Super Weapon Exchange System

Chapter 953: Imaginary enemy force

The anti-tank missiles can be carried in different ways. They can be carried by vehicles, infantry, and helicopters!

Han's anti-tank missile technology was originally very backward. The J201, which was studied for many years, ended in failure.

Later, there was finally a breakthrough. This was the cooperation with the Kingdom of David. During the exchange of technology between the two sides, the Kingdom of David exported two missile technologies to Han. One is the Weird 3 missile. Based on this, it developed into its own Pili-8 missile.

At the same time, the Tamuz missiles were also introduced simultaneously. This missile is the most advanced anti-tank missile of the State of David and belongs to their secret model.

Han Guo has now gotten this kind of missile. So, do you still need to mount Hawke anti-tank missile on the Xiaolane helicopter?

After all, the introduction of this kind of missiles also costs money. Is it wasteful to repeat equipment like this?

"The introduction of this kind of missile is necessary." Qin Guan said: "This small antelope helicopter, as an important armed helicopter, is mainly used to fight tanks. If there is no missile, what use is it? What's more, we can’t integrate Tamuz missiles into helicopters.”

After all, there are problems with the launching device and the aiming device. In later generations, the technology of launching anti-tank missiles from the Wuzhijiu helicopters of Han State was also integrated from the small antelope.

If there is no small antelope, then there will be no Wu Zhijiu. Although the introduction of the small antelope is in single digits, this is the most important thing and provides a technical reference for everyone.

Qin Guan can exchange equipment from the weapon cemetery, but now, since there is a ready-made introduction, why not do it? We are not bad for money anyway.

Qin Guan continued: "Of course, we don’t need to introduce more. We have introduced dozens of them, which is enough. The purpose of our introduction is to understand the technology of this Hult anti-tank missile, and then integrate it into our tower. Muz-type missiles are put up. In this way, combining all the advantages, we can continue to lead our anti-tank missile technology by far."

The purpose of introducing them is to study their technology, so that it can bring greater development to itself. After all, the Tamuz missiles that we have introduced do not have the technology of helicopters.

"Yes, let's do that." General Han made a decision: "Haha, now, I can't wait, I really hope to see our army equipped with this kind of helicopter, and put wings on our iron feet!"

General Han was extremely appreciative of Qin Guan's plan.

"Yes, once we have this kind of technology to defend the bear country in the north, we will also have a lot of confidence." At the side of General Han, General Huang, the commander-in-chief of the armored forces, said.

In the eyes of everyone, the war in the South was a small border conflict. For Han, the biggest threat was always the bear country.

Qin Guan also nodded when he heard General Huang's words. That's right, we are now introducing them in small batches to deal with the threat in the south. When we can produce ourselves in large quantities in the future, the place of deployment will still be the north!

The threat of the bear country has given Han country a headache for many years, and their armor torrent can be pushed over at any time.

"We are also reforming the army. I don't know how our current army will win against the army of the bear country." Someone said.

In the old days, everyone never dared to think about being able to fight against the bear country. Once a war was really fought, it would be impossible to defend against the enemy. The troops on the border were destined to be cannon fodder. The country’s plan was to fight while fighting. Withdraw, let the opponent attract to your own country, then use guerrilla warfare to destroy the opponent's supply line, and then slowly win the war and drive away the bear people, just like the war decades ago.

But now, as the army changes, although the 79 tank cannot be equipped in large quantities, the 59 tank still has the capital to fight against the bear country. Everyone has a little confidence, but there is no real sword and gun. Such a game is still uncertain.

Hearing this person's words, Qin Guan suddenly thought of something: "We can set up a blue army unit and continue to engage in red-blue confrontation!"

This was what Qin Guan proposed in the last exercise. The real confrontation, the Blue Army's troops, was all the limelight. Now, Qin Guan has proposed it again.

Of course, it needs to be more realistic.

"Our blue army wind team is all equipped with the bear country's weapons and adopts the bear country's mechanized propulsion tactics to fight against our army. Then, can't it be effectively tested?" Qin Guan said.

Qin Guan’s thinking has been expanded very quickly, because in addition to his system, Qin Guan also has a wealth of historical knowledge as a backing. Qin Guan knows that Han has indeed engaged in such a blue army in history. Fully imitate the bear country army.

As early as the 1970s, the Han army began to consider simulating foreign troops to strengthen its training and combat capabilities. In 1972, senior officers of the Han State visited Eagle Country and witnessed the Eagle Army’s imaginary enemy troops pretending to be a bear army. The inspection report after returning to China was highly valued by the Prime Minister. Some factors interfered and cancelled.

In this way, until the beginning of 1981, the 28th Army of the Army conducted tactical exercises. At that time, a tank company of the 28th Army Tank Regiment, in conjunction with an infantry company of the 83rd Infantry Division of the 28th Army, undertook the "simulated bear country motorized infantry company offensive battle" exercise task assigned by the Capital Military Region.

The mission of this exercise was to make basic preparations for the "802" North China University exercise held in September of that year, to explore, study and simulate the tactics of the Xiong Guo motorized troops.

The North China University exercise in 1981 was the exercise with the largest number of troops and weapons in the history of Han. There were more than 110,000 participating troops, using 1,330 tanks and armored vehicles, 1,540 artillery, 475 aircraft, and 10,606 vehicles. .

These officers and soldiers are professional simulation troops of foreign military forces. The 3rd Battalion 7th Company of the 249th Regiment of the 83rd Infantry Division played the role of "Xiong Country Motorized Infantry Company". At that time, the 249th regiment was still a pure infantry regiment of mules and horses, not even motorized. Almost all the light and heavy weapons in the regiment were carried by people, and there were not a few cars. All the cars of the 83rd Infantry Division may not have as many cars as the Soviet battalion.

At that time, Xiong’s motorized infantry was actually a mechanized infantry, equipped with wheeled and tracked infantry fighting vehicles, and could also be supported by heavy equipment such as tanks, self-propelled artillery, combat tactical missiles, and helicopters during operations. In contrast, our own motorized infantry only has cars and mules and horses, which can only solve long-distance maneuvers and have to walk on foot in combat. The "generation difference" is very obvious, which brings great challenges to the simulation of Soviet combat.

Since it is difficult to completely "simulate" the Soviet army in terms of equipment, the exercise organizers put their energy on the "likeness" simulation, and put all the cadres and soldiers in the training in uniform Xiongguo uniform.

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