Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 1278: Primal Artifact

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Exciting Yue Mingsong, Yue Mingsong was immediately anxious, a look of anger and anxiety, it seemed to be anxious to immediately take out an artifact and destroy it on the spot to prove his ability.

Ning Xiaochuan stared at Yue Mingsong, and wanted to see if Yue Mingsong really did.

After going through so many things, Yue Mingsong was already very mysterious in Ning Xiaochuan's heart, of course, he couldn't see him so simple.

But no matter what Ning Xiaochuan thinks about, Yue Mingsong looks like he had no intention at all.

Am I thinking more?

Ning Xiaochuan shook his head, no longer worried about anything, and talked about the highest artifact.

Yue Mingsong was originally the first in the world of Lao Tzu. At this moment, after hearing Ning Xiaochuan's description of the Supreme Artifact, he immediately froze, and said with a stunned expression: "The Supreme Artifact, my god, this is not an original artifact Well, if the original artifact, then I can't help it. "

Ning Xiaochuan said: "What is the original artifact?"

There is no hierarchy between artifacts, so Ning Xiaochuan was the first to hear the saying of the original artifact.

Yue Mingsong said: "I have only recently come into contact with these artifacts. There is actually no hierarchy between artifacts, because artifacts are made by gods using their own cultivation rules. So for a god, there is only one artifact that is best for him. The strongest artifact, but this statement does not apply to a special artifact, which is the original artifact. "

"Original artifacts are artifacts created by some peerless strongmen who collect the origin of the world. Such artifacts contain the origin of the world, so they are called original artifacts. Each original artifact is extremely powerful, much stronger than the artifact, so Strictly speaking, the original artifact is beyond the existence of such an artifact. I ca n’t destroy such an artifact. Now I ’m not sure if it ’s the original artifact. ”

"There is no doubt about this, the supreme artifact is indeed the original artifact." Ning Xiaochuan shook his head.

The Supreme Artifact was forged by the Emperor of Truth to gather the origins of the world, and it is fully consistent with the original artifact described by Yue Mingsong at this moment, so there is nothing to doubt about this.

It can't be destroyed! Is it really the only way to enter Xianqiao.

Ning Xiaochuan was distressed again.

If it was replaced with something else, Ning Xiaochuan could also try to **** it with Master Fei and **** it into his hands.

But now this supreme artifact, because of the existence of Lie Xuanyang, could not be mastered by Ning Xiaochuan.

So after thinking about it, Ning Xiaochuan can only think of the way to avoid the sharp edge.

If the Master Fei could really refine the Supreme Artifact, then Ning Xiaochuan could only escape with the old Houye and other people and enter Xianqiao.

Thinking of Xianqiao, Ning Xiaochuan's mind suddenly flashed the grim man who was detained with Yue Mingsong.

"He seems to be the person coming down from Xianqiao. If you plan to enter Xianqiao, it is best to ask him in advance about the situation inside Xianqiao."

After thinking for a while, Ning Xiaochuan had to get up and look for the cold man.

"Well, Ning Xiaochuan, according to what you just said, we are in a bad situation. If the Master Fei really refined a primitive artifact and then killed it again, wouldn't we all be dead. Yue Mingsong followed Ning Xiaochuan, muttering constantly in his mouth.

It seems to be thinking of Master Fei's abnormality, Yue Mingsong shivered, "No, if that Master Fei caught me again, I would definitely not let me go. If I was taken away by a man for the first time, I How do you see people in the future? "

The more he thought about it, the more eager, Yue Mingsong simply held Ning Xiaochuan's arm and said, "Ning Xiaochuan, the situation is critical. What are you hesitating, let's quickly pack things and run."

"How to run? Can you take Da Yan world away." Ning Xiaochuan shook his head, he still can't let go of Da Yan world.

Yue Mingsong groaned for a moment, biting his teeth and said, "Take it away, pack it all and take it away. Let's go back to Dayan World immediately. Run together. "

Ning Xiaochuan stopped, some could not believe his ears, and scanned Yue Mingsong up and down: "Yue Mingsong, aren't you kidding me, refining the world of Da Yan? Pack a small world? Do you have this ability?"

Just now Ning Xiaochuan was exciting General Yue Mingsong, but now he is indeed doubting his ability.

This is a small world of refining. I am afraid that even the main **** cannot do it. Can Yue Mingsong do it? Ning Xiaochuan was very skeptical.

Yue Mingsong scratched his head and said, "I wouldn't have been able to refining Dayan World, but now maybe I can try it, Ning Xiaochuan, the key to refining Dayan World is on you."

Ning Xiaochuan said suddenly: "Me? What do you mean?"

Yue Mingsong explained: "I think your body seems to have been refined by the chaos gas. You can honestly tell me how much chaos gas you still have in your hands. Chaotic matter is the basis of a world, so you must refine it. A small world needs these chaos. If the chaos is enough, I can definitely refine the world of Da Yan. "

Ning Xiaochuan looked solemnly, "How much chaos is needed to refine the world of Da Yan?"

Chaos air was born from the goddess in Ning Xiaochuan's body. Nowadays, Ning Xiaochuan's virtual godhead is constantly generating chaotic matter. As long as chaotic matter exists, the chaos air is theoretically endless.

It's just that there are too few chaotic substances in Ning Xiaochuan's body, so the speed of extracting the chaos gas must be very slow, which is what Ning Xiaochuan is worried about.

Now he is very laborious in refining a little chaos. If there is too much chaos in refining the world, Ning Xiaochuan has to make up so much chaos, only in the year of the monkey. Next, they didn't delay so long at all.

Yue Mingsong groaned for a moment, staring at Ning Xiaochuan: "The chaos air generally exists in groups, if you want to refine the world of Da Yan, it will take about one hundred **** of chaos air. How about it? Do you have it? ? "

Only a hundred missions!

Ning Xiaochuan relaxed for a while.

At present, there are about a dozen masses of chaos in his body, but after these chaos are exhausted, the chaos will be born again in the chaotic matter, so Ning Xiaochuan refined a hundred chaos. Absolutely. It's a breeze.

Staring at Yue Mingsong, Ning Xiaochuan thought of another problem and frowned: "Yue Mingsong, this chaos is extremely powerful, almost everything can be assimilated. I also got the chaos by coincidence. It ca n’t be taken out, and there is nothing to carry these chaotic atmospheres. If you want to use these chaotic atmospheres to refine the world, you must first have something to install these chaotic atmospheres. "

"Extraordinary, don't say that in the future. You are my brother of Yue Mingsong. If you say so much, you will lose my face." Yue Mingsong's face was inscrutable. "I am a refiner, Neighbours who are also the disciples of the world ’s first refiner, it is of course easy to surrender the atmosphere of chaos. "

He turned over and took out a porcelain bottle. Yue Mingsong handed it to Ning Xiaochuan and said, "Noah, this is the treasure bottle I made from the heaven and earth. The atmosphere of chaos can be assimilated, but it cannot be assimilated. It ’s a kind of heaven and earth, so using this bottle to hold chaos is absolutely no problem. "

"Is this okay?" Ning Xiaochuan looked suspicious, looking down at his simple, unrefined hands, like a porcelain vase with a regular vase.

Yue Mingsong raised an eyebrow and proudly said, "You can try."

Try it.

Ning Xiaochuan held the porcelain bottle and immediately began to refine it.

Chaos air is a virtual godhead in his body, so if you want to use this porcelain bottle to carry chaos air, you must first refine this porcelain bottle, turn the porcelain bottle into your own treasure, and let it have the ability to shuttle inside itself .

In this way, Ning Xiaochuan was able to put the chaos breath into the porcelain bottle when he pulled it out of the virtual god.

The material of this porcelain bottle is indeed unusual. Ning Xiaochuan even used enough tea to refining the porcelain bottle.

Immediately afterwards, Ning Xiaochuan controlled the porcelain bottle into the body and placed the porcelain bottle under the virtual god.

After everything is ready, Ning Xiaochuan can stir the chaos in the virtual godhead.

A cloud of chaos was spurred by Ning Xiaochuan and ejected from the virtual godhead.

If it had been replaced before, such a chaotic air sprayed out would immediately cause great damage to Ning Xiaochuan. But now, the direction of this chaotic gas jet is exactly the direction of the porcelain bottle.

The chaos gas penetrated through the mouth of the porcelain bottle, and then, like a headless fly, constantly walked inside the porcelain bottle, shaking the porcelain bottle constantly, it seemed to be about to shatter.

But in the end, the porcelain bottle stabilized, and the chaos was like a tiger surrendered, staying inside the porcelain bottle obediently.

"Really yes." Ning Xiaochuan's face showed a happy look, and he looked up at Yue Mingsong.

This guy Yue Mingsong can easily surrender even the atmosphere of chaos, and said there is no secret, it is simply nonsense.

However, this time is obviously not the time to investigate this. It is important to rush back to Dayan World early and refine the Dayan World.

"Yue Mingsong, I will arrange everything at once and rush back to Dayan World before talking."

A command was given, and Ning Xiaochuan immediately began to arrange everything. All the young men in red were all mobilized by Ning Xiaochuan.

Those beautiful women in Mount Nunnery were also dispatched by Sui Hanyu to search the entire Beichuan Small World.

Everything inside the Beichuan Small World, even the population, was swept away by them.

A day later, Ning Xiaochuan held the cold winter rain in his arms and rushed out of Beichuan Small World. Behind Ning Xiaochuan, dense figures followed.

The remaining Beichuan Small World has become an empty small world.

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