Super Weapon Exchange System

Chapter 3158: electric car

When the car first appeared, there were various types of power, including steam engines, internal combustion engines, and battery cars. That's right, it's like the old scooter.

In the early days, a few lead-acid batteries were enough to drive a car. This method seemed to be pretty good. In fact, there were pits everywhere. The main reason was that the battery life was too bad. After going out for a stroll, it was completely out of power. After the appearance of the gasoline engine, it immediately became a sweet pastry in the eyes of various automotive experts with incomparable advantages. After that, it continued to develop and progress around the internal combustion engine. Until now.

Now, the trend of electric vehicles has gradually begun.

Just last year, General Motors took the first step. They developed an electric car codenamed EV-1, and put this electric car on the market.

This can be regarded as a pioneering work for electric vehicles, but it has no other choice. It uses lead-acid batteries. Yes, it is the same lead-acid battery as the old scooter, which leads to the range of this electric vehicle. Not high, only 140 kilometers. This is the most ideal situation. The maximum speed is not 80 kilometers per hour. Moreover, if you drive at this maximum speed, it will consume all the electrical energy in a short period of time. It's all consumed.

These properties have made it a tasteless one. Therefore, after spending a huge amount of money in research and development, no one buys it at all in the market. This is the most speechless ending.

An engineer named Coconi who developed this car left General Motors and started to create his own electric car company, hoping to develop a qualified electric car. However, his power alone was too small, so, I found Eberhard, an engineer in Silicon Valley, and when the two were discussing plans, Musk came to the door.

When Musk was in college, he realized that the car will usher in a revolution. This is new energy and environmental protection. The exhaust of gasoline cars will pollute the environment, but electric cars do not have this shortcoming, and, after that, The concept of environmental protection will become more and more popular. Look at the current Han country, it has already begun to make arrangements in advance.

They continue to issue stringent automobile exhaust emission standards, and then upgrade their own industries. In order to follow this pace, Western automobile factories have begun to purchase the necessary parts from Han. Otherwise, they will only Being able to do research on their own, but also to avoid patent barriers, makes them difficult.

Moreover, recently, the Chinese people have put forward a new solution to reduce fuel consumption in the automobile industry, that is, hybrid power. They upgrade the car’s electric system to 48 volts, and then start the car, brake recovery, and cruise. And so on, with the participation of electric motors, which can greatly improve efficiency and reduce energy consumption.

"The future era will be the world of electric vehicles." Musk began his own lobbying. A few of them only have this kind of idea and this kind of belief, but to bring this idea to reality, it will require huge funds. Invested.

They need financing, and they even need several rounds of financing. At this time, they must find a big company to endorse. No matter from which point of view, Apple is the most suitable.

"Electric vehicles are pollution-free and are the most environmentally friendly." Musk said: "We have seen that this trend is coming. In the field of traditional internal combustion engines, we have fallen behind. Our cars have high fuel consumption and high emissions. Many technologies are in the hands of foreign countries. This is also the main reason why General Motors is on the verge of bankruptcy. Therefore, we might as well develop in the field of electric vehicles from now on, and finally achieve corner overtaking, and stand tall in the times. peak."

When it comes to this, Musk’s eyes are full of longing: “We look forward to the arrival of that era, and we also look forward to our being able to go on step by step and to that era.”

Jobs listened carefully to the other party's introduction, and then said with doubts: "What does this have to do with me? We do electronic products, not cars."

"The electric car of the future is an electronic product." Musk said: "Jobs, you still don't understand my concept. We have to use the Internet to build cars. We use the model of an electronic company to build cars. In the traditional sales channel, each of our cars is placed on the Internet to place orders, place configuration, and then produce. Our cars will enter the high-end market."

"However, it is destined not to be an electronic product. In particular, the problem of its endurance cannot be solved." Jobs said that he hit the nail on the head and pointed out that the biggest problem of electric vehicles is cruising power.

General Motors has failed. Their electric cars are short-legged goods, and this is almost unsolvable.

If you want to increase cruising power, you have to increase your battery proficiency. However, lead-acid batteries are too heavy. If you continue to increase the number of lead-acid batteries, you will greatly increase the overall weight of the car. Then, it will increase the resistance. The increased power is offset.

Therefore, the maximum cruising range has a ceiling. This ceiling cannot be broken at all unless it is solved with new technology. However, it seems that there is no technological innovation in lead-acid batteries. You must know that no matter how the innovation is , It's all lead-acid batteries! Lead, sulfuric acid, they are all very dense.

"This is why we came to you." Musk continued: "After careful research, we decided to use laptop lithium batteries as a solution."


Hearing this sentence, Jobs opened his mouth wide: "Are you kidding me?"

The endurance of Apple’s notebooks is unmatched by other notebooks. On the one hand, this is because of its excellent battery management capabilities. On the other hand, it is because of the most advanced lithium-ion batteries from Han. When using nickel-cadmium batteries, Han Guo has developed a generation of advanced lithium-ion batteries, which have no memory effect, can be charged as needed, and have a large capacity, which can almost meet the needs of users for a day.

However, lithium-ion batteries also have shortcomings. They are easy to generate heat and may explode if they are not managed well. You must know that in the periodic table, lithium is a very active element. It must be stored be careful.

In Apple notebooks, there are at most six-cell batteries, that is to say, there are six lithium-ion batteries inside. That has already tested the engineer's design skills. What if it is an electric car? There must be thousands of knots in there, right?

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