Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 1283: Refining the World

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The figure of Ning Xiaochuan flew up a dozen miles in the air before Ning Xiaochuan reluctantly stood still.

"No, my guess was completely wrong. The detection of the Supreme Artifact is not limited to one person at all." Ning Xiaochuan sank in his heart and looked up at Master Fei in the distance.

Just a moment ago, his temptation has completely failed. At this moment, Ning Xiaochuan was beaten back by Master Fei, while Yue Mingsong was even more unlucky. Now Master Fei has been carried in his hands.

"Come on, how did you hit me just now, I clearly detected that you just wanted to escape."

In the mouth of Master Fei, a sharp voice was being asked about what Yue Mingsong had just said. Obviously, like Ning Xiaochuan, he was also very curious how exactly Yue Mingsong hit him just now.

Yue Mingsong cried and said with a sad face: "Xiao Fei, this thing really doesn't blame me. I originally wanted to go further and not interfere with you and Ning Xiaochuan. Who knew that the hands and feet were suddenly out of control, and ran over and hit you with a hammer, you Say you don't know to escape ... "

Staring at Yue Mingsong, Ning Xiaochuan's look suddenly changed, and his face was surprised.

I know what happened!

Ning Xiaochuan took a deep breath and secretly said in his heart: "The supreme artifact's so-called detection of the opponent's next move is only to use the conditions of the opponent's laws, the flow of spiritual power, and the state of muscle strength to figure out the opponent's next move. One-step action, but if a person ’s next action is completely contrary to what he thinks, the body ’s response will be chaotic. In this case, the next action detected by the Supreme Artifact will be sharp. On the contrary, like Yue Mingsong just now. "

Understand this, but the joy on Ning Xiaochuan's face disappeared quickly.

There is no way to understand the principle, you may not be able to make that kind of action.

Anyway, Ning Xiaochuan himself can't get rid of his mind and actions. Those who can really do this kind of thing are probably only schizophrenics.

"A waste, get out of me." Master Fei waved his hand and threw Yue Mingsong out.

Obviously Master Fei, like Ning Xiaochuan, has also understood the principle that he was hit by Yue Mingsong.

This kind of thing obviously happens only by coincidence, so at this moment he no longer cares about Yue Mingsong and throws him out.

The direction in which Yue Mingsong flies past is exactly the direction in which Ning Xiaochuan is.

Ning Xiaochuan waved his hand and stopped Yue Mingsong, who was completely out of control, and secretly spoke to him: "Yue Mingsong, help me hold him for a while, and I will come back to save you."

At the moment, Yue Mingsong had a blue nose and a swollen face, but when he heard the message from Ning Xiaochuan, he immediately warned: "Are you going to leave? Shouldn't you want to leave me and run, Ning Xiaochuan, you can't do things like this."

Ning Xiaochuan quickly explained: "It is not running, but to find a way to deal with the guy in front of you. This guy has incorporated the supreme artifact. In terms of skills, he is invincible. No one is his opponent, so he wants to defeat him. Being able to break through cleverness, I do n’t have enough power now, and I have to find a way to strengthen myself. "

Yue Mingsong looked a little relaxed and said, "It is really a way to break the skill with force, but what you want to break is a supreme artifact. The power required will definitely be very horrible. Where did you get such great power. "

"You don't have to worry about this. As long as you help me hold each other's three breaths, I have more than 70% confidence to defeat him. Remember, it's three breaths."

Ning Xiaochuan didn't make nonsense. He told Yue Mingsong that the figure immediately flew out.

"Ning Xiaochuan, you are pitting me, let alone three breathing times, even if it is one breathing time, I can't stop it."

With a murmur, Yue Mingsong's swollen cheeks and his swollen cheeks were immediately revealed: "Forget it, anyway, at the critical moment, I have to be Yue Mingsong as a hero, Xiao Fei, pick up the hammer."

Holding the copper hammer in his hand, Yue Mingsong killed Master Fei in the past.

The method of Yue Mingsong's smelter is very clever, but the means of doing things with people is sparse and ordinary. The copper hammer swayed and smashed at Master Fei, and the power above him was weak and pathetic.

Master Fei showed a disdainful look on his face, stretched out a finger, and wanted to directly fly the copper hammer and then intercept Ning Xiaochuan.

But under a blast, Master Fei's face was immediately surprised.

Because of his bomb, it was empty.


The copper hammer in Yue Mingsong's hand hit Master Fei's head again, and Master Fei's head, which was still a little crooked, was even more crooked.

Is this also a coincidence?

Yu Guang, the eye of Ning Xiaochuan, saw this scene, and was shocked for a moment. He immediately abandoned these ideas and went directly to the place where the world of Dayan was located.

Dayan World has now been made into a fist-sized sphere by Yue Mingsong.

Although the appearance is small, the space inside the Dayan World has not changed at all.

"Yue Mingsong's method is really unusual." Ning Xiaochuan sighed Yue Mingsong's heart, stretched out his hand and wanted to take the world of Da Yan into his own hands.

In his opinion, the world of Da Yan, the size of a fist, should be readily available.

But after clinging to the wall of Da Yan World, Ning Xiaochuan was dumbfounded.

Da Yan World, which is only the size of a fist, is astonishingly heavy. Even if Ning Xiaochuan did his best, he barely grabbed Da Yan World and took Da Yan World two steps to one side. Ning Ogawa's power was exhausted and he could no longer move the world.

"Yue Mingsong's work is still unreliable. Such a big world is small, but no one can take it away."

Ning Xiaochuan took a deep breath and no longer competed with the Dayan world in front of him. Instead, he opened his mouth and a suction was born. He wanted to swallow the Dayan world into his stomach.

Those five elements before were swallowed up by Ning Xiaochuan.

But now, the suction from his mouth is obviously too small to **** Dayan World into it at all.

Ning Xiaochuan closed his mouth, and when his consciousness moved, the ten thousand sages in his body suddenly appeared on his chest.

The Wanfa Godhead approached the edge of the Dayan World. This ball-like Dayan World was slowly attracted by the Wanfa Godhead and was swallowed a little bit by the Wanfa Godhead.

"Sure enough." Ning Xiaochuan's face showed joy.

He spent so much time just now, but he wanted to refine the world of Da Yan into his own godhead.

His godhead is different from the general godhead. The general godhead has all kinds of laws inside. But the deity in Ning Xiaochuan's body is an unshaped initial universe world inside.

Since there is already such an original universe in it, it doesn't seem to be a problem to have another small world in the godhead.

The Wanfa Godhead swallowed the Dayan world very fast. Almost a moment of effort, the Dayan world disappeared completely.

The godhead was put back into the body, and Ning Xiaochuan's consciousness immediately became more sensitive to Da Yan's world.

Inside his godhead, the corner where the white bone beads are located, there is a round sphere about the same size as the white bone beads. The inside of this sphere is the Da Yan World.

Refining a small world into one's own godhead is truly incredible.

But at this moment Ning Xiaochuan had no concern what to surprise, closed his eyes, Ning Xiaochuan's mind immediately sank into the godhead.

Before he became a god, but had a lot of insights, these insights are one of his cards against Master Fei at this moment.

Today, Master Fei is integrated into a high artifact, and his strength is almost invincible. If Ning Xiaochuan has no solution, he is doomed to death today.

"By force, you need stronger power. The godhead is the source of my power. According to what I felt before, the stronger the original cosmic world derived from my godhead is, the stronger my power is. Now I ca n’t make this initial universe develop, so I can only refine the Da Yan world into my body and use the power of the Da Yan world to fight against Master Fei. "

Ning Xiaochuan's mind felt a little about his state at the moment, and immediately opened his eyes.


Ning Xiaochuan punched in the air.

There was a burst of explosive sound, but Ning Xiaochuan was not satisfied, and then punched again.

Just like when he used his fist to knock God back, Ning Xiaochuan was punching one punch after another. Each punch was very ordinary, but each punch was more powerful than the last punch.

In the end, Ning Xiaochuan's punch almost made a void in the void in front of him.

"Ning Xiaochuan, you are talking about three breaths, this is almost ten breaths." Yue Mingsong's scream came from a distance.

At this moment, Yue Mingsong was holding the copper hammer in his hands, and hurled wildly towards the front. This kind of attack was barely a stormy attack.

But Master Fei's figure shuttled between these hammer shadows, like ghosts. When the copper hammer was approaching him, he could avoid it coincidentally.

"Come on, how did you hit me just now." Master Fei's voice was cold, still pressing Yue Mingsong.

The hammer that Yue Mingsong hit him for the second time has obviously caught his attention.

Therefore, he no longer believed in Yue Mingsong's previous explanation, and was about to persecute the secrets on Yue Mingsong.

Yue Mingsong cried and said with a sad face, "I have already said that I want to hit your chest just now, who knows that your head came forward actively."

This is another set of rhetoric!

Master Fei's expression was getting colder and colder, and he suddenly took his hand and grabbed Yue Mingsong in a cold hand.

Yue Mingsong's frightened complexion was pale, and he could not help screaming, "Ning Xiaochuan, help me soon."


Ning Xiaochuan stepped over from a distance and stood in front of Master Fei.


Aiming at Master Fei, Ning Xiaochuan punched out.

A very ordinary punch, Master Fei even showed a disdainful look on his face. Such a fist is a joke for the highest artifact that has reached perfection in terms of skills.

Master Fei didn't move, one arm waved out, like a rope, entangled Ning Xiaochuan's arm.

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