Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 1275: Queen of Dreams

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Huh! Huh!

With the wrath of the Queen of Dreams, the main hall of the Temple of Dreams was suddenly full of women of all colors.

These women are so pretty, they can be regarded as beautiful girls everywhere, but now they are all collected together.

And at the moment these women looked cold, holding weapons in their hands, and surrounded Ning Xiaochuan in the middle.

Staring at Ning Xiaochuan, Dream God said expressionlessly: "I finally gave you a chance. Who are you? Who is my brother now? Tell me everything and I can give you a whole body."

Ning Xiaochuan shook his head and shook his figure, and immediately recovered.

Now that the identity has been discovered, there is no point in continuing to disguise it. It is better to restore normal identity and compete with Queen of Dreams.

After seeing Ning Xiaochuan's appearance clearly, the dream changed suddenly after the dream, and the figure shook: "You are another son of destiny, my brother's fateful enemy."

Obviously, Yue Mingsong was talking nonsense, and he had heard it after Dream God, so this kind of reaction would happen at this moment.

Ning Xiaochuan was too lazy to explain this, and shook his head, "I don't believe in the word of the Son of Destiny. I came here this time for some special reasons. In fact, my interests after Me and God of Dreams are basically There is no conflict, so we can make peace and resolve things first. "

In any case, let's save the old cold rain first and then talk about it.

That's why Ning Xiaochuan talked like this at the moment.

"Reconcile! Do you have this qualification?" After the dream God said with a disdainful smile on his face, "You are too daring, here is my place. Now these people around you are all carefully trained by me. It ’s no worse than the Red Legion in my brother ’s hand. You broke into here today and you are looking for your own way. ”

"It seems that we can only do it." Ning Xiaochuan shook his head, took out the sword of extinction, and was ready to do it.

The invincible deep ball just taken out by Yue Mingsong can now be on Ning Xiaochuan. If it doesn't work, he will detonate this stuff.

If this thing is really as powerful as Yue Mingsong said, I'm afraid the whole woman mountain will be finished by then.

Of course, if not necessary, Ning Xiaochuan does not want to do this. After all, at the moment, the old cold rain is also here. With her condition at the moment, she may not be able to withstand the power of the invincible magic ball.

Seeing Ning Xiaochuan preparing to resist, the look of the dream became even colder, and he waved, "Go ahead, take him down and give him a breath. I want to live."


The beauty of these beautiful women was shaking around, while the weapons in their hands were killed, they all changed their targets and turned to kill after the dream god.

What happened?

Ning Xiaochuan looked at the scene with a stunned sword.

After the dream, obviously, she was also shocked by this sudden change, so she was caught off guard, and her silver dress was torn open several times, exposing her fair skin.

However, the strength of these women is obviously not as good as that of the Queen of Dreams, so after a brief panic, Queen of Dreams immediately stabilized the situation.

She waved her hands to block the women in front of her, and after the dream God said coldly, "You are so brave, you dare to shoot at me. Do n’t forget that the exercises you practice on me are all taught to you. I can teach you You, of course, have naturally left a way to restrain you. "

The silver figure flickered, and now God of Dreams did not even care about the robes on his body at the moment, and a long whip appeared in his hand. Queen of Dreams controlled the whip and bited the women around like a snake.

Just a few moments later, Dream God screamed again, "Impossible? Nie Yu, the Shadow Leaf Body I taught you is simply an incomplete body. How can you finish all the Body and still be able to learn from it? Rather than blue, cultivate the shadow leaf body method to this point. "

The woman who was shocked by Dream God was a very small woman in Tsing Yi. At this moment, her figure flickered like a leaf, entangled around Dream God, and allowed her to attack her. , Can not attack her body.

Ning Xiaochuan saw it for a moment, and the figure cast by this Tsing Yi woman was indeed a very clever figure.

Apparently, the dream of Queen of Dreams has only just begun. In the subsequent moments, several women fighting with Queen of Dreams have shocked them.

These women's exercises should be taught by the Queen of Dreams. In order to be able to control them, Queen of Dreams intentionally left a back door and defects in these exercises.

But now, all these backdoors and defects have disappeared, and they seem to be more powerful than the original exercises mastered by Dream God.

In this case, it is not easy for Dream God to take these women down.

"After the **** of dreams, the people in the Beichuan Small World destroyed my Wenyuan Small World and wanted me to submit to you and marry Master Ugly, the ugly, non-human-like guy. Now is the time for my revenge. "

"Me too, let's work together to capture Dream God, and then deal with the Master Fei."


Seeing that she really had the strength to fight against the dream god, these beautiful women obviously increased their confidence and cursed one by one.

"Just because you want to catch me too, it's a delusion." Dream God's complexion turned blue.

The woman in Tsing Yi just now flashed a few shadows and said: "Sisters, use the new method taught by our master."

The figure flickered, and several women joined forces to deal with the Queen of Dreams. The position under the feet changed and immediately formed an extremely weird formation.

There were a total of seven women who had been working with the God of Dreams in the past. The seven men joined forces, but they were still deadlocked with the God of Dreams, and they even fell slightly behind.

However, at this moment, two of the seven people even withdrew directly from the war, and let the remaining five directly confront the God of Dreams.

Four of the five were scattered around, and one of them was surrounded to form a ring-like battle. The positions of the five people are constantly changing, and at all times, three people can keep facing the dream god.

Ning Xiaochuan stared at the formation for a moment, and felt that the formation was so profound that he could not understand it.

With the help of this array of methods, five people who were originally inferior to Dream God's strength seem to have increased their strength, and successively recruited them, making Dream God embarrassed.

In the end, the five women were like a ring, trapped in the middle of the dream god. At this moment, his hair was scattered and his breath was embarrassed. The long silver dress on his body had been broken a lot. The woman was hanged constantly, and the silver long dress was getting less and less. At last, a slam, the silver robe on the back of Dream God was hanged and shattered by those women around him.

The slick body of the dream **** is suddenly exposed. If there is still obscene clothes inside at the moment after the dream god, I am afraid that the body of the dream **** will be seen by everyone around at this moment.

The battle between women is terrible!

Ning Xiaochuan was speechless looking aside.

These women obviously made it clear that they wanted to embarrass the Queen of Dreams, so they burned her clothes. The battle between men and men never happens like this, because even without clothes, the impact on men is not great, and a shirtless fight will become the big deal.

But women are different. It is estimated that no woman has the courage to expose her body in front of everyone, and it is the same after the dream **** at the moment.

Originally, after the clothes on the back of Dream God were shredded, she could barely keep calm. However, he accidentally glanced at Ning Xiaochuan, and after the dream, he suddenly lost control.

If her body is only seen by a group of women, it doesn't matter. Everyone is a woman anyway.

But today there is a man named Ning Xiaochuan here.

In the fury, a stronger power erupted immediately after the dream god, even the five women around him were temporarily forced back.

But immediately, several women surrounded the hall immediately. Although the strength of Dream God is strong, but the two fists are difficult to defeat the four hands, not to mention these women are not vegetarian in the surrounding, full 15 beautiful women Together, they formed three ring battles like the one just described, and suppressed the Queen of Dreams again.

The obscene clothes flew, and there was no more covering clothes on this body after the dream.

In this case, the shy and angry Dream God suddenly yelled and was stunned.

The women around them took out a ribbon like Ning Xiaochuan that had been bound before, and bound the Queen of Dreams firmly.

Ning Xiaochuan stood aside and didn't interfere.

Looking at such a group of beauties, they are still playing so smooth that Ning Xiaochuan feels a little funny and a little speechless.

After being subdued after the dream god, Ning Xiaochuan walked up and said, "Dear everyone, this time I would like to thank you for your help."

In the mouth, Ning Xiaochuan's gaze fell on one of these women.

This woman was exactly when Ning Xiaochuan sent Sui Hanyu to Li Xianghun who brought Sui Hanyu personally to Nushan.

Just after subduing Dream God, Li Xianghun was obviously still a little excited.

Noting that Ning Xiaochuan looked at his own special eyes, Li Xianghun gradually calmed down and said, "You do n’t have to be polite, even without you, we were originally prepared to deal with the God of Dreams today, but it seems that Queen of Dreams just now Say you and Master Fei are natural opponents. If so, we can work together to deal with Master Fei. "

The other women all around looked at Ning Xiaochuan with anticipation at this moment. Among them, there were several pretty women who even revealed the goodwill to Ning Xiaochuan.

No wonder they will be like this. Compared with Master Fei, Ning Xiaochuan is definitely a man among men. Many of these women are still young and inexperienced girls. After being tortured by Master Fei's face for a long time, now Seeing Ning Xiaochuan suddenly, it is not surprising that they will have strange emotions.

Ning Xiaochuan nodded with a smile: "Of course it's easy to negotiate things together, but before that, I need to see the master you said just now."

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