Super Weapon Exchange System

Chapter 3089: Perfect restraint

The president was also very annoyed at this time. He thought it was a trivial matter. Moreover, he didn't want to have a war because of this incident. This is simply inexplicable. He just wants to inspect a ship. You guys cooperate and it will be over. ?

Now, things are getting bigger, how can it end?

Send out more aircraft carriers? Even he himself felt that this plan was a bit too much. Yes, first of all, because of this plan, it costs too much money. If the aircraft carrier is mobilized, how much fuel must be burned, even if the aircraft carrier is nuclear-powered and the **** ships are all Oil burning.

They have to find ways to reduce expenses.

Solve the problem at low cost!

"I think we can make a statement." The president said: "The current behavior of the Han Chinese is a serious provocation. If it continues, we will not hesitate to use all means, including our nuclear weapons, to resolve this dispute. "

Nuclear weapons? Mr. President, what are you talking about?

At this time, everyone was stunned. The Eagle country likes to use nuclear bombs to threaten others, but that is all for non-nuclear countries. Han is also a nuclear power. How can Han people care about nuclear deterrence? They also have nuclear bombs that can hit Eagle Country.

"The important thing is attitude." The president said: "This is the first serious diplomatic incident of our new government. We must solve the problem satisfactorily. As long as the Han people recognize it, let us inspect the cargo ship, then it can be resolved. Otherwise, we will not hesitate to use our nuclear weapons."

The president has the president's ideas, and he must show his clever political skills. At present, he wants to threaten the Han people and make them bow their heads.

They also have only the deterrence of nuclear bombs. After all, this is the lowest cost, which is a matter of saying a few words to show their attitude.

And at this moment, suddenly, the outside door was pushed open, and an assistant hurried in and said a few words in the ear of the Minister of Defense, and the expression of the Minister of Defense immediately became more difficult to look at.

"Han officially announced to the outside world that they have a satellite that has been scrapped. Under circumstances beyond their control, they decided to launch a missile to blow up the satellite. The Han people are too much. This is clearly for us to see!" When talking about this, Les was already full of anger.

This is clearly a reprint of the Star Wars plan of the actor's presidential era. At that time, the Eagles were just a strategic deception, dragging down the Xiongs’ conspiracy, but now, the Hans are pushing them one by one, and more It has expanded to the space domain.

If the Han people said that they had two disused satellites and suddenly collided in space, this would be acceptable, but now, the Han people are showing off their strength in such a fruitful way!

They can now directly attack the obsolete satellites in space. After that, they can attack the satellites of other countries flying above them at any time. Ninety percent of them belong to Eagles!

After all, in the world, only the Eagle Nation and the Bear Nation are space powers, but the Bear Nation has collapsed, and the Bear Nation has no ability to develop their space power, and only the Eagle Nation is the superpower.

The Han people want to militarize space, they are too much!

For the Eagles, satellites in space are very important. Without satellites, they are almost unable to move. Reconnaissance satellites, communication satellites, positioning satellites, and weather satellites support every military operation without satellites. They are deaf, blind, and dumb, and they can't do anything.

They still want to threaten Han with nuclear bombs? Without satellites, their nuclear bombs would be inaccurate.

Moreover, this has another deeper meaning. Since the Han people can hit satellites with anti-aircraft missiles, they can also hit ballistic missiles in medium orbit. In other words, if the Eagle country threatens with nuclear bombs, the Han people have When the ability was in outer space, they exploded this kind of missile. They seemed to know that Eagle Nation wanted to threaten them with nuclear bombs, so they simply used this method to show their power. They were not afraid!

"When they do this, will they not be afraid of triggering a wave of opposition internationally?" The president thought of something later and asked everyone.

Now, outer space is not safe. As satellites continue to run out of control, there is more and more garbage in space. Anyway, the satellite is still one piece. If it bursts and splits into countless pieces, it means that there is more garbage.

Han people, this is clearly creating space junk.

"They claim that there is highly toxic fuel on this satellite. They do this to purify the space, and when they strike, they will precisely hit the fuel tank, causing the entire satellite to burn and disappear completely in space." Les said: "They are showing off, and it's better than what the bear people did."

At the beginning, the Xiong Guoren established a rubber sleeve system. It was only to use nuclear bombs to hit the nuclear bombs. The accuracy was not high. For the Han people, they wanted to accurately hit the satellite and also hit the fuel tank on the satellite!

Han people, this is too ostentatious. Even Eagle Country does not have this kind of technology now. The Han people want to dominate the space. They will have to wait until the standard-3 interceptor missiles are available before they will have similar technology.

This is incredible.

"Report, our reconnaissance satellite has found the Pegasus Peak."

Just when there was no countermeasure against the last news from Han, new news came again, and they finally found the Pegasus Peak.

Right after the confrontation between the two sides, they have been looking for this cargo ship. On the sea, there are many planes searching, and there are also satellites searching in space. Now, it is finally found, the Pegasus that has disappeared since that night. Fenghao, where is it now?

"Where?" the President asked.

"At the port of Yedao Island of the Han people."

what? Everyone was taken aback. This freighter originally thought that even if it was coerced by the Han Chinese, it would sail to the north. After all, the Eagle Navy also came from the north. Who would have thought that they would sail to the south and hide the coconut. Island, no wonder it has not been discovered.

In this way, the confrontation at sea is useless, because those aircraft carriers used to rescue the cargo ship. Now, the cargo ship has been detained to the port. What else can they do?

"What about their Yinhe? No matter how much the price is paid, we will also detain the Yinhe, one for another!" The president's voice almost roared.

Not long after he became president, in their first international conflict, the Eagle Nation was actually at a disadvantage. This was absolutely unacceptable for them. The Han people had already detained the Pegasus Peak, and they had only Could it be that the Yinhe was seized and exchanged with each other, otherwise, what else could it do?

Even so, the whole world is watching Eagle Country's jokes.

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