to Xianqiao, he killed so many of them. It's so great."

At this moment, the two white-haired old men no longer care about anything. They stepped out of the wooden house, and the elder Sun grabbed Lu Feng's wrist with one hand and rushed towards him in the distance.

"Take us to see the situation."

The young men and women around the wooden house looked at each other at the moment and followed each other.

After crossing the layers of mangyuan, after traveling for half a day, five or six crooked bodies appeared in front of everyone.

"It's Sun Yan, the first genius disciple of my grandson's family. The **** **** even killed my grandson's genius."

Seeing the corpse on the ground, the elder Sun suddenly made a scream in his mouth, his eyes almost burst into fire.

"Come out and find the killer guy."

A group of people moved forward quickly, and moved forward again in Mangyuan.

Just a few moments later, the **** ground appeared again. The scene this time was even worse than before, with more than a dozen dead bodies falling to the ground.

"Oh my god, he is the young master of the magic house, and now he is dead here. How can we explain to the magic house master when we go back?"

"Not only the owner of the magic house, but also the people of the fairy Wen family, all died here."

A group of people moved on.

But the more forward, the more serious the two white-haired old men were.

This recklessness had now become a dead place, and all they encountered were corpses.

Dead body or dead body.

In the following half a day, there were at least dozens of corpses in front of the white-haired old man.

Among the dozens of corpses, the genius disciples of the major fairy families are all among them.

Those young Tianjiao, who once made all the great fairy families proud, have now turned into cold bodies, lying on the ground.

At the beginning, the two white-haired old men were still full of anger and anger, and wanted to catch the killer immediately.

But by then, the two had started to feel a little timid.

Not to mention whether they can catch this murderer, just this trial has killed so many talented disciples, I am afraid that those fairy families will not let them off as the person in charge of this trial.

"Fortunately, we haven't participated in the trial this time, otherwise I'm afraid it's already a corpse now." Those young men who followed behind the two white-haired old men, at this moment, are looking relaxed and mocking the two white-haired old men .

If they were to change to other times, the two white-haired old men would certainly be tempted to teach these young men and women.

But now, they really do not have this mood.

Deep in Mangyuan.

Ning Xiaochuan punched a young man in front of him with a punch. The young man fell into the ground with an unbelievable look, twitched a few times, widened his eyes, with an unbelievable look on his face, Just die.

By the young man's side, several bodies had been crooked.

There was a big breath, and Ning Xiaochuan turned back, "Yue Mingsong, is this the first wave of enemies we have encountered?"

Yue Mingsong was paralyzed at the moment and said, "The sixth wave, or the seventh wave, I am also confused, Ning Xiaochuan, we did n’t kill the father and mother of these guys, and we did n’t bring them green hats. Why did these guys meet? Let ’s fight, and do n’t even say a word, are the people in this place crazy? ”

"Not lunatics, but they are too confident in their own strength, and they look down on us so much that they are too lazy to talk to us. When you meet an ant, wouldn't you say anything more to it?" Ning Xiaochuan shook. Shook his head.

After encountering the enemy one after another, now Ning Xiaochuan has distinguished it. The people who live here judge the strength of one person, it seems to be judged by one's actions.

For example, Ning Xiaochuan and Yue Mingsong, Ning Xiaochuan walked easily, but Yue Mingsong walked for a while, he was breathless and tired, which shows that Ning Xiaochuan is much stronger than Yue Mingsong.

But Ning Xiaochuan's speed was obviously slower than those of his opponents, so these people thought that Ning Xiaochuan was just like this, and when he came up to kill, he was much lazy to talk.

As a result, these guys were all beheaded by Ning Xiaochuan.

Probably they never thought that Ning Xiaochuan had a big world in his body.

If you do not use the original power provided by Da Yan World, Ning Xiao Chuan may be at least tied with these guys, but with the blessing of the power of Da Yan World, Ning Xiao Chuan can immediately crush them.

This is why Ning Xiaochuan was able to kill him all the way.

Just after taking a short break, Ning Xiaochuan suddenly stood up and stared at the distance: "Yue Mingsong, be careful, someone is coming again."

Yue Mingsong trembled, got up from the ground, turned around and glanced around, and ran behind a giant tree.

At the same time, Yue Mingsong burst into a cloak-shaped artifact and draped it on his own.

Later, his figure disappeared slowly and merged with the big tree.

At this time, Yue Mingsong whispered, "Ning Xiaochuan, I have hidden it. You can kill it. In addition, if there is an opponent that can't be dealt with, you will bring him to my side. My hand. There are also two invincible magic balls, and they can be hardened at critical moments. "

"Okay, I see." Ning Xiaochuan nodded.

After encountering enemies one after another, now Ning Xiaochuan and Yue Mingsong have begun to understand each other.

Against the enemy, Yue Mingsong could not help at all. If he stayed here, it would become a burden and drag Ning Xiaochuan's hind legs.

On several occasions Ning Xiaochuan was almost injured in order to save Yue Mingsong.

So now, Yue Mingsong is already very experienced, and once an enemy appears, he hides himself first and then talks.

As for the invincible magic ball in his mouth, there is also one in Ning Xiaochuan's hand. It was originally given to him by Yue Mingsong, and he was going to let him use it to blast Wanshan Cannon Mountain. The thing that can blast Wanshan Cannon Mountain should be powerful .

Ning Xiaochuan glanced at the place where Yue Mingsong was hiding, and after seeing that there was indeed no flaw, he looked up into the distance.

Deep in Mangyuan, the two white-haired old men were taking the group of young men and killing them coldly.

When he saw Ning Xiaochuan, Lu Feng suddenly changed his face and pointed at Ning Xiaochuan and shouted, "The elder, the kid in front, he killed Brother Lu."


The two white-haired old men, plus a group of young men and women, all gathered around at the moment, surrounding Ning Xiaochuan.

Ning Xiaochuan glanced around and muttered secretly: "There are a lot of people. It seems that this time, maybe he really wants Yue Mingsong to use his invincible magic ball."

The two white-haired old men stared fiercely at Ning Xiaochuan, their voices were almost husky: "Go up, let me go together and kill this kid."

A silence.

The young men and women in the surrounding area, at this moment, no one cares about the white-haired old man, but mostly looks at Ning Xiaochuan with interest.

The old man with white hair looked angrily at these young men and women, and was about to drink in anger. The man in white who started talking at the moment spoke calmly: "Elder Sun, this is the place for trials. We did not catch up with the trials this time. , Of course, do not dare to shoot in the trial place, otherwise, would it not be against the rules. "

"Yeah, we can't break the rules." A group of young men and women beside the white man shouted at the same time.

In such a scene, the two white-haired old men who were mad at each other almost made smoke.

"Foreigners really can't be trusted, we do it ourselves." The two old-fashioned old men immediately shot Ning Xiaochuan.

At this moment, the beautiful, disrespectful white man, floated out at the moment, fell in front of Ning Xiaochuan, and smiled slightly: "Ning Xiaochuan, long time no see."

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