Super Weapon Exchange System

Chapter 990: There are tricks

I lighted it and took a sip. Noyce expertly spit out a smoke ring and said: "We as a whole in Silicon Valley are very surprised by your achievements, but you undoubtedly violated ours. Patent rights, and your attitude is even worse, this is what makes us most angry."

The Han country actually blatantly trampled on the norms of Western civilization and turned their most valued patent rights into waste paper. This industry has united and wanted to condemn this behavior. Otherwise, it would only rely on Noyce. Human influence is far from enough.

Qin Guan has also realized his previous mistakes. He once thought that the problem of patent rights was easy to solve, but now it is becoming more complicated. Fortunately, he has made a remedy in time.

"Mr. Noyce, I hope you can understand that in the past, we did not have any patent rights. We inherited the system from the bear country. If a factory has it, then it can support other class brothers. We believe that knowledge is the wealth of all mankind. Therefore, we have just come into contact with this aspect, and it is inevitable that there will be omissions. In the future, we will protect intellectual property and patent rights."

Of course we will do a good job in the future, especially in terms of communication technology. By then, you should know what I mean by these words today.

Noyce couldn't help being very strange. He caught the cigar in his hand and didn't continue smoking. He remembered Moore telling him that these people were stubborn and they were trampling on the bottom line of the free world. They had to teach them a lesson. , Now, why do they talk so easily?

When he came this time, he would even expect to quarrel with each other.

"Then you have infringed our patent right now, what are you going to do?" Noyce said.

Intel has the patent rights for the X86 instruction set, while Hanxin Technology has the superior patent rights for the simplified instruction set and multimedia instruction set. Intel’s experts have long realized that this blocked their upward path. Everyone is endlessly dying, only to squeeze the other party and acquire the other party, thus obtaining the other party's patent rights.

Other than that, it seems that there is no other way. Now, Noyce has asked the Han country a question. What do you plan to do?

Qin Guan said: "Why do we have to break the blood? Isn't it better for us to develop together? Mr. Noyce, our company has realized the previous planning problems, and we have decided to develop into a truly multinational company. Therefore, we hope to exchange patent rights and cross-license with you just like AMD does. How about?"

This is a win-win situation for cooperation. It is said that just such a request is good for both parties, and Intel can agree to it.

However, Noyce knew that this was not enough. Who would benefit from cross-licensing? Of course it is Hanxin Technology Company. They no longer have to worry about patent rights.

But what about yourself?

We have obtained the authorization of the new instruction set and cannot develop new ones. It will take time. During this time, Hanxin Technology can make money even more grandiosely!

Of course it won’t work. Although your own behavior is shameless, you have no choice for the development of your company.

"We also hope to obtain the design drawing of the Hanxin No. 1 chip as an additional condition for our cross-licensing. In return, we will also hand over the design drawing of our latest 80286 chip to you." Noyce said: " We are all major manufacturers in chip development. Only in this way can we be regarded as trusting and supporting each other."

80286, which is only equivalent to the Loongson No. 1, and the technical level of Hanxin No. 1 is two generations away. Now, the other party has put forward the conditions without shame.

After that, Noyce took a cigar, which seemed natural. In fact, he was secretly nervous. In his imagination, the Han country would definitely not agree to it. After all, this behavior is really very real. Shameless, as a research and development company, I am not as good as others, but now I want the other party's design drawings as a means to catch up with the other party, so shameless. Anyway, he has a thick-skinned face, and Moore is unwilling to come, should he be afraid of the next curse?

"If we can exchange this design for the trust of the Western world, we can accept it." Qin Guan said: "Let's treat it as a tuition fee we paid. In the future, we will attach importance to all intellectual property rights and will never violate it. This kind of similar error."

Qin Guan said so, and when he asked Neuston to jump off his chair, "What? What did you say?"

Did I hear it wrong?

I knew you would ask for this a long time ago. Qin Guan was amused in his heart. Our design team has grown up and has the ability to develop new CPUs. In particular, we will step into the 0.35 micron production process. Can you catch up?

"Then, can your government let go of this matter? No matter how much we make a noise, it will alarm our high-level officials, that's not good." Qin Guan said.

You instigated the government to blackmail us. We admit it. Isn't that OK?

"Okay, now that your terms have been accepted, let's sign the contract as soon as possible, President Qin, you are such a refreshing person." Noyce was very happy and walked in front of Qin Guan: "You are what I have seen. The happiest person in the world suits my appetite. We may be good friends in the future. Can I invite you to visit Silicon Valley?"

Qin Guan is funny in his heart, friend? Soon you will curse me in hell.

Qin Guan sent Noyce out and kept sending him to the door. Watching him get in the car and leave, Qin Guan turned around, looked at Lisa, and smiled at each other.

The two of them didn't need to talk, they just figured it out directly.

When Intel got its own design drawings, even if it hadn't deliberately falsified it, it would take at least half a year to understand the technology, and then they produce it themselves.

At this time, our side announced the Hanxin No. 2 chip, and at the same time, the price of Hanxin No. 1 was greatly reduced to 1,000 Yingyuan!

Our company has started normal production, and the yield rate is high, so the cost is low. When Intel expands the chip to more than 1 million, the yield rate will certainly not be high, and their production costs will be very high. The price is already on the verge of making them lose money.

This time, see what other tricks you have. We are in normal business competition! At this time, the government won't help you, just wait for you to be cheated to death.

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