Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 1285: dirt

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Master Fei even fled directly, but this surprised Ning Xiaochuan.

But immediately he felt normal.

The normal Master Fei is proud of himself, and fighting with himself must be endless. But at this moment, Master Fei is no longer himself, but the Supreme Artifact is controlling him. For the Supreme Artifact, winning is definitely not just a means of hitting hard. Perhaps, in its view, temporary escape is also a victory. .

Because as long as you survive, it is a victory.

"Ning Xiaochuan, chase fast, this guy must be the weakest now. As long as you can catch up with it, I will help you refine it." Yue Mingsong's voice sounded aside.

His face was still swollen and he could not see anyone, and he scolded and said, "I have made so many artifacts, and now I have been beaten by an artifact. It is too shameful. I want to unload it."

Master Master Fei is now the Supreme Artifact, so strictly speaking, it is indeed the Supreme Artifact that Yue Mingsong was beaten like this.

As a refiner, even an artifact made this appearance, it's no wonder Yue Mingsong was so angry.

Ning Xiaochuan nodded, waved Yue Mingsong in his hand, and chased him towards Master Fei.

Now that the world of Da Yan has been refined by him into his own godhead, Ning Xiaochuan is almost unbridled after him.

Anyway, no matter where he chases, the world of Da Yan is in him.

Master Fei's figure shuttled through countless small worlds, and Ning Xiaochuan rushed forward.

Soon, the huge Beichuan small world appeared in front of the two.

"Does he want to escape into the small world of Beichuan and rely on the power of the small world to confront me?" Ning Xiaochuan secretly thought.

Master Fei is the leader of Beichuan Small World, so once he enters Beichuan Small World, Master Fei will be able to use the leader's order to suppress the opponents with the power of Beichuan Small World.

At the scale of Beichuan Small World, its original strength is enough to double the strength of Master Fei directly.

However, Ning Xiaochuan didn't care about this. On the contrary, he even expected Master Fei to enter the Beichuan Small World. In this way, he would be able to block Master Fei inside the Beichuan Small World and catch him.

Into the small world of Beichuan, although Master Fei can get the blessing of the origin of the world. But now that the world of Da Yan is already in Ning Xiaochuan's deity, Ning Xiao Chuan can also be blessed by the origin of Da Yan.

Simply talking about the efficiency of using the world's original power, Master Fei is far from being able to compare with Ning Xiaochuan. Master Fei can only borrow a small part of the strength of Beichuan's small world, but Ning Xiaochuan can borrow most of the power of Dayan World at this moment. There is already a huge gap between the two.

Therefore, even if Master Fei entered Beichuan Small World, relying on the original power of Beichuan Small World, he was still not Ning Xiaochuan's opponent.

As Ning Xiaochuan expected, Master Fei drilled directly into the wall membrane of Beichuan Small World.

Ning Xiaochuan was overjoyed and immediately followed.

As he approached the wall of the Beichuan Small World, a huge force burst out inside the Beichuan Small World.


In the void, a brilliant firework appeared.

Ning Xiaochuan's figure escaped from these fireworks, her figure was slightly embarrassed, and her face was full of shock.

"It's ruthless, it's ruthless, a small world so powerful has been directly detonated by him."

Master Fei escaped, and even the small world of Beichuan didn't care, he detonated it directly and blocked Ning Xiaochuan.

Affected by the self-explosion of the Beichuan Small World, Ning Xiaochuan was indeed blocked and could no longer continue to track Master Fei.

Yue Mingsong had only one seam in his eyes. After glancing around, he immediately pointed in one direction and said, "Catch up, Ning Xiaochuan, that guy ran in that direction."

"You sure." Ning Xiaochuan looked at Yue Mingsong, his face full of doubts.

At this moment Master Fei's figure has completely disappeared. Ning Xiaochuan can't see that Master Fei escaped in that direction. It stands to reason that Yue Mingsong should not see it.

Yue Mingsong said fiercely: "Catch up, listen to me, that's right, I have already remembered the taste of the boy, and he must have gone in that direction."

When did your nose become so awesome!

Ning Xiaochuan groaned strangely, dragging Yue Mingsong, and chased in the direction that Yue Mingsong was pointing.

Anyway, Ning Xiaochuan doesn't know the direction that Master Fei flees, so he might as well follow the direction that Yue Mingsong said.

Darkness soon enveloped Ning Xiaochuan and Yue Mingsong.

In the empty space near those small world groups, the light of these small worlds can still shine the starry sky clearly.

But at this moment, Ning Xiaochuan no longer had these small worlds, no light, so there was nothing but darkness.

When Ning Xiaochuan first left Dayan World, he once wandered in the void for some time.

At that time, he was traveling in the endless starry sky, surrounded by a desolate unmanned planet, and occasionally he was able to meet some powerful starry giants.

But now, all of this is gone. Ning Xiaochuan is empty, and this is the real void.

Ning Xiaochuan dragged Yue Mingsong and rushed forward in such darkness.

In fact, at this point, Ning Xiaochuan wouldn't even want to look back.

When he was trapped in such a place before, he was still able to use the leader's order to sense the location of Da Yan World, and then use the position coordinates of Da Yan World to rush back to the vicinity of Da Yan World.

But now the world of Da Yan has been refined by him, and the coordinates where he is located are the coordinates of Da Yan.

"This is too deadly." After rushing forward for a few days, Ning Xiaochuan finally couldn't bear it anymore.

This deadly environment makes people feel extremely irritable, and the blood in the whole body seems to burst out.

Yue Mingsong said to Ning Xiaochuan: "Ning Xiaochuan, this is the scene left after the destruction of the world. Now that we can't catch up with Master Fei for the time being, you simply take the opportunity to look at the surrounding situation and see how the world is destroyed after the destruction. What is it like."

When can Yue Mingsong say such philosophical words?

Ning Xiaochuan murmured in his heart, but his consciousness changed immediately, as Yue Mingsong said, observing everything around him.

The beginning of heaven and earth is the source of the world.

The destruction of heaven and earth is the end of the world.

Ning Xiaochuan has seen the scenes of the opening of heaven and earth, but now it is just a look at the scene after the destruction of the heaven and earth.

Before Ning Xiaochuan was upset, he did not find anything.

But at this moment, Ning Xiaochuan immediately noticed the differences around him.

The void around him at this moment was not nothing, but everywhere was filled with fine particles, filled with fine dust.

These particles and dust were so small that Ning Xiaochuan couldn't even feel it without paying attention.

But the number of these particles and dust was extremely large, almost densely packed all around.

"Did the world be destroyed, everything in the starry sky, including those giant planets, all turned into dust." Ning Xiaochuan's mind suddenly came up with an idea.

A stone will weather after a long period of time. As a result of weathering, it turns into dust.

One side of the world, after being destroyed, turned out to be similar to a stone, all turned into dust.

Ning Xiaochuan suddenly reached out and grabbed a mass of dust in the air in front of him.

This kind of dust does not contain any characteristics, it is just the most ordinary dust.

Ning Xiaochuan wanted to pinch the dust into a stone, but no matter how hard he tried, the dust could only be dust. When the palm of his hand was released, a cloud of dust flew out again, evenly spreading in the surrounding void.

Yue Mingsong said, "Don't work hard, these dusts are already rumors of dirt, which represents the end of everything. Even time, it must be ended in the presence of dirt, so the time cannot be reversed, so no matter how hard you try, These dirts will always be dirt, and they will not become anything else. "

Ning Xiaochuan looked strangely to Yue Mingsong and said, "How did you know so much?"

Yue Mingsong said excitedly: "Of course I know, because I have studied this dirt for a long time. Although dirt represents the end of everything, but it also represents eternity, so I always wanted to be in the refiner , Add a bit of dirt, and the artifact that will be refined at that time will not be able to exist forever. "

It is true that Yue Mingsong is still Yue Mingsong. At this time, his mind is still a refiner.

Ning Xiaochuan said: "Did you succeed in training?"


Yue Mingsong said, "This dirty soil represents the end of things, so adding this kind of thing to the refining device will not only keep the artifacts from perpetuating it, but it will contaminate the artifacts with the characteristics of the dirty soil. Into a mess of dirt. "

"Where are you almost? There is no clue at all." Ning Xiaochuan shook his head, but the smile on his face suddenly froze.

"Yue Mingsong, what did you just say? After the artifact contaminates the dirt, the divinity will be lost and it will eventually become a mass of dirt."

Yue Mingsong said: "Yes, this is the result of how many times I have experimented, and there is absolutely nothing wrong with it."

Ning Xiaochuan's face grew more and more gloomy: "Yue Mingsong, don't you realize that we are in a situation similar to the artifact you used for experiments?"

Yue Mingsong's body trembled obviously, mourning: "Well, Ning Xiaochuan, why do you tell such a cruel fact, we are all surrounded by dirt now, this situation is much more serious than my experiments, surrounded by these dirt, Sooner or later, we will become filthy. It's over, it's really over. "

Ignoring Yue Mingsong, Ning Xiaochuan said: "Yue Mingsong, you said you could sense the whereabouts of Master Fei, aren't you bragging?"

Yue Mingsong trembled: "Of course not, I have remembered the taste of the supreme artifact on that guy, so no matter where he goes, I can catch up."

Ok! It turned out to be traced by the taste of the supreme artifact.

This ability is really special.

Ning Xiaochuan was speechless and gritted his teeth. "There is no way. There is only one way now. Keep chasing it. Master Fei has incorporated the Supreme Artifact. With the characteristics of that Supreme Artifact, it will never seek its own way. We chase it down, and we can certainly get rid of this dirt. "

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