Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 1288: Enter Xianqiao

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Ning Xiaochuan looked up and saw several mountains in the distance. The forests on the mountains were lush and lush, and they looked very lively. At the foot of the mountain is the grassland, a large expanse of turquoise grassland, from the foot of the mountain all the way to the foot of Ning Xiaochuan, and then spread to the distance.

Now Ning Xiaochuan and Yue Mingsong fell on such a prairie.

"Ning Xiaochuan, what is this place? Is it on Xianqiao?" Yue Mingsong's voice came from behind.

Anyway, he is also a god. He was fainted just now, but it was only a short-lived phenomenon. Now he was awake immediately.

Climbing from the ground, Yue Mingsong immediately felt the strong gravity of the place, just like a huge mountain pressing on his back, making his legs tremble, even walking difficult.

"Flat, gravitation." Yue Mingsong exclaimed.

Ning Xiaochuan said: "This should be Xianqiao. Look at the ground. We just fell so violently. Even a pit did not appear on the ground. Only the legendary Xianqiao can have such a stable ground."

Xianqiao is the only channel to the other side of the bitter sea. It is also the last test for monks to reach the other side.

Since it is a test, naturally this Xianqiao will not be so simple to be passed.

It is said that even some peerless powerhouses, once stepping into Xianqiao, have to become mortals, polish themselves on Xianqiao, strain their bones, starve their bodies, and endure hardships before finally reaching the other side.

Ning Xiaochuan originally thought that the rumor was not enough to believe, but at this moment he set foot on Xianqiao and realized that the rumor was true.

This place seems to be operating with some unique rules. Anyone who comes here will be suppressed and almost mortal.

Subordinate gods like Ning Xiaochuan and Yue Mingsong suddenly fell on the Xianqiao, which was simply not as good as an ordinary person.

Yue Mingsong jumped aside and tried his best, but he was just an inch away from the ground, not as high as an ordinary person.

Ning Xiaochuan crouched down and knocked on the ground with his hands. The ground made a dull sound, like a piece of metal ground.

This kind of ground can also be covered with grass, which is really shocking.

Ning Xiaochuan grabbed the two grasses and pulled them hard, trying to catch the two grasses in his hands to see what strange species it was.

However, what surprised Ning Xiaochuan was that he exhausted all his efforts and failed to pull off the two grasses.

Secretly mobilizing the power of the origin of Da Yan world, Ning Xiaochuan exerted his strength again, and finally dragged the two grasses into his hands.

After observing for a moment, Ning Xiaochuan's face showed disappointment. Apart from being a little tough, this little grass is not strange or special, nor is it a natural treasure.

The two grasses were thrown out at will, and the two grasses circled in the air, and then returned to the previous stubble and recovered.

Broken grass reborn.

Such a scene made Ning Xiaochuan and Yue Mingsong couldn't help but admire them. Yue Mingsong was so interested that he began to search around and wanted to find a treasure that can refine the instrument.

But after searching for a long time, he was disappointed.

Although this place is magical, but whether it is dirt or plants on the ground, it is just an ordinary species, and there is nothing unusual. It is only because of the special growing environment that it has become more magical.

And there are no other creatures here except these grasses.

After exploring the place for a long time, after being familiar with the surrounding environment, Ning Xiaochuan and Yue Mingsong were on the road again.

Now the two talents have just arrived at Xianqiao, and even the people on Xianqiao have not seen one, so they are not willing to be trapped in place.

What's more, Yue Mingsong already felt that Master Fei had already entered the depths of Xianqiao.

In this kind of place, the two can only lean on their legs, as ordinary people rush on, step by step forward.

In this case, Ning Xiaochuan is okay. His physical strength is strong enough to withstand that huge gravitational pull, but Yue Mingsong is bad, and he needs to take a break after walking a distance, otherwise he cannot move forward at all.

In this way, the speed of the two people is naturally very slow. After three days, the two people walked for more than ten miles, and the endless prairie was still in front of them.

Whisper ...

On the fourth day, Yue Mingsong gasped and fell down. He was so tired that he couldn't move.

Hurrying in this place was very laborious, and even a lower **** like Yue Mingsong was paralyzed.

Ning Xiaochuan was indifferent. He was still full of energy, but looked up at the grassland in the distance where he could not see the margins, and he felt a terrible headache.

At the speed they are now on their way to get out of this grassland, I'm afraid I don't know how long it will take them.

"Is that those creatures that have arrived on the other side have gone to the other side step by step?" Ning Xiaochuan secretly guessed.

In this environment, even walking is a test.

Yue Mingsong collapsed on the ground, breathing heavily for a moment, and then guilty, "Ning Xiaochuan, you can go by yourself, I can't move anymore, don't let me drag you down."

"I won't leave you." Ning Xiaochuan shook his head, stretched out his hand to hold Yue Mingsong, and carried Yue Mingsong directly.

Lying comfortably on Ning Xiaochuan's shoulders, tears moved by Yue Mingsong flowed down and kept saying: "Ning Xiaochuan, my Yue Mingsong did not recognize you as a brother for nothing. In the future, we have to suffer and suffer."

Ning Xiaochuan listened with a speechless expression: "Hey, you seem to have one less blessing to share."

"Haha, yeah, there are blessings to share, thanks to your reminder, I felt a little less just now." Yue Mingsong gave a haha, then his head sank, lying on Ning Xiaochuan's shoulders, falling asleep snoring Already.

A lower **** would be so tired. Before entering Xianqiao, Ning Xiaochuan couldn't believe that such a thing would happen.

Now Ning Xiaochuan is secretly fortunate. Fortunately, he has experienced a lot of cultivation before and has made great progress. Otherwise, if he suddenly comes here, his performance may not be as good as Yue Mingsong.

With Yue Mingsong on his shoulders, Ning Xiaochuan strode forward on this grass.

Without the drag of Yue Mingsong, his forward speed was several times faster than before.

In just one day, Ning Xiaochuan advanced tens of miles, farther than the three days before.

As it was getting dark, Yue Mingsong, lying on Ning Xiaochuan's shoulder, suddenly exclaimed, "Well, Ning Xiaochuan, look ahead, there is something in front."

On the grass in front, a figure lay on the ground, motionless, and this Ning Xiaochuan had already seen it.

A few steps rushed to the man, and Ning Xiaochuan and Yue Mingsong changed their faces at the same time.

What appeared to them at this moment could only be said to be a corpse, but also a very miserable corpse.

The owner of this corpse seemed to have been drained of all flesh and blood, leaving a corpse left here. There is still a hint of divine breath leaking out of this corpse. Obviously, the owner of this corpse was also a **** before his death.

Distinguishing this, Ning Xiaochuan and Yue Mingsong's expressions were dignified for a moment.

"Ning Xiaochuan, shouldn't there be any fierce beasts in this place, otherwise how could this person be stung like this." Yue Mingsong approached Ning Xiaochuan with a look of fear, and began to glance around.

If it was replaced elsewhere, let alone the fierce beast, even a **** beast Yue Mingsong would not care.

But at this kind of place now, if there really is a beast living here, that beast must be the same as the grass growing on the ground. It is also perverted. Yue Mingsong has no confidence to deal with it and can only count on Ning Xiaochuan.

Ning Xiaochuan squatted down and stared at the corpse for a long time before shaking his head slowly: "This person should not have been killed by a beast. You see the flesh and blood on his body, all rolled up to the side, as if being It ’s the same with a big brush. It would n’t be like this if the beast was eating. ”

"Brushed like this, how did he die?" Yue Mingsong was surprised.

Ning Xiaochuan shook his head and stood up and said, "I don't know, let's go on, I have a hunch, I'm afraid that next, we will officially start to face the various tests on the Xianqiao."

In the past few days, Ning Xiaochuan and Yue Mingsong have been walking very easily, without encountering any danger, but they absolutely do not think that the place will really be so safe.

You know, legends are that even those peerless powerhouses, once they enter Xianqiao, they will die for a lifetime, and one of the 10,000 peerless powerhouses will be able to pass through Xianqiao, which is incredible.

This shows how terrible the test in Xianqiao.

Ning Xiaochuan and Yue Mingsong are not in distress right now, which only shows that they are in good luck, but it does not prove that the bridge is absolutely safe.

Carrying Yue Mingsong up again, Ning Xiaochuan took him on the road again.

Yue Mingsong has now recovered, but Ning Xiaochuan really doesn't want to hurry along with him, so he simply resists him on his shoulders.

After proceeding for more than ten miles, a large number of broken bodies appeared again in front of Ning Xiaochuan and Yue Mingsong.

These corpses, like the corpses in the beginning, were miserable and horrifying.

Seeing these bodies, Ning Xiaochuan and Yue Mingsong became more and more heavy, and even began to hesitate to move on.

But in the end, the two chose to move on.

The monks themselves had a fearless spirit. If they knew that there was danger ahead, they would not move forward. I am afraid that Ning Xiaochuan and Yue Mingsong would not be able to practice to this point.

After proceeding a few miles, Yue Mingsong, lying on Ning Xiaochuan's shoulder, suddenly screamed.

"It hurts so much, something stabbed me, Ning Xiaochuan, stop now."

Ning Xiaochuan lowered Yue Mingsong from his shoulder, and immediately felt that something on his head seemed to fall on his shoulder, making his shoulder feel a crispy feeling.

On the other hand, Yue Mingsong screamed one after another at this moment, and his body began to ooze blood in several places.

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