Supernatural Rebirth Genius Girl Diviner

Chapter 1645: New Year's Eve Feng Shui precautions (may or may not be seen)


This is the relevant Feng Shui information that has nothing to do with the text. Xixi thinks that today's New Year's Eve, there should be a lot of children's shoes will wonder whether there is a relevant Feng Shui taboo on New Year's Eve, and it will be issued.

For Feng Shui taboo, Xi Xi still has the attitude, if there is faith, there is no faith, the novel is so magical, but also to match the novel, hehe, it is also good to have no contraindications.

(The following information is from the Internet, not original!)


New Year's Eve, in accordance with the tradition of Chinese physiology, keeps awake all night on New Year's Eve in order to welcome the coming of the New Year.

New Year's Eve this year is Thursday, January 30, 2014 in the Gregorian calendar. Rushing sheep, God of Wealth: Zhengdong.

I. Ten Feng Shui Matters That Need Special Attention on New Year's Eve

1. If the front door of the home is aimed at the door of the neighbor's home, then please be sure to hang two Chinese knots on the door frame outside the front door of the home to avoid any harm.

2. The word "blessing" on the door should never be posted upside down.

3. The damaged furniture in the home should be disposed of: repairs that should be thrown and repaired. Never sit on a rocking chair.

4, check all the bulbs in the home, the light bulbs should be replaced with new ones. At night all the lights are on, keep it on for three days and nights.

5. Burn incense before 12 pm to worship the Buddha.

6, to wear red clothes, hanging red lights, set off firecrackers. To Gili.

7. On the day of the thirteenth year, never scold a child, let alone quarrel, otherwise the next year will be unfavorable.

8. If you are a Chinese New Year solitary friend, I suggest that you turn on the TV (or stereo) all day and night to increase your "gas field".

9. On New Year's Eve, friends who are at work and on the road, please turn on your mobile phone to play a bright song, and wish you all the best.

10. Regardless of men and women, no matter where you are, as long as you write on both hands on New Year's Eve, you can achieve what you want. The method is: male left female right-male friends write "Ma Da "; Male friends write" success "on the right hand (women are left). Then, you will have a lot of good luck in the year of the horse, and you can achieve it. Note: To write with a red pen, if you cannot use a red pen, you can only retreat with a pen of another color; in addition, the word on your hand must be valid until the beginning of the New Year.

What is the specific meaning of Shou Sui?

There is a legend: In the ancient times, a vicious monster called Xi, came out at the end of the year to harm people. Later, people knew that Xi was most afraid of red and sound. So every night, every family posted red spring couplets and set off firecrackers. Get rid of the eve beast in order to find a peaceful new year. This custom has been passed down since then, and it was called New Year's Eve in the evening of the 30th.

As long as the Chinese in the world have the habit of keeping the New Year's Eve on New Year's Eve. Shou Sui begins with eating New Year's Eve dinner. This New Year's Eve dinner is to be eaten slowly. From the palm of the hand to the light, some people have to eat until late at night.

In ancient times, there were two meanings of observing the age: the observance of the elders was "resigning the old age", which meant to cherish time; the observance of the young was to extend the life of parents. Since the Han Dynasty, the moment when the old and new years alternate is usually midnight. Everyone in the world is looking forward to the new year at zero.

The custom of observing the New Years has both the feelings of nostalgia for the years that have passed away like water, and the hope of a beautiful new year. The ancients wrote in a poem "Shou Sui": "" Invite Shou Sui A Rong's family, and the wax torch spreads red to Bi Sha; they all passed in the thirty-sixth, and they cherish the night from now on. " Under the circumstances, the great poet Su Shi wrote the famous sentence "Shou Sui": "" There will be no year next year, and my heart is terrified; I will try my best to this day, and the juvenile can still boast! "This shows the positive meaning of Shou Sui on New Year's Eve.

Third, why is Shou Sui also called "" Bao Nian "?"

Thirty years old, the common name is \ "Bao Nian \". Why is it called "" Bao Nian \ "? According to legend, in the ancient flood era, there was a vicious monster, people called it \ "year \".

Every 30th year of the New Year, the beast crawls out of the sea to injure people and animals, destroy the countryside, and alleviate the disaster to those who have worked hard for a year. In order to avoid the beasts of the New Year, the night of the 30th day of the lunar month, the door was closed early and it was not dark, and they did not dare to sleep. When the beast no longer comes out on the morning of the new year, he dares to go out. People met each other and congratulated Dao Xi, congratulations that they were not eaten by the beast. After so many years, nothing happened, and people were relaxed about the beast.

Just one year and thirty nights, Nian beast suddenly rushed to a village in the south of the river. The people in the village were almost completely eaten by the beast. Only one young married couple in red cloths and red dresses was safe. There were also a few childish children. In the yard, a bunch of bamboos were playing. The fire glowed red. After the bamboo burned, it banged "Papa". The beast turned to this place and saw the fire and turned and fled.

Since then, people know that the young beasts are afraid of red, light, and sound. Every year at the end of the year, every family pastes red paper, wears red robes, hangs red lights, plays gongs and drums, and sets off firecrackers. Then the young beasts dare not come again. . In the "Book of Songs · Xiaoya · Tingyao", there is a record of "The Light of Tingyao". The so-called \ "庭 燎 \" is a torch made of bamboo poles. After the bamboo pole burns, the air in the bamboo expands, the bamboo cavity bursts, and it makes a crackling sound. This is the origin of \ "爆竹 \".

However, in some places, the villagers did not know that the beast was afraid of red, and they were often eaten by the beast. This incident later spread to Ziwei Xing in the sky, in order to save people, he was determined to destroy the beast. One year, when the young animal came out, he knocked it down with a fireball and locked it on a stone pillar with a thick iron chain. From then on, every Chinese New Year, people always burn incense, and ask Ziwei Xingxia to keep safe.

Fourth, how safe is Shou Sui?

On the night of "one night with two years, five more years and two years", the family reunited and gathered together. The whole family sat together around the table filled with refreshments. A big year of confession is indispensable for Apple. This is called "peaceful peace." In the north, some people still need to provide a bowl of rice. It was cooked before the New Year and called New Year's Eve. It has leftovers every year and cannot be eaten throughout the year. This year also means eating old food. This pot of rice is usually cooked by mixing rice and millet. The Beijing saying goes "two rice seeds" for the sake of yellow and white. This is called "gold and silver rice" with "gold and silver."

In many places, the pastries and fruits prepared during the observance of the year are all intended to be a lucky aura: eat dates (early spring), eat persimmons (as long as possible), eat almonds (happy people), eat longevity fruit ), Eat rice cakes (higher every year). On New Year's Eve, the young and old are eating and having fun, talking and laughing.

5. How exactly is the New Year money distributed?

Red envelopes are a major feature of the year 30. In the thirties, adults would use red envelopes to distribute to every child in order to show that he is an elder and to make children happy. Red envelopes are generally distributed from the thirtieth year of the New Year and continue to the first month. Of course, adults must be given to young children at home; they also need to be given to children who come to the New Year, and when they go to their homes to celebrate the New Year, it is inevitable to send red envelopes. However, traditionally, children do not receive red packets from the beginning of the new year, but the day before, that is, on the evening of New Year's Eve, they have already received red packets from their elders. This is New Year's money.

After having a reunion dinner on New Year's Eve, the elders will give the children and women the money for the New Year. This is because in the past, they favored boys and girls, and they were not easy to make money on their own. They depended on their husbands financially He has no money, so the money for the New Year is given to both children and women.

At present, some families still follow the tradition of New Year's money, giving children red envelopes on New Year's Eve. But in fact, the real New Year's money is not packed in red. At that time, the elders would use a red thread to string a hundred copper coins. These hundred copper coins symbolized long life and a blessing to those who accept the New Year's money. , With a high meaning of blessing.

The younger generation who is already working also needs to distribute old money to the elderly in order to make a lot of money.


[Unscrambling: Why don't the blessing of the gate be posted?]

The Chinese New Year is approaching, and the Chinese people pay special attention to the word “blessing”. The picture is auspicious, praying for peace and smoothness throughout the year. The red blessings were posted at home. They were booming, and Nafu welcomed them. What they wanted was that feeling. Some people pay special attention to the word “blessing”. Someone sees a reminder saying “blessing is over”. Everyone can understand it as “blessing is coming”. But you know, the "Fu" word is posted somehow, and the word "Fu" on the door must be posted correctly.

First, the word "fu" on the water tank and trash can should be affixed upside down. Since the contents of the water tank and the garbage bin are to be poured out from the inside, in order to avoid the blessing of the family, the blessing is posted. This approach is to use the homophonic "to" of the word "inverted" skillfully to offset the "blessing to go" and express people's longing for a better life.

Secondly, paste the word "fu" on the cabinet inside the house. The cabinet is the place to store things. The blessing on the back indicates that the blessing (fortune) will always come to the house and come to the cabinet.

The third situation is a bit extreme. Some people have encountered disasters in the past year, and some people have died (usually refer to accidental casualties). They posted the word "fu" in the hope of good luck in the new year.

The blessings on the gate must be right. The word “blessing” on the gate means “welcome to blessing” and “appropriate fortune”, and the gate is the entrance and exit of the family. It is a solemn and respectful place.

A very famous writer said this: As nowadays, turning over the blessing on the door must be top-heavy, disrespectful, ridiculous, and contrary to China's "door culture" and "year culture" Spirit, if it is fun to casually post, is it not too light and rough to treat its own folk culture? Look, this "Fu" word is still attached to cultural hexagrams.

Therefore, the word "blessing" on the gate can be posted correctly.


[Treasures from the first day to the tenth year]

1. Luck for family

Time: New Year's Day and New Year's Day

Method: Go to the east. If you see a festive team or someone in red clothes, immediately clasp your hands together and silently read the auspicious words to your family and lover, then they will entrust your blessing!

2. Get rid of bad luck

Time: Second and third day of the new year

Method: If you are unlucky or unlucky in 2013, you can prepare a blank piece of paper, which writes about the unsatisfactory things in 2013, and the other side, "Crashes and ashes, good luck and good things come quickly", at least Say it three times: "Six Ren! Six Ren! Quickly manifest and get away with me." Special reminder: With the Yangtze River as the boundary, friends in the south rush to the south or the west with boiling water, and friends in the north rush to the north or the east to get rid of bad luck Good things come. Note: After burning the paper, use boiling water to pour it out in the direction indicated. This method is adopted by many overseas Chinese.

3.Remove mildew from your body

Time: the third and fourth day of the new year

Method: Go east or west and find the person wearing yellow or red clothes and carrying something in your hand. If your cell phone or someone else's cell phone rings at this time, you quickly sigh: Good news! Can remove mildew from the body. Reminder: If it ca n’t be found at random, you can ask a friend to “direct” this method together, the effect is commendable.

4. Governance of those who do not repay their debts

Time: Fourth and fifth day of the new year

Method: Does anyone owe you debt? Dr. Zheng gives you a hard move! Write down the other person's name, address, and amount (if eight characters are better), and repeat it three times: 遁甲 太阴 显 用! Someone's name! Quickly return my silver two. Then burned it down and dumped the ashes in the ditch around his home. Recommendation: Children under 12 years old should not use this method.

5. Tips for promotion

Time: the fifth and sixth day of the new year

Method: Walk south (or drive) from your home, hear the sound of dogs or firecrackers, or see a man in red or yellow clothes, and there are flying objects in the sky, such as airplanes and birds; after returning home (or in the car) , Write down your name, eight characters (your own date of birth on the lunar calendar), address, and working unit in red paper, and then stamp your name with a square stamp (if you do n’t have a square stamp, you can also press your handprint). And read it three times: "Nine days! Nine days! Nine days! Help me to travel thousands of miles and rise step by step."

Reminder: Tie this red paper to a balloon or bird's leg, and let go of Gao Fei in the north of your home. Promotion or promotion is likely to be achieved. Note that you can also store this red paper in your study after making a wish in the temple.

6.Improve emotional marriage

Time: Sixth and seventh day of the new year

Method: Based on the head of the bed, the man walks towards the left side of the bed head, the woman walks towards the right side of the bed head, silently remembers the name of the lover, and at the same time puts the paper with his name on the other side (under the pillow). Coupled with copper pot reeds, your emotions will be greatly improved, especially for those with emotional crisis. Reminder: For unmarried friends, the same method of walking, but with a silent meditation in my heart: Please come quickly to wait for my favorite, then you will fall in love soon.

7. Promote academic performance

Time: the seventh and eighth day of the new year

Method: Place the Wenchang Tower on the left side of the desk, and light the Sanxiangxiang to worship the tower, silently thinking about the courses you want to improve, etc. Be sincere. In this way, your academic performance will improve significantly in 2014, and your ranking will increase by a few. It is especially recommended that if you know your Wenchang position, it will be better to place Wenchang Tower in this position. About Wuzhai Wenchang and Liuwen Wenchang.

8.Kick the villain out of the way

Time: New Year's Day

Method: If you noticed that the villain opposes you last year, then this method may be used in 2014, that is, at the door of your office or at the door of the house where you live (note: not at the door of the unit, but at the door of your home) ), Quietly burn the white paper with the words "You villain, you are here, thousands of swordsman villain," and walk around the burned paper three times. Reminder: this method needs to pay attention to not being noticed by outsiders, otherwise the effect will be greatly reduced.

9, remove the evil

Time: the ninth and tenth day of the new year

Method: If in the past you were ill or ill, Dr. Zheng suggested that you open all the windows and doors of your house at noon, and at the same time, hold a red note with the words "Sweep the disease and the pain is invincible" in your left hand, and take three 炷Incense (ignited), from outside to inside, each room and hall walked clockwise three times, and meditated countless times while walking: "the sickness rolls away, come healthy." After that, you will feel amazing: your body is obviously better and your spirit is much better. Note: The incense stick with the three incense sticks in the right hand should be inserted in the incense burner or other substitutes, and you can dispose of it by burning it.

10. Fortune of the year

Time: the ninth and tenth day of the new year

Method: In your own study or living room, or your office, first open the desk or all drawers of the desk; then place a dollar coin at the bottom of each drawer. Note: The bottom drawer should place five one-yuan coins. If the desk or desk has only one layer of drawers, then five one-yuan coins need to be placed, and the left and right drawers must be placed separately. These coins must also be fastened with transparent tape. After these actions were completed, I meditated three times on my own: Zengwang fortune, Wangwang opened. Reminder: Try to avoid others when doing these actions.

special reminder:

1. If you can't complete it within the prescribed time, then Dr. Zheng suggested that it be done on any day before the 15th of the first month to realize your wish.

2. What about the writing paper in the above method? It can be burned or stored.

3. Are the above-mentioned tactics harmful to the person who applied them? Dr. Zheng answered my friends: No problem.

4. For friends who are horses, rats, cows, rabbits, and chickens, because the year of the horse is too old, you need to ask the corresponding mascot to resolve them.

5. The method described in this article can in principle be used at this time of year. However, orientation changes from year to year. Friends must pay attention.

6. The above method is carried out using traditional principles of science. According to legend, in ancient times, there were thirteen disciplines for avoiding evil and treating diseases, and "Zhu Youke" was one of them. The method of wishing you is a way to expel evil and increase luck by using imprisonment and other restraints. The "wish" person also curses, the "you" person also has the reason for the illness. The concept of "Zhu You" is very broad, including forbidden laws, curses, votive laws, and runes. Zhu Youfa is to read the relevant words, send some kind of message to interfere with the bad field, the bad field is disturbed, and avoid evil and increase luck is easy to achieve. Therefore, Zhu Yufa's power is considerable and the most mysterious. Friends may wish to give it a try, I hope friends can combine their own house Feng Shui conditioning and their own fortune conditioning, so that you will have good luck in Feng Shui in 2014, a lot of luck and a happy life.

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