Super Weapon Exchange System

Chapter 3109: Express thankfulness

The new use of the super cannon has been arranged in this way. In fact, if it is only a one-time artillery shell, it is not difficult to reinforce it. The bear country’s tank now has mature artillery-launched missiles. So, as long as you are willing to study, There will be gains, and in that parallel time and space, it is estimated that the main reason is the reason why the world has given up.

Qin Guan worked in the North Industries Corporation for several days, and received news that guests from the Holy Land visited, and Qin Guan escaped from his busy work.

The holy country was originally just an inconspicuous middle country in the world. Now, the holy country is the focus of the world. After all, all the evidence points to the bearded man, and he is hidden in the mountain country. Here, if the Eagle Nation wants to start a war and get rid of Bearded Ben, it can only start from the Holy Nation.

The Holy Nation has been repeatedly lobbyed by the Eagle Nation many times. At this time, the Holy Nation's visit to Han is even more significant. On such key international issues, the Holy Nation still cares about Han’s views. The Holy Nation is here to discuss with Han during this visit. I don’t know if the Eagles at this time should blow their beards and stare.

Compared with the parallel time and space, the relationship between Han and the holy country is closer. Han has provided a large number of modern weapons to the holy country, and has also supported the development of the holy country’s industry. Thunder fighters have become one of them. The trump card, let alone the J-31 fighter that will be delivered to them.

At the same time, according to the plan provided by Han, they sent many people to serve as mercenary pilots to serve in the air force of the happy desert country, to operate the opponent’s fighters, and to accumulate a wealth of combat experience. The current holy country also has military strength. It's quite powerful.

When the special plane of the Holy Land landed on the airport of the capital of Han, Qin Guan and the others went to greet them together, and the lineup was considered very strong.

"General Jamal, welcome to visit Han." Looking at the guests coming off the plane, Qin Guan stretched out his hand. Both sides are old acquaintances, and General Jamal's smile bloomed.

"Mr. Qin, it is a great honor for You Lao to come to meet him personally." General Jamal said.

After the greetings, the crowd got into the car and went straight to the famous hotel specializing in receiving foreign guests. Then, in the hotel, the meeting was officially held.

"First of all, thank you for providing us with a batch of new weapons and equipment, including four E-2 Hawkeye early warning aircraft, and the huge paving claw radar, etc., we have another batch of advanced weapons." General Jamal Said.

The agreement has been reached. In order to avoid causing a sensation, it was carried out in secret. The Eagles agreed with this plan. After all, it is better than continuing to detain the port in Han. As for the BD protest, let them protest. Well, time will dilute everything.

As for the ultimate benefits, of course, the Holy Nation got it. Those things were all treated as military aid, and they were cheaply gained.

As for the early warning aircraft, the more the better. As for the paving claw radar, when deployed in the holy country, it will be able to more easily monitor the launch of the ballistic missiles of the White Elephant country and become their early warning system. Why not?

All of this was caused by the promotion of Han. It can be said that the visit of Air Force Commander General Jamal was first of all to express his gratitude.

"These are all trivial things." Qin Guan said with a smile: "We will help you improve these equipment and integrate them into your combat system. However, correspondingly, the F31 fighters you ordered, We need to postpone delivery."

According to the agreement signed by the two parties and the current production schedule, in fact, the first batch of F-31 fighters are already on the production line. It is supposed that they will be off the line soon and delivered to the Holy Land Air Force.

However, with the outbreak of this incident, it is not appropriate to hand it over to the Holy Nation. Although the Holy Nation is a sovereign state, even if the Eagle Nation uses the Holy Nation’s air base, they cannot move around at will. The Happy Desert Nation is completely different, but, after all, it is the most advanced fighter in Han. Once in the Holy Nation, the Eagle Nation people will definitely try their best to collect the information of this kind of aircraft. Instead of swaying there, it is better to stay on your side. Here it is.

"Well, we can accept this." General Jamal said: "This can also continue to paralyze the White Elephant Country."

The nuclear base of the White Elephant Nation was bombed and suffered heavy losses. Later, what was even more frustrating was that the culprit could not be found at all. Although all kinds of evidence point to the Eagle Nation, the people of the Eagle Nation just refused to admit it and played rogues. It seems that there is no need to do it. Now, if these stealth machines are in the hands of the holy nation and they are linked back and forth, it will easily arouse the suspicion of the white elephant nation.

It doesn't matter if you postpone it for a period of time, anyway, they have already dispatched pilots in advance to learn how to fly this kind of aircraft, and then fly to the Holy Land at the right time, and then they will be able to immediately become combat effective.

"As for the good things that the Eagles gave, there are still a lot of F-16 parts. You can seal up those parts first, and then slowly flow into the world arms market." Qin Guan said.

If you sell it directly now, it is estimated that the people of Yingguo will be quite dissatisfied. Keep it for now and sell it later. Anyway, Qin Guan has more arms channels.

"It's a pity, if those engines can be used on our Mirage 3 fighter jets to make improvements." General Jamal said.

For the Holy Nation, although it is now the main force of the Han fighters, they also have Western fighters after all. The Mirage 3 fighters are also equipped in their army. Now they have reached the need to update. It's time, it would be a pity to just throw it away, so it's a must to upgrade and use combat effectiveness.

Now there are just a batch of F-16 fighter engines, which are the best for upgrading, but they can’t be plugged in.

After all, the Mirage 3 fighter is a second-generation aircraft. In the era when this aircraft was born, the engine was not as thick as it is now. Therefore, even the most comfortable country of David, when improving this aircraft, it is used at most. J79 engine to improve, F100 engine is not plugged in.

Hearing General Jamal’s words, Qin Guan immediately made suggestions: "If it is improved, the engine of our Xiaolong fighter will be just right, the size is very suitable, the thrust has been increased a lot, the fuel consumption rate has been reduced, and, It is also compatible with the engine of your Thunderbolt fighter, isn't that enough?"

In that parallel time and space, the Mirage 3 is also improved in this way. The original engine was more than 6 tons, but now it has an afterburner thrust of 8 tons, which immediately improved the performance of this fighter. In the second generation There is no rival in the plane.

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